5,906 research outputs found

    Engineering and Safety Partnership Enhances Safety of the Space Shuttle Program (SSP)

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    Project Management must use the risk assessment documents (RADs) as tools to support their decision making process. Therefore, these documents have to be initiated, developed, and evolved parallel to the life of the project. Technical preparation and safety compliance of these documents require a great deal of resources. Updating these documents after-the-fact not only requires substantial increase in resources - Project Cost -, but this task is also not useful and perhaps an unnecessary expense. Hazard Reports (HRs), Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEAs), Critical Item Lists (CILs), Risk Management process are, among others, within this category. A positive action resulting from a strong partnership between interested parties is one way to get these documents and related processes and requirements, released and updated in useful time. The Space Shuttle Program (SSP) at the Marshall Space Flight Center has implemented a process which is having positive results and gaining acceptance within the Agency. A hybrid Panel, with equal interest and responsibilities for the two larger organizations, Safety and Engineering, is the focal point of this process. Called the Marshall Safety and Engineering Review Panel (MSERP), its charter (Space Shuttle Program Directive 110 F, April 15, 2005), and its Operating Control Plan emphasizes the technical and safety responsibilities over the program risk documents: HRs; FMEA/CILs; Engineering Changes; anomalies/problem resolutions and corrective action implementations, and trend analysis. The MSERP has undertaken its responsibilities with objectivity, assertiveness, dedication, has operated with focus, and has shown significant results and promising perspectives. The MSERP has been deeply involved in propulsion systems and integration, real time technical issues and other relevant reviews, since its conception. These activities have transformed the propulsion MSERP in a truly participative and value added panel, making a difference for the safety of the Space Shuttle Vehicle, its crew, and personnel. Because of the MSERP's valuable contribution to the assessment of safety risk for the SSP, this paper also proposes an enhanced Panel concept that takes this successful partnership concept to a higher level of 'true partnership'. The proposed panel is aimed to be responsible for the review and assessment of all risk relative to Safety for new and future aerospace and related programs

    Enquadramento dos sistemas ERP numa arquitectura SOA: caso de estudo SAP® NetWeaver

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    Neste trabalho, propõe-se estudar o enquadramento dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão Empresarial (Enterprise Resource Planning – ERP) numa Arquitectura Orientada a Serviços (Service Oriented Architecture – SOA) e quais os benefícios que podem ser obtidos no desenvolvimento de novas aplicações e integração com outros Sistemas de Informação (SI). Propõe-se fazer um levantamento da evolução e do estado da arte dos sistemas ERP e da arquitectura SOA. Para ter uma visão concreta, escolheu-se analisar um sistema ERP específico, o ERP da SAP e a plataforma tecnológica em que assenta, o SAP NetWeaver. Que estratégia tem sido seguida pelos principais fabricantes de sistemas ERPs, para enquadrar os seus sistemas ERP numa arquitectura SOA? Finalmente avalia-se o conceito de aplicação composta (Composite Application) baseada na arquitectura SOA, através da utilização de um Ambiente Integrado de Composição (Integrated Composition Environment – ICE). A plataforma utilizada para essa avaliação é o SAP NetWeaver Composition Enviroment (CE). Mais especificamente, desenvolve-se uma aplicação composta, resultante da combinação de serviços expostos pelo sistema ERP da SAP (enterprise services) e um Web Service instalado noutra plataforma

    Sistema de medición de energía para el diseño de sistemas fotovoltaicos

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    El consumo de energía eléctrica es una característica importante de las sociedades industrializadas representando un factor básico para la producción de diversos sectores como industrial, comercial y residencial. La demanda de electricidad en la zona residencial ha aumentado continuamente debido la mayor utilización de aparatos de calefacción y refrigeración, otro factor del crecimiento de demanda en residencias es el crecimiento de la población. La generación de energía eléctrica a partir de paneles fotovoltaicos cada vez gana mayor importancia, esto debe fundamentalmente a la necesidad que se tiene de fuentes de energía alterna a las convencionales y con mínimo impacto ambiental, debido a esta razón se requieren sistemas que se permitan caracterizar la demanda en paneles solares de tal forma que se pueda provechar esta energía al máximo

    Ronald Dworkin y la decisión judicial: un estudio de caso en la jurisprudencia constitucional colombiana

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    Artículo de reflexiónEl artículo será un documento de reflexión que buscará mostrar la tendencia de la teoría jurídica del Ronald Dworking, a través de sus momentos fundamentales : la crítica al positivismos jurídico representado por H.L.A HART, su defensa de una concepción interpretativa de la teoría jurídica la cual expone en su libro el imperio del derecho ,1986, y su aporte en el campo de la filosofía política con la construcción de una visión igualitaria del liberalismo fundamentada en la concepción de la buena vida , donde procura compatibilizar la defensa de la libertad con la defensa de la igualdad.PregradoAbogad

    Age, Sex and Family Composition of Montezuma Quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) Coveys in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas

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    The Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) is a popular game bird in Arizona and New Mexico, USA, but hunting seasons remain closed in Texas, USA. Estimates of age structure parameters and sex ratios in game birds are essential information for predicting population trajectories and developing sustainable harvest and conservation strategies. Montezuma quail form coveys during the winter as a behavioral strategy for improved survival. In this regard, we harvested 1–4 individuals from 112 Montezuma quail coveys in Arizona, New Mexico, and West Texas from 2009 through 2020 to estimate sex and age composition (juvenile vs. adults) of coveys. We also estimated size for all coveys from which we harvested birds. Mean covey size (± standard error) was 9.7 ± 0.7 individuals (range = 6–12), 9.1 ± 0.5 (range = 2–20), and 5.7 ± 0.7 (range = 2–12) for Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, respectively although covey size decreased through the winter. The proportion of females among harvested birds was 0.33 ± 0.11, 0.40 ± 0.04, and 0.36 ± 0.33 for Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, respectively. The proportion of juveniles among harvested birds was 0.83 ± 0.09, 0.71 ± 0.04, and 0.52 ± 0.10 for Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, respectively. Coveys seem to contain more than one family group (paired birds with current progeny). We estimated that at least 6.2 ± 3.0% and 15.4 ± 10.0% of coveys were mixed families for New Mexico and Texas, respectively, as we harvested more than 2 adult males from the same covey. We did not collect same-sex adults from the same covey in Arizona. Our estimates set apart West Texas in lower average covey size and proportion of juveniles from Arizona and New Mexico at the northern edge of the species’ distribution and may reflect a different population dynamic in the region. However, our estimates must be taken with caution as behavioral response differences between sexes and age categories may differ and may not accurately reflect the actual sex, age, and family composition of Montezuma quail coveys. In addition, results may be confounded by variability in environmental factors over our extended sampling period

    Effect of an electric field within microscopy focused ion beam (FIB) between manipulator sharp and the ion trap of the electron detector

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    "The manipulation of samples with micro manipulators sharps in the normal axis to the observation plane is practically blind in microscopy focused ion beam (FIB) mono beam. The application of a negative potential to the manipulator sharp has been considered, which causes differences of electrical potential between the detector and the sample holder, generating an electric field between the sharp and the sample. This makes the electrons, aside the sample, undergo a greater deflection, reflecting in poorer contrast image. This deflection depends on a great extension of the sample holder height between the micromanipulator sharp, voltage deflector, q/m electron factor and electron acceleration.

    Práticas com a Moodle em Portugal

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    Com este trabalho pretendemos dar uma imagem do cenário de utilização da plataforma Moodle à luz das referências dos textos das comunicações apresentadas no encontro Caldas Moodle 2008. Para isso procedeu-se a uma análise do respectivo conteúdo efectuada a partir da leitura atenta dos resumos, introduções, e secções dos textos (formal ou informalmente organizadas) onde se apresentam as metodologias de trabalho e/ou investigação, bem como das secções de conclusões e/ou considerações finais, de todos os trabalhos incluídos no livro de actas. Procurou-se sistematizar informação dos mesmos considerando diversas dimensões de análise: nível de escolaridade do público-alvo, objectivos, contextos e perspectivas subjacentes à utilização da Moodle bem como obstáculos à sua utilização.In this work we are putting forward the data collected and the findings of the analysis of the literature review of papers presented at the congress Caldas Moodle 2008. We started carefully read the executive summary, introduction, methodology and conclusions of each of these texts where we present the methodologies and / or research as well as sections of conclusions and / or final consideration of all the works included in that texts. We tried to systematize information about them considering various dimensions of analysis: education level of the target audience, objectives, contexts and perspectives underlying the use of Moodle as well as obstacles to their use

    Práticas com a Moodle : um estudo centrado no CCUM

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    Neste trabalho procedemos à apresentação dos dados recolhidos e das conclusões decorrentes da sua análise e interpretação, referentes a um estudo de tipo survey relativo à utilização da Moodle num grupo de escolas/agrupamentos enquadrados no Centro de Competência da Universidade do Minho. O estudo focou-se na caracterização do perfil dos professores dinamizadores/administradores das plataformas Moodle das escolas e em diversos aspectos referentes aos seus utilizadores e à natureza da utilização que é feita da plataforma. A discussão dos resultados fez-se em articulação e confrontação com outros estudos e dados decorrentes do processo de revisão de literatura.In this work we present the information and conclusions obtained from a study of a questionnaire about the use of Moodle in schools / groups in schools aiming at its characterization, the characterization of their teachers and the practice of the use as well as the promotion of Moodle. This discussion will be composed of direct articulation and confrontation with other studies and evidence from a review of literature

    As plataformas de aprendizagem nas conferências Challenges

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    Este texto apresenta os principais resultados decorrentes da análise das actas dos eventos Challenges dos anos de 2003, 2005, 2007 e 2009 no sentido de identificar os trabalhos com foco na utilização de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Com esta análise, centrada nas secções (formalmente ou não assim identificadas) de (i) introdução, (ii) metodologias de investigação ou descrição do desenvolvimento do trabalho e (iii) conclusões ou considerações finais, pretendemos identificar alguns aspectos referentes ao uso de plataforma de gestão de aprendizagem Moodle. Com base nos dados recolhidos pudemos verificar que é nas edições dos anos de 2007 e 2009 que se verifica a existência de um número elevado de comunicações com este foco. Constatamos também a existências de experiências de utilização e estudos referentes a todos os níveis de ensino (excepto pré-escolar) - do básico ao superior – e o desenvolvimento de actividades em áreas disciplinares muito diversificadas, com destaque para a matemática, e com foco nas potencialidades de interacção através de fóruns electrónicos.In this paper we present the information and conclusions obtained from the analysis of the Challenges events for the years 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009 to identify the work focused on the use of virtual learning environments. With this analysis, focusing on sections (formally or not so identified) (i) introduction, (ii) research methodologies or description of development work and (iii) conclusions and final remarks, we intend to identify some aspects concerning for use of the learning management platform Moodle. Based on data collected we can see in 2007 and 2009 editions there is a large number of communications with this issues. We also note the existence of user experiences and studies related to all levels of education (excluding preschool) - from primary to university levels - and the development of activities in very diverse courses, especially mathematics, focused on the potential interaction through electronic forums