1,447 research outputs found

    O debate sobre o déficit previdenciário e uma análise das (in)constitucionalidades da PEC 06/2019

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    O tema sobre a reforma da previdência desde a Constituição de 1988 sempre esteve presente no debate político nacional. Mais recentemente após o impeachment de Dilma Rousseff retoma-se a discussão sobre previdência no país seja pela EC 287/2016 e de forma mais atual por meio da EC 06/2019. Embora o debate político esteja centrado na questão do déficit da seguridade social, faz-se necessário analisar em que medida a capitalização, o BPC e a desconstitucionalização da matéria previdenciária confrontam a constituição brasileira e as normas internacionais. Para isso, será utilizado o método histórico e dedutivo e a pesquisa bibliográfica

    Cerebellar degeneration and immune thrombocytopenic purpura associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV)

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    Cerebellar disorders associated with HIV infection are usually caused by opportunistic infections, central nervous system lymphoma, and toxic effects of medicines, nutritional and metabolic disorders, and cerebrovascular disease. We present an unusual association of cerebellar degeneration and immune thrombocytopenic purpura in a 28-years-old woman HIV infected. An autoimmune aetiology is likely.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Neurol & Neurosurg, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Neurol & Neurosurg, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Analysis of the deforestation 2005-2015 in the Tarumã side of the west side of Manaus-am

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    The Tarumã district over the years has grown demographically in accelerated mode. In the neighborhood area, there is currently an environmental conflict due to the increase deforestation. These causes have been a major concern in this area. The study of this work relates this accelerated growth to the deforestation in the neighborhood, which is the object of study area. Images and shapes downloaded from the PRODES system were used in the site analysis, which were processed in the Arcgis 10. The results pointed out a very significant growth of deforestation at Tarumã area


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    This paper’s aim is to analyze the memoirs of Portuguese actor António Augusto de Chaby Pinheiro (1873-1933), also known as Chaby Pinheiro, heeding the procedures of biographical writing noticed in his memoirs, as well as the issue of the cultural flux between Brazil and Portugal fostered by the theater as a means of artistic expression, and, finally, the construction of the biographer’s image by means of the recurrence to diverse enunciative sources. The writing of the author’s memoirs has been interrupted due to his passing away, being completed with a variety of cuttings that he himself used to collect, among other pieces of information accessed by the organizers of the book. The author’s narrative, as well as the numerous cuttings it consists of, makes reference not only to his figure, but also to a range of issues and theatrical personalities. Such records, as well as the writing of his memoirs, prove relevant in the sense of their contribution to an understanding of the ways through which the theatrical activity took shape at the time, and of the value society used to attribute to this practice.Nossa pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar as memórias do ator português António Augusto de Chaby Pinheiro (1873-1933), conhecido como Chaby Pinheiro, atentando para os procedimentos da escrita biográfica presentes em suas memórias, bem como para a questão do fluxo cultural entre Brasil e Portugal promovido por meio do teatro como forma de expressão artística, além da construção de sua imagem pelo uso de diversas fontes enunciativas. A escrita das memórias foi interrompida devido à morte do ator, tendo sido complementada por variados recortes que ele mesmo colecionava, dentre outras informações adquiridas pelos organizadores do livro. A narrativa do ator, assim como os numerosos recortes que a integram, não faz referência apenas à sua figura, mas a diversos assuntos e personalidades do teatro. Tais registros possuem uma relevância significativa, pois, assim como a escrita de suas memórias em geral, contribuem para a compreensão do modo como a atividade teatral era desenvolvida na época e do valor que a sociedade atribuía a essa prática

    Non-HDL cholesterol is a good predictor of the risk of increased arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women in an urban Brazilian population

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    OBJECTIVES: Increased arterial stiffness is an important determinant of the risk of cardiovascular disease. Lipid profile impairment, especially hypercholesterolemia, is associated with stiffer blood vessels. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine which of the five circulating lipid components (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides) is the best predictor of increased arterial stiffness in an urban Brazilian population. METHODS: A random sample of 1,662 individuals from the general population of Vitoria, Brazil (25-64 years), was selected, and lipid components were measured using standard methods. Pulse wave velocity was measured using a non-invasive automatic device, and increased arterial stiffness was defined as a pulse wave velocity ≥10 m/s. RESULTS: In men, only total cholesterol (OR=1.59; CI=1.02 to 2.48, p=0.04) was associated with the risk of increased arterial stiffness. In women, HDL-C (OR=1.99; CI=1.18 to 3.35, p=0.01) and non-HDL-C (OR=1.61; CI=1.01 to 2.56, p=0.04) were good predictors of the risk of increased arterial stiffness. However, these associations were only found in postmenopausal women (OR=2.06; CI=1.00 to 4.26, p=0.05 for HDL-C and OR=1.83; CI=1.01 to 3.33, p=0.04 for non-HDL-C). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that both HDL-C and non-HDL-C are good predictors of the risk of increased arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women in an urban Brazilian population and may be useful tools for assessing the risk of arterial stiffness

    Major clinical findings of ortho-surgical procedures in Class II patients: a concise systematic review

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    Introduction: In the ortho-surgery treatment, the AOB is an easily recognized malocclusion and presents only aesthetic and functional problems. Its etiology is multifactorial, including heredity, oral habits, unfavorable growth patterns, and increased lymphatic tissue along with mouth breathing and functional oral matrices. The prevalence of anterior open bite in the early mixed dentition is approximately 17.0-25%. Objective: the present study aimed to list the major clinical findings of ortho-surgical procedures in class II patients, as well as to analyze the risks of bias between the selected clinical studies. Methods: The present study was followed by a systematic literature review model, according to the PRISMA rules. The search strategy was performed in the PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus, and Google Scholar databases. The present study was carried out from February to June of 2022. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument, with randomized controlled clinical studies, prospective controlled clinical studies, and studies of systematic review and meta-analysis listed as the studies with the greatest scientific evidence, and the Risk of Bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument (Funnel Plot Analysis). Results and Conclusion: A total of 111 articles were found. After this process, the abstracts were evaluated and a new exclusion was performed based on the GRADE Instrument and Risk of Bias. A total of 57 articles were fully evaluated and 13 clinical studies were included and discussed in this systematic review study. Considering the Cochrane tool for risk of bias, the overall assessment resulted in 27 studies that were excluded with a Major Risk of Bias (studies with small sample size), and 44 studies that were excluded with a Minor Risk of Bias. Also, 7 studies were excluded because they did not meet the GRADE. Significant improvement in anterior occlusion can be expected in most patients when maxillary or mandibular surgery is used for Class II open bite correction. However, there will be individual patients in whom there will be considerable post-treatment changes in the anteroposterior and vertical dimensions. Although individual morphology needs to be taken into account, it appears that both short-term and long-term stability are likely to be greater after Le Fort I surgery compared to bilateral sagittal split osteotomy

    Tradução e adaptação cultural do Duke activity status index para a língua portuguesa

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    INTRODUCTION: The limited number of valid and reliable questionnaires for the evaluation of exercise tolerance has stimulated the development of simple international assessment tools for this purpose, one of the most widely used of which is the Duke Activity Status Index (DASI). However, this index has not yet been translated and adapted to the Portuguese language. OBJECTIVE: To develop a Brazilian version of the DASI and cross-culturally adapt it for the evaluation of cardiorespiratory fitness among patients with cardiovascular disease in Brazil. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The translation process involved four stages: initial translation, back-translation, multidisciplinary committee review and pre-test with 16 subjects (8 cardiac patients and 8 healthy individuals). Patients were screened from outpatient Cardiac Surgery, São Paulo Hospital. The Mann-Whitney and chi-square tests were employed to determine differences between controls and individuals with heart disease. RESULTS: The sample was characterized by individuals aged ≥ 50 years who were mainly from the southeastern region of Brazil (62.5%) and were non-smokers (56.2%). Less than half of the cohort was considered physically active (43.75%). The level of non-understanding was less than 10% of the sample. Doubts were prevalent among individuals with heart disease (75%) regarding the level of fatigue caused when performing a task. CONCLUSION: The present findings demonstrate that the DASI was successfully translated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese.INTRODUÇÃO: A limitação quanto ao uso rotineiro e em escala populacional dos métodos de maior acurácia para avaliação da capacidade incentivou o desenvolvimento de questionários de estimativa. O questionário Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) é um dos mais utilizados, no entanto ainda não traduzido e adaptado para língua portuguesa. OBJETIVO: Desenvolver uma versão brasileira do DASI e adaptá-lo culturalmente para avaliação da capacidade cardiorrespiratória de cardiopatas no Brasil. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas quatro etapas metodologicamente recomendadas para esta finalidade: tradução inicial, tradução reversa, revisão por comitê multidisciplinar e pré-teste de verificação com 16 indivíduos (oito cardiopatas e oito saudáveis). Os pacientes foram triados no ambulatório da Cirurgia Cardíaca do Hospital São Paulo. Para verificar as possíveis diferenças entre os indivíduos saudáveis e cardiopatas foram utilizados os testes α Mann-Whitney ou qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi caracterizada por indivíduos procedentes da região Sudeste (62,5%), não tabagistas (56,2%), ativos (43,75%) e com idade ≥ 50 anos. O nível de não compreensão aceitável foi de até 10% dos entrevistados. As dúvidas foram predominantes nos cardiopatas (75%) em relação ao grupo saudável (12,5%), sendo concentradas na consideração ou não do nível de cansaço para realizar a tarefa. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados demonstram que o DASI foi satisfatoriamente traduzido e adaptado para a lingua portuguesa.Brasília UniversityFederal University of São Paulo Sector of Cardiovascular SurgeryNove de Julho UniversityUniversity of Illinois Chicago College of Applied Health Sciences University of Illinois ChicagoBrasília University Physical Therapy CourseUNIFESP, Sector of Cardiovascular SurgerySciEL
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