581 research outputs found

    SpecSatisfiabilityTool: A tool for testing the satisfiability of specifications on XML documents

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    We present a prototype that implements a set of logical rules to prove the satisfiability for a class of specifications on XML documents. Specifications are given by means of constrains built on Boolean XPath patterns. The main goal of this tool is to test whether a given specification is satisfiable or not, and justify the decision showing the execution history. It can also be used to test whether a given document is a model of a given specification and, as a by-product, it permits to look for all the relations (monomorphisms) between two patterns and to combine patterns in different ways. The results of these operations are visually shown and therefore the tool makes these operations more understandable. The implementation of the algorithm has been written in Prolog but the prototype has a Java interface for an easy and friendly use. In this paper we show how to use this interface in order to test all the desired properties.Comment: In Proceedings PROLE 2014, arXiv:1501.0169

    New innovation management paradigms in the knowledge-driven economy

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    The growing importance of knowledge as a production factor and as a determinant of innovation can be explained by the continuous accumulation of technical knowledge over time. Innovation Management Techniques (IMTs) are critical to support the process of innovation in firms and help them in a systematic way to meet new market challenges

    Drivers and Impacts of R&D Adoption on Transport and Logistics Services

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    Actually, technologies and applications in industries are changing via business restructuring, new business models, new knowledge and supply chains. So R&D is not focused primarily on manufacturing industry as it used to be, but on different kinds of industries as logistics and transport (TLS). Nevertheless, the characteristics of the TLS industry determine the introduction of specific R&D solutions accordingly to sectors operations. The objective of this paper is to describe the R&D opportunities in the TLS industry and how managers use them to make their businesses more innovative and efficient. Using the Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) model the paper identifies the links between R&D adoption and innovation dynamics. Relating the findings, on the driver’s side there are three points that are worth mentioning: increasing market competition, the relationships of firms interacting with each other and the availability and quality of complementary assets such as employee skills and IT know-how. On the impacts’ side, firms advanced in terms of implementing R&D solutions are more likely to implement organizational changes. Finally, a set of recommendations on how to further improve the continuous innovation in the TLS industry is presented

    Determinación de los factores que caracterizan a la PYME innovadora española

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    La tesis presentada tiene como objetivos: Realizar una aproximación al entorno en el que se desarrolla la PYME en España, profundizando en el subconjunto de la PYME innovadora, paradigma de excelencia en este colectivo. Analizar determinados patrones de desarrollo de la PYME innovadora española y su coincidencia o discrepancias con los patrones reportados en la literatura sobre la Gestión de la Innovación Tecnológica en la empresa en general y en la PYME en particular. Desarrollar, como hipótesis, un modelo de evolución de la PYME innovadora española de acuerdo con los diversos modelos de desarrollo empresarial y las teorias vigenetes relacionadas con el aprendizaje en las organizaciones, y contrastarlo con la experiencia observada por el autor en dos muestras analizadas por el mismo. Este modelo contribuye al conocimiento del medio de la PYME. Las hipótesis presentadas se validan a partir de dos encuestas: una cualitativa realizada sobre 100 PYMEs innovadoras en el ambito nacional a las que se les realizó una auditoría tecnológica dentro del Programa Euromanagement de la DG XXIII de la Comisión europea; y una encuesta cualitativa basada en entrevistas personales que el autor realizó a 100 PYMES de la Comunidad Valenciana. El trabajo de referencia contribuye a llenar el vacío existente con relación al fenómeno de la PYME innovadora, que ha comenzado a suscitar el interés de diversos autores(Buesa, Nueno, Molero). Profundiza en un campo complejo, dada la heterogeneidad de la PYME frente a los estereotipos que se mantienen sobre este colectivo empresarial, mezclando la PYME familiar, el pequeño negocio, la pequeña empresa de sercicios, el despacho profesional, la pequeña empresa de alta tecnología, etc. Presenta un importante esfuerzo bibliografico, tanto desde el punto de vista de modelos y teorías, como desde la recopilación estadistica y macro económica sobre la PYME en el ambito nacional. Finalmente, presenta como hipótesis, un modelo original que permite la comprensión del fenómeno de la innovación en la PYME y las tendencias que esta sigue en su desarrollo

    Improvement of a Document Retrieval System for the Supply Chain domain

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    Aquest projecte s'enmarca en el context del projecte Europeu "Semantically Connected Semiconductor Supply Chains (SC3)". Es farà ús de Natural Language Processing i Semantic Web , adaptant les tècniques per a poder referenciar documents de la cadena de producció per un pilot en cadenes de subministrament de semiconductors. En aquest projecte s'utilitzaran conjuntament tecnologies de web semàntica (fent ús d'ontologies) i de Deep Learning (amb BERT/SBERT en pyTorch).This project is framed in the context of the European project "Semantically Connected Semiconductor Supply Chains (SC3)". Natural Language Processing and Semantic Web will be used, adapting the techniques to be able to reference documents from the production chain by a pilot in semiconductor supply chains. This project will use semantic web technologies (using ontologies) and Deep Learning (with BERT / SBERT in pyTorch) together

    Relaciones de gobernanza e innovación en la cadena de valor: nuevos paradigmas de competividad

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la estructura de gobernanza de la cadena de valor territorial en el cluster cerámico español, a través de la comprensión de las funciones anteriores y actuales de los diversos sectores involucrados en el sistema de creación de valor. Por medio de un estudio de casos y el enfoque de la metodología cuantitativa, se explora el cambio de paradigma donde los actores tradicionales de la cadena de valor están perdiendo el control de su contribución al sistema de creación de valor territorial, a la vez que aparecen nuevos actores con una función más estable y prometedora

    Upside Downgeon: Development of a videogame based on classic role-playing board games

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2021/2022This document represents the Final Degree Work report of Javier Albors Caño in Video Game Design and Development. Aforesaid work is made up of a PC videogame titled Upside Downgeon, a videogame inspired by the classic dungeon crawler games. This videogame seeks to be built as a board game. In this way, the player will fnd a new way to play a «board game», fnding a better immersion thanks to the automation, animation and sound that the electronic basis of the videogame provides. This is the way the project tries to reflect on the relationship, similarities and differences between board games and its electronic descendants. The project put special emphasis on the game art, sound and appearance but also special care on its game design. Every game asset, including specifc scripting, 2D and 3D art, sound and music has been specifcally developed

    Survey dataset on reasons why companies decide to implement continuous improvement

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    ABSTRACT: Continuous improvement practices are increasingly common among all kinds of companies as a means to achieve business excellence. However, the reasons why companies implement continuous improvement might vary a lot. This article presents data on the motivations that induce companies to develop continuous improvement initiatives. The data were collected through a survey. Of the 209 companies surveyed, 109 answered it. The dataset includes information about the main characteristics of the company (size, sector) together with information about the main reasons to set up continuous improvement management practices. The dataset is available in excel format. The authors consider that these data are useful not only for researchers but also for consultants and for those practitioners interested in decision sciences

    The drivers of ICT adoption in transport and logistics services: an approach from the SCP model

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    Transport and logistics services (TLS) are key components of a successful economy, enabling the movement of goods, services and people as efficiently as possible. In the European Union, the transport sector generates 7% of European Union gross domestic product (GDP) and for around 5% of employment. Nevertheless, the challenge is to find solutions for freight and passengers that are economically viable and that also promote sustainable growth, fuel economy, the reduction of emissions, safe and healthy lifestyles and social inclusio