134 research outputs found


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    Narcotics are a threat to the younger generation, the impact is very broad and requires appropriate efforts by law enforcement. Juridically, narcotics abuse is explained in Article 1 point 15 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. The issue of narcotics abuse by teenagers is interesting to research, especially regarding the police's efforts to take action, both in the form of prevention and action, with the aim of eradicating narcotics. The problems that will be studied are related to the efforts of the Malang City Police in tackling criminal acts of narcotics abuse among teenagers in Malang City and the obstacles faced in dealing with this problem. This aims to determine the police's efforts to prevent narcotics abuse by teenagers. The research method used is descriptive sociological juridical, based on primary and secondary data processing from library research and field research. The efforts made by the police are preventive through campaigns, outreach, patrols and raids as well as making the village resilient. Repressively in the form of firm action in accordance with Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and Law no. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System. Meanwhile, curative efforts emphasize healing, namely by providing rehabilitation to teenagers. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced are related to 4 factors, including legal factors, law enforcement factors, facilities and infrastructure factors, community factors. Efforts to overcome these obstacles are by increasing the number of police personnel, providing further education, carrying out good budget planning, breaking up narcotics networks, making it difficult to access narcotics, knowing the mode of distribution of narcotics, establishing cooperation with other institutions, and building relationships/partners with the community and providing security guarantees to the community


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    Masalah yang terjadi pada petani kelapa sawit adalah bagaimana untuk mengidentifikasi hama yang menyerang tanaman kelapa sawit.Yang hanya dengan cara menanyakan ke orang yang lebih pengalaman tentang bagaimana cara pengendaliannya. Solusi yang disediakan dengan membangun sistem pakar identifikasi hama pada tanaman kelapa sawit Sebagai sarana konsultasi untuk para petani. Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode waterfall yang terdiri dari beberapa tahap, yaitu: tahap analisis, desain, pengkodean, pengujian dan dukungan. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Hama Pada Tanaman Kelapa Sawit sebagai sarana untuk Konsultasi dengan menggunakan komputer sebagai alat untuk Mengidentifikasi Hama. Kesimpulannya, sistem ini dapat membantu Petani Untuk Mengidentifikasi Hama tanaman kelapa sawit dengan mudah dan efektif

    POLA INTERAKSI SOSIAL KOMUNITAS JAMAAH AHMADIYAH DENGAN MASYARAKAT (Studi Di Gereneng, Kecamatan Sakra Timur, Kabupaten Lombok Timur)

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    This research aims to determine the social interaction patterns of the Ahmadiyah Congregation Community with the Gereneng Village Community, East Sakra District, East Lombok Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The qualitative approach in this research is to explore data in detail and in depth. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques in this research are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research found that: (1) The pattern of associative interaction carried out by the Ahmadiyah Congregation with the non-Ahmadiyah community uses the pattern of: (a) Harmony, bargaining and joint ventures, (b) Compromise, mediation and adjudication (c) Acculturation in mixed marriages. (2) The pattern of dissociative interaction carried out by the Ahmadiyah Congregation with the non-Ahmadiyah community using patterns of: (a) Economic competition, competition for positions and roles (b) Simple contraventions and intensive contraventions

    The Suitable Model of Branchless Banking Implementation in Indonesia

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    Branchless banking as the new distribution channel in banking industry is becoming a new solution to offer financial service to untapped society. Branchless banking will help Indonesia to decrease its number of unbanked people. This Final project is to find out the right model of branchless banking that can be implemented in Indonesia, regarding the society respond and hope towards banking the reliable technology, collaboration of parties that involve, and how to avoid branchless banking risks. The respond and hope society towards banking measured by spreading the questionnaires to 112 middle class society in Depok. The questionnaires results were calculated by frequency analysis method. The reliable technology, collaboration of parties, and the way to avoid risks were find out by interviewing three people from different parties, which are Telkomsel from Telco Company, Bank BJB, and PT Cyberport as the company between bank and Telco. The result of this research is, branchless banking in Indonesia can be implemented by collaboration of Telco Company, Bank, and private sector. The reliable technology to implement branchless banking is using USSD connectivity and EDC machine that has been modified to be branchless banking technology. The risks in branchless banking can be avoided by risks mitigation from technology and regulation. The respondents’ perception towards banking is, bank is secure but bank do not have flexible opening hour. The expectation of respondents is bank become more secure, flexible, and have easier way and requirement to open bank account. To create a suitable model of branchless banking in Indonesia, those three parties have to conduct another similar research in the different area, to know the demand of the society. After those parties knowing about society needs and demand, they should do the three approaches to meet the demand. Those approaches are Price, feature, and process approach.Keyword: Branchless banking, Collaboration, reliable technology, perception, expectatio

    The Innovative Business Model Concept Generation for PT. LEN Industri Business Model Solutions in Achieving the Expected Net Profit Margin

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    As a state owned company, PT. Len Industri(Persero), an electronic industry and infrastructure company,has passed three transformation phases throughout its effort inimproving the company performance in the passed 20 years. Inthe final state of the third transformation phase, despite itssignificant sales growth (averaging to 30 percent per year from2006), PT. Len is unable to achieve the expected KPI (keyperformance Indicator) for NPM (net profit margin) of 5% set bythe stake holder.In order to achieve the requested NPM, PT. Len has to carefullyselect projects with low COGS only (80% to 85%). This can onlybe done through a high value project content which means usingan innovative product that has a high selling value or bydeveloping an innovative business model which can givesignificantly higher return. In this case study, the latter choice ischosen.Business model initiative is not new to PT. Len, but acomprehensive way of creating the business model that involvesdetails steps has never been generated. Business ModelGeneration using a 9 blocks building concept is introduced here.The designing concept uses the “Unbundling†business modelpattern that suit business at PT. Len. The designing take exampleone of the business lines in the integrated PV (photovoltaic)system supply. This business is then recast into the standardizedformat of business model canvas and unbundled to get a new corebusiness. This new core business will improve the NPM of PT.Len Industri.Keywords: NPM, Business Model, COGS, KPI , Unbundling businesspatter

    Customer Awareness and Expectation Toward MY.Telkomsel.com Website

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    Telkomsel is the first and the largest GSM mobile telecommunication operator in Indonesia. Tohelp its customers, Telkomsel has Grapari as walk in customer service and https://my.telkomsel.com as online customer service. In every day, Grapari always filled by the customer. Existence of my.telkomsel.com has not been able to reduce the amount of density that occurs in Grapari. It would be better if Telkomsel know how much the customers awareness about this MyTelkomsel website, what customers expect from this online customer service, and what kind of promotion can attract their attention.The conclusion of this research is actually there are many customers who aware of my.telkomsel.com as an online customer service from Telkomsel. But Simpati and Kartu As customers who use this website is much lesser than the actives of them. The customers expect that my.telkomsel.com have some features, such as changing and upgrading package limit easier, can buypulse, and can block number. Holding event that invites band/singer and promotions via SMS are the most effective communication for Telkomsel’s customers. By adding the expected features and doing the promotions that can attract the attention of customers, will make my.telkomsel.com better known and there will be more customers are using it.Keywords: Service Innovation, Customer awareness and expectation, Online customer service, Communication, Promotion

    STP Revision Which Leads to Change on Business Model and Marketing Strategy of BRIGANDINE with The Purpose of Expanding The Market Share

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    Football industry Indonesia is currently on the rise and got a lot of public attention. As a result of increasing interest in the sport, many opportunities have opened up. One is the opportunity to market the complementary product to perform activities of playing football / Futsal such as the jersey. Brigandine Football is a startup company that creates football/Futsal sportswear. Brigandine was founded in late 2011.There are few issues that brigandine face, the biggest problems is the lack of sales & promising future market. The step that we will take to find the root cause are to do internal an external analysis, The purpose of internal analysis is to know the weaknesses & strength of the company. And, The purpose of the external analysis is to find out the external factor of the business that can influence the company.  From the analysis, find out that there are 3 root causes, they’re: 1) The pricing strategy is not suitable (pricing is higher than competitors). 2) The lack of physical store. 3) The lack of product extension, service and warranty. The sequence of problem solving for brigandine starts with the revision of STP. This revision made because the behavioral factor that is different from the survey and the STP that brigandine has, so it need some adjustment to fit into the segment that already shaped by the market. And then followed by the revision of business channels. After the revision of business model, we will try to give solution for brigandine problem. The first one is choosing the type of physical stores, continued with the addition of product extension/services/warranty. And then finally, the revision of pricing strategy for brigandine. The STP revision is in the targeting and positioning area. While the changes in the business model are in customer segment, value proposition, channels, and customer relationship. The solutions gives to Brigandine root cause is choosing the mobile store as their official store, the addition of product extension in terms of Armless Jersey, Long sleeve Jersey, Training Vest, Jersey for kids & additional service in terms of Number printing service. And the last is choosing a promotional price strategy and discount & allowances as the pricing strategy to expand the market share of Brigandine. Keywords: physical store options, additional product extension/services/warranty, pricing strategy

    Strategy to Improve the Performance of Corporate Social Responsibility Development Program in Bontang LNG Plant

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    Abstract. As a world-class energy company, Badak LNG continuosly develops the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in order to maximize the company’s role among the stakeholders. Badak LNG has known as the oil and gas company which puts high attention in developing the CSR or community development program in line with its main business activities. Currently, Badak LNG has 23 CSR programs which consists of 44 CSR groups with the total CSR communities of 847 people. Due to inadequate organization to support CSR programs, Badak LNG only routinely monitor the CSR flagship programs in each year. As a consequence, the community satisfaction index of the CSR team is low in term of the discipline criteria and speed of service. The aim of this research is to develop new effective strategy in developing CSR programs in Badak LNG. The evaluation is perfomed by using High Performance Work System (HPWS) concept. This concept is used to align the organization and its environment. The concept is the right combination of people, technology, and organizational structure to fully utilize the resources and opportunities in achieving the organizational goals. Based on the analysis using HPWS concept, it is found that the new strategy of CSR development program should be created due to the problems of ineffective current CSR organization, unsuitable leadership style in the CSR organization, and no utilization of technology in CSR monitoring system. In order to solve these problems, the strategies proposed are to redesign CSR organization, change the leadership style to the appropriate leadership style, and develop integrated IT system for CSR program monitoring.Keywords: CSR, leadership, organization, strategy
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