201 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la eficiencia de Trichogramma lopezandinensis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) para el control de Tecia solanivora (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) en papa almacenada

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    Se evaluó la eficiencia del parasitoide Trichogramma lopezandinensis Sarmiento en el con- trol de la polilla guatemalteca Tecia solanivora (Povolny) en papa almacenada. Se llevaron a cabo cuatro experimentos para determinar aspectos biológicos de la interacción en tres niveles tróficos constituidos por la papa almacenada, la plaga y el parasitoide. Estos experimentos comprendieron el diseño de un dispositivo de liberación del parasitoide, la determinacién de las densidades y frecuencias de liberación para prevenir el daño de la plaga y el efecto de la luz en la actividad parasítica de la avispa. El estudio se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Investigación Tibaitatá, en el programa MIP de Corpoica y se desarrolló bajo condiciones controladas de temperatura, humedad y luminosidad. La unidad experimental consistió en una jaula de madera con paredes de muselina, dentro de la cual se introdujo una bandeja con 100 tubérculos con un peso promedio de 100 q cada uno. Se diseñó e implementó un dispositivo eficiente de liberación del parasitoide en condiciones de almacenamiento al que se denominó “tipo túnel". Se determinó que la luz es un factor importante en la actividad parasítica de la avispa presentándose los mayores porcentajes de parasitismo con luminosidad normal en laboratorio comparada con completa oscuridad. En los experimentos de densidades y frecuencias de liberación del parasitoide se concluyó que la frecuencia es un factor significativo en la prevención del daño causado por la plaga. La frecuencia de liberación cada tres días presentó los mejores resultados, indicando que la presencia continua de hembras jóvenes es determinante para lograr un parasitismo mayor.Papa-Solanum tuberosu

    Effect of Demographic and Health Dynamics on Cognitive Status in Mexico between 2001 and 2015: Evidence from the Mexican Health and Aging Study

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    Sources of health disparities such as educational attainment, cardiovascular risk factors, and access to health care affect cognitive impairment among older adults. To examine the extent to which these counteracting changes affect cognitive aging over time among Mexican older adults, we examine how sociodemographic factors, cardiovascular diseases, and their treatment relate to changes in cognitive function of Mexican adults aged 60 and older between 2001 and 2015. Self and proxy respondents were classified as dementia, cognitive impairment no dementia (CIND), and normal cognition. We use logistic regression models to examine the trends in dementia and CIND for men and women aged 60 years or older using pooled national samples of 6822 individuals in 2001 and 10,219 in 2015, and sociodemographic and health variables as covariates. We found higher likelihood of dementia and a lower risk of CIND in 2015 compared to 2001. These results remain after adjusting for sociodemographic factors, cardiovascular diseases, and their treatment. The improvements in educational attainment, treatment of diabetes and hypertension, and better access to health care in 2015 compared to 2001 may not have been enough to counteract the combined effects of aging, rural residence disadvantage, and higher risks of cardiovascular disease among older Mexican adults

    Bicycle use in Latin American cities: changes over time by socio-economic position

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    IntroductionWe aimed to examine utilitarian bicycle use among adults from 18 large Latin American cities and its association with socio-economic position (education and income) between 2008 and 2018.MethodsData came from yearly cross-sectional surveys collected by the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). A total of 77,765 survey respondents with complete data were used to estimate multilevel logistic regression models with city as random intercept and year as random slope.ResultsIndividuals with high education and high-income levels had lower odds of using a bicycle compared with participants with lower education and income levels. These associations, however, changed over time with the odds of bicycle use increasing for all groups, especially among individuals with the highest education and income levels.DiscussionOur results confirm the broadening appeal of bicycling across socio-economic positions in several Latin American cities and reinforce the importance of considering policies aimed at supporting and enhancing bicycle travel for all users

    La relación entre Curso de articulación o propedéutico y rendimiento de los alumnos en la Cátedra de Introducción a la Teoría Contable de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

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    El Proyecto de Investigación denominado “La relación entre Curso de articulación o propedéutico y rendimiento de los alumnos en la Cátedra de Introducción a la Teoría Contable de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos”, basado en las Cohortes 2010-2011, 2011-2012 y 2012-2013, tiene como objetivo realizar el seguimiento de los resultados en exámenes parciales y finales realizados por los alumnos de la Cátedra de Introducción a la Teoría Contable, luego de haber cursado y aprobado el Curso de Articulación o Propedéutico, respectivamente en forma obligatoria para poder acceder al cursado de la cátedra mencionada. La inquietud de relacionar el curso de articulación o propedéutico con el rendimiento en la cátedra, se origina en tratar de establecer si existen diferencias en los resultados de las evaluaciones, según se haya participado o no de los cursos mencionados, considerando una instancia propicia para realizar el estudio el inicio del ciclo lectivo 2011, en que se establece la obligatoriedad de esas instancias.El proyecto de articulación está destinado a los alumnos aspirantes a ingresar a la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, con el propósito de desarrollar contenidos teóricos y prácticos acordes con los criterios adoptado por la cátedra de “Introducción a la Teoría Contable”. Con él se pretende lograr dos objetivos: por un lado, nivelar el conocimiento de los alumnos formados en la materia contable y, por otro lado, servir de curso introductorio para aquellos alumnos no formados en dicha materia.El presente informe expone el análisis descriptivo de los datos de los ingresantes 2010, 2011, 2012 y 2013 como así también estudia posibles relaciones entre la obligatoriedad implementada en el curso de articulación o propedéutico a partir del año 2011 y el rendimiento observado en la asignatura Introducción a la Teoría Contabl

    Overview and characterization of penile cancer content across social media platforms

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    BackgroundSocial media platforms (SMP) are an emerging resource that allows physicians, patients, and families to converse on cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. We aimed to characterize penile cancer (PC) content shared on SMP.MethodsWe searched PC posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram from July 1st, 2021, through June 30th, 2022. Two independent, blinded reviewers analyzed the hashtags: #PenileCancer, #PenileCancerAwareness, and #PenileNeoplasm. Descriptive statistics were used for posts characterization, Pearson´s correlation coefficient for associations, and Cohen’s weighted kappa coefficient for inter-rater agreement rate.ResultsA total of 791 posts were analyzed, with Twitter accounting for 52%, Facebook for 12.2%, and Instagram for 35.5%, and. Most posts originated from high-income countries, such as the United Kingdom (48.8%). We found no correlation between the number of posts with PC incidence (p = 0.64) or users on SMP (p = 0.27). Most accounts were classified as “support and awareness communities” (43.6%) and “physicians and clinical researchers” (38.2%). Urology was the most common medical specialty to post (60.9%), followed by oncology (11.3%). Most posts were classified as “prevention and awareness for users” (45.1%). Global inter-reviewer agreement rate was almost perfect (k=0.95; p ≤ 0.01). On Twitter, “physicians and clinical researchers” shared more content on “treatment updates and medical papers published in medical journals,” while on Facebook and Instagram, “support and awareness communities” focused on “personal and support comments.”ConclusionOverall, the number of PC posts was low compared to other neoplasms across the SMP evaluated in this study. “Physicians and clinical researchers” shared more content on Twitter, while “support and awareness communities” on Facebook and Instagram. Encouraging the use of a common SMP among the medical community and general users could lead to a more effective communication between physicians, patients, and support groups, and to increased awareness of PC

    P07-05. HIV and STI prevalence among men who have sex with men (MSM) recruited through respondent driven sampling (RDS) in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Fil: Pando, María A. Centro Nacional de Referencia para el SIDA; Argentina.Fil: Marone, Rubén. Nexo Asociación Civil; Argentina.Fil: Balán, Iván C. Columbia University. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies; Estados Unidos.Fil: Dolezal, Curtis. Columbia University. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies; Estados Unidos.Fil: Squiquera, Luis. Nexo Asociación Civil; Argentina. Fil: Balan, Iván C. Columbia University. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies; Estados Unidos.Fil: Picconi, María Alejandra. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Servicio Virus Oncogénicos; Argentina.Fil: Gonzales, J. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Servicio Virus Oncogénicos; Argentina.Fil: Rey, Jorge. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Fernandez Toscano, M. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Rodriguez Fermepín, Marcelo. UBA. Laboratorio de Inmunología Clínica; Argentina.Fil: Gallo Vaulet, Lucia. UBA. Laboratorio de Inmunología Clínica; Argentina.Fil: Carballo Dieguez, Alex. Columbia University. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies; Estados Unidos.Fil: Avila, María M. Centro Nacional de Referencia para el SIDA; Argentina.Background MSM constitute one of the populations most affected by HIV and other STIs in Argentina. Previous prevalence studies were based on convenience samples. RDS, a methodology designed to access hidden populations, is being used for the first time in Argentina to recruit MSM. Methods RDS recruitment started in November 2007 with 16 first generation participants (seeds) who were selected for their potential to tap in MSM networks. Recruitment is ongoing. Men must be 18 years of age or older, be residents of Buenos Aires, self-report having sex with men at least 10 times in their lives and at least once in the past six months. They must have a coupon indicating they have been referred by a study participant. Specimens are being collected for HIV and STI diagnosis. All data are weighted using the RDS Analysis Tool (RDSAT). Results To date, 333 MSM were recruited through RDS showing a prevalence of 11.3, 16.6, 7.9, 17.6, 4.0 and 88.3% for HIV, HBV, HCV, T. pallidum, Chlamydia and HPV, respectively. Chlamydia and HPV diagnoses were only performed in 73 and 79 participants, respectively. Among HPV positive individuals, 47.8% had almost one of these high risk types (16, 58, 33, 45, 18 and 31) and 32% had multiple infections with 2 or more types. Conclusion Compared with previous studies, these results show similar HIV, HBV and T. pallidum prevalences but higher HCV prevalence. For the first time, an elevated prevalence of HPV was detected on MSM, with high frequency of types associated with ano-genital cancer. Preliminary analyses of socio demographic data show that RDS helps recruit a diversity of MSM, particularly of lower socio-economic level usually missed with other recruitment methods. The high prevalence of coinfections in this population should be taken into account if MSM are part of vaccine trials given that STI may increase HIV sexual transmission

    P07-05. HIV and STI prevalence among men who have sex with men (MSM) recruited through respondent driven sampling (RDS) in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Fil: Pando, María A. Centro Nacional de Referencia para el SIDA; Argentina.Fil: Marone, Rubén. Nexo Asociación Civil; Argentina.Fil: Balán, Iván C. Columbia University. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies; Estados Unidos.Fil: Dolezal, Curtis. Columbia University. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies; Estados Unidos.Fil: Squiquera, Luis. Nexo Asociación Civil; Argentina. Fil: Balan, Iván C. Columbia University. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies; Estados Unidos.Fil: Picconi, María Alejandra. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Servicio Virus Oncogénicos; Argentina.Fil: Gonzales, J. ANLIS Dr.C.G.Malbrán. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Servicio Virus Oncogénicos; Argentina.Fil: Rey, Jorge. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Fernandez Toscano, M. Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín; Argentina.Fil: Rodriguez Fermepín, Marcelo. UBA. Laboratorio de Inmunología Clínica; Argentina.Fil: Gallo Vaulet, Lucia. UBA. Laboratorio de Inmunología Clínica; Argentina.Fil: Carballo Dieguez, Alex. Columbia University. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies; Estados Unidos.Fil: Avila, María M. Centro Nacional de Referencia para el SIDA; Argentina.Background MSM constitute one of the populations most affected by HIV and other STIs in Argentina. Previous prevalence studies were based on convenience samples. RDS, a methodology designed to access hidden populations, is being used for the first time in Argentina to recruit MSM. Methods RDS recruitment started in November 2007 with 16 first generation participants (seeds) who were selected for their potential to tap in MSM networks. Recruitment is ongoing. Men must be 18 years of age or older, be residents of Buenos Aires, self-report having sex with men at least 10 times in their lives and at least once in the past six months. They must have a coupon indicating they have been referred by a study participant. Specimens are being collected for HIV and STI diagnosis. All data are weighted using the RDS Analysis Tool (RDSAT). Results To date, 333 MSM were recruited through RDS showing a prevalence of 11.3, 16.6, 7.9, 17.6, 4.0 and 88.3% for HIV, HBV, HCV, T. pallidum, Chlamydia and HPV, respectively. Chlamydia and HPV diagnoses were only performed in 73 and 79 participants, respectively. Among HPV positive individuals, 47.8% had almost one of these high risk types (16, 58, 33, 45, 18 and 31) and 32% had multiple infections with 2 or more types. Conclusion Compared with previous studies, these results show similar HIV, HBV and T. pallidum prevalences but higher HCV prevalence. For the first time, an elevated prevalence of HPV was detected on MSM, with high frequency of types associated with ano-genital cancer. Preliminary analyses of socio demographic data show that RDS helps recruit a diversity of MSM, particularly of lower socio-economic level usually missed with other recruitment methods. The high prevalence of coinfections in this population should be taken into account if MSM are part of vaccine trials given that STI may increase HIV sexual transmission