25 research outputs found

    Sammenhengen mellom personlighetstrekk og ensomhet under Covid-19 pandemien – En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang

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    Opplevelsen av ensomhet kan være påvirket av individuelle forskjeller i personlighetstrekk. Det kan være spesielt gunstig å se på sammenhengen mellom trekk og ensomhet i pandemien, da restriksjoner knyttet til fysisk distansering gir muligheter til å studere sammenhengen i en tid der sosial ansikt-til-ansikt kontakt er begrenset. Denne systematiske litteraturgjennomgangen har til hensikt å sammenfatte forskningen som undersøker sammenhengen mellom personlighetstrekk og ensomhet i pandemien. I februar 2022 ble det utført et søk i databasene EMBASE, Medline, APA PsycINFO og Web of Science. Av totalt 499 treff ble 18 studier inkludert. Av disse fant 15 studier en statisk signifikant sammenheng mellom minst ett personlighetstrekk og ensomhet i pandemien. Overordet indikerer de nåværende funnene at assosiasjonene mellom trekk og ensomhet ikke er betydelig annerledes i pandemien enn under normale omstendigheter. Funnene antyder likevel at ekstroversjon kan ha virket både beskyttende og vært en risikofaktor for ensomhet i pandemien.Masteroppgave i psykologiMAPSYK330INTL-MEDINTL-MNINTL-SVMAPS-PSYKINTL-PSYKINTL-HFINTL-JUSINTL-KM

    Effect of different arachidonic acid levels in broodstock diet on egg quality of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta)

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    The production of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) is growing and is becoming a focus area for the aquaculture industry. As a result of rising louse numbers and problems with resistance, biological methods such as cleaner fish is being introduced and used in aquaculture. Our project focused on improving the health of cleaner fish and develop a method for estimating number of eggs spawned. For this captive ballan wrasse broodstock was fed with different levels of Arachidonic acid to investigate the effect on eggs. When analyzing it seems that an ARA level of total fatty acids closes to the medium ARA diet (approximately 2,3 % of total fatty acids) is the best for an optimum broodstock diet for production of eggs. ARA added in feed also seems to help the fish recover from some diseases and improve their health status. A subjective method for determining the number of eggs was also developed, and image analysis was used and compared to regular eye-scoring results. Eggs were weighted and counted to verify estimation methods and suggest that the image analysis is more accurate. Both methods produced rough estimates, but larger sampling size could increase the accuracy. Additionally, eye scoring with a power adaption yielded similar estimates and could be a useful tool for the ballan wrasse farmers to better estimate egg production.The production of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) is growing and is becoming a focus area for the aquaculture industry. As a result of rising louse numbers and problems with resistance, biological methods such as cleaner fish is being introduced and used in aquaculture. Our project focused on improving the health of cleaner fish and develop a method for estimating number of eggs spawned. For this captive ballan wrasse broodstock was fed with different levels of Arachidonic acid to investigate the effect on eggs. When analyzing it seems that an ARA level of total fatty acids closes to the medium ARA diet (approximately 2,3 % of total fatty acids) is the best for an optimum broodstock diet for production of eggs. ARA added in feed also seems to help the fish recover from some diseases and improve their health status. A subjective method for determining the number of eggs was also developed, and image analysis was used and compared to regular eye-scoring results. Eggs were weighted and counted to verify estimation methods and suggest that the image analysis is more accurate. Both methods produced rough estimates, but larger sampling size could increase the accuracy. Additionally, eye scoring with a power adaption yielded similar estimates and could be a useful tool for the ballan wrasse farmers to better estimate egg production.Masteroppgave i fiskehelseFISK399MAMN-FIS

    Effect of different arachidonic acid levels in broodstock diet on egg quality of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta)

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    The production of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) is growing and is becoming a focus area for the aquaculture industry. As a result of rising louse numbers and problems with resistance, biological methods such as cleaner fish is being introduced and used in aquaculture. Our project focused on improving the health of cleaner fish and develop a method for estimating number of eggs spawned. For this captive ballan wrasse broodstock was fed with different levels of Arachidonic acid to investigate the effect on eggs. When analyzing it seems that an ARA level of total fatty acids closes to the medium ARA diet (approximately 2,3 % of total fatty acids) is the best for an optimum broodstock diet for production of eggs. ARA added in feed also seems to help the fish recover from some diseases and improve their health status. A subjective method for determining the number of eggs was also developed, and image analysis was used and compared to regular eye-scoring results. Eggs were weighted and counted to verify estimation methods and suggest that the image analysis is more accurate. Both methods produced rough estimates, but larger sampling size could increase the accuracy. Additionally, eye scoring with a power adaption yielded similar estimates and could be a useful tool for the ballan wrasse farmers to better estimate egg production

    Havayolu şirket reklamlarının Hofstede'nin kültürel boyutları ile yorumlanması: Türk Hava Yolları, Lufthansa ve Sunexpress örnekleri

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    The aim of this study is to explain Turkish Airlines, Lufthansa, and SunExpress commercials on YouTube on the basis of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions. All three airlines have different marketing strategies and approaches to social media. In this study, data from the YouTube channels of all three airlines were used. In addition, the predetermined videos of the selected airlines were examined under four headings (safety, sports event, national oriented, and international oriented). The purpose of using this data is to compare the importance that airlines give to YouTube channels and to look for traces of Hofstede's cultural dimensions in the selected videos…Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk Hava Yolları, Lufthansa ve SunExpress YouTube reklamlarını Hofstede'nin Kültürel Boyutları temelinde açıklamaktır. Her üç havayolunun da sosyal medyaya yönelik farklı pazarlama stratejileri ve yaklaşımları bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, üç havayolunun da kendi YouTube kanallarından alınan verilerden yararlanılmıştır. Ayrıca, yine seçilen havayollarının önceden belirlenen videoları dört başlık altında (güvenlik, spor etkinliği, ulusal odaklı ve uluslararası odaklı) incelenmiştir. Bu verilerin kullanılma amacı, havayollarının YouTube kanallarına verdiği önemi karşılaştırmak ve seçilen videolarda Hofstede'nin kültürel boyutlarının izlerini aramaktır

    Sammenhengen mellom personlighetstrekk og ensomhet under Covid-19 pandemien – En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang

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    Opplevelsen av ensomhet kan være påvirket av individuelle forskjeller i personlighetstrekk. Det kan være spesielt gunstig å se på sammenhengen mellom trekk og ensomhet i pandemien, da restriksjoner knyttet til fysisk distansering gir muligheter til å studere sammenhengen i en tid der sosial ansikt-til-ansikt kontakt er begrenset. Denne systematiske litteraturgjennomgangen har til hensikt å sammenfatte forskningen som undersøker sammenhengen mellom personlighetstrekk og ensomhet i pandemien. I februar 2022 ble det utført et søk i databasene EMBASE, Medline, APA PsycINFO og Web of Science. Av totalt 499 treff ble 18 studier inkludert. Av disse fant 15 studier en statisk signifikant sammenheng mellom minst ett personlighetstrekk og ensomhet i pandemien. Overordet indikerer de nåværende funnene at assosiasjonene mellom trekk og ensomhet ikke er betydelig annerledes i pandemien enn under normale omstendigheter. Funnene antyder likevel at ekstroversjon kan ha virket både beskyttende og vært en risikofaktor for ensomhet i pandemien