7 research outputs found

    Gramsci’s Observations on folklore: Conceptions of the world, spontaneous philosophy and class instinct

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    This is a revised and updated edition of the essay previously published in the volume Approaches to Gramsci, edited by Anne Showstack Sassoon, London, Writers & Readers, 1982. Edizione rivista e aggiornata del saggio precedentemente pubblicato in Approaches to Gramsci, a cura di Ann Showstack Sassoon, London, Writers & Readers, 1982

    Cirese101: Rileggere le Osservazioni sul folclore di Antonio Gramsci

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    This Anniversary Forum commemorates the figure and work of Alberto Mario Cirese (1921-2011), a prominent Italian anthropologist, on the 101st anniversary of his birth. Cirese’s reading of Gramsci has been highly influential. For this reason, the forum is built around the re-edition of the English translation of Cirese’s essay Gramsci’s Observations on folklore: Conceptions of the world, spontaneous philosophy and class instinct. The essay is followed by short critical interventions of attentive readers of Gramsci’s anthropology: Kate Crehan, Riccardo Ciavolella, Giovanni Pizza. The forum ends with a contribution by Jorge A. González, who recalls his encounter and relation with Cirese, while offering new historical insights on Cirese’s teaching, study and research activities in Mexico

    A conformação dos ecomuseus: elementos para compreensão e análise

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    Apresenta uma história dos ecomuseus enraizado nos movimentos de folclore e etnografia regional, do final do século XIX até os dias de hoje, examinando o caso francês. Explora aspectos em geral menos enfatizados neste campo, tal como a natureza e o papel atribuído aos acervos e ao patrimônio cultural e padrões museográticos

    When yielding is not consenting

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    When yielding is not consenting

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