11 research outputs found

    A roupa nova do presidente: a politização da imagem pública de Jânio Quadros (1947-1961)

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    Jânio Quadros public image is often considered deprived of any political meaning either by historians or by collective memory. In most cases he is treated as a demagogue who promoted himself only through his personalism, which could be seen in his public appearances unkempt and with open-necked shirts. Such perspective is deeply related to the way his opponents and enemies represented him in the political debates, and its core has been successful in penetrating the historiography. However in this text I intend to suggest that Jânio's images conveyed an array of political senses during the 1950s and early 1960s, since the beginning of his career till when he disputed presidential elections and ruled Brazil as president. Through his gestures and clothes, among which his Indian slacks deserve more attention, he tried to express his project related to the Christian Democracy and the Independent Foreign Policy. To deal with such hypothesis, the main sources will be the magazines O Cruzeiro and Manchete and others photos and drawings that were considerably widespread at that time.A imagem pública de Jânio Quadros é frequentemente considerada como desprovida de quaisquer significados políticos, seja por historiadores ou pela memória coletiva. Na maioria dos casos, ele é tratado como um demagogo que se promovia apenas através de seu personalismo, exibindo-se em suas aparições públicas despenteado e com camisas abertas no colarinho. Tal perspectiva está profundamente relacionada com a forma pela qual seus oponentes e inimigos o representavam nos debates políticos, e em seu cerne foi bem-sucedida, tendo penetrado na historiografia. Neste texto, porém, pretendo sugerir que, perpassando a década de 1950 e o início da de 1960, desde o início de sua carreira até o momento em que disputou eleições presidenciais e foi o presidente do Brasil, as imagens de Jânio veiculavam um amplo leque de sentidos políticos. Por meio de gestos e roupas, destacando-se aí seus slacks indianos, ele procurou expressar seus projetos relacionados à Democracia Cristã e à Política Externa Independente. Para lidar com essa hipótese, as principais fontes fotográficas e textuais elencadas são as revistas O Cruzeiro e Manchete da época, e outras fotos e ilustrações que então foram bastante difundidas

    Banking the Poor: Evidence from a Savings Field Experiment in Malawi

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    The poor often save through informal methods outside of the financial systems of developing countries, restricting the extent to which their savings can help fuel growth. Moreover, a growing number of studies show large positive effects on outcomes among the poor from possessing a savings account. However, the vast majority of adults in the developing world do not have even a basic account. This paper uses a randomized field experiment in Malawi with over 2,000 households to examine an innovative approach to spur financial inclusion. The results show that periodic informational visits to a village can sharply increase take-up and use of savings accounts. The impact on adoption probability depends on a few key household characteristics, its effect the strongest for households in middle wealth categories, with educated heads, living outside the immediate vicinity of the bank. Results show account usage is robust among induced adopters. The randomly assigned information intervention is then used to identify sharp causal impacts of savings adoption on agricultural production inputs, crop income, and food consumption among farming households in poor rural areas. These results help extend a fast-growing literature on formal savings by examining a novel and effective method to encourage uptake and better understand the impact of savings accounts among poor farmers – the largest occupational group among the poor