2,587 research outputs found

    Remittances, Schooling, and Child Labor in Mexico

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    This paper studies the effects of remittances from the U.S. on child labor and school attendance in recipient Mexican households. We identify these effects using the impact of the 2008-2009 U.S. recession on remittance receipts. The methodology employed is a differences-in-differences strategy that compares households that were remittance recipients before the crisis with never-recipient households. To avoid possible selection problems, we instrument for membership in the remittance recipient group. We find that the negative shock on remittance receipts caused a significant increase in child labor and a significant reduction of school attendance.Child labor, International migration, Remittances, Mexico.

    Wage differentials in Mexico's urban labor market

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    We estimate wage differentials across different segments of the Mexican urban labor market. We use a panel sample of individuals which allows us to control for workers' observable and non-observable characteristics, by focusing on wage changes reported by individuals who move from one sector to another. The results suggest that the wage differential between the formal and informal sectors is positive and significant, and larger than the differential between industry and services. While we cannot distinguish formally between different hypotheses that could explain the existence of these differentials, our results seem to suggest that the main distortions in the Mexican labor market appear to be related more to labor regulations that affect the allocation of labor between the formal and informal sectors, than to differences in intrinsic characteristics of the production processes in industry and services.Informal Sector, Labor Market Distortions

    Homological Groups, Spanning Forests and Membrane Computing

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    In this paper we present a new way to determine the geometrical objects associated to the Homology groups of a 2D-digital binary image. In fact, using Membrane Computing with techniques of spanning forests, we are able to define a parallel algorithm which calculates not only the Betti numbers, but also the geometric objects which generate these holes

    Remittances, schooling, and child labor in Mexico

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    This paper studies the effects of remittances from the U.S. on child labor and school attendance in recipient Mexican households. We identify these effects using the impact of the 2008-2009 U.S. recession on remittance receipts. The methodology employed is a differences-in-differences strategy that compares households that were remittance recipients before the crisis with never-recipient households. To avoid possible selection problems, we instrument for membership in the remittance recipient group. We find that the negative shock on remittance receipts caused a significant increase in child labor and a significant reduction of school attendance

    Informality and segmentation in the Mexican labor market

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    In developing countries, some workers have formal jobs while others are occupied in informal positions. One view regarding this duality suggests that sectors are segmented, which means that a worker in the informal sector identical to another in the formal sector cannot get a formal position due to entry barriers. A second view states that workers self-select into informal jobs. Previous research suggests that these two situations may coexist in the same labor market. In this paper we identify the proportion of informal workers who are in each situation for the case of Mexico. Using a simple model of self-selection with entry barriers into the formal sector, we estimate that between 10 and 20 percent of informal workers would prefer to have a formal job. While this result provides evidence of the presence of some segmentation in the Mexican labor market, it suggests that an important proportion of workers in the informal sector self-select into it

    Diferenciales salariales intersectoriales y el cambio en la composición del empleo urbano de la economía mexicana en 2001-2004

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    We estimate wage differentials across different sectors of the Mexican economy. The results suggest that the wage differential between the formal and informal sectors is significant and larger than the differential between industry and services. The findings suggest that significant differences in productivity levels between the formal and informal sectors could exist. This, in turn, might imply that the economy's aggregate productivity could be affected by the increase of the share of informal employment. The results also suggest that the main distortions in the Mexican labor market seem to be related more with labor regulations that affect the allocation of resources between formal and informal activities, than a result of intrinsic characteristics of the production processes in the industrial and service sectors

    Quantum Chains with U_q(SL(2)) Symmetry and Unrestricted Representations

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    We consider two-state (q^2=-1) and three-state (q^3=1) one-dimensional quantum spin chains with U_q(SL(2)) symmetry. Taking unrestricted representations (periodic, semi-periodic and nilpotent), we show which are the necessary conditions to obtain a Hermitian Hamiltonian.Comment: 9 pages, minor TeXnical revision to allow automatic TeXin

    Accions ofensives a pilota parada en el futbol

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi va ser analitzar i comparar la realització de les principals accions ofensives a pilota parada (APP) –penal, córner, faltes frontals i faltes laterals– entre les dues màximes divisions del futbol espanyol. Es van analitzar 52 partits dels cinc primers equips classificats de primera i segona divisió en la temporada 2014-2015. Es va utilitzar la metodologia observacional, construint un instrument ad hoc d’observació (SOFEO-1) i registrant amb amb l’instrument Lince v.1., la qual cosa va permetre estudiar la consecució en el joc ofensiu d’aquestes accions tecnicotàctiques. Es va procedir a una anàlisi estadística descriptiva i inferencial dels resultats amb el programari SPSS 21.0, que va ser complementat amb la detecció de patrons temporals T-Patterns mitjançant el programari Theme 6.0. Es van trobar diferències estadísticament significatives (p < .05) en la realització de les APP entre la primera i segona divisió en: l’estructura defensiva del rival, els moviments de distracció ofensius i la finalització d’aquestes accions. L’anàlisi temporal de T-Patterns va corroborar aquests resultats i la poca efectivitat d’aquestes accions ofensives en ambdues divisions

    Acciones ofensivas a balón parado en el fútbol

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y comparar la realización de las principales acciones ofensivas a balón parado, ABP (penalti, córner, faltas frontales y faltas laterales) entre las dos máximas divisiones del fútbol español. Se analizaron 52 partidos de los cinco primeros equipos clasificados de primera y segunda división en la temporada 2014-2015. Se utilizó la metodología observacional, construyendo un instrumento ad hoc de observación (SOFEO-1) y registrando con el instrumento Lince v.1., lo que permitió estudiar la consecución en el juego ofensivo de estas acciones tecnicotácticas. Se procedió a un análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial de los resultados con el software SPSS 21.0, que fue complementado con la detección de patrones temporales T-Patterns mediante el software Theme 6.0. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<.05) en la realización de las ABP entre la primera y segunda división en: la estructura defensiva del rival, los movimientos de distracción ofensivos y la finalización de estas acciones. El análisis temporal de T-Patterns corroboró estos resultados y la poca efectividad de estas acciones ofensivas en ambas divisiones

    Estudio termográfico del efecto del apriete sobre las temperaturas en conexiones eléctricas.

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    La termografía ha surgido como una potente herramienta para la supervisión y el diagnóstico de manera no intrusiva en diversas aplicaciones como el control de la corrosión en maquinaria, el control de la soldadura, para controlar la deformación en estructuras o realizar estudios precisos de deformación y tolerancia en la industria aeroespacial. El objeto de esta investigación va a ser la monitorización de instalaciones y equipos eléctricos, en particular, la identificación de patrones térmicos anómalos asociados a fallos eléctricos, como el calentamiento resistivo excesivo en conexiones atornilladas. Este TFG presenta un estudio exhaustivo sobre la relación entre la variación del par de apriete en las uniones atornilladas y el cambio de temperatura que se produce, además de sus implicaciones para la seguridad eléctrica. Para ello, llevaremos a cabo un experimento en el que realizaremos una variación sistemática del par de apriete aplicado en las uniones eléctricas y supervisaremos los cambios de temperatura resultantes, siendo conscientes de la posibilidad de provocar fallos de arco eléctrico. El objetivo es establecer una correlación entre el par de apriete y el comportamiento térmico, para el cual haremos uso de una cámara térmica