21 research outputs found

    Modelos de valoración de marcas del sector tecnológico y la responsabilidad social corporativa

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La presente Tesis Doctoral, desarrollada a modo de compendio de cuatro publicaciones, tiene como objeto el valor de las marcas del sector de las nuevas tecnologías y la sostenibilidad de las empresas propietarias de dichas marcas. En las dos primeras publicaciones se desarrollan modelos matemáticos de estimación del valor de marca, utilizando únicamente la información económico-financiera de las empresas. En la tercera publicación se analiza el grado de similitud de los rankings de sostenibilidad de acceso abierto más importantes que han aparecido en la última década, para determinar si incorporan de facto las marcas mejor valoradas del sector tecnológico. Y, por último, en la cuarta publicación se desarrollan modelos matemáticos que explican diferentes tipos de resultados de las empresas en función de la transparencia en materia de sostenibilidad de las compañías propietarias de las marcas. En las cuatro publicaciones presentadas, la muestra es común y está formada por un total de trece marcas del sector tecnológico: Accenture, Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Samsung, SAP y Sony. Estas marcas son las mejor valoradas del sector de la tecnología en el periodo 2000-2018 según los rankings internacionales de valoración de marcas (Interbrand, Brand Finance y Millward Brown), y han permanecido en el Top-100 de al menos dos de dichos rankings en dicho periodo. Las conclusiones generales de nuestra investigación permiten confirmar que la información económico-financiera es importante para explicar el valor de las marcas de las empresas tecnológicas. Concretamente, únicamente con el resultado neto de las empresas se explica cerca del 60% del valor de marca proporcionado por los rankings internacionales. Si al resultado neto, se añade la cotización bursátil de las empresas propietarias de las marcas, se llega a explicar el 80% del valor de las marcas. Y si, por último, se añaden un conjunto de variables económico-financieras, el valor de marca se aproxima al 90%. De estos resultados, se puede deducir que la proporción restante del valor de marca, entre el 10% y el 40%, (en función de las variables que se incluyan en los modelos), es explicada por la fortaleza de la marca. Esta Tesis también evidencia, tanto las diferencias significativas entre las valoraciones de marca proporcionadas por las consultoras de valoración de marcas, como las diferencias entre las valoraciones de sostenibilidad proporcionadas por los rankings de RSC de acceso abierto, y al mismo tiempo, las diferencias entre ambos tipos de valoraciones; ya que, las empresas con las marcas más reconocidas mundialmente, no son las que mayor conciencia socio-ambiental tienen. Por último, se observa que las grandes empresas son más transparentes en términos de sostenibilidad, pero esta transparencia apenas se relaciona con otros resultados económicos como el incremento de los activos, de los ingresos, el apalancamiento, el ROE o el ROA. Además, se muestra que los tres pilares de la RSC son utilizados por las consultoras para determinar el valor de marca, mientras que los rankings de RSC solo utilizan la transparencia en los aspectos sociales y ambientales.[CA] La present Tesi Doctoral, desenvolupada com un compendi de quatre publicacions, té com a objecte el valor de les marques del sector de les noves tecnologies i la sostenibilitat de les empreses propietàries d'aquestes marques. En les dos primeres publicacions es desenvolupen models matemàtics d'estimació del valor de marca, utilitzant únicament la informació económico-financera de les empreses. En la tercera publicació s'analitza el grau de similitud dels rànquings de sostenibilitat d'accés obert més importants que han aparegut en l'última dècada, per a determinar si incorporen de facto les marques millors valorades del sector tecnològic. I, finalment, en la quarta publicació es desevolupen models matemàtics que expliquen diferents tipus de resultats de les empreses en funció de la transparència en matèria de sostenibilitat de les companyies propietàries de les marques. En les quatre publicacions presentades, la mostra és comú i està formada per un total de tretze marques del sector tecnològic: Accenture, Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Samsung, SAP i Sony. Aquestes marques són les millor valorades del sector de la tecnologia en el període 2000-2018 segons els rànquings internacionals de valoració de marques (Interbrand, Brand Finance i Millward Brown), i han estat al Top-100 en almenys dos d'aquestos rànquins en eixe període. Les conclusions generals de la nostra investigació permeten confirmar que la informació económico-financera és important per explicar el valor de les marques de les empreses tecnològiques. Concretament, sols amb el resultat net de les empreses s'explica prop del 60% del valor de marca proporcionat pels rànquings internacionals. Si al resultat net, s'afig la cotització borsària de les empreses propietàries de les marques, s'arriba a explicar el 80% del valor de les marques. I si, finalment, s'afigen un conjunt de variables económico-financeres, el valor de marca s'aproxima al 90%. D'aquestos resultats, es pot deduir que la proporció restant del valor de marca, entre el 10% i el 40%, (en funció de les variables que s'incloguen en als models), és explicada per la fortalesa de la marca. Aquesta Tesi també evidencia, tant les diferències significatives entre les valoracions de marca proporcionades per les consultores de valoració de marques, com les diferències entre les valoracions de sostenibilitat proporcionades pels rànquings de RSC d'accés obert, i al mateix temps, les diferències entre ambdós tipus de valoracions; ja que, les empreses amb les marques més reconegudes mundialment, no són les que major consciència socioambiental tenen. Finalment, s'observa que les grans empreses són més transparents en termes de sostenibilitat, però aquesta transparència només es relaciona amb altres resultats econòmics com l'increment dels actius, dels ingressos, l'apalacament, el ROE o el ROA. A més, es mostra que els tres pilars de la RSC són utilitzats per les consultores per determinar el valor de marca, mentre que els rànquings de RSC només utilitzen la transparència en els aspectes socials i ambientals.[EN] This PhD Thesis, developed as a compendium of four publications, aims at the value of brands in the new technology sector and the sustainability of the companies that own these brands. In the first two publications, mathematical models for estimating brand value are developed, using only the economic-financial information of the companies. The third publication analyzes the degree of similarity of the most important open access sustainability rankings that have emerged in the last decade, to determine if they incorporate de facto the best valued brands in the technology sector. And finally, in the fourth publication, mathematical models are developed to explain different types of business results based on transparency in terms of sustainability of the companies that own the brands. In the four publications presented, the sample is common and consists of a total of thirteen brands in the technology sector: Accenture, Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Samsung, SAP and Sony. These brands are the best valued in the technology sector in the 2000-2018 period according to the international brand valuation rankings (Interbrand, Brand Finance and Millward Brown), and have remained in the Top-100 of at least two of these rankings in that period. The general conclusions of our research allow us to confirm that economic-financial information is important to explain the value of the brands of technology companies. Specifically, 60% of the brand value is explained by the net results of the companies, this percentage rises up to 80% when the stock price of the company is added to the net results as explanatory variable of the brand values. Finally, the brand value is explained nearby to 90% when a set of economic-financial variables are added. From these results, it can be deduced that the remaining proportion of the brand value, between 10% and 40%, (depending on the variables included in the models), is explained by the strength of the brand. This thesis also evidences, both the significant differences between the brand valuations provided by the brand valuation consultancy agencies, but also the differences between the sustainability valuations provided by the open access CSR rankings; in addition, the thesis shows the existing differences between these two types of valuations. Thus, companies with the most recognized brands worldwide are not the ones with the highest socio-environmental awareness. Finally, it is observed that large companies are more transparent in terms of sustainability, but this transparency is hardly related to other economic results such as the increase in assets, income, leverage, ROE or ROA. In addition, it is shown that the three pillars of the RSC are employed by the consultancy agencies to determine the brand value, while the CSR rankings only provide transparency in social and environmental aspects.Alcaide González, MÁ. (2020). Modelos de valoración de marcas del sector tecnológico y la responsabilidad social corporativa [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/139141TESISCompendi

    How has the announcement of the Covid-19 pandemic and vaccine impacted the market?

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA on DEC 31 2022, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/1331677X.2022.2033129[EN] As COVID-19 has hit the whole world hard, finding a vaccine that alleviates its effects has been one of the most anticipated events in 2020. This work studies the impact of the two main events in 2020 on companies' stock exchange activities: announcing COVID-19 as a world pandemic and announcing the first coronavirus vaccine. This study was carried out by an event study methodology using Nasdaq-100 data. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and quantile (Q) regression were used to obtain the returns expected from shares and to assess if there were any significant differences in the reactions of the analysed sectors on the market in each event window. The obtained empirical results show different share performances by sectors. Specifically, only those shares from the technology sector positively and significantly reacted to the first announcement. However, the opposite can be stated of the second event insofar as confidence in financial markets recovered to a greater extent in the sectors hardest hit by the first announcement. These conclusions are meaningful for companies, investors and governments to make better decisions or to adopt new policies.Alcaide González, MÁ.; Guadalajara Olmeda, MN.; De La Poza, E. (2022). How has the announcement of the Covid-19 pandemic and vaccine impacted the market?. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja. 35(1):5615-5631. https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2022.20331295615563135

    Predicting the Reputation of Pharmaceutical Firms with Financing and Geographical Location Data

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    [EN] Reputation is a strategic asset for firms, but has been poorly studied in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in relation to their financial and stock-market performance. This work aimed to predict the probability of a firm being included in a pharmaceutical reputation index (Merco and PatientView), and the position it occupies, according to its economic¿financial and stock-market outcomes and its geographical location. Fifty firms with excellent sales in 2019 and their rankings in 2017¿2019 were employed. The methodology followed was logistic regression. Their research and development (R&D) expenditures and dividends strongly influenced them being included in both rankings. Non-Asian pharmaceutical companies were more likely to belong to the two reputation indices than Asian ones, and to occupy the best positions in the Merco ranking. Although no large differences appeared in the firms in both indices, differences were found in the position that pharmaceutical companies occupied in rankings and in the variables that contribute to them occupying these positions. Being in PatientView influenced dividends, sales, and income, while appearing in Merco showed accounting aspects like value in books and debt ratio.Alcaide González, MÁ.; De La Poza, E.; Guadalajara Olmeda, MN. (2021). Predicting the Reputation of Pharmaceutical Firms with Financing and Geographical Location Data. Mathematics. 9(16):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9161893S11791

    El uso de los dispositivos electrónicos móviles como herramienta docente de una asignatura de Grado

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    [EN] Currently, University students of Bachelor degrees are accustomed to constant use and consultation on the Internet and social networks through their laptops, tablets and mainly mobile phones "smartphones." That is why these tools can be an obstacle in student-teacher communication. On the other hand, it is possible to consider the use of them as teaching tools, integrating them in the classrooms to facilitate learning, as long as the student is aware and responsible for the use that makes them. Thus, the use of electronic devices could be catalysts of the teaching-learning process. This contribution analyses the suitability of the use of electronic mobile phone devices in the classroom. For this, first, we analyze the habits and the use that the students make of these electronic devices. Secondly, the policy of the use of electronic devices in the in-class sessions of the subject “Business” taught in the degree of Aerospace Engineering in relation to the transversal competence N7, which is point of control, and finally, a SWOT analysis of the main aspects of its implementation in the teaching is carried out[ES] En la actualidad, los alumnos que estudian titulaciones universitarias están acostumbrados al uso y consulta constante en Internet y en redes sociales a través de sus ordenadores portátiles, tablets y fundamentalmente teléfonos móviles “smartphones”. Es por ello, que estas herramientas pueden ser un obstáculo en la comunicación alumno-docente. Por otra parte, es posible considerar la utilización de las mismas como herramientas docentes, integrándolas en las aulas para facilitar el aprendizaje, siempre y cuando el alumno sea consciente y responsable del uso que hace de ellas. Así, el uso de dispositicos electrónicos podrían ser catalizadores del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esta contribución analiza la idoneidad del uso de los dispositivos electrónicos de telefonía móvil en el aula. Para ello, en primer lugar, se analizan los hábitos y el uso que hacen los alumnos de estos dispositivos electrónicos. En segundo lugar, se detalla la política de utilización de dispositivos electrónicos en las sesiones de clase de la asignatura de Empresa impartida en el Grado de Ingeniería Aeroespacial en relación a la competencia transversal N7, que es punto de control, y por último, se realiza un análisis DAFO de los principales aspectos de su implementación en la docencia.Alcaide González, MÁ.; De La Poza, E. (2019). El uso de los dispositivos electrónicos móviles como herramienta docente de una asignatura de Grado. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 102-113. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10534OCS10211

    Estrategias de desarrollo de la competencia transversal sobre Responsabilidad Medioambiental en alumnos de Grado

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    [EN] Nowadays, we are almost all aware that climate change is taking place on the planet, but not all of us are environmentally responsible enough yet. Our objective is to evaluate this environmental commitment in first-year undergraduate students, given that the ethical, environmental and professional responsibility is the control point of the subject, in order to establish strategies for the development of environmental responsibility. For this, it is observed if the students are able to make a decision respectful with the environment that will affect the project that must be done throughout the course in the subject using the Project based learning methodology (PBL), and will be contrasted with the opinions collected at the beginning of the course about their habits and environmental awareness.[ES] Hoy en día prácticamente todos somos conscientes de que se está produciendo un cambio climático en el planeta, sin embargo todavía no todos somos lo suficientemente responsables medioambientalmente. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar ese compromiso medioambiental en alumnos de primer curso de Grado, dado que la competencia responsabilidad ética, medioambiental y profesional es punto de control de la asignatura, con el fin de establecer estrategias de desarrollo de la responsabilidad medioambiental. Para ello, se observa si los alumnos son capaces de tomar una decisión respetuosa con el medio ambiente que afectará al proyecto que deben realizar a lo largo del curso en la asignatura empleando la metodología Project based learning (PBL), y se contrastará con las opiniones recogidas al inicio de curso sobre sus habitos y conciencia medioambiental.Alcaide González, MÁ.; De La Poza, E. (2019). Estrategias de desarrollo de la competencia transversal sobre Responsabilidad Medioambiental en alumnos de Grado. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1323-1332. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10520OCS1323133

    Was the incorporation of Microsoft Teams in higher education an effective tool as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic?

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    At the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) widespread and massive use of the Microsoft Teams application began in the academic year 19/20 and 20/21 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective of this work is to know if the incorporation of this application in university education is effective, both in a synchronous non-face-to-face teaching model, as well as in a hybrid teaching model. In addition, it will be analyzed from the perspective of teachers and students. In the first case, the performance of the students will be evaluated with the use of Teams and without its use; and in the second case, their perceptions will be analyzed through a questionnaire. The results of the research allow us to confirm that from the teaching point of view, the incorporation of the Teams application in university education is effective as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, from the students' point ofview, they consider traditional teaching to be more effective than hybrid teaching through the Microsoft Teams application

    Percepciones sobre el uso de la aplicación Microsoft Teams en la docencia: Perspectiva de los docentes y de los estudiantes

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    [EN] As a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) a synchronous non-face-to-face teaching model was implemented through the Microsoft Teams application in the second semester of the 2019/20 academic year. In the first semester of the 2020/21 academic year, a hybrid teaching model, also guided with this application prevailed. The objective of this work is to comprehend how teachers and students perceived and experienced the integration of the Microsoft Teams application in teaching, especially to find out its effectiveness as a teaching tool. The results shown that teachers experienced concerns with the implementation of Teams in teaching, although it mostly ceased, and they also consider that both hybrid and synchronous non-face-to-face teaching using Teams are effective in the teaching process, but not so much in the learning process. However, students stated that the traditional teaching model is more effective than a hybrid teaching employing the Microsoft Teams application.[ES] Como consecuencia de la pandemia del Covid-19, en la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) se implantó un modelo docente no presencial síncrono a través de la aplicación Microsoft Teams en el segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2019/20. En el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2020/21 predominó un modelo docente híbrido guiado también con dicha aplicación. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la percepción, tanto de los docentes como de los estudiantes, sobre la incorporación de la aplicación Microsoft Teams en la docencia, especialmente para averiguar si éstos la consideran una herramienta eficaz. Los resultados sobre la percepción de los docentes concluyen que, éstos sintieron una preocupación con la incorporación del Teams en la docencia, aunque ésta mayoritariamente desapareció, y también consideran que, tanto la docencia híbrida como la no presencial síncrona impartidas con el Teams son eficaces en el proceso de enseñanza, pero no tanto en el proceso de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista de los estudiantes, estos consideran más efectiva la docencia tradicional que la híbrida a través de la aplicación Microsoft Teams.Alcaide González, MÁ.; Poza Plaza, EDL. (2021). Percepciones sobre el uso de la aplicación Microsoft Teams en la docencia: Perspectiva de los docentes y de los estudiantes. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 950-961. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13711OCS95096

    The impact of corporate social responsibility transparency on the financial performance, brand value, and sustainability level of IT companies

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    The companies are aware of the impact that disseminating their Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) performance has on how shareholders or investors perceive them. This work analyses if dissiminating CSR results affects their economic-financial results, their scores in open-access sustainability ranking, their brand values, and also the credit ratings that agencies S&P and Moody´s confer them. For this purpose, the only 13 companies of the IT sector occupying a top 100 brand rankings position were selected. The results reveal that large companies come over as being more transparent in terms sustainability, but this transparency is not related to their financial behaviour. Brand rankings collect socio-economic and environmental information, but only the transparency in social and environmental aspects explains the public-access CRS rankings. Finally, the results also show that this transparency affects credit ratings

    Safety and vaccine-induced HIV-1 immune responses in healthy volunteers following a late MVA-B boost 4 years after the last immunization

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    Background: We have previously shown that an HIV vaccine regimen including three doses of HIV-modified vaccinia virus Ankara vector expressing HIV-1 antigens from clade B (MVA-B) was safe and elicited moderate and durable (1 year) T-cell and antibody responses in 75% and 95% of HIV-negative volunteers (n = 24), respectively (RISVAC02 study). Here, we describe the long-term durability of vaccine-induced responses and the safety and immunogenicity of an additional MVA-B boost. Methods: 13 volunteers from the RISVAC02 trial were recruited to receive a fourth dose of MVA-B 4 years after the last immunization. End-points were safety, cellular and humoral immune responses to HIV-1 and vector antigens assessed by ELISPOT, intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) and ELISA performed before and 2, 4 and 12 weeks after receiving the boost. Results: Volunteers reported 64 adverse events (AEs), although none was a vaccine-related serious AE. After 4 years from the 1st dose of the vaccine, only 2 volunteers maintained low HIV-specific T-cell responses. After the late MVA-B boost, a modest increase in IFN-γ T-cell responses, mainly directed against Env, was detected by ELISPOT in 5/13 (38%) volunteers. ICS confirmed similar results with 45% of volunteers showing that CD4+ T-cell responses were mainly directed against Env, whereas CD8+ T cell-responses were similarly distributed against Env, Gag and GPN. In terms of antibody responses, 23.1% of the vaccinees had detectable Env-specific binding antibodies 4 years after the last MVA-B immunization with a mean titer of 96.5. The late MVA-B boost significantly improved both the response rate (92.3%) and the magnitude of the systemic binding antibodies to gp120 (mean titer of 11460). HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies were also enhanced and detected in 77% of volunteers. Moreover, MVA vector-specific T cell and antibody responses were boosted in 80% and 100% of volunteers respectively. Conclusions: One boost of MVA-B four years after receiving 3 doses of the same vaccine was safe, induced moderate increases in HIV-specific T cell responses in 38% of volunteers but significantly boosted the binding and neutralizing antibody responses to HIV-1 and to the MVA vector

    Productivity trends and collaboration patterns: A diachronic study in the eating disorders field

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    [EN] Objective The present study seeks to extend previous bibliometric studies on eating disorders (EDs) by including a time-dependent analysis of the growth and evolution of multi-author collaborations and their correlation with ED publication trends from 1980 to 2014 (35 years). Methods Using standardized practices, we searched Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection (WoSCC) (indexes: Science Citation Index-Expanded [SCIE], & Social Science Citation Index [SSCI]) and Scopus (areas: Health Sciences, Life Sciences, & Social Sciences and Humanities) to identify a large sample of articles related to EDs. We then submitted our sample of articles to bibliometric and graph theory analyses to identify co-authorship and social network patterns. Results We present a large number of detailed findings, including a clear pattern of scientific growth measured as number of publications per five-year period or quinquennium (Q), a tremendous increase in the number of authors attracted by the ED subject, and a very high and steady growth in collaborative work. Conclusions We inferred that the noted publication growth was likely driven by the noted increase in the number of new authors per Q. Social network analyses suggested that collaborations within ED follow patters of interaction that are similar to well established and recognized disciplines, as indicated by the presence of a ¿giant cluster¿, high cluster density, and the replication of the ¿small world¿ phenomenon¿the principle that we are all linked by short chains of acquaintances.This work was performed with a subsidy from Universidad Catolica de Valencia "San Vicente Martir" to resarch group INDOTEI: Evaluacion de la Ciencia, for the years 2016-2017. This work is benefited from Spanish Government assistance through Government Delegation for the National Drugs Plan of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (project 2016/028); and National R+D+I (projects: CS02012-39632-C02-01 and CS02015-65594-C2-2-R) and 2015-Networks of Excellence Call (project CS02015-71867-REDT) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Valderrama Zurian, JC.; Aguilar-Moya, R.; Cepeda-Benito, A.; Melero-Fuentes, D.; Navarro-Moreno, MÁ.; Gandía-Balaguer, A.; Aleixandre-Benavent, R. (2017). Productivity trends and collaboration patterns: A diachronic study in the eating disorders field. PLoS ONE. 12(8):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0182760S117128McClelland, J., Bozhilova, N., Campbell, I., & Schmidt, U. (2013). A Systematic Review of the Effects of Neuromodulation on Eating and Body Weight: Evidence from Human and Animal Studies. European Eating Disorders Review, 21(6), 436-455. doi:10.1002/erv.2256Lancelot, C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Warren, M. P., & Newman, D. L. (1991). Comparison of DSM-III and DSM-III-R bulimia nervosa classifications for psychopathology and other eating behaviors. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 10(1), 57-66. doi:10.1002/1098-108x(199101)10:13.0.co;2-tWONDERLICH, S. A., CROSBY, R. D., JOINER, T., PETERSON, C. B., BARDONE-CONE, A., KLEIN, M., … VRSHEK, S. (2005). Personality subtyping and bulimia nervosa: psychopathological and genetic correlates. Psychological Medicine, 35(5), 649-657. doi:10.1017/s0033291704004234Spitzer, R. L., Devlin, M. J., Walsh, B. T., Hasin, D., Wing, R., Marcus, M. D., … Nonas, C. (1991). Binge eating disorder: To be or not to be in DSM-IV. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 10(6), 627-629. doi:10.1002/1098-108x(199111)10:63.0.co;2-4Wonderlich, S. A., Gordon, K. H., Mitchell, J. E., Crosby, R. D., & Engel, S. G. (2014). The Validity and Clinical Utility of Binge Eating Disorder. FOCUS, 12(4), 489-505. doi:10.1176/appi.focus.120412Theander, S. S. (2002). Literature on eating disorders during 40 Years: increasing number of papers, emergence of bulimia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review, 10(6), 386-398. doi:10.1002/erv.495Clinton, D. (2010). Towards an ecology of eating disorders: Creating sustainability through the integration of scientific research and clinical practice. European Eating Disorders Review, 18(1), 1-9. doi:10.1002/erv.986Soh, N. L.-W., & Walter, G. (2013). Publications on cross-cultural aspects of eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 1(1). doi:10.1186/2050-2974-1-4Wuchty, S., Jones, B. F., & Uzzi, B. (2007). The Increasing Dominance of Teams in Production of Knowledge. Science, 316(5827), 1036-1039. doi:10.1126/science.1136099Kumar, S. (2015). Co-authorship networks: a review of the literature. 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