1,709 research outputs found

    Coinfecção Trypanosoma cruzi/HIV: revisão sistemåtica (1980 - 2010)

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    INTRODUCTION: The co-infection Trypanosoma cruzi/HIV has been described as a clinical event of great relevance. The objective of this study wasto describe clinical and epidemiological aspects published in literature. METHODS: It is a systematic review of a descriptive nature from the databases Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Scopus, from 1980 to 2010. RESULTS: There were 83 articles (2.8 articles/year) with a total of 291 cases. The co-infection was described in 1980 and this situation has become the defining AIDS clinical event in Brazil. This is the country with the highest number of publication (51.8%) followed by Argentina (27.7%). The majority of cases are amongst adult men (65.3%) native or from endemic regions with serological diagnosis in the chronic stage (97.9%) and indeterminate form (50.8%). Both diseases follow the normal course, but in 41% the reactivation of the Chagas disease occurs. The most severe form is the meningoencephalitis, with 100% of mortality without specific and early treatment of the T. cruzi. The medication of choice was the benznidazole on doses and duration normally used for the acute phase. The high parasitemia detected by direct or indirect quantitative methods indicated reactivation and its elevation is the most important predictive factor. The lower survival rate was related to the reactivation of the Chagas disease and the natural complications of both diseases. The role of the antiretroviral treatment on the co-infection cannot yet be defined by the knowledge currently existent. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the relevance of this clinical event there are still gaps to be filled.INTRODUÇÃO: A coinfecção Trypanosoma cruzi/HIV vem sendo sistematicamente descrita como um evento clĂ­nico de grande relevĂąncia. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever aspectos clĂ­nicos e epidemiolĂłgicos publicados na literatura cientĂ­fica. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica, de natureza descritiva, a partir da busca nas bases Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Scopus, de 1980 a 2010. RESULTADOS: Identificou-se 83 artigos (2,8 artigos/ano), com um total de 291 casos registrados. A coinfecção foi descrita em 1980 e, no Brasil, tornou-se evento clĂ­nico definidor de AIDS. Este Ă© o paĂ­s com maior nĂșmero de publicaçÔes (51,8%), seguido pela Argentina (27,7%). A maioria dos casos Ă© de homens adultos (65,3%), naturais ou procedentes de regiĂ”es endĂȘmicas, com diagnĂłstico sorolĂłgico, na fase crĂŽnica (97,9%) e na forma indeterminada (50,8%). As duas doenças evoluem naturalmente, mas em 41% dos casos ocorreu reativação da doença de Chagas. A forma mais grave Ă© a meningoencefalite, com 100% de letalidade nos casos sem tratamento especĂ­fico e precoce do T. cruzi. O medicamento indicado foi benznidazole, nas doses e duração utilizadas na fase aguda em imunocompetentes. O diagnĂłstico da reativação foi comprovado por alta parasitemia, detectada por mĂ©todos diretos ou indiretos quantitativos, sendo a sua elevação considerada fator preditivo para reativação. A menor sobrevida nacoinfecção esteve relacionada Ă  reativação da doença de Chagas e Ă s complicaçÔes naturais de ambas as doenças. O papel do tratamento antirretroviral sobre a evolução da coinfecção ainda nĂŁo pode ser definido pelo conhecimento existente. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar da relevĂąncia deste evento clĂ­nico, ainda persistem lacunas a serem preenchidas.76277

    Incapacidades fĂ­sicas em pessoas que concluĂ­ram a poliquimioterapia para hansenĂ­ase em VitĂłria da Conquista, Bahia, Brasil

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    Objetivo: Estimar a prevalĂȘncia de incapacidades fĂ­sicas e fatores associados, em pessoas que concluĂ­ram a poliquimioterapia (PQT) para hansenĂ­ase. MĂ©todos: Realizou-se estudo transversal (n=222) no municĂ­pio de VitĂłria da Conquista-Bahia-Brasil, incluindo casos de hansenĂ­ase notificados de 2001-2014. As incapacidades fĂ­sicas foram avaliadas por meio de aplicação de instrumento e avaliação do grau de incapacidade (GI) e do escore olho-mĂŁo-pĂ© (OMP). Resultados: A prevalĂȘncia de incapacidades fĂ­sicas foi de 64,8% (n=144), e de GI 2 foi de 17,1% (n=38). As incapacidades fĂ­sicas associaram-se de forma significante com analfabetismo (RP = 1,27; IC 95% = 1,05–1,54), classificação operacional multibacilar (RP = 1,26; IC 95% = 1,01–1,57), ocorrĂȘncia de episĂłdios reacionais (RP =1,41; IC 95% = 1,14–1,74) e dor/espessamento neural (RP = 1,3; IC 95% = 1,02–1,64). Houve piora do GI em 34 (32,1%) dos casos, considerando o momento do diagnĂłstico Ă  alta. ConclusĂ”es: As incapacidades fĂ­sicas, inclusive as com deformidades, constituem um importante problema no contexto individual e coletivo dos casos que seguem no pĂłs-alta da PQT. Ressalta-se a necessitando de maior monitoramento e cuidado longitudinal, no sentido de prevenir sequelas especĂ­ficas da doença.Objective: To estimate the prevalence of physical disabilities and associated factors in people who completed multidrug therapy (MDT) for leprosy. Methods: A cross-sectional study (n = 222) was conducted in VitĂłria da Conquista-Bahia-Brazil, including cases of leprosy reported from 2001-2014. Physical disabilities were assessed by means of instrument application and assessment of degree of disability (GI) and eye-hand-foot score (OMP). Results: The prevalence of physical disabilities was 64.8% (n = 144), and GI 2 was 17.1% (n = 38). Physical disabilities were significantly associated with illiteracy (PR = 1.27; 95% CI = 1.05–1.54), multibacillary operating classification (PR = 1.26; 95% CI = 1.01–1.57), occurrence of reaction episodes (PR = 1.41; 95% CI = 1.14–1.74) and neural pain/thickening (PR = 1.3; 95% CI = 1.02–1.64). GI worsened in 34 (32.1%) cases, considering the time of diagnosis at discharge. Conclusions: Physical disabilities, including those with deformities, constitute an important problem in the individual and collective context of cases following post-discharge of MDT. It is highlighted the need for greater monitoring and longitudinal care, in order to prevent specific sequelae of the disease

    AnĂĄlise cienciomĂ©trica da pesquisa sobre tracoma no Brasil, 2000–2020

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar o perfil cienciomĂ©trico das pesquisas sobre tracoma no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa bibliogrĂĄfica de publicaçÔes sobre tracoma no Brasil indexadas pela base de dados da Scopus, a partir de critĂ©rios especĂ­ficos no perĂ­odo de 2000 a 2020. Foram extraĂ­dos e analisados dados sobre autoria, paĂ­s de origem, instituiçÔes e descritores, com anĂĄlises de tendĂȘncias temporais. As redes bibliogrĂĄficas foram construĂ­das via software de visualização cienciomĂ©trica VOSviewerÂź 1.6.16. RESULTADOS: Do total de 42 publicaçÔes analisadas sobre tracoma no Brasil, observou-se mĂ©dia anual de dois artigos, com incremento de aproximadamente 50% no perĂ­odo. Verificou-se mĂ©dia de trĂȘs autores por documento e os inquĂ©ritos escolares foram a categoria de assunto mais comum. Os artigos publicados provĂȘm majoritariamente de instituiçÔes brasileiras (95,2%), principalmente das sediadas nas regiĂ”es Sudeste e Norte. Dez autores mais produtivos estĂŁo mencionados nas primeiras autorias em 26,2% (11/42) e as instituiçÔes predominantes estĂŁo afiliadas ao estado de SĂŁo Paulo. O termo Trachoma (n = 18) apresenta maior recorrĂȘncia como descritor. CONCLUSÃO: Esta primeira anĂĄlise cienciomĂ©trica sobre tracoma no Brasil evidencia limitado nĂșmero de pesquisas sobre essa doença. HĂĄ discreto incremento da produção cientĂ­fica, apesar da concentração da origem em ĂĄreas geogrĂĄficas com menor endemicidade da doença. Maiores investimentos sĂŁo necessĂĄrios para o melhor entendimento e controle dessa doença tropical negligenciada. A anĂĄlise da produção bibliogrĂĄfica tem papel relevante para fortalecimento do desenvolvimento de pesquisas e planejamento estratĂ©gico de programas para o controle de tracoma e doenças tropicais negligenciadas em geral.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the scientometric profile of research on trachoma in Brazil. METHODS: Bibliographic research of publications on trachoma in Brazil indexed by the Scopus database from 2000 to 2020, based on specific criteria. Data on authorship, country of origin, institutions, and keywords were collected and analyzed with analysis of time trends. Bibliographic networks were constructed via a scientometric visualization software— VOSviewerÂź 1.6.16. RESULTS: We analyzed 42 publications on trachoma in Brazil. The annual average was two articles, with an increase of about 50% during the period. The average number of authors was three per document and school surveys were the most common subject category. Most published articles came from Brazilian institutions (95.2%), mainly those based in Southeast and North Brazil. Of the most productive authors, 10 were mentioned as first author in 26.2% of publications (11/42) and the predominant institutions are based in the state of SĂŁo Paulo. The term “trachoma” (n = 18) was the most recurrent keyword. CONCLUSION: This first scientometric analysis of research on trachoma in Brazil showed a limited number of studies on this disease. The scientific production slightly increased, although the origin of many studies is geographical areas with lower endemicity of this disease. Greater investments are needed for a better understanding and control of this neglected tropical disease. The analysis of bibliographic production on this topic is important to strengthen the development of research and strategic planning of programs for the control of trachoma and neglected tropical diseases in general

    Identification of Biomphalaria sp. and other freshwater snails in the large-scale water transposition project in the Northeast of Brazil

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    The wide eco-bio-social intervention generated by the SaoFrancisco River Integration Project (PISF) may contribute to the dispersion or introduction of schistosomiasis intermediate hosts in areas without prior recording. The objective was to characterize the limnic malacofauna and its distribution along watersheds involved in the PISF. A cross-sectional study based on the collection of mollusks from 33 water bodies, from Aurora, Brejo Santo, Jaguaretama, Jaguaribara, Jati e Mauriti municipalities in the Ceara (CE) State was developed. The conchological characteristics were used to identify snails at the genus level. The snails of the genus Biomphalaria were analyzed for the presence of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae and the molecular identification (only mollusks from Brejo Santo-CE) for differentiation between species. The following species were found: Biomphalaria sp.; Drepanotrema sp.; Melanoides sp.; Physa sp.; and Pomacea sp. Pomacea sp. (75.8%) and Biomphalaria sp. (72.7%) were the most prevalent species. All municipalities showed Biomphalaria sp. Biomphalaria straminea (Porcos Stream) and Biomphalaria kuhniana was identified in the Boi 1 and Cipo reservoirs (Brejo Santo). The evaluated municipalities under the influence of the PISF present areas with potential for schistosomiasis transmission. It is necessary to intensify control actions and health surveillance in these areas

    Território, doenças negligenciadas e ação de agentes comunitårios e de combate a endemias

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    OBJECTIVE To characterize knowledge, practices, and professional experience of community health agents (ACS) and endemic combat agents (ACE) on leprosy and Chagas disease (DC), during participation in an integrated training workshop in the IntegraDTNs-Bahia project. METHODS Descriptive and exploratory case study, involving health agents and endemic combat agents participating in a training workshop on the shared role of these professionals in health care and surveillance processes. The project was developed in the municipalities of AnagĂ©, Tremedal and VitĂłria da Conquista, in the southwestern State of Bahia, 2019–2020. A specific instrument was applied, with questions related to knowledge and practices of surveillance and care for leprosy and Chagas disease. Descriptive analysis of the data, in addition to consolidation of the lexical analysis, was performed. RESULTS Out of a total of 135 participants (107 ACS and 28 ACE), 80.7% of them have been working for at least 12 years, without previous participation in joint training processes. Only 17.9% of endemic combat agentes reported having participated in training on leprosy and none reported developing specific actions to control the disease. For Chagas disease, 36.4% of community health agents participated in training more than a decade before, while for 60.7% of endemic combat agents the last training was carried out in the last five years. The development of educational actions for Chagas disease was more frequent for endemic combat agents (64.3%). When asked about ways of recognizing diseases, the term “skin spots” was the most reported (38 times) for leprosy and, for Chagas disease, the term “I don’t know” (17 times). CONCLUSION Processes of health agents and endemic combat agents action in realities endemic for leprosy and Chagas disease in the interior of Bahia proved to be fragmented in the territories. For these diseases, the distance between surveillance and health care actions is reinforced, including in training processes. The importance of innovative permanent and integrated education actions is reiterated to actually promote changes in practices.OBJETIVO Caracterizar conhecimentos, prĂĄticas e experiĂȘncia profissional de agentes comunitĂĄrios de saĂșde (ACS) e agentes de controle de endemias (ACE) sobre hansenĂ­ase e doença de Chagas (DC), durante participação em oficina de formação integrada no projeto IntegraDTNs-Bahia. MÉTODOS Estudo de caso descritivo e exploratĂłrio, envolvendo comunitĂĄrios de saĂșde e agentes de controle de endemias, participantes de oficina de formação sobre o papel compartilhado desses profissionais no processo de vigilĂąncia e atenção Ă  saĂșde. Projeto desenvolvido nos municĂ­pios de AnagĂ©, Tremedal e VitĂłria da Conquista, no Sudoeste do Estado da Bahia, 2019–2020. Aplicou-se instrumento especĂ­fico prĂ©vio com questĂ”es relativas a conhecimentos e prĂĄticas de vigilĂąncia e atenção para hansenĂ­ase e doença de Chagas. AnĂĄlise descritiva dos dados, alĂ©m de consolidação da anĂĄlise lĂ©xica. RESULTADOS Do total de 135 participantes (107 ACS e 28 ACE), 80,7% deles atuam hĂĄ pelo menos 12 anos, sem participação prĂ©via em processos de formação conjunta. Apenas 17,9% dos agentes de controle de endemias relataram ter participado de capacitaçÔes sobre hansenĂ­ase e nenhum informou desenvolver açÔes especĂ­ficas de controle da doença. Para a doença de Chagas, 36,4% dos agentes comunitĂĄrios de saĂșde participaram de capacitaçÔes hĂĄ mais de uma dĂ©cada, enquanto para 60,7% dos agentes de controle de endemias a Ășltima capacitação foi realizada nos Ășltimos cinco anos. O desenvolvimento de açÔes educativas para a doença de Chagas foi mais frequente para agentes de controle de endemias (64,3%). Quando perguntados sobre formas de reconhecimento das doenças, a palavra “manchas na pele” foi a mais relatada (38 vezes) para hansenĂ­ase e, para a doença de Chagas, a palavra “nĂŁo sei” (17 vezes). CONCLUSÃO Os processos de atuação de agentes comunitĂĄrios de saĂșde e agentes de controle de endemias em realidades endĂȘmicas para hansenĂ­ase e doença de Chagas no interior da Bahia revelaram-se desintegrados nos territĂłrios. Para essas doenças, reforça-se o distanciamento entre açÔes de vigilĂąncia e de atenção Ă  saĂșde, inclusive nos processos de capacitação. Reitera-se a importĂąncia de açÔes inovadoras de educação permanentes e integradas para promover de fato mudanças nas prĂĄticas

    Late-stage diagnosis of HIV infection in Brazilian children: evidence from two national cohort studies

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    This study analyzed data from two consecutive retrospective cohort samples (1983 to 1998 and 1999 to 2002) of Brazilian children with AIDS (N = 1,758) through mother-to-child-transmission. Late-stage diagnosis (CDC category C) was investigated in relation to the following variables: year of birth, year of HIV diagnosis, and time periods related to changes in government treatment guidelines. Late-stage diagnosis occurred in 731 (41.6%) of cases and was more prevalent in infants under 12 months of age. The rate of late-stage diagnosis decreased from 48% to 36% between the two periods studied. We also observed a reduction in the proportion of late-stage diagnoses and the time lapse between HIV diagnosis and ART initiation. A significant association was found between timely diagnosis and having been born in recent years (OR = 0.62; p = 0.009) and year of HIV diagnosis (OR = 0.72; p = 0.002/OR = 0.62; p < 0.001). Infants under the age of 12 months were more likely to be diagnosed at a late stage than older children (OR = 1.70; p = 0.004). Despite advances, there is a need to improve the effectiveness of policies and programs focused on improving early diagnosis and management of HIV/AIDS

    Mortality related to tuberculosis-HIV/AIDS co-infection in Brazil, 2000-2011: epidemiological patterns and time trends

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    Abstract: Co-infection of tuberculosis (TB)-HIV/AIDS is a persistent public health problem in Brazil. This study describes epidemiological patterns and time trends of mortality related to TB-HIV/AIDS co-infection. Based on mortality data from 2000-2011 (almost 12.5 million deaths), 19,815 deaths related to co-infection were analyzed. The average age-adjusted mortality rate was 0.97 deaths/100,000 inhabitants. The highest mortality rates were found among males, those in economically productive age groups, black race/color and residents of the South region. There was a significant reduction in the mortality coefficient at the national level (annual average percent change: -1.7%; 95%CI: -2.4; -1.0), with different patterns among regions: increases in the North, Northeast and Central regions, a reduction in the Southeast and a stabilization in the South. The strategic integration of TB-HIV/AIDS control programmes is fundamental to reduce the burden of mortality related to co-infection in Brazil
