1,071 research outputs found

    Modelling Spot Water Markets Under Uncertain Water Supply

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    Water availability in semiarid regions usually exhibits patterns of extreme variability. Even in intensively controlled basins, some users are subject to low levels of water reliability, and more vulnerable to periods of extreme scarcity. To reduce their risk exposure more flexible instruments, such as voluntary exchanges of water among users, are required. Recent changes in the Spanish water Law have given an initial impulse to allow for leases of water use rights. Properly designed and monitored, this instrument provides some flexibility to water management, and may increase the economic use efficiency as well as mitigate the adverse economic effects of droughts. This paper looks at the risks and uncertainty dimensions of water markets, which have not been paid much attention in the literature. It analyses, from theoretical and empirical standpoints, the role that uncertainty plays in market participants' decisions and its impact on gains from trade. Two models have been developed to carry out the empirical application. One is a stochastic and two-stage discreet programming model which simulates irrigators behaviour and the other is a spatial equilibrium model to compute market exchange and equilibrium. Water market price endogeneity is solved by an iterative process, which characterise price uncertainty from the results obtained from the spatial equilibrium model. Hydrological risk is characterised at the irrigation farm level through the variation of the water allowances served for irrigation. The application is performed on eleven irrigated farms in a district of the Guadalquivir Valley (Southern Spain. It is shown how water availability uncertainty reduces farmers' benefits because of the fact that they must take ex-ante decisions. However, if market participation is allowed once water allowances become known, even at an uncertain price, the benefit losses are partly mitigated. From a methodological standpoint, these results suggest that the agricultural water market benefits estimates found in the literature may be undervalued as a result of omitting the option to participate in the market in the mix of possible strategies. Exchanging water in annual spot markets allows for the reduction of farmers' economic vulnerability caused by the variability and uncertainty of water supply within an irrigation season.uncertainty, farm modelling, water markets, water supply, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Modelling spot water markets under uncertain water supply

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    Water availability in semiarid regions usually exhibits patterns of extreme variability. Even in intensively controlled basins, some users are subject to low levels of water reliability, and more vulnerable to periods of extreme scarcity. To reduce their risk exposure more flexible instruments, such as voluntary exchanges of water among users, are required. Recent changes in the Spanish water Law have given an initial impulse to allow for leases of water use rights. Properly designed and monitored, this instrument provides some flexibility to water management, and may increase the economic use efficiency as well as mitigate the adverse economic effects of droughts. This paper looks at the risks and uncertainty dimensions of water markets, which have not been paid much attention in the literature. It analyses, from theoretical and empirical standpoints, the role that uncertainty plays in market participants’ decisions and its impact on gains from trade. Two models have been developed to carry out the empirical application. One is a stochastic and two-stage discreet programming model which simulates irrigators behaviour and the other is a spatial equilibrium model to compute market exchange and equilibrium. Water market price endogeneity is solved by an iterative process, which characterise price uncertainty from the results obtained from the spatial equilibrium model. Hydrological risk is characterised at the irrigation farm level through the variation of the water allowances served for irrigation. The application is performed on eleven irrigated farms in a district of the Guadalquivir Valley (Southern Spain). It is shown how water availability uncertainty reduces farmers’ benefits because of the fact that they must take ex – ante decisions. However, if market participation is allowed once water allowances become known, even at an uncertain price, the benefit losses are partly mitigated. From a methodological standpoint, these results suggest that the agricultural water market benefits estimates found in the literature may be undervalued as a result of omitting the option to participate in the market in the mix of possible strategies. Exchanging water in annual spot markets allows for the reduction of farmers’ economic vulnerability caused by the variability and uncertainty of water supply within an irrigation season

    La implementación del sistema de control interno y la cultura del autocontrol institucional en el ejército nacional

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    El objetivo de este ensayo es identificar como ha sido el comportamiento e impacto en la implementación del Sistema de Control Interno que se llevó a cabo para el sector público y más exactamente para el Sector Defensa, así mismo, visualizar la aplicabilidad de la normatividad vigente en Control Interno como una herramienta de Autocontrol Institucional, en todo su proceso de inicio, formación y sostenimiento dentro de la Fuerza. Para este caso partimos de presumir que el sistema de Control Interno y la cultura del autocontrol dentro de las Fuerzas Militares, no muestra una tendencia sostenible del modelo a través del tiempo, lo que hace que no sea progresivo el mejoramiento continuo en los procesos de la Institució

    Proporción Salarial Hídrica Doméstica, propuesta de indicador entorno al gasto básico personal.

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    The Domestic Water Wage Rate (PSHD, by its initials in Spanish) is an indicator proposed in this research paper that measures personal spending on water consumption for domestic use in proportion to the monthly minimum wage established in Mexico, is an indicator designed to be adapted to others spaces and other magnitudes of variables, of existing relevant conditions, in order to create useful information that adds prices close to reality and consistent to develop a dignified life.La Proporción Salarial Hídrica Doméstica (PSHD) es un indicador propuesto en este artículo de investigación que mide el gasto personal en materia de consumo de agua para uso doméstico en proporción al salario mínimo mensual establecido en México, es un indicador diseñado para ser adaptado a otros espacios y a otras magnitudes de variables, de existir condiciones pertinentes, con el fin de crear información útil que agrega precios cercanos a la realidad y consecuentes para desarrollar una vida digna

    Propuesta metodológica del indicador “Grado de Felicidad Local”, asociación de indicadores relativos a la felicidad, bienestar y estado de ánimo

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    The topic of happiness and well-being is approached to propose the Rank of Local Happiness indicator, which groups variables from INEGI and Banco de México as well as the World Happiness Report of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and other foundations. The pilot test calculated for the state of Veracruz, Mexico, yields a result of 46.23%, the indicator has adaptive qualities, can be calculated daily, and provides information to decision makers.Se aborda el tema de la felicidad y bienestar para proponer el indicador Rango de Felicidad Local, que agrupa variables del INEGI y el Banco de México, así como el World Happiness Report de la Red de Soluciones de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas y otras fundaciones. La prueba piloto calculada para el estado de Veracruz, México, arroja un resultado de 46.23%, el indicador tiene cualidades adaptativas, se puede calcular diariamente, y provee información a los tomadores de decisiones

    Índice de desempeño ambiental aplicado en la región Sur-Sureste de la República Mexicana: Desigualdad entre los estados más rezagados

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    In this article we will calculate the environmental performance index for the states of the south-southeast of the Mexican Republic in order to find which are the states of this region that present environmental difficulties and which are the ones that have obtained the best results during the year 2014. Being the state of Oaxaca, it is the one with the worst environmental performance.En el presente artículo se calculará el índice de desempeño ambiental para los estados del sur-sureste de la República Mexicana con el fin de encontrar cuales son los estados de esta región que presentan dificultades en materia ambiental y cuáles son los que mejores resultados han obtenido durante el año 2014. Siendo el estado de Oaxaca es el que peor desempeño ambiental presenta

    Uso de las redes sociales como herramienta educativa en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular

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    El presente proyecto ha tenido como ha pretendido abordar, de manera innovadora y actualizada, la formación de los estudiantes en comunicación de ideas, resultados, problemas y posibles soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado a través de las redes sociale

    Efecto de sistemas de labranza en luvisoles dedicados a la producción de pastos

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    Se realizó un experimento con el objetivo de determinar la influencia de los sistemas de labranza en las propiedades de los suelos luvisoles, en el municipio de Las Tunas. Los indicadores evaluados fueron: la densidad aparente (rb), la porosidad total (Pt), la porosidad de aireación (Pa), la materia orgánica (MO) y la densidad y biomasa de oligoquetos. Se muestrearon unidades experimentales, en un diseño de parcelas divididas y tres repeticiones, a las profundidades de 0-5, 5-20 y 20-30 cm. Los contenidos de MO y de densidad y biomasa de oligoquetos se evaluaron hasta los 20 cm. Se consideraron dos sistemas: labranza tradicional (LT) y labranza sin inversión del prisma (LSP) en comparación con un control sin labranza (NL). La LSP produjo la menor densidad y la mayor cantidad de espacios porosos en la matriz del suelo, con valores que difirieron significativamente de la LT y la NL, y favoreció el desarrollo de los oligoquetos hasta la profundidad de 20 cm. El mantenimiento de las capas densas en la profundidad de 20-30 cm en la LT disminuyó la porosidad total y restringió el desarrollo de las raíces, con valores de porosidad de aireación muy por debajo del 10 %. Se concluye que la labranza tradicional afectó el contenido de MO a corto plazo, y mantuvo las capas compactas en el horizonte subyacente, por lo que la continuidad de esta práctica en las áreas ganaderas de la región no se justifica ni a corto ni a largo plazo

    Human endometrial cell-type-specific RNA sequencing provides new insights into the embryo–endometrium interplay

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    STUDY QUESTION: Which genes regulate receptivity in the epithelial and stromal cellular compartments of the human endometrium, and which molecules are interacting in the implantation process between the blastocyst and the endometrial cells? SUMMARY ANSWER: A set of receptivity-specific genes in the endometrial epithelial and stromal cells was identified, and the role of galectins (LGALS1 and LGALS3), integrin b1 (ITGB1), basigin (BSG) and osteopontin (SPP1) in embryo–endometrium dialogue among many other protein–protein interactions were highlighted. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: The molecular dialogue taking place between the human embryo and the endometrium is poorly understood due to ethical and technical reasons, leaving human embryo implantation mostly uncharted. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: Paired pre-receptive and receptive phase endometrial tissue samples from 16 healthy women were used for RNA sequencing. Trophectoderm RNA sequences were from blastocysts. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: Cell-type-specific RNA-seq analysis of freshly isolated endometrial epithelial and stromal cells using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) from 16 paired pre-receptive and receptive tissue samples was performed. Endometrial transcriptome data were further combined in silico with trophectodermal gene expression data from 466 single cells originating from 17 blastocysts to characterize the first steps of embryo implantation. We constructed a protein–protein interaction network between endometrial epithelial and embryonal trophectodermal cells, and between endometrial stromal and trophectodermal cells, thereby focusing on the very first phases of embryo implantation, and highlighting the molecules likely to be involved in the embryo apposition, attachment and invasion. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: In total, 499 epithelial and 581 stromal genes were up-regulated in the receptive phase endometria when compared to pre-receptive samples. The constructed protein–protein interactions identified a complex network of 558 prioritized protein–protein interactions between trophectodermal, epithelial and stromal cells, which were grouped into clusters based on the function of the involved molecules. The role of galectins (LGALS1 and LGALS3), integrin b1 (ITGB1), basigin (BSG) and osteopontin (SPP1) in the embryo implantation process were highlighted. LARGE SCALE DATA: RNA-seq data are available at www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo under accession number GSE97929. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: Providing a static snap-shot of a dynamic process and the nature of prediction analysis is limited to the known interactions available in databases. Furthermore, the cell sorting technique used separated enriched epithelial cells and stromal cells but did not separate luminal from glandular epithelium. Also, the use of biopsies taken from non-pregnant women and using spare IVF embryos (due to ethical considerations) might miss some of the critical interactions characteristic of natural conception only. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: The findings of our study provide new insights into the molecular embryo–endometrium interplay in the first steps of implantation process in humans. Knowledge about the endometrial cell-type-specific molecules that coordinate successful implantation is vital for understanding human reproduction and the underlying causes of implantation failure and infertility. Our study results provide a useful resource for future reproductive research, allowing the exploration of unknown mechanisms of implantation. We envision that those studies will help to improve the understanding of the complex embryo implantation process, and hopefully generate new prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic approaches to target both infertility and fertility, in the form of new contraceptives.Estonian Research Council PRG1076Horizon 2020 innovation grant (ERIN) EU952516Enterprise Estonia EU48695EU-FP7 Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) EU324509Spanish GovernmentEuropean Commission RYC-2016-21199 ENDORE SAF2017-87526-R PID2021-127280OB-100Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucia B-CTS-500-UGR18 A-CTS-614-UGR20Junta de Andalucia PAIDI P20_00158Margarita Salas program for the Requalification of the Spanish University system UJAR01MSKnut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation KAW 2015.0096Swedish Research CouncilEuropean Commission 2012-2844Sigrid Juselius FoundationAcademy of FinlandSpanish Government PRE2018-08544

    Rediseño de Estructura de Portabilidad de Trituradora de Quijada Modelo JC-409 de 125 tm/h, Cutervo-Cajamarca

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    En el presente trabajo se rediseñó una estructura portante de trituradora móvil modelo JC-409, para la empresa JJC Contratistas Generales S.A. para la planta de caliza en la provincia de Cutervo departamento de Cajamarca, Perú Esto se logró con apoyo del Dpto. de proyectos de COMECO Maquinaria S.A.C. La estructura portante móvil soporta los siguientes equipos; la trituradora de quijadas modelo JC-409, Zaranda Vibratoria, tolva Grizzli y faja transportadora recolectora, la estructura portante soporta la carga de los equipos mencionados siendo la carga más critica la proporcionada por la trituradora de quijadas JC-409 capacidad de 125 tn/hr a una velocidad giro de 270 rpm con motor de 100 hp -981 RPM. La estructura portante rediseñado es versátil y satisface las necesidades planteadas durante el diagnostico efectuado de la estructura portante actual se identificó la falla localizada por fatiga en las vigas principales causada por la excesiva vibración de la trituradora por no estar los apoyos en las vigas internas debidamente fabricadas que no contemplo el maquinado con una tolerancia mínima recomendada según las normas y además se reubicaron los soportes para optimizar la resistencias de las vigas . El rediseño y propuesta que se sugiere tiene como objetivo resolver el problema de atenuar la vibración y dar una mayor vida útil de la estructura para lo cual se debe reubicar los 02 apoyos de la estructura soporte y fabricar las vigas soporte y travesaños internos que sean una vez soldadas y maquinadas de modo tal que los 04 apoyos de la trituradora se apoyen perfectamente para lograr este objetivo se maquina y rebajar plancha de asiento como mínimo 1/16 (1.6mm)