56 research outputs found

    Tres experiencias en investigación y vigilancia epidemiológica no convencional. Fronteras y direcciones

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública y Microbiología. Fecha de lectura: 30-06-201

    Effect of cardiovascular prevention strategies on incident coronary disease hospitalisation rates in Spain; an ecological time series analysis

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    Objective: To assess the overall population impact of primary prevention strategies (promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevention of smoking and use of vascular risk drug therapy) of coronary disease in Spain. Design: Ecological time series analysis, 1982–2009. Setting: All public and private hospitals in Spain. Participants: General population. Outcome: Incident coronary disease hospitalisation as derived from official hospital discharge data. Methods: Annual hospitalisation rates were modelled according to nationwide use of statins, antihypertensive, antidiabetic and antiplatelet drugs, and prevalences of smoking, obesity and overweight. Additive generalised models and mixed Poisson regression models were used for the purpose, taking year as the random-effect variable and adjusting for age, sex, prevalence of vascular risk factors and the number of hospital beds in intensive and coronary care units. Results: Across 28 years and 671.5 million personyears of observation, there were 2 986 834 hospitalisations due to coronary disease; of these, 1 441 980 (48.28%) were classified as incident. Hospitalisation rates increased from 1982 to 1996, with an inflection point in 1997 and a subsequent 52% decrease until 2009. Prevalences of smoking, obesity, overweight and use of vascular risk drug therapy were significantly associated with hospitalisation rates (p<0.001): incidence rates ratios (95% CI) for the fourth versus the first quartile were 1.46 (1.42 to 1.50), 1.80 (1.78 to 1.83), 1.58 (1.55 to 1.60) and 0.57 (0.51 to 0.63), respectively. These variables accounted for 92% of interannual variability. Conclusions: After decades of continuous rises, hospitalisation due to incident ischaemic heart disease has been cut by half, an achievement associated with the decline in smoking and the increase in vascular risk drug therapy. These results indicate that these two primary prevention strategies have been effective at a population level, thanks to an appropriate balance between financial and health goals, something that should be left intact despite the current economic crisis. Future strategies ought to lay special stress on excessive body weight preventionThis study was supported by Independent Clinical Research grant EC11-282 from the Ministry of Health, Social Services & Equalit

    Incidence and prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Spain: a systematic review

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    [EN] Introduction: Greater understanding of the prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis in Spain and their temporal trends is necessary to improve the allocation of healthcare resources and to study aetiological factors. Methods: We performed a systematic search of the MedLine database and reviewed the reference lists of the articles gathered. We collected studies reporting prevalence or incidence rates of multiple sclerosis in any geographical location in Spain, with no time limits. In 70% of cases, data were extracted by 2 researchers (FGL and EAC); any discrepancies were resolved by consensus. Results: We identified 51 prevalence and 33 incidence studies published between 1968 and 2018. In the adjusted analysis, the number of prevalent cases per 100 000 population increased by 26.6 (95% confidence interval [CI], 21.5-31.8) every 10 years. After adjusting for year and latitude, the number of incident cases per 100 000 population increased by 1.34 (95% CI, 0.98-1.69) every 10 years. We observed a trend toward higher prevalence and incidence rates at higher latitudes. Conclusions: The prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Spain has increased in recent decades, although case ascertainment appears to be incomplete in many studies. Incidence rates have also increased, but this may be due to recent improvements in the detection of new cases. [ES] Introducción: El conocimiento de la prevalencia y de la incidencia de la esclerosis múltiple en España y de sus tendencias temporales es necesario para planificar mejor los servicios clínicos y estudiar factores etiológicos. Método: Se efectuó una revisión sistemática, mediante una búsqueda en Medline y en las referencias de cada artículo, de todos los estudios que describieran cifras de prevalencia o de incidencia de la esclerosis múltiple en algún lugar geográfico de España, sin límites temporales. En el 70% de los casos la extracción de datos la hicieron dos observadores (FGL y EAC), que resolvieron las discrepancias por consenso. Resultados: Se identificaron 51 estudios de prevalencia y 33 de incidencia entre 1968 y 2018. En el análisis ajustado, por cada 10 años la prevalencia por 100 000 habitantes aumentó en 26,6 (intervalo de confianza -IC- del 95%, 21,5 a 31,8). Según los datos del análisis ajustado por el año y la latitud, por cada 10 años la incidencia por 100 000 habitantes aumentó en 1,34 (IC 95%, 0,98 a 1,69). Se observó una tendencia de mayores prevalencias e incidencias en latitudes más altas. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de la esclerosis múltiple aumentó en las últimas décadas en España, aunque en muchos estudios la verificación de casos parece haber sido incompleta. La incidencia también aumentó, pero eso puede deberse a una detección de casos nuevos más exhaustiva en los últimos años.This study has received funding from Biogen Idec, S. L.S

    Incidence of multiple sclerosis among European Economic Area populations, 1985-2009: the framework for monitoring

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    Background: A debate surrounding multiple sclerosis epidemiology has centred on time-related incidence increases and the need of monitoring. The purpose of this study is to reassess multiple sclerosis incidence in the European Economic Area. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of literature from 1965 onwards and integrated elements of original research, including requested or completed data by surveys authors and specific analyses. Results: The review of 5323 documents yielded ten studies for age- and sex-specific analyses, and 21 studies for time-trend analysis of single data sets. After 1985, the incidence of multiple sclerosis ranged from 1.12 to 6.96 per 100,000 population, was higher in females, tripled with latitude, and doubled with study midpoint year. The north registered increasing trends from the 1960s and 1970s, with a historic drop in the Faroe Islands, and fairly stable data in the period 1980-2000; incidence rose in Italian and French populations in the period 1970-2000, in Evros (Greece) in the 1980s, and in the French West Indies in around 2000. Conclusions: We conclude that the increase in multiple sclerosis incidence is only apparent, and that it is not specific to women. Monitoring of multiple sclerosis incidence might be appropriate for the European Economic AreaS

    Situación epidemiológica de las Encefalopatías Espongiformes Transmisibles Humanas en España

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    [ES] Las Encefalopatías Espongiformes Transmisibles Humanas (EETH) son enfermedades de declaración obligatoria, de baja incidencia, provocadas por depósitos de proteína priónica que cursan en general con demencia rápidamente progresiva. El Registro Nacional de EETH (RNEETH) recoge datos de los casos españoles desde 1995. En este informe se presentan las características de los casos de EETH de España. Los datos proceden de las notificaciones hechas por las unidades de vigilancia epidemiológica de las comunidades autónomas al RNEETH hasta el 1 de julio de 2016. La forma más común es la Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob esporádica (ECJe, se desconoce la causa) cuya incidencia anual en España es de 1,1 casos por millón de habitantes y año. El grupo de edad con mayores tasas de ECJe es el de 70 a 79 años. El 55% de todos los casos son mujeres. En los años 2005, 2007 y 2008 se recogen cinco casos de variante de ECJ (vECJ), dos de ellos en una mujer y su hijo, única agrupación familiar descrita. En el RNEETH constan también siete casos de ECJ transmitida accidentalmente por implantes de duramadre y 152 casos genéticos: 68 en forma de Insomnio Familiar Letal (IFL), 81 de ECJ familiar (ECJf) y 3 de síndrome de Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker (SGSS). El País Vasco presenta una incidencia de formas familiares por encima de las demás comunidades autónomas. Los datos que constan en el Registro Nacional de EETH reflejan una situación epidemiológica similar a la descrita en otros países de nuestro entorno salvo para las formas genéticas. [EN] Human Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (HTSE) are notifiable diseases with lowincidence caused by prion protein (PrP) deposits. HTSE are generally characterized by rapidly progressive dementia. The National Registry of HTSE (NRHTSE) collects data from Spanish cases since 1995. This report summarizes the characteristics of the cases of HTSE in Spain. Data come from notifications made by the Epidemiological Surveillance Units of the Autonomous Regions to the NRHTSE until 1 July 2016. The most common form is sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (sCJD) whose annual incidence in Spain is 1.1 cases per million inhabitants per year. The age group with the highest CJD rates is 70 to 79 years. 55% are women. In 2005, 2007 and 2008, 5 cases of variant CJD (vCJD) were recorded, two of them in a woman and her son, the only family group described. In the NRHTSE there are 7 cases of CJD accidentally transmitted by dura mater implants and 152 genetic cases: 68 of Familial Insomnia (FFI), 81 of familial CJD (fCJD) and 3 of Gerstmann-Straüssler-Scheinker syndrome (GSSS). The Basque country has an incidence of family forms above the other Autonomous Regions. The data of the NRHTSE reflect an epidemiological situation similar to other countries of our environment except for genetic forms

    Discapacidad, dependencia, apoyo y servicios en poblaciones españolas, 2008-2009

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    La presentación da una explica los modelos de la discapacidad y las distintas clasificaciones existentes. Los objetivos del estudio son 3: objetivo 1. Valorar datos en perspectiva CIF, prevalencia de discapacidad global y en dominios, con puntuación individual y Describir patrones de gravedad; objetivo 2: Describir la prevalencia de discapacidad en una población >50 años, de un área rural-semirrural de España y objetivo 3: Describir relaciones entre discapacidad y servicios asistenciales de larga duración (SALD) y el impacto de la Ley de autonomía personal de 2006.N

    Epidemiology of varicella in spain pre-and post-vaccination periods

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    BACKGROUND: Varicella virus can cause two different diseases: chickenpox and herpes zoster. In 2005 varicella vaccine has been introduced in the Spanish national vaccination schedule for 10-14 years old non-immune people, in order to reduce the severity of the disease. In 2007 a new surveillance protocol with aggregate data for chickenpox and herpes zoster was approved in order to detect any change in age distribution, severity and complications of the chickenpox and herpes zoster cases. The aim of this study is to know the burden of diseases (in the last ten years). METHODS: Number of cases, hospitalization and incidence for chickenpox and herpes zoster were study for two periods 1997-2003 and 2005-2007. Analysis for 1996-2007 fatal cases was done too. We decided to remove year 2004 because the extremely high chickenpox incidence registered. SOURCES OF DATA: RENAVE (Spanish Surveillance Network), Spanish hospital surveillance system (CMBD), and mortality registries. RESULTS: Chickenpox incidence decreased since 2005, but an increasing trend was detected in hospitalisation with an average of 1,311 hospitalizations every year. For the 32%-36% of hospitalized cases, the main diagnosis was not chickenpox. 4-14 deaths per year have been detected; 80% of them were older than 14 years. Annual rate of herpes zoster hospitalization was 2.5 per 100,000 inhabitants, similar in both sexes. Case fatality rate per year was 0.31 per million inhabitants. No significant changes were detected in age and sex in complicated cases between the two periods. 88% of chickenpox cases were younger than 15 years old and 64% of herpes zoster older than 50 years in 2007. CONCLUSIONS: Chickenpox has been decreasing during 2005-2007 in Spain. The impact of vaccination is difficult to asses, because of a peak registered in 2004 but also because the lack of vaccination coverage information for this period and the case-data information is available only for the last year. Fundamento: El virus varicela zoster puede causar dos enfermedades, la varicela y el herpes zóster. La vacuna frente a la varicela se incorporó en España en 2005 para personas susceptibles de entre 10 y 14 años. En 2007 se aprobó una propuesta de vigilancia de la varicela y herpes zóster que permitiera detectar posibles cambios en los patrones de distribución por edad, en la gravedad y complicaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la carga de enfermedad por varicela antes y después de la vacunación. Método: Se analizan los datos agregados (casos e incidencia) de varicela y herpes zóster en España en el sistema CMBD para 1997-2003 y 2005-2007, así como la mortalidad por esta enfermedad a nivel nacional para e período 1999-2006. Resultados: El 88,1% de los casos de varicela se da en personas menores de 15 años. En el CMBD se registró un promedio anual de 1.311 ingresos. No se observaron cambios significativos en la distribución por edad, sexo ni complicaciones durante los ingresos en ninguno de los períodos estudiados. El 32-36% anual ingresó por un motivo diferente a varicela. La mortalidad osciló entre 4 y 14 individuos/año, el 80% mayores de 14 años. El 64% de los casos notificados de herpes zóster fueron mayores de 50 años. La tasa media anual de ingresos por fue de 2,5 por 100.000 habitantes sin diferencias por sexo. La tasa media anual de defunciones fue 0,31 por millón de habitantes. Conclusiones: En España la varicela tuvo una disminución generalizada durante 2005-2007, pero es difícil valorar el impacto de la vacunación por la falta de cifras de cobertura vacunal y porque este período coincide con el inmediato a la última onda epidémica, cuyo máximo se registró en 2004

    Associations between chronic conditions, body functions, activity limitations and participation restrictions: a cross-sectional approach in Spanish non-clinical populations

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    OBJECTIVES: To analyse the relationships between chronic conditions, body functions, activity limitations and participation restrictions in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study. SETTING: 2 geographical areas in the Autonomous Region of Aragon, Spain, namely, a rural area, Cinco Villas, and an urban area in the city of Zaragoza. PARTICIPANTS: 864 individuals selected by simple random sampling from the register of Social Security card holders, aged 50 years and over, positive to disability screening. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ICF Checklist-body function domains, WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0, 36-item (WHODAS-36)) global scores and medical diagnoses (chronic conditions) from primary care records. RESULTS: Mild disability (WHODAS-36 level 5-24%) was present in 51.5% of the sample. In the adjusted ordinal regression model with WHODAS-36 as the dependent variable, disability was substantially associated with moderate-to-complete impairment in the following functions: mental, OR 212.8 (95% CI 72 to 628.9); neuromusculoskeletal, OR 44.8 (24.2 to 82.8); and sensory and pain, OR 6.3 (3.5 to 11.2). In the relationship between health conditions and body function impairments, the strongest links were seen for: dementia with mental functions, OR 50.6 (25.1 to 102.1); cerebrovascular disease with neuromusculoskeletal function, OR 5.8 (3.5 to 9.7); and chronic renal failure with sensory function and pain, OR 3.0 (1.49 to 6.4). Dementia, OR 8.1 (4.4 to 14.7) and cerebrovascular disease, OR 4.1 (2.7 to 6.4) were associated with WHODAS-36 scores. CONCLUSIONS: Body functions are heterogeneously linked to limitations in activities and restrictions on participation, with the highest impact being due to mental and musculoskeletal functions. This may be relevant for disability assessment and intervention design, particularly if defined on a body function basis. Control of specific health conditions, such as dementia and cerebrovascular disease, appears to be paramount in reducing disability among persons aged 50 years and over.This study was funded by the Carlos III Institute of Health (EPI projects 1637/06 and 1530/07; Health Research Fund grants PI06/1098 and PI07/90206), Convenio Marco IMSERSO-ISCIII reference number STVI 1282/ 15, Consortium for Biomedical Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, CIBERNED), Zaragoza Regional Authority and Farasdués Foundation.S

    ICF-Based Disability Survey in a Rural Population of Adults and Older Adults Living in Cinco Villas, Northeastern Spain: Design, Methods and Population Characteristics

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    Background: This article describes the methods of a door-to-door screening survey exploring the distribution of disability and its major determinants in northeastern Spain. This study will set the basis for the development of disability-related services for the rural elderly in northeastern Spain. Methods: The probabilistic sample was composed of 1,354 de facto residents from a population of 12,784 Social Security card holders (age: 6 50 years). Cognitive and disability screenings were conducted (period: June 2008-June 2009). Screening instruments were the MMSE and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule. Participants screened positive for disability underwent an assessment protocol focusing on primary care diagnoses, disability, lifestyle, and social and health service usage. Participants screened positive for cognitive functioning went through in-depth neurological evaluation. Results: The study sample is described. Usable data were available for 1,216 participants. A total of 625 individuals (51.4%) scored within the positive range in the disability screening, while 135 (11.1%) scored within the positive range of the cognitive screening. The proportion of positively screened individuals was higher for women and increased with age. Conclusions: Screening surveys represent a feasible design for examining the distribution of disability and its determinants among the elderly. Data quality may benefit from methodological developments tailored to rural populations with a low education level. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base
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