21 research outputs found

    Christian Keywords in Japanese

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    This essay presents examples of translation of keywords of the Christian doctrine translated by Jesuit missionaries during the so-called 'Christian century', when Europeans undertook the conversion of the Japanese, between the second half of the 16th century and the first part of the following. The purpose is to highlight the difficulties of translation between very distant and different cultures, and the strategies that were devised in order to overcome the problems

    Venetwia ka fosukari daigaku no nihon kenkyu no rekishi to genjō

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    活動報告神奈川大学人文学研究所主催 国際シンポジウム「表象としての<日本> : 近代ヨーロッパの場合 -神奈川大学・ヴェネツィア大学学術交流の現場から


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    カンジ シドウジョウ ノ ジケイ ノ ジュウヨウサ

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    この論文は非漢字圏の学習者を対象にした漢字指導に関する研究である。漢字指導 の中で問題となるのが学習者に提出する漢字の選択であるが、たいていの場合、漢字 を選択するとき、漢字の形(字形)は考慮されていない。しかし、字形は漢字習得上、重要な役割を果たしていると思う。初めて漢字にアプローチする非漢字圏の学習者 には、字形によって漢字の区別や認識が一般視覚認識規則に従って難しかったりやさしかったりすることがある。区別や認識のしやすい漢字もあれば、しにくい漢字もあ ることは学習過程の中で経験することである。この論文は、まず、パターンと漢字の認識に関する一般的な考察を述べ、次にアルファベットと漢字の視覚的な相違を検討する。最後に、非漢字圏の学習者の視覚認識 規則の根本的な仕組みを理解するために行なった実験を紹介し、その結果に基づいた学習的な考察を述べる。The thesis deals with the problem of the teaching of kanji to non-kanji-area people. One of the most problematic points in the teaching of kanji is the selection of the kanji to be taught. Selection generally takes place without taking into account the form of the kanji. However, I think that form is one of the important elements that can facilitate or hinder the process of learning. Western students who have no familiarity with kanji can recognize and memorize better those kanji whose form is easily distinguishable and is in accordance with the visual recognition laws of western people. First, I introduce some considerations about the visual approach of written characters in general, and then about the different visual approach in the case of the alphabet and in the case of kanji. The I present an experiment carried out in order to understand the main features of such visual recognition laws and on the basis of the results, in the last part, I derive some conclusions on teaching methods

    ヒカンジケイ ガクシュウシャ ノタメノ ニュウモンキ ニオケル カンジ ガクシュウ シドウ ノ イチコウサツ

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    日本語教育において概して軽視されがちな漢字教育に関する二つの問題を取り扱っている。一つは漢字の識別 に関する問題で、もう一つは漢字の書写に関する問題である。両問題とも初級学習者(時々中級学習者)のレベルに当たる。第一の問題は正しい組織化されたモデルに従って漢字(特に複雑な漢字)を読み取ることがむずかしい。第二の問題は漢字を正しい大きさに正確に書写 することができない。 以上の問題の原因は、現在存在する二つの主な文字体系(アルファベット=単音文字体系と漢字=表意文字体系)の相違にあると考えられる。この二つの文字体系の機能的な分析をし、これらの相違点がどうして、漢字習得の過程に多くの影響を与えるかということを考察する。以上触れたいくつかの点を考えると、非漢字系学習者にとって連続的、線的、系列的、一次元的、分析的な文字(アルファベット)から、包括的、平面 的、二次元的、複雑な文字(漢字)を解読するプロセスを再組織するのがむずかしいのは明白になるだろう。漢字学習過程の上で具体的に、非漢字系の学習者には、複雑な漢字を読む手助けになるパターン練習としての予備訓練が必要だと思う。 最後に以上論じた問題点に対応する練習問題のいくつかの実例を提出する。There are two problems which the teacher of Japanese often faces when teaching kanji to beginning (or intermediate) students. Both are seldom given special attention. The first is related to the difficulty that students encounter in recognizing and discriminating kanji. The second is the difficulty of reproducing kanji in the correct way and in the correct proportions. I think that both problems have to do with the great difference between the two main writing systems: the alphabetic and the ideographic. I tried to analyze some of the main differences between the two systems and point out the problems they cause to the learners. In short, the transition from a linear, analytical, sequential, and unidimensional system like that of the alphabet to one which is global, spatial, bidimensional, and complex like that of the kanji is surely a source of perplexity for the student coming from a non-ideographic environment. In the teaching process, it is advisable to give students a propaedeutic series of exercises aimed at familiarizing them with pattern recognition. In the last part of the paper, a number of ad hoc sample exercises are provided

    Ca' Foscari Japanese Studies 7, Arts and Literature 2, Rethinking Nature in Japan from Tradition to Modernity

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    It is a pleasure for us to present this book, with the contributions of the Inter- national Symposium Rethinking Nature in Japan: from Tradition to Modernity held at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in the Auditorium Santa Margherita. This was the Second International Conference organized in Venice: in 2013 we celebrated the first Symposium Rethinking Nature in Contemporary Japan. Science, Economics, Politics, published by Edizioni Cafoscari in 2014. The aim of the Symposium was the analysis of Japanese society and the international relationships after the accident at Fukushima nuclear plant in March 2011. Its wide-ranging consequences on everyday life of Japanese citizens brought into the limelight issues such as the protection of the environment, the man- agement of natural resources, and food safety, both within the country and abroad, as fundamental challenges to our globalised society. In 2013, the participation of scholars from Europe, Japan and United States helped us to achieve a deeper insight into this multifaceted issue, combining several disciplines under a multidisciplinary and comparative approach. At the root of all these problems stand the basic theme of the relation between man and nature. Historically, Japan has developed through the centuries an extremely rich tradition on this complex topic, in the intel- lectual field as well as in terms of material culture. That is the reason why we decided to choose as the theme of this Sym- posium in 2014 the cultural representations of the idea of Nature in the transition from tradition to modernity. This Symposium, “Rethinking Nature in Japan: From Tradition to Mo- dernity”, was centered on Fine Arts, Religion and Thought, Literature, Theatre and Cinema. We had four panel sessions: “Nature and Environment in Japanese Fine Arts: from Tradition to Modernity”, in Japanese Literature, in Japanese Thought and in Performing Arts. First of all, as a representative of Ca’ Foscari University and of our colleagues, we would like to thank all students, guests and colleagues for their presence at the Symposium, and thank also our special guests from Japan, from the United State, from Europe and from Italy for their (pre- cious) contributions. We believe for all the participants [students, scholars, lecturers, for you and for us] our Symposium was very interesting and fruitful and we hope that the same will be also for this book We would like to thank the representatives of our University, the Rector of Ca’ Foscari University, prof. Carlo Carraro and prof. Tiziana Lippiello, Director of the Department of Asian and North African Studies for their constant support. We are much indebeted to the Director Matsunaga Fumio and to the Japan Foundation for their special attention to the Japanese Studies Sec- tion of our Department. As for our sponsors, we would like to express our thanks to SAGA [School of Asian Studies and Business Management] for the generous financial support. We are also grateful to the artist Miyayama Hiroaki who painted the wisteria branch in the poster of the program and generously allowed us to use it as the logo of our Symposium, and prof. Caterina Virdis Limentani of Padua University who organized the exhibition: Splendori dal Giappone, Le storie del principe Genji nella tradizione Edo e nelle incisioni di Miyayama Hiroaki and the relation between this work and Miyayama’s prints in Padua at Palazzo Zuckermann from March 1st to 31st, 2014. Last but not least, we would thank again all the students who attended the Symposium, the speakers/contributors from Japan, United State, Eu- rope, Italy, the student staff, all our colleagues of the Japanese Section, our young researchers, the organizing committee: Paolo Calvetti, Massimo Raveri, Luisa Bienati, Aldo Tollini, Marcella Mariotti, Giovanni Bulian, Ca- terina Mazza, Toshio Miyake, Andrea Revelant and Pierantonio Zanotti, to all the administration st

    L'ideale della Via. Samurai, monaci e poeti nel Giappone medievale.

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    La Via occupa un posto di particolare rilievo nella civiltà giapponese medievale, dando vita, nelle varie forme in cui si manifesta, tra la quali la Via del Guerriero, del Tè, della Poesia, al nucleo fondamentale della cultura giapponese che si sviluppò tra i secoli XII e XVII.Il libro ripercorre le principali fasi dello sviluppo dell'ideale della Via, esplorandone la storia, e le principali manifestazioni all'interno del pensiero dei samurai, della poesia e del Buddhismo