3,602 research outputs found


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    En México, como en muchos de los países en desarrollo, la capacidad de generar innovaciones parece nula, sin embargo, la innovación está presente en todo momento sólo que, en menor escala. También, se tiene la percepción que la innovación se refiere únicamente a la generación de desarrollos tecnológicos como las TIC´s o grandes maquinarias que aumentan la productividad, y también se percibe que los países desarrollados son los únicos capaces de generar innovaciones. Como consecuencia, se ha prestado poca atención a la capacidad de innovación local, así como las prácticas de gestión y técnicas desarrolladas por las comunidades y otros actores locales sobre la base de sus conocimientos tradicionales y su integración con el conocimiento científico. En este sentido, este documento no se centra en los resultados de una investigación científica sobre la existencia de sistemas de innovación, sino más bien, en cómo las comunidades locales, con el escaso acercamiento a instituciones académicas y gubernamentales, extrae conocimiento y los combina con su propio conocimiento generando innovación en sus prácticas locales. La innovación, como se explicará en este artículo, es la capacidad de los artesanos locales de madera de Dzityá, Yucatán, quienes desempeñan un papel activo en la creación de conocimientos con el fin de mejorar las prácticas artesanales de torneado de madera y su relación con la conservación del medio ambiente para así propiciar su desarrollo local con una perspectiva sustentable

    Ocean gliders for maritime surveillance: the FP7-Perseus project

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    The work presented in this paper is aimed to explain the key role of unmanned ocean vehicles in marine security applications such as the ones described in the FP7 PERSEUS Project. The PERSEUS project attempts to answer the demand of a European integrated system for border surveillance. Its main goal is to develop and test a European system for maritime monitoring through the integration of the already existent local systems and its update and improvement using technological innovations, setting up the standards and bases for its final development and implementation.Peer Reviewe

    Application of the world health organization guidelines for the treatment of severely undernourished children

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    ABSTRACT: Adaptation and application of the WHO protocol for the treatment of the severe undernourished children Materials and methods: This is a descriptive and prospective study. It was conducted during one year on 53 under- five severely undernourished children, i.e. weight / size below minus three standard deviations, or showing edemas. Some suffered it under the two criteria. The WHO criteria were applied. Results: 25 children (47.1%) suffered kwashiorkor, 24 (45,2%) wasting and 4 (7.5%) mixed undernourishment. The median age was 13.5 months (DE 11.8) The access associated morbility comprised acute and persistent diarrhea, pneumonia, dermopathies, sepsis, urinary infection and anemia. The median hospitalization was 21 days (DE 9,47). 35 children (66%) reached the target of minus one standard deviation in weight / size, 14 (26.7%) were discharged before reaching the targeted weight and 4 (7.3%) deceased. Discussion: in recent years severe malnutrition is back in Colombia and the treatment of these children is not rovided by the current social security system. The World Health Organization considers that undernourishment is associated with 60% of deaths in minors under five. In a first level hospital the application of the WHO protocol was successful. Other studies point satisfactory results with the application of the protocol.RESUMEN: Adaptar y aplicar el protocolo de la OMS para el tratamiento de los niños con desnutrición grave. Materiales y métodos: Es un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo. Se incluyeron 53 niños menores de cinco años, con desnutrición grave, atendidos durante un año: peso para la talla por debajo de menos tres desviaciones estándar, presencia de edemas o ambos criterios y se aplicó la guía de la OMS. Resultados: 25 niños (47.1%) tenían kwashiorkor, 24 (45.2%) marasmo y 4 (7.5%) desnutrición mixta. La edad promedio fue 13,25 meses (DE 11,8). Las morbilidades asociadas al ingreso fueron diarrea aguda y persistente, neumonía, dermatopatías, sepsis e infección urinaria y anemia. El promedio de hospitalización fue de 21 días (DE 9,47%). 35 niños (66%) alcanzaron la meta de menos una desviación estándar de peso para la talla, 14 (26.7%) fueron dados de alta antes de alcanzar la meta del peso y 4 (7,3%) fallecieron. Discusión: En Colombia la desnutrición grave empieza a resurgir en los últimos años y el tratamiento de estos niños no está considerado en el actual Sistema de Seguridad Social. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que la desnutrición está asociada con 60% de las muertes en los menores de cinco años. La aplicación del protocolo de la OMS en un hospital de primer nivel fue exitosa. Otros estudios informan resultados satisfactorios con la aplicación del protocolo

    Reuse of oak chips for modification of the volatile fraction of alcoholic beverages

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    New or used barrels can be applied in ageing of alcoholic beverages. Compounds adsorbed in wood migrate between beverages along with wood extractives. As barrel ageing is costly and time-consuming, processes using wood fragments have been gaining interest. These generate wood residues for which the reuse is still not well established. This work aims at the reuse of oak fragments for the additive ageing of alcoholic beverages. Oak chips, previously immersed in fortified wine, were applied to beer, wine and grape marc spirit. Wood compounds and adsorbed wine volatiles were extracted, with more impact and satisfactory yields on beer composition. Also, wood adsorbed beverages compounds in a subtractive ageing phenomena. Beer formulations using different binomial wood concentration/temperature combinations were generated and presented to trained tasters. Higher temperatures and wood concentrations led to prominence of wood descriptors and lower perception of fruity and floral aromas, reflecting the changes in chemical composition.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Fermentum – Engenharia das Fermentações Lda. also participated in co-funding and provided beer samples used in this work, which authors would like to acknowledge. Lastly, authors would like to thank Mr. Benoît Verdier and Seguin Moreau for supplying the woods and Mr. Paulo Coutinho and Quinta do Portal for supplying the fortified wineinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quality of Life and Autonomy in Patients with Intermittent Bladder Catheterization Trained by Specialized Nurses

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    Intermittent bladder catheterization (IBC) involves regular urine draining using a catheter, which is removed immediately after urinary elimination. It allows for the patient's urological health to be managed and their renal function to be preserved, and it promotes autonomy. Compliance with the prescribed number of daily catheterizations, which must be conducted by the patient, and infection prevention measures are crucial. To identify the patients requiring IBC, and to determine their adherence (whether they followed the prescribed guidelines and their difficulty in carrying out the procedure, as well as to assess how the IBC influences their quality of life and state of mind after receiving self-care training from a specialized nurse), we carried out a prospective, multicenter observational study in 24 Spanish hospitals with one month of monitoring and a sample of 99 patients. The sources of information were the patients' clinical records, the King's Health Questionnaire, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). Descriptive and bivariate statistics were used to analyses the paired data. After recruitment (n = 99), 79 patients completed the questionnaire at a mean age of 35.2 years (SD = 20.5 years). In total, 53.5% (53) of the sample consisted of men and 32.3% (32) had neurological damage as the reason for prescription; 67% (67.7) performed self-catheterization and 86.7% adhered to the IBC. After one month of monitoring, a statistically significant improvement in quality of life was observed in all criteria, with the exception of personal relationships (p < 0.005), as well as an improvement in anxiety and depression levels (p < 0.001). Patients who require IBC show good adherence to the IBC with a significant percentage of self-catheterization. After one month of IBC, a significant improvement in the patients' quality of life and mood was observed. These results could be attributed to adequate patient training and adequate personalization of the IBC materials by the specialized nurses

    Evolution of Quality of Life and Treatment Adherence after One Year of Intermittent Bladder Catheterisation in Functional Urology Unit Patients

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    Objective: To determine patient difficulties and concerns when performing IBC (Intermittent Bladder Catheterisation), as well as the evolution of adherence, quality of life, and emotional state of patients one year after starting IBC. Method: A prospective, observational, multicentre study conducted in 20 Spanish hospitals with a one-year follow-up. Data sources were patient records and the King's Health Questionnaire on quality of life, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Perceived adherence was measured using the ICAS (Intermittent Catheterization Adherence Scale) and perceived difficulties with IBC were assessed using the ICDQ (Intermittent Catheterization Difficulty Questionnaire). For data analysis, descriptive and bivariate statistics were performed for paired data at three points in time (T1: one month, T2: three months, T3: one year). Results: A total of 134 subjects initially participated in the study (T0), becoming 104 subjects at T1, 91 at T2, and 88 at T3, with a mean age of 39 years (standard deviation = 22.16 years). Actual IBC adherence ranged from 84.8% at T1 to 84.1% at T3. After one year of follow-up, a statistically significant improvement in quality of life (p <= 0.05) was observed in all dimensions with the exception of personal relationships. However, there were no changes in the levels of anxiety (p = 0.190) or depression (p = 0.682) at T3 compared to T0. Conclusions: Patients requiring IBC exhibit good treatment adherence, with a significant proportion of them performing self-catheterisation. After one year of IBC, a significant improvement in quality of life was noted, albeit with a significant impact on their daily lives and their personal and social relationships. Patient support programmes could be implemented to improve their ability to cope with difficulties and thus enhance both their quality of life and the maintenance of their adherence