49 research outputs found

    Do increasingly depleted δ15N values of atmospheric N2O indicate a decline in soil N2O reduction?

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    Growing concentrations of N2O within the atmosphere have been accompanied by decreasing δ15N values, provoking the hypothesis of a global decline in the rate of N2O reduction relative to its production in soil. We estimate that the ratio of N2O produced to N2O reduced within the soil profile has declined by about 10-25% relative to its pre-industrial value. To a smaller extent, a reduction in the uptake of atmospheric N2O at the soil surface relative to its emission could also have contributed to the reported isotopic signal. This calls for a greater consideration of the process of N2O reduction in soil and its role in the global turnover of N2

    Atmosphere-snow transfer function for H2O2: microphysical considerations

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    H2O2 analyses of polar ice cores show an increase in concentration from 200 years to the present. In order to quantitatively relate the observed trend in the ice to atmospheric levels, the atmosphere-snow transfer behavior and postdepositional changes must be known. Atmosphere-snow transfer was studied by investigating uptake and release of H2O2 in a series of laboratory column experiments in the temperature range −3°C to −45°C. Experiments consisted of passing H2O2-containing air through a column packed with 200-μm diameter ice spheres and measuring the change in gas phase H2O2 concentration with time. The uptake of H2O2 was a slow process requiring several hours to reach equilibrium. Uptake involved incorporation of H2O2 into the bulk ice as well as surface accumulation. The amount of H2O2 taken up by the ice was greater at the lower temperatures. The sticking coefficient for H2O2 on ice in the same experiments was estimated to be of the order of 0.02 to 0.5. Release of H2O2 from the ice occurred upon passing H2O2-free air through the packed columns, with the time scale for degassing similar to that for uptake. These results suggest that systematic losses of H2O2 from polar snow could occur under similar conditions, when atmospheric concentrations of H2O2 are low, that is, in the winter

    An experimental determination of the scale length of N2O in the soil of a grassland

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    Concentration profiles of N2O in a grassland soil and dynamic response curves to disturbance of the soil concentration (relaxation curves) were measured with a new membrane tube technique. Diffusive properties of the soil were derived from 222Rn measurements. The mathematical analysis of the relaxation curves yielded N2O uptake rates U soil diffusivities Ds, scale lengths z*, and production rates P at different levels under the surface. The following ranges were found during 2 days of measurements: Ds = (0.4–5) × 10−7 m2 s−1, U = (1–20) × 10−4 s−1, z* = 0.7–2.8 cm, and P = 0.02–4.4 ppb s−1. These values were used to reproduce the measured N2O concentration profiles with a one-dimensional diffusive transport model of N2O in the soil air-filled pore space and to deduce flux profiles. Bidirectional fluxes occurred with small deposition fluxes up to a few ppt ms−1 during intensive growing phases of the grass. Uptake rates were high enough that N2O produced at greater depth did not reach the atmosphere

    A miniDOAS instrument optimised for ammonia field measurements

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    We present a differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) instrument, called "miniDOAS", optimised for optical open-path field-measurements of ambient ammonia (NH3) alongside nitrogen oxide (NO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). The instrument is a further development of the miniDOAS presented by Volten et al. (2012). We use a temperature-controlled spectrometer, a deuterium light source and a modified optical arrangement. The system was set up in a robust, field-deployable, temperature-regulated housing. For the evaluation of light spectra we use a new high-pass filter routine based upon robust baseline extraction with local regression. Multiple linear regression including terms of an autoregressive–moving-average model is used to determine concentrations. For NH3 the random uncertainty is about 1.4 % of the concentration, and not better than 0.2 µg m−3. Potential biases for the slope of the calibration are given by the precision of the differential absorption cross sections (±3 %) and for the offset by the precision of the estimation of concentration offsets (cref) introduced by the reference spectrum Iref. Comparisons of miniDOAS measurements to those by NH3 acid trap devices showed good agreement. The miniDOAS can be flexibly used for a wide range of field trials, such as micrometeorological NH3 flux measurements with approaches based upon horizontal or vertical concentration differences. Results from such applications covering concentration dynamics of less than one up to several hundreds of µg m−3 are presented

    Radon-220 calibration of near-surface turbulent gas transport

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    Activity concentration profiles of the short-lived radon isotope 220Rn (half-life 56 seconds) in the lowest 50 cm above the soil are used to study near-surface gas transport processes. The experimental data are compared to profiles calculated by solving the one-dimensional diffusion equation for radioactive atoms with a linear increase of the eddy diffusion coefficient K with altitude according to K(z) = K0 + Kz.Z. The slope KZ in this model and the radon flux from the surface are continuously calculated from the activity measurements in time steps of one hour. Transport times for Rn atoms from an altitude Z1 = 5 cm to an altitude Z2 = 20 cm are typically between one and two minutes in stable meteorological conditions when the friction velocity u* is below 0.1 m/s

    Emission und Aufnahme von Lachgas und Methan durch Ackerböden in der Fruchtfolgesequenz Kunstwiese – Silomais unter konventioneller und biologischer Bewirtschaftung

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    Organic farming systems provide multiple environmental benefits. Concerning climate change they have a substantial mitigation potential. Skinner et al. (2014) evaluated with Meta-Analysis the global dataset on comparative field measurements of soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes under organic and non-organic agricultural management that have been published by the end of 2012. They showed that for arable land-use under organic management compared to non-organic 1) the cumulated area-scaled N2O emissions are about 15 % lower, 2) yield-scaled N2O emissions are slightly higher and 3) CH4 uptake is higher. However, this database is thin and further field measurements covering whole crop rotations are needed to close knowledge gaps. Therefore soil GHG fluxes are measured since August 2012 in the DOK long-term experiment. Thereby the findings of the Meta-Analysis serve as hypotheses. The measurement results from a grass-clover - maize crop sequence confirm the hypotheses one and three. However hypothesis two was significantly rejected by the biodynamic system compared to the conventional system with farmyard manure

    Ammonia emissions from a grazed field estimated by miniDOAS measurements and inverse dispersion modelling

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    Ammonia (NH3) fluxes were estimated from a field being grazed by dairy cattle during spring by applying a backward Lagrangian stochastic model (bLS) model combined with horizontal concentration gradients measured across the field. Continuous concentration measurements at field boundaries were made by open-path miniDOAS (differential optical absorption spectroscopy) instruments while the cattle were present and for 6 subsequent days. The deposition of emitted NH3 to "clean" patches on the field was also simulated, allowing both "net" and "gross" emission estimates, where the dry deposition velocity (vd) was predicted by a canopy resistance (Rc) model developed from local NH3 flux and meteorological measurements. Estimated emissions peaked during grazing and decreased after the cattle had left the field, while control on emissions was observed from covariance with temperature, wind speed and humidity and wetness measurements made on the field, revealing a diurnal emission profile. Large concentration differences were observed between downwind receptors, due to spatially heterogeneous emission patterns. This was likely caused by uneven cattle distribution and a low grazing density, where "hotspots" of emissions would arise as the cattle grouped in certain areas, such as around the water trough. The spatial complexity was accounted for by separating the model source area into sub-sections and optimising individual source area coefficients to measured concentrations. The background concentration was the greatest source of uncertainty, and based on a sensitivity/uncertainty analysis the overall uncertainty associated with derived emission factors from this study is at least 30–40 %

    Assessment of the inverse dispersion method for the determination of methane emissions from a dairy housing

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    Methane (CH4) emissions from dairy housings, mainly originating from enteric fermentation of ruminating animals, are a significant source of greenhouse gases. The quantification of emissions from naturally ventilated dairy housings is challenging due to the spatial distribution of sources (animals, housing areas) and variable air exchange. The inverse dispersion method (IDM) is a promising option, which is increasingly used to determine gaseous emissions from stationary sources, as it offers high flexibility in the application at reasonable costs. We used a backward Lagrangian stochastic model combined with concentration measurements by open-path tunable diode laser spectrometers placed up- and downwind of a naturally ventilated housing with 40 dairy cows to determine the CH4 emissions. The average emissions per livestock unit (LU) were 317 (±44) g LU−1 d−1 and 267 (±43) g LU−1 d−1 for the first and second campaign, in September – October and November – December, respectively. For each campaign, inhouse tracer ratio measurements (iTRM) were conducted in parallel during two subperiods. For simultaneous measurements, IDM showed average emissions which were lower by 8% and 1% than that of iTRM, respectively, for the two campaigns. The differences are within the uncertainty range of any of the two methods. The IDM CH4 emissions were further analysed by wind direction and atmospheric stability and no differences in emissions were found. Overall, IDM showed its aptitude to accurately determine CH4 emissions from dairy housings or other stationary sources if the site allows adequate placement of sensors up- and downwind in the prevailing wind direction. To acquire reliable emission data, depending on the data loss during measurements due to quality filtering or instrument failure, a measuring time of at least 10 days is required

    Der Einfluss symbiotischer Bodenpilze auf den Stickstoffzyklus

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    To increase nutrient use efficiency and reduce nutrient losses are key aspects for sustainable agriculture. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are an import and widespread group of plant-symbiotic soil fungi. Here we investigate the role of those soil microorganisms, for effective nutrient recycling. We conducted greenhouse and lysimeter experiments to compare the cycling of important plant nutrients in systems with high and low abundance of AMF. AMF increased plant N nutrition, reduced leaching losses of mineral N, and prevented emissions of N2O, an important greenhouse gas. The results show the importance of AMF for an effective nutrient management. Farmers should implement strategies to promote AMF in the soil, as they are an indispensable compound of sustainable agriculture