697 research outputs found

    Gli indicatori internazionali dell'istruzione dell'OCSE

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    Sulle strade della complessit\ue0 del sistema scolastico e della dirigenza che ne interpreta la componente manageriale e decisionale, il saggio dell\u2019autrice si concentra sull\u2019analisi riflessioni in merito alle sempre pi\uf9 rilevanti importanza e influenza assunte dagli indicatori internazionali dell\u2019istruzione, in ambito nazionale e, soprattutto, in una prospettiva internazionale e transnazionale, illustrandone i processi e le caratteristiche, sviluppandone concettualit\ue0 e criticit\ue0 dell\u2019istruzione e della formazione umana e proponendo prospettive per sviluppi futuri. Ampia condivisione viene accordata, infatti, a livello internazionale, in merito al ruolo da deputare a istruzione, educazione e formazione, ritenute questioni chiave e strategiche per rispondere in maniera efficace alle sfide attuali che si trovano a dover affrontare le societ\ue0, le economie, le culture, in mondo globalizzato, quello attuale, contraddistinto da sempre pi\uf9 veloci mutamenti. Istruzione, educazione e formazione sono ritenute altres\uec fondamentali sia per gli individui sia per le societ\ue0, per il benessere socio-economico dei paesi. Conoscenze, competenze e abilit\ue0 sono ritenute essenziali per una effettiva e proficua partecipazione attiva e cooperazione tra cittadini, contribuendo in tal modo alla crescita economica del proprio paese e al progresso nelle conoscenze scientifiche e nella cultura

    Pedagogia del corpo e dello sport nella prospettiva del lifelong learning

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    Lo sport appare saldamente legato ai processi di industrializzazione e di razionalizzazione, avendo il primo conosciuto la rinascita proprio in concomitanza dell\u2019avvento dei secondi, e considerando che la competizione e la competitivit\ue0 sembrano caratterizzare in maniera decisiva sia lo sport sia le societ\ue0 industrializzate. In tale prospettiva, viene analizzata la dimensione pedagogico-educativa dello sport all\u2019interno di complesse dinamiche sociali, antropologiche, politiche, culturali, economiche, ecc. , cercando di coglierne anche le dimensioni e i contenuti valoriali, specialmente in un contesto di democrazia, cercando di delineare i fondamenti per una pedagogia dello sport. Lo sport offre pertanto immense possibilit\ue0 alla pedagogia, all\u2019incessante percorso di crescita e sviluppo integrale che coinvolge la persona lungo l\u2019intero arco della propria vita inserita in una, si auspica finalmente compiuta, comunit\ue0 educante in prospettiva lifelong e lifewide

    Lifelong learning nell\u2019era della globalizzazione

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    Con sempre maggiore consapevolezza si guarda all'istruzione e all'educazione come un tesoro cui attingere perch\ue9 ogni persona, nella pienezza del proprio essere, possa vivere in dignit\ue0 e libert\ue0 la propria vita. Tra le ragioni di questa tendenza vi \ue8 l\u2019impatto sociale dei cambiamenti e dei problemi posti dalla globalizzazione, dalle tecnologie dell\u2019informazione e della comunicazione, dai modi e dalle forme in cui si produce il lavoro, si diffonde e si consuma la cultura, insieme all\u2019esplosione del fenomeno della mobilit\ue0 di soggetti comunitari e extracomunitari, che pone in primo piano il rapporto tra cultura e popoli diversi. Le scienze pedagogiche sono specificatamente chiamate a dare il proprio contributo per lo studio delle situazioni e delle problematiche, per individuare risposte e possibili soluzioni concrete e praticabili. Il volume fa riferimento al tema generale per una Paideia del terzo millennio, nel nome e nell'impegno di Mario Mencarelli, suggerendo analisi, riflessioni e proposte perch\ue9 ciascuno possa costruire un proprio discorso, sul piano teorico e/o operativo con la chiave del "dissenso costruttivo" e del "consenso critico". Il contributo del\u2019autrice si concentra sull\u2019analisi dei processi di lifelong learning nell\u2019attuale era della globalizzazione, in relazione anche agli obiettivi dell\u2019Unione Europea di Lisbona, da raggiungere entro il 2010 e con il proposito di promuovere l\u2019impegno di dedicarsi alla promozione di tutto il potenziale educativo e formativo della persona, coniugando tradizione e innovazione

    Synthesis and characterization of reduced ternary alkali metal molybdenum oxides

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    A series of novel layered reduced Na and Li Mo-oxides is reported. The two dimensional framework is quite unique among the structure types previously observed for reduced molybdenum oxides;Synthetic exploration of oxides related to Na[subscript]2Mo[subscript]3O[subscript]6 (Hubert, P. H. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris 1966, 262, 1189) led to the isolation of a series of monoclinic layered Na-Mo-oxides, Na[subscript]0.41MoO[subscript]2, Na[subscript]0.51MoO[subscript]2, and Na[subscript]0.66MoO[subscript]2. The basic framework of these compounds consists of oxide layers alternating with sheets of Na and Mo atoms. Within the Mo layers, the metal atoms shift from ideal octahedral sites toward neighboring Mo atoms to form extended chains of fused rhomboidal clusters;Structurally, from Na[subscript]0.41MoO[subscript]2 to Na[subscript]0.66MoO[subscript]2, the Na ions shift from octahedral to trigonal prismatic sites; and oxygen packing changes from nonsequential to ABBCCA;The stacking of layers toward cubic close packing, ABCABC, was realized in the analogous Li-Mo-oxide system. A material with ccp oxygen layers, LiMoO[subscript]2, was isolated as the product from the high temperature reaction between Li[subscript]2MoO[subscript]4 and Mo metal. Neutron powder diffraction Rietveld analysis shows that LiMoO[subscript]2 is isomorphous with [alpha]-NaFeO[subscript]2 and reveals for Mo-Mo bonded compounds an unprecedented arrangement, an infinite hexagonal sheet. DOS and COOP curves from extended Huckel band calculations indicate that all Mo-Mo bonding states are filled within the O-Mo-O layers;The results of the extended Huckel calculations suggest that as the Mo bonding states are emptied, via oxidation by delithiation, the Mo sheet should rearrange to form Mo ribbons or some other type of clustering favored by the lower electron to Mo ratio. Indeed, such a structural transition of the hexagonal structure, in partially delithiated Li[subscript] 1-xMoO[subscript]2, to a monoclinic framework with infinite Mo bonded zig-zag chains has been observed;Synthetic efforts in the heavier alkali metal ternary system, K-Mo-oxide, have led to a novel compound containing Mo octahedral clusters. Partial characterization through single crystal diffraction data suggests the structure contains discrete segments of chains comprised of edged shared Mo[subscript]6 units. ftn*DOE Report IS-T-1330. This work was performed under contract No. W-7405-Eng-82 with the U.S. Department of Energy

    Educational and Autoeducational Value of Autobiographical Writings

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    AbstractRecently, the high educational and autoeducational value, functions and meanings of autobiographical writings, as evidenced by the numerous studies and research about (i.e. Demetrio, Alberici, Merrill, West, etc.), gas been increasingly discovered and widespread. The autobiographical writings, in fact, allow you to retrace your life, events, people, places, the most important objects, to discover new meanings to the experiences, to be able to orient themselves in decision-making, interpersonal relationships, to plan efficiently your lives, to produce new knowledge and learning, to feel satisfaction and wellbeing too. This paper will present some results of a research based on an original autobiographical format administered to a group of adults attending a yoga class or yoga trainers, in order to analyze the meanings that they have recognized about some events and choices during their lifetime, in a lifelong and lifewide learning and education perspective

    Autobiographical Questionnaire and Semi-structured Interview: Comparing two Instruments for Educational Research in Difficult Contexts

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    Abstract Autobiographical method is spreading a lot among Italian and foreign research and studies, about adult education in lifelong learning view. In fact, above all in adulthood, it is possible to think about themselves in a more critical and conscious way, reworking mentally their own life and past experiences. Promoting the mobilization of introspective thought from childhood it is very useful to make gradually acquire the ability to learn by themselves, to learn from relationships with the others and from the experiences in lifetime. In fact, self-learning is one of the pedagogical objectives underlying the biographical survey. The moment when we feel the need to tell about ourselves is a sign of a new stage of our lifelong and life-wide growth process. During autobiographical narrative, pleasant and unpleasant memories are evoked. In this context, the research has focused on the analysis of two survey instruments: a format / autobiographical questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Both the main events of the analyzed autobiographical subjects, the emotional-affective and relational areas as well as the reasons that led teachers and educators of the sample to carry out this profession were collected through both instruments. The choice of those instruments has been ensued by a particular interest in people who are induced to communicate and share attitudes, feelings, perceptions and expectations, being solicited by open-ended questions. The author / actor of autobiographical writing, thanks to the help of the format, is guided, supported and facilitated not only to bring out the recollections to the memory but also in giving sense and meaning to their own experiences. He/she is sustained as well as in identifying and managing a range of emotions and mixed feelings, being in a situation of intimacy and with relaxed and subjectively adjusted time. One of the most characterizing elements of the semi-structured interview was the inter-subjective relationship between the interviewer and the interviewee due to an intimate environment, peculiar emotions and feelings which have been proved to be beneficial for both performers involved. In this segment of the research will be analyzed and compared elements proceeded through the two instruments used. As regards the methodology, quantitative and qualitative analyses derived from an original grounded theory model had been used

    Arts-therapy as innovative educational strategy for embodied narrative, lifelong learning and inclusion

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    [EN] Art, artistic expression and arts-therapy can be an opportunity to the pedagogy need to develop effective, innovative and avant-garde visions and strategies on issues considered crucial for cohesion and inclusion, in particular regarding migration issue. Dance-movement-therapy is central to this project which is configured as art-based research in the educational / intercultural field. It is a political-pedagogical project starting within the school context to open up to the territory. The research question therefore aims to verify whether art-therapy can create inclusive and intercultural environments, integrate with autobiographical methods through embodied narratives and stimulate self-awareness and lifelong learning. Main aims are: analyzing ways of inclusion, making significant and transformative changes to growth processes, modifying prejudices and stereotypes. The research, moving within the theoretical and methodological framework of the research-intervention, followed a mixed method preserving its qualitative nature, following the phenomenological and hermeneutic approach and, at the same time, using a questionnaire (Pettigrew, Meertens, 1995), which characterized the quantitative part. Among the main results, the discovery of feeling directed towards new perspectives from which to look at the world, more aware and proactive, emerged. Results have strengthened the choice of adopting a such innovative integrated educational strategy for inclusion and lifelong learning.Aleandri, G.; Battista, F. (2021). Arts-therapy as innovative educational strategy for embodied narrative, lifelong learning and inclusion. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 225-233. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12959OCS22523

    A lipidic mesophase with tunable release properties for the local delivery of macromolecules: the apoferritin nanocage, a case study.

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    Lipid mesophases are able to incorporate and release a plethora of molecules, spanning from hydrophobic drugs to small hydrophilic proteins and therefore they have been widely used as drug delivery systems. However, their 3-5 nm water channels do not allow the release of large hydrophilic molecules such as monoclonal antibodies and therapeutic proteins. To overcome this major geometrical constraint, we designed a gel by mixing monoacylglycerol lipids, generally recognized as safe for human and/or animal use by FDA, and phospholipids, to obtain a material with swollen water channels suitable to host and further release macromolecules. Apoferritin, a 12 nm nanocage protein with intrinsic tumor-targeting properties able to incorporate several molecules, was selected here as the hydrophilic model protein to be embedded in the biocompatible gel. When immersed completely in the release media, mesophases with a swollen water channel of 22 nm, composed of monoolein and doped with 5 mole% of DOPS and 10 mole% of Chol allowed us to achieve a protein release of 60%, which is 120 times higher with respect to that obtained by employing non swollen-LMPs composed only of monoolein. Thus, the formulation can be administered locally to the rectal or vaginal mucosa, reducing the drawbacks often associated with the parenteral administration of bio-therapeutics. This approach would pave the way for the local application of other biomacromolecules (including human ferritin, monoclonal antibodies and antibody drug-conjugates) in those diseases easily reachable by a local application such as rectal or vaginal cancer

    A Lexicographic Public Good Ranking

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    In this paper, we consider the consistency of the desirability relation with the ranking of the players in a simple game provided by some well-known solutions, in particular the Public Good Index [12] and the criticality-based ranking [1]. We define a new ranking solution, the lexicographic Public Good ranking (LPGR), strongly related to the Public Good Index being rooted in the minimal winning coalitions of the simple game, proving that it is monotonic with respect to the desirability relation [15], when it holds. A suitable characterization of the LPGR solution is provided. Finally, we investigate the relation among the LPGR solution and the criticality-based ranking, referring to the dual game