19 research outputs found

    Reference model for apparel product development

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    The purpose of this paper was to develop a reference model for the implementation of the process of product development (PDP) for apparel. The tool was developed through an interactive process of comparison between theoretical. Managers in companies and professionals working in this market can utilize the reference model as a source for the organization and improvement of the PDP for apparel and the universities as a reference source for systematized teaching of this process. This model represents the first comprehensive attempt to develop an instrument at a detailed level (macro phases, phases, activities, inputs and outputs at each stage and at the gates) to systematize the PDP process for fashion products and to consider its particularities

    Elaboração de um Questionário de Pesquisa: Validação com Especialistas e Estudo com o Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach – aplicação no Sistema Brasileiro de Franquias para classificação de métodos de previsão de demanda para novos produtos

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    Com o intuito de apresentar uma classificação de métodos de previsão de demanda para novos produtos, o artigo teve como objetivo apresentar o processo de elaboração e validação de um questionário de pesquisa realizado em um estudo considerando as características do sistema brasileiro de franquias. Realizou-se uma validação do questionário em quatro esferas: psicologia, estatística, especialistas e língua portuguesa, além da aplicação do Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach – que resultou em um coeficiente global com classificação alta, o que demonstra a confiabilidade do questionário. Ao utilizar o Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, notou-se que o mesmo é considerado satisfatório e apresenta consistência desejada em todos os blocos e no questionário global, o que indica a confirmação dos pressupostos teóricos eleitos para a construção do instrumento

    Engenharia de produção: temas e debates

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    A coletânea Engenharia de Produção: temas e debates é composta por um conjunto de nove estudos desenvolvidos no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Câmpus Ponta Grossa. Os capítulos tratam de temáticas distintas, situadas dentro das grandes áreas da Engenharia de Produção. São disponibilizados sete estudos originais e dois de revisão. Com a coletânea o debate na área é ampliado com temas atuais oriundos de dissertações e teses

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    O fresamento de topo de aços ferramenta, no estado endurecido, pode ser uma alternativa para a fabricação de moldes e matrizes, com alta taxa de remoção. Este trabalho estuda os tipos e mecanismos de desgaste presentes nesta operação de usinagem, bem como o comportamento da emissão acústica. São realizados experimentos com ferramentas de PCBN e Metal Duro usinando os aços H13 (49-51 HRc), VMO (54-57 HRc) e VC131 (57-59 HRc). O desgaste das ferramentas de PCBN é significativamente menor que o desgaste das ferramentas de Metal Duro. O tipo de desgaste predominante é o desgaste de flanco, com indícios de desgastes de cratera. É observada uma combinação entre os mecanismos de desgaste abrasivo e adesivo. Não se observa a formação de trincas abaixo da superfície usinada. Verifica-se que a emissão acústica aumenta com a velocidade de corte e mostra-se também dependente do material da peça e da ferramenta.The endmilling operation applied to the machining of hardened tool steels, can be seen as an alternative to the conventional sequence of operations used in dies and injection moulds. Normally, eletrodischarge machining, which has a low removal rate, is applied for the finishing operation, just before polishing. The present research work study the types and mechanisms of wear that appear in this machining operation, as well as, the behaviour of Acoustic Emission (EA). Experiments are carried out using PCBN and Carbide tools, machining AISI H13 (49-51 HRc), AISI 6F3 (54-57 HRc) e AISI D6 (57-59 HRc). The wear observed on the PCBN tools was smaller than that on the carbide ones. The type of wear dominating was flank wear, with some presence of crater wear in a few machining conditions. It was also observed a combination between the abrasive and the adhesive mechanisms. It was not noted any cracks on the surface just below the machined surface. The acoustic emission showed to be directly proportional to the cutting speed and also dependent upon the workpiece material and to the tool material

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    O fresamento de topo de aços ferramenta, no estado endurecido, pode ser uma alternativa para a fabricação de moldes e matrizes, com alta taxa de remoção. Este trabalho estuda os tipos e mecanismos de desgaste presentes nesta operação de usinagem, bem como o comportamento da emissão acústica. São realizados experimentos com ferramentas de PCBN e Metal Duro usinando os aços H13 (49-51 HRc), VMO (54-57 HRc) e VC131 (57-59 HRc). O desgaste das ferramentas de PCBN é significativamente menor que o desgaste das ferramentas de Metal Duro. O tipo de desgaste predominante é o desgaste de flanco, com indícios de desgastes de cratera. É observada uma combinação entre os mecanismos de desgaste abrasivo e adesivo. Não se observa a formação de trincas abaixo da superfície usinada. Verifica-se que a emissão acústica aumenta com a velocidade de corte e mostra-se também dependente do material da peça e da ferramenta.The endmilling operation applied to the machining of hardened tool steels, can be seen as an alternative to the conventional sequence of operations used in dies and injection moulds. Normally, eletrodischarge machining, which has a low removal rate, is applied for the finishing operation, just before polishing. The present research work study the types and mechanisms of wear that appear in this machining operation, as well as, the behaviour of Acoustic Emission (EA). Experiments are carried out using PCBN and Carbide tools, machining AISI H13 (49-51 HRc), AISI 6F3 (54-57 HRc) e AISI D6 (57-59 HRc). The wear observed on the PCBN tools was smaller than that on the carbide ones. The type of wear dominating was flank wear, with some presence of crater wear in a few machining conditions. It was also observed a combination between the abrasive and the adhesive mechanisms. It was not noted any cracks on the surface just below the machined surface. The acoustic emission showed to be directly proportional to the cutting speed and also dependent upon the workpiece material and to the tool material


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    In the market for cutting tools there are not specific tools for machining polymers, where the main difficulty is chip control. Cutting tools are only available for machining metals. In this study, tests were performed turning nylon, with the use of standard carbide tools, in order to identify tool geometries and cutting parameters able to perform the machining of the material, controlling the chip in the best way possible. The comparison criterion used was the chips formation, since usually for nylon, occurs on continuous tape. The tools that have the best results were the TNMG 160408-PF, used for machining steel with the following cutting parameters: cutting speed of 450 m/min, depth of cut of 2.0 mm and advancement of 0.35 mm/rev; whose chip formed long tubular long tangle, and the tool CCGT-120408 BAL, for the machining of aluminum, with the same depth and advancement parameters, but with cutting speeds of 600 m/min and 750 m/min, providing chip formation of fragmente

    Reference model for apparel product development

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    The purpose of this paper was to develop a reference model for the implementation of the process of product development (PDP) for apparel. The tool was developed through an interactive process of comparison between theoretical. Managers in companies and professionals working in this market can utilize the reference model as a source for the organization and improvement of the PDP for apparel and the universities as a reference source for systematized teaching of this process. This model represents the first comprehensive attempt to develop an instrument at a detailed level (macro phases, phases, activities, inputs and outputs at each stage and at the gates) to systematize the PDP process for fashion products and to consider its particularities