620 research outputs found

    Vencer barreiras. O acesso dos cegos à escolarização

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    EntretextosPretende-se com este artigo fazer o retrato de uma época, no que à escolarização dos cegos diz respeito, através do testemunho de quem viveu e venceu as barreiras que o sistema educativo e a própria sociedade impunha. É uma aventura contada, na primeira pessoa, por quatro protagonistas que encontraram na sua deficiência visual a pedra de toque para uma vida cheia de desafios e de conquistas que os tornou únicos na sua família e na comunidade à qual pertencem. Todos são pessoas realizadas, em termos pessoais e profissionais, sem medo de enfrentar os seus colegas de profissão, os amigos e os menos amigos.The intention of this article is to make the portrait of an era concerning the education of the blind people, through the testimony of those who lived and won the barriers that the education system and society imposed on them. It's an adventure told in first person, by four actors who found their visual impairment in the cornerstone for a life full of challenges and achievements that made them unique to their family and community. All of them are fulfilled people, personally and professionally, and are not afraid to face their colleagues, friends and less friends

    A fileira da maça em Portugal - produção e mercados

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    A maçã é um dos principais frutos à escala mundial. Em Portugal a macieira está entre as principais espécies frutícolas ocupando cerca de 14 mil hectares, com produções próximas das 300 mil toneladas anuais. O mercado evoluiu para a diferenciação, apostando na certificação e qualificação, com nomes e modos de produção protegidos, bem como, produtos dirigidos a segmentos de mercado específicos, explorando a diversidade e possibilidade de escolha dos consumidores. Todavia, o sucesso do setor depende das ações coordenadas de toda a fileira, especialmente, no reforço da garantia da quantidade e qualidade do produto. Com o presente estudo pretende-se contribuir para o desenvolvimento e competividade da produção frutífera nacional, nomeadamente, de maça. Assim, analisa-se o setor da maça, retratando-o ao nível da produção, comercialização, consumo e comércio externo, incluindo, as estratégias de incremento do valor acrescentado adotadas. O estudo abarca o período 2005-2015 e tem por base múltipla informação estatística, complementada com outras fontes secundárias e informação primária, obtida junto de agentes integrantes na fileira.Este trabalho foi financiado por: Projeto PRODER, Medida 4.1. Introdução de telas anti granizo em macieira: avaliação de efeitos colaterais e impacte económico (PA 54823).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rock engravings of Fieiral, Castro Laboreiro, Melgaço

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    Artigo bilingue, em português e inglêsNotice about the schemathic rock carving of Fieiral, in Northwestern Portugal.This work was develloped in the scope of the project Espaços naturais, arquiteturas, arte rupestre e deposições na pré-história recente da fachada ocidental do centro-norte português: das acções aos significados – ENARDAS / Natural spaces, architecture, rock art and depositions from the Late Prehistory of the Western front of Central and Northern Portugal: from actions to meanings (reference PTDC/HIS-ARQ/112983/2009) financed by the Operational Programme “Thematic Factors of Competitiveness” (COMPETE) and by the European Regional Development Fund (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional - FEDER).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Outcomes and measures of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD: a systematic review

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    The magnitude of response to pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is influenced by the selection of outcomes and measures. Outcome and measure selection depends on various factors which can lead to high heterogeneity of reported outcomes/measures in the literature, hindering bench marking between and within PR centers and an effective evidence synthesis. We aimed to review all outcomes and measures used in clinical trials of PR for patients with COPD. A systematic review was conducted (CRD42017079935) with searches on Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Cochrane Library, EBSCO, Science Direct and PubMed. Studies reporting on PR of stable patients with COPD and from 2000 onwards were included. Data were extracted into a standardized table. Frequency of reporting for each domain, outcome and measure was synthesized using Microsoft Excel®. 267 studies were included with 43153 patients with COPD. 22 domains, 163 outcomes and 217 measures were found. Several measures were used to assess the same outcome. Exercise capacity (n=218) assessed with the six-minute walk test (n=140), health-related quality of life (n=204) assessed with the Saint George’s respiratory questionnaire (n=99), and symptoms (n=158) assessed with the modified medical research council dyspnoea scale (n=56) were mostly reported. The least reported outcomes were comorbidities, adverse events and knowledge. This systematic review reinforced the need of a core outcome set in this field, as high heterogeneity in reported outcomes and measures was found. Future studies should assess the importance of each outcome for PR according to different stakeholders.publishe

    CVARN - Rock art virtual corpus of north-western Portugal. A multimedia tool to investigate and describe post-palaeolithic rock art

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    The purpose of this paper is the dissemination of the Rock Art Virtual Corpus of the Northwest of Portugal (CVARN), a database dedicated to the theme of Post- Palaeolithic rock art in the Northwest of Portugal, which has been available online since the end of September 2014. This software tool is being built and developed under the ENARDAS project, a scientific project financed by the Thematic Factors of Competitiveness Operational Programme and by the European Regional Development Fund, and has been on-going since 2011, but is now open to the entire scientific community. Apart from being a first compilation of different “styles” of rock arts that occur between the western façade of Iberia, between the basins of the Minho and Vouga rivers, it will have both social and scientific functions. In social terms, the results obtained may contribute to regional development, especially regarding development from the perspective of tourism. In scientific terms, it will allow us to promote scientific research in this field of knowledge and to enable scientifically validated arguments for the integration of rock art sites into tourism evaluation projects.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A actualidade da obesidade infantil: Evidência de manifestação em alguma etapa específica

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Nutrição Clínica apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do PortoResumo da dissertação: A obesidade é actualmente considerada um problema de saúde pública mundial (1). A incidência da obesidade tem vindo a aumentar consideravelmente nos últimos anos, nomeadamente na União Europeia (2-4). Em Portugal este crescimento é significativo e digno de atenção (5, 6). Um dos aspectos preocupantes relaciona-se com o aumento de obesidade infantil, factor de risco na prevalência da obesidade do adulto. Compreender a obesidade e os factores que contribuem para a sua incidência é imprescindível para actuar na prevenção e tratamento desta pandemia. A obesidade é factor de risco em diversas patologias (7, 8). Reflexo de um balanço energético positivo crónico, tem como centro do sistema de regulação das reservas de energia o adipócito. O aumento de adiposidade deve ser visto como uma desordem que inclui e implica o adipócito (9). A selecção de pré-adipócitos aparece como um mecanismo através do qual o tecido adiposo pode ser modelado. O crescimento do tecido adiposo pode ocorrer de diferentes formas, dependentes de vários factores. O crescimento pode ser resultado do aumento de número de adipócitos, hiperplasia, ou do aumento do tamanho dos adipócitos, hipertrofia (10). A obesidade nas crianças envolve ambos, hiperplasia e hipertrofia (11), sendo a hiperplasia mais característica destas. Os adipócitos iniciam o seu desenvolvimento numa fase tardia da vida fetal e o seu número vai aumentando e é normalmente estabelecido na adolescência. No entanto a capacidade de gerar novos adipócitos mantém-se ao longo da vida e, na idade adulta, está geralmente associada com morbilidade. A obesidade infantil, normalmente acompanhada de hiperplasia, torna-se factor de risco para obesidade e morbilidade do adulto (8). (...

    Métodos para avaliação da composição corporal

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    Outcomes of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD: a systematic review

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    Introduction: The magnitude of response to pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is partially influenced by the selection of outcomes and measures. Overall guidance on such subject is somewhat limited as no comprehensive systematic review has gathered all outcomes and measures used in clinical trials of PR for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We aimed to summarise all previously reported outcomes and measures to further contribute to the development of a core outcome set (COS). Methods: Searches were conducted on Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Cochrane Library, EBSCO, Science Direct and PubMed. Studies reporting on PR of stable patients with COPD were included. Data were extracted into a pre-developed standardised table. Frequency of reporting for each outcome and measure was synthesised using Microsoft Excel®. Results: 267 studies were included with 43153 patients with COPD. A broad range of outcomes (n=186) was found. PR was mostly conducted in outpatient setting (n=146) 2- 3 days/week (n=150) during 8-12 weeks (n=124). Exercise capacity (n=214) with the sixminute walk test (n=138), health-related quality of life (n=181) with the Saint George’s respiratory questionnaire (n=84), and symptoms (n=96) with the modified medical research council dyspnoea questionnaire (n=41) were mostly reported. Comorbidities and medication with the number of medication (n=1), sleep with the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (n=1) and self-management with the Flinders university PIh scale (n=1) were less reported. Conclusions: This study reinforced the need for a COS for PR in patients with COPD, as high heterogeneity in reported outcomes was found. Researchers and clinicians may now choose to use the most reported outcomes and measures to facilitate comparisons across studies, and/or use less reported outcomes and measures to investigate the effectiveness of PR.publishe

    Functional status following pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with interstitial lung disease

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    Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is effective in improving symptoms, exercise capacity and quality of life in patientswith interstitial lung disease (ILD). However, little is known about its effects on other meaningful outcomes, suchas functional status. Thus, we aimed to explore whether PR can improve functional status in patients with ILD.Participants enrolled in a 12-week multidisciplinary community-based PR programme, which included exercisetraining, education and psychosocial support. Performance-based functional tests (6-Min Walk Test (6MWT),1-Min Sit-to-Stand Test (1-STS), Chester Step Test (CST), Glittre ADL-Test (TGlittre), Timed Up and Go (TUG),Physical Performance Test (PPT) and Grocery Shelving Task (GST)) were used to assess functional statusbefore and after PR. Based on normality of data distribution, a Paired t-Test or Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (w/listwise deletion) were computed in IBM SPSS® 27.0. Data are presented as mean ±SD or median [IQR]. 53patients with ILD (62.3% female; 64.5±1.7years; FVC%pred 80.9±18.2; DLCO%pred 54.8±18.1) participated.6MWT (n=45; 422.8±133.5 vs. 465.6±130.3, p <0.001), 1-STS (n=45; 23.5±7 vs. 29±11, p <0.001), CST (n=43;70 [39-96] vs. 72 [50-153], p=0.001) and TGlittre (n=27; 3.27 [3.03-4.16] vs. 2.58 [2.31-3.31], p=0.005) improvedsignificantly following PR. No significant within-group differences were observed for TUG (n=40 p=0.128), PPT(n=37 p=0.853) and GST (n=40 p=0.909). PR shows to be beneficial in improving functional status in patients with ILD. Additional studies are needed to determine the psychometric properties for some of the reported measures.publishe