2 research outputs found

    Abuso sexual infantil : protocolos de protección integral en Colombia

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    Este Trabajo de Grado tuvo como objetivo principal, identificar los protocolos de intervención del Abuso Sexual Infantil (ASI) que cumplen con los requisitos de Protección Integral, según la Ley 1098 de 2006 en Colombia. Para esto se estableció una metodología cualitativa y un diseño interpretativo y comprensivo, lo que permitió hacer uso de la Técnica de Análisis de Contenido en los Protocolos Nacionales e Internacionales. Los resultaron permitieron reconocer la falencia nacional respecto al desarrollo de Protocolos en ASI, a partir de los criterios de Protección Integral establecidos en el Código de Infancia y Adolescencia (Ley Nº 1098, 2006).The main objective of this thesis was to identify the intervention protocols of the Child Sexual Abuse, which meet the Integral Protection requirements, according to the 1098 Law of 2006 in Colombia. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology and an interpretative and comprehensive The main objective of this thesis was to identify the intervention protocols of the Child Sexual abuse, which meet the Integral Protection requirements, according to the 1098 Law of 2006 in Colombia. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology and an interpretative and comprehensive design were implemented, and this facilitated the use of the Content Analysis Technique in the National and International protocols. The results were helpful when recognizing the flaws in the national sphere regarding the development of protocols in Child Sexual Abuse, based on the Integral Protection criteria established in the Childhood and Adolescence Code (1098 Law, 2016).Psicólogo (a)Pregrad

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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