27 research outputs found

    Intake, digestibility, milk yield and indicators of the metabolic status of native ewes fed supplemented diet under grazing system

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    This study aimed to evaluate the intake, digestibility, milk yield and indicators of the metabolic status of native lactating ewes supplemented under grazing system. In the present study 28 lactating ewes were selected: 14 Morada Nova (MN) and 14 Santa Inês (SI), distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, with a 2x2x2 factorial arrangement of two breeds, two supplementation levels and two experimental periods. Blood samples were collected from lambing to 70 days of lactation, with 14 days interval. Laboratory analyses consisted in determining serum glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, urea and creatinine. Concentrate intake (g/day) during the lactation differed (P0.05) the serum levels of these metabolites. Indicators of the metabolic status were not affected by concentrate supplementation, which was effective for the maintenance of normal serum concentrations. However, these values differ between breeds within the permissible standards, indicating a high adaptation to postpartum


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of concentrate supplementation level on hematological profile of Santa Ines ewes, at the last third of pregnancy and postpartum, and of their lambs. We used eleven ewes at the last 75 days of pregnancy and the first 75 days of lactation and eight lambs born from these ewes, allotted in a completely randomized design and split-plot arrangement in time. Blood samples were collected every fourteen days. Neither the erythrocyte nor the leukocyte profile was affected by the different levels of supplementation (P>0.05) and the blood components evaluated were within the reference range for adult sheep. The animal category affected (P0.05). For the lymphocyte count, the values found in lambs (2858.8 /µL) were similar to those in pregnant ewes (2,982.0/µL); lactating ewes (4119.8/µL) showed the highest values. Concentrate supplementation (0.5% BW) at pre and postpartum does not alter the erythrocyte and leukocyte profile of Santa Inês sheep, with the largest differences between the two sheep categories and lambs

    Composição centesimal da carne de cordeiros submetidos a dietas com diferentes teores de concentrado

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    Foi estudada a composição centesimal da carne de cordeiros submetidos a três dietas com diferentes níveis de concentrado. Foram utilizados 18 cordeiros, machos não castrados, da raça Morada Nova, com peso vivo médio inicial de 15kg. As dietas constituíram-se em: D1 - 60% de concentrado (C) e 40% de volumoso (V); D2 - 45% de C e 55% de V e D3 - 30% de C e 70% de V. Quando os animais que recebiam a D1 atingiam 25kg de peso vivo, o respectivo lote, formado por três animais, era abatido. As carcaças foram refrigeradas a 4ºC por 24 horas. A meia carcaça esquerda foi seccionada em cinco cortes: pescoço, paleta, costelas, lombo e perna. As pernas foram dissecadas para a obtenção do músculo Semimembranosus, no qual foi determinada a composição centesimal. Os níveis de concentrado na dieta não afetaram o teor de umidade, matéria mineral e gordura da carne ovina, porém afetaram (P<0,05) o teor de proteína. As dietas com 30 e 60% de concentrado propiciaram mesmo teor de proteína na carne

    Caracterização de propriedades agrícolas para pecuária de corte

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    This research aimed to identify and to characterize the profile of the exploring agricultural properties of beef cattle production in the micro region of Alto Médio Gurguéia. The small producer characterization based on the scientific knowledge on the local agricultural reality is essential to develop policies for the dissemination of technologies, programs and projects for agricultural development. This way, a semi-structured questionnaire was elaborated using questions about general issues of farm profile and creation system adopted by producers, issues related to producers’ social aspects, livestock zootechnical conditions and technical and marketing conditions of meat production. This questionnaire was applied to 104 producers in the municipality in an eclectic and comprehensive way in order to obtain a sample as representative as possible. The data collection period was between September, 2008 and December, 2009. Themajority of producers keep a typical family farming profile, with emphasis on subsistence activity, low technological level and little knowledge. Turning them less competitive and more susceptible to climatological, management or marketing adversities.Objetivou-se identificar e caracterizar o perfil das propriedades agrícolas exploradoras da pecuáriade corte na microrregião do Alto Médio Gurguéia. A caracterização do pequeno produtor combase no conhecimento científico sobre a realidade agrícola local é fundamental para elaborarpolíticas de difusão de tecnologias, programas e projetos de desenvolvimento agrícola. Para isso,foi elaborado um questionário semiestruturado com perguntas referentes a questões gerais doperfil da propriedade e do sistema de criação adotado pelos pecuaristas, questões referentesa aspectos sociais dos produtores, condições zootécnicas dos rebanhos e condições técnicas emercadológicas da produção de carne. O mesmo foi aplicado em 104 pecuaristas do municípiode forma eclética e abrangente, a fim de se obter uma amostragem o mais representativa possível.O período de coleta de dados esteve compreendido entre setembro de 2008 e dezembro de2009. A grande totalidade dos produtores mantém um perfil típico da agricultura familiar, comênfase na subsistência, pouco avanço tecnológico e pouca especialização. Tornando-os menoscompetitivos e mais susceptíveis às adversidades, sejam de natureza física, climatológica, gerencialou mercadológica

    <b>Effect of concentrate supplementation and time scales of evaluation on behavioral and physiological responses of pregnant ewes on grazing system

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    This study was realized to evaluate the effect of concentrate supplementation and time scales of evaluation on behavioral and physiological responses of pregnant ewes on grazing system. The experimental design was a randomized 2 x 2 x 3 factorial arrangement (two breeds: Morada and Santa Inês; two concentrate supplementation levels: 0.5 and 1.5% of body weight; and three time scales of evaluation: 10, 20 and 30 minutes) with six replicates per treatment. The physiological parameters were influenced by period of the day and breeds, with higher values in the afternoon to Santa Inês ewes. Also, influence of concentrate supplementation was found between the breeds with greater values in Santa Inês ewes. But, it did not alter the physiological parameters among animals of the same genetic group. The grazing activity was influenced (p 0.05) for such a feature. Thus, the pregnant ewes exhibited high adaptive capability with observations of 10 minutes for better description of grazing activity in Morada Nova

    Characterization of the exploring agricultural properties of beef cattle production

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    This research aimed to identify and to characterize the profile of the exploring agricultural properties of beef cattle production in the micro region of Alto Médio Gurguéia. The small producer characterization based on the scientific knowledge on the local agricultural reality is essential to develop policies for the dissemination of technologies, programs and projects for agricultural development. This way, a semi-structured questionnaire was elaborated using questions about general issues of farm profile and creation system adopted by producers, issues related to producers’ social aspects, livestock zootechnical conditions and technical and marketing conditions of meat production. This questionnaire was applied to 104 producers in the municipality in an eclectic and comprehensive way in order to obtain a sample as representative as possible. The data collection period was between September, 2008 and December, 2009. Themajority of producers keep a typical family farming profile, with emphasis on subsistence activity, low technological level and little knowledge. Turning them less competitive and more susceptible to climatological, management or marketing adversities

    Caracterização de propriedades agrícolas para pecuária de corte

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    This research aimed to identify and to characterize the profile of the exploring agricultural properties of beef cattle production in the micro region of Alto Médio Gurguéia. The small producer characterization based on the scientific knowledge on the local agricultural reality is essential to develop policies for the dissemination of technologies, programs and projects for agricultural development. This way, a semi-structured questionnaire was elaborated using questions about general issues of farm profile and creation system adopted by producers, issues related to producers´ social aspects, livestock zootechnical conditions and technical and marketing conditions of meat production. This questionnaire was applied to 104 producers in the municipality in an eclectic and comprehensive way in order to obtain a sample as representative as possible. The data collection period was between September, 2008 and December, 2009. Themajority of producers keep a typical family farming profile, with emphasis on subsistence activity, low technological level and little knowledge. Turning them less competitive and more susceptible to climatological, management or marketing adversities.Objetivou-se identificar e caracterizar o perfil das propriedades agrícolas exploradoras da pecuária de corte na microrregião do Alto Médio Gurguéia. A caracterização do pequeno produtor com base no conhecimento científico sobre a realidade agrícola local é fundamental para elaborar políticas de difusão de tecnologias, programas e projetos de desenvolvimento agrícola. Para isso, foi elaborado um questionário semiestruturado com perguntas referentes a questões gerais do perfil da propriedade e do sistema de criação adotado pelos pecuaristas, questões referentes a aspectos sociais dos produtores, condições zootécnicas dos rebanhos e condições técnicas e mercadológicas da produção de carne. O mesmo foi aplicado em 104 pecuaristas do município de forma eclética e abrangente, a fim de se obter uma amostragem o mais representativa possível. O período de coleta de dados esteve compreendido entre setembro de 2008 e dezembro de 2009. A grande totalidade dos produtores mantém um perfil típico da agricultura familiar, com ênfase na subsistência, pouco avanço tecnológico e pouca especialização. Tornando-os menos competitivos e mais susceptíveis às adversidades, sejam de natureza física, climatológica, gerencial ou mercadológica

    Composição centesimal da carne de cordeiros submetidos a dietas com diferentes teores de concentrado

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    Foi estudada a composição centesimal da carne de cordeiros submetidos a três dietas com diferentes níveis de concentrado. Foram utilizados 18 cordeiros, machos não castrados, da raça Morada Nova, com peso vivo médio inicial de 15kg. As dietas constituíram-se em: D1 - 60% de concentrado (C) e 40% de volumoso (V); D2 - 45% de C e 55% de V e D3 - 30% de C e 70% de V. Quando os animais que recebiam a D1 atingiam 25kg de peso vivo, o respectivo lote, formado por três animais, era abatido. As carcaças foram refrigeradas a 4ºC por 24 horas. A meia carcaça esquerda foi seccionada em cinco cortes: pescoço, paleta, costelas, lombo e perna. As pernas foram dissecadas para a obtenção do músculo Semimembranosus, no qual foi determinada a composição centesimal. Os níveis de concentrado na dieta não afetaram o teor de umidade, matéria mineral e gordura da carne ovina, porém afetaram (P<0,05) o teor de proteína. As dietas com 30 e 60% de concentrado propiciaram mesmo teor de proteína na carne.Centesimal composition of meat from lambs submitted to three diets with different concentrate levels was studied. Eighteen Morada Nova male lambs were used, with 15kg initial live weight. The diets were: D1 - 60% concentrate (C) and 40% roughage (R); D2 - 45% C and 55% R and D3 - 30% C and 70% R. When animals that received the D1 reached 25kg live weight, the respective lot, formed by three animals, was slaughtered. The carcasses were refrigerated at 4ºC for 24 hours. From the left half carcass were obtained five cuts: neck, shoulder, ribs, loin and leg. The legs were dissected and the Semimembranosus muscle was obtained in order to determinate the centesimal composition. The concentrate levels in the diet did not affect water, ash and fat content of the lamb meat, but they affected (P<0.05) meat protein content. Meat from lambs fed with 30% and 60% concentrate in the diet had similar protein content.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq