169 research outputs found

    Efeito da aplicação foliar de extrato de algas, aminoácidos e nutrientes via foliar na produtividade e qualidade de alface crespa

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os prováveis efeitos da aplicação foliar de extrato de algas, do ácido glutâmico e de nutrientes foliares, no desenvolvimento, na produtividade e no número de folhas produzidas na cultura da alface. O experimento foi conduzido à campo, num delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, com os seguintes tratamentos: 1) bioestimulantes Gold Carrier e Planta 100, 2 ml produto comercial/litro 2) bioestimulante Plenno, 2,5 ml produto comercial/litro 3) bioestimulante Gold Carrier, 2 ml produto comercial/litro; 4) bioestimulantes Algamino, 4 ml do produto comercial/litro 5) bioestimulante Planta 100, 2 ml produto comercial/litro 6) Testemunha (sem aplicação). Foram realizadas três aplicações foliares aos 14, 21 e 28 dias do transplante, utilizando-se o volume de solução equivalente 200 l/ha. Ao final do ciclo da cultura foram quantificados os parâmetros peso individual de planta, o diâmetro de cada planta e o número de folhas. A análise final dos resultados demonstrou significância apenas para número de folhas

    Charges e Hq’s no ensino de biologia: uma análise a partir de questões presentes no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio –ENEM

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    As charges e histórias em quadrinhos (HQs) por muito tempo foram mal vistas pela sociedade, que usava como justificativa suas possíveis influências em comportamentos violentos. Em 1970, alguns psicólogos e educadores viram a possibilidade de usá-las como ferramenta de ensino, pois o conteúdo seria melhor compreendido através de uma leitura dinâmica e agradável. Atualmente, as HQs e as charges estão presentes nos livros didáticos, no ensino em sala de aula, em provas de vestibulares e no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio – ENEM. Porém, sua desvalorização como recurso de ensino por parte dos docentes leva a falhas na interpretação dos alunos. Assim, o presente trabalho tem por finalidade a análise crítica de como as charges e os quadrinhos estão empregados nas questões de Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias nas provas do ENEM, observando o nível de complexidade de interpretação e os conteúdos abordados. Com base nas metodologias qualitativa e documental, os resultados obtidos foram utilizados para elaboração de uma cartilha contendo dados referentes às questões e temas abordados a partir de charges e quadrinhos encontrados nas provas, buscando assim ser um material de apoio ao professor em sua prática docente

    Caffeine teratogenicity in rats: morphological characterization and hypothesized mechanisms

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    Caffeine consumption during pregnancy has been shown in the scientific literature to be associated with teratogenicity such as low birth weight, fetal malformations, and miscarriage. However, the morphological alterations of the offspring of dams exposed during pregnancy have not been consistently described, and the mechanisms why they occur remain elusive. Thus, we aimed to characterize the offspring malformations induced by moderate and high doses of caffeine during pregnancy. Dams were divided into three groups: control, moderate (0.3 g/L), and high dose (1.0 g/L) of caffeine, which was provided in the drinking water beginning on gestational day 1 and continuing throughout the entire gestation. At moderate doses, only one of the dams had stillborn pups, although no macroscopic malformations were observed. High doses of caffeine induced significantly more malformations (P<0.001) and early death (before P4). The malformations observed were related to fetal development and cardiovascular alterations, namely bruises, macrocephaly with short limbs, abnormal development (or absence) of head structures and limbs, labial malformations, hydrops fetalis, and poor placental formation. We discussed the proposed mechanisms by which caffeine might induce these phenotypes, which may involve down-regulation of adenosine A1 receptors, and increased mothers’ catecholamines. Our findings further confirm the evidence of the teratogenic effects of high doses of caffeine administered during pregnancy. These findings support the recommendation to avoid caffeine exposure during pregnancy. Keywords: Caffeine; offspring; teratogenicity; pregnancy; hydrops; cardiovascular alteration

    Diet-induced Maternal Obesity Alters Insulin Signalling In Male Mice Offspring Rechallenged With A High-fat Diet In Adulthood

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Modern lifestyle has resulted in an increase in the prevalence of obesity and its comorbidities in pregnant women and the young population. It has been well established that the consumption of a high-fat diet (HFD) has many direct effects on glucose metabolism. However, it is important to assess whether maternal consumption of a HFD during critical periods of development can lead to metabolic changes in the offspring metabolism. This study evaluated the potential effects of metabolic programming on the impairment of insulin signalling in recently weaned offspring from obese dams. Additionally, we investigated if early exposure to an obesogenic environment could exacerbate the impairment of glucose metabolism in adult life in response to a HFD. Swiss female mice were fed with Standard Chow (SC) or a HFD during gestation and lactation and tissues from male offspring were analysed at d28 and d82. Offspring from obese dams had greater weight gain and higher adiposity and food intake than offspring from control dams. Furthermore, they showed impairment in insulin signalling in central and peripheral tissues, which was associated with the activation of inflammatory pathways. Adipose tissue was ultimately the most affected in adult offspring after HFD rechallenge; this may have contributed to the metabolic deregulation observed. Overall, our results suggest that diet-induced maternal obesity leads to increased susceptibility to obesity and impairment of insulin signalling in offspring in early and late life that cannot be reversed by SC consumption, but can be aggravated by HFD re-exposure.118Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [2011/22156-7, 2013/12003-4]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Ser ou não ser um estudante do curso de Ciências Contábeis, eis a questão: um estudo à luz da Teoria o Comportamento Planejado

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    O estudo tem como objetivo identificar os fatores determinantes no ingresso dos acadêmicos no Curso de Ciências Contábeis de uma universidade pública no Estado do Panará, sob o enfoque da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado (TCP). A TCP foi desenvolvida por Ajzen (1991) para explicar a intenção de um indivíduo a realizar um comportamento com base em um conjunto reduzido de construtos explicativos: atitude, norma subjetiva e controle percebido. Foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva aplicada aos acadêmicos matriculados na UNESPAR – campus de Campo Mourão no ano de 2018. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário com questões fechadas, contendo 46 perguntas divididas entre múltipla escolha e de escala intervalar de 11 pontos. Foram analisadas as distribuições de frequências, e posteriormente realizado a análise descritiva. Os resultados evidenciam a atitude comportamental, por meio da identificação pessoal com a área contábil; da norma subjetiva, por meio de influência familiar e incentivo de amigos; e também do controle comportamental, por meio da gratuidade do ensino e boas oportunidades de trabalho, motivando a realizar o comportamento de ingressar no curso de Ciências Contábeis. As interferências desses fatores sobre os acadêmicos do curso são relevantes para as Instituições de Ensino Superior e coordenação do curso, além de fomentar novos estudos relacionados

    Caffeine teratogenicity in rats : morphological characterization and hypothesized mechanisms

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    Caffeine consumption during pregnancy has been shown in the scientific literature to be associated with teratogenicity such as low birth weight, fetal malformations, and miscarriage. However, the morphological alterations of the offspring of dams exposed during pregnancy have not been consistently described, and the mechanisms why they occur remain elusive. Thus, we aimed to characterize the offspring malformations induced by moderate and high doses of caffeine during pregnancy. Dams were divided into three groups: control, moderate (0.3 g/L), and high dose (1.0 g/L) of caffeine, which was provided in the drinking water beginning on gestational day 1 and continuing throughout the entire gestation. At moderate doses, only one of the dams had stillborn pups, although no macroscopic malformations were observed. High doses of caffeine induced significantly more malformations (P<0.001) and early death (before P4). The malformations observed were related to fetal development and cardiovascular alterations, namely bruises, macrocephaly with short limbs, abnormal development (or absence) of head structures and limbs, labial malformations, hydrops fetalis, and poor placental formation. We discussed the proposed mechanisms by which caffeine might induce these phenotypes, which may involve down-regulation of adenosine A1 receptors, and increased mothers’ catecholamines. Our findings further confirm the evidence of the teratogenic effects of high doses of caffeine administered during pregnancy. These findings support the recommendation to avoid caffeine exposure during pregnancy


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    O avanço tecnológico vem tornando inevitável o aumento de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos (REEE). Neste contexto, a Lei Federal nº 12.305 / 2010 (PNRS) no Brasil estabelece princípios para permitir o avanço necessário e o enfrentamento dos principais problemas ambientais. Diante disso, essa pesquisa realizou uma análise do Acordo Setorial de Logística Reversa de Eletroeletrônicos firmado no Brasil em 2019 e a reciclabilidade de REEE em duas Cooperativas na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre - RS. Para tanto, foi enviado um questionário a cada cooperativa, no qual, responderam a questões sobre a gestão, a reciclabibidade e comercialização dos REEE. A maior parte dos REEE são comercializados com mínimas restrições. Para as cooperativas poderem atuar no gerenciamento desse resíduo, é necessário um volume mínimo periódico que viabilize economicamente a atividade, bem como um sistema de gestão interno bem estruturado para atender a futura demanda por conta do Acordo Setorial.The technological advances has become inevitable the increase in waste from electronic equipment (WEEE). In this context, Federal Law No. 12,305 / 2010 (PNRS) in Brazil establishes important principles to allow the necessary progress to face the main environmental problems. In view of this, this study carried out an analysis of the Reverse Logistics Sector Agreement for Electronics signed in Brazil in 2019 and focused to identify existing actions of the Cooperatives involved in the WEEE chain in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre - RS. As a method of collecting information, a questionnaire was structured and sent to each representative of the cooperatives participating in the study, in which they responded in relation to both management, recycling and commercialization of WEEE. Most WEEE is marketed with minimal restrictions. For cooperatives to be able to act in the management of this waste, a minimum periodic volume is necessary to make the activity economically viable, as well as a well-structured internal management system to meet the future demand that will increase due to the Sectorial Agreement

    Self-perception of body image in college students of a nutrition course

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    Objective: To evaluate the body image of university students in the course of nutrition. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 181 students of both genders from the Nutrition Undergraduate of Maranhão, Brazil. The presence and degree of dissatisfaction with body shape were evaluated by Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ 34), another instrument used in this study was Body Figure Silhouettes (BFS). Results: The participants presented mean age of 23.1 (±5.2) years, majority women (89.5%). Most of the subjects were eutrophic (66.9%) according to BMI, and no image perception disorder according to BSQ34. According to the BSF, 56 students had the silhouette represented by figure 4, however, the figure most desired by 111 students was demonstrated by silhouette 3, (p-value 0.000). Demonstrating the desire for weight loss of the majority, despite being represented by a silhouette eutrophic. Conclusion: Most (66.9%) eutrophic, according to BMI and without image disturbances (54.7%) according to BSQ 34. However, there is a trend of overweight and obese individuals presenting with image disorders

    “Cuidar é simplesmente olhar pra um mundo que você não vê” : relatos sobre a humanização em uma Residência Multiprofissional.

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    Esta é uma pesquisa que aborda o trabalho humanizado do(a) enfermeiro(a) residente multiprofissional em saúde, com o objetivo de conhecer o processo de formação do(a) enfermeiro(a) na Residência Multiprofissional Integrada em Gestão e Atenção Hospitalar no Sistema Público de Saúde e de que forma é aplicado seu conhecimento sobre humanização em suas práticas cotidianas. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo, com a utilização de uma entrevista semiestruturada com residentes da Residência Multiprofissional e os dados qualitativamente analisados através da Análise de Conteúdo, originando quatro categorias temáticas. Como resultados, encontrou-se que em relação à humanização da saúde, as participantes fazem certa confusão entre esse conceito e os princípios éticos da enfermagem, porém, na prática, exercem-na conforme alguns princípios que a política de humanização precede. Além disso, percebeu-se grande exaltação, sendo  vista pelas participantes como um dispositivo de humanização, já que devido à rotina intensa das unidades dificilmente a equipe consegue realizá-la

    Comparison of pain burden and psychological factors in Brazilian women living with HIV and chronic neuropathic or nociceptive pain : an exploratory study

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    Psychological factors including pain catastrophizing and resilience associate with adjustment and quality of life in people living with chronic pain. Nevertheless, their presentation among females living with HIV and chronic pain has been poorly studied. Given that chronic pain in those living with HIV might occur due to different mechanisms (nociceptive or neuropathic), we hypothesize that the associated psychological states could also differ between these groups. We aimed to compare pain frequency and interference, psychological factors and sleep quality between females living with chronic nociceptive or neuropathic pain. Also, we explored correlations between psychological factors, pain severity and interference in females living with HIV and chronic pain. We performed a cross sectional study assessing females living with HIV and chronic pain, and compared it with a female HIV-positive, painfree control sample in Brazil. To discriminate the most likely underlying mechanism for the chronic pain, we applied the Leeds Assessment for Neuropathic Signs and Symptoms (LANSS). Forty-nine females living with HIV and chronic pain were assessed, and divided in control (n = 12), nociceptive (n = 10) and neuropathic pain (n = 27) groups. Using validated scales, their pain catastrophizing, resilience, depression, anxiety and sleep disorders were assessed between May 2014 and August 2015. Compared to controls, females living with HIV and neuropathic chronic pain had higher pain frequency (p<0.001), interference on activities (p = 0.002), interference with emotions (p<0.001), catastrophizing (p<0.001), depression (p = 0.015), and lower resilience (p = 0.011). Catastrophizing was also significantly correlated to the burden of chronic pain. The type of chronic pain in females living with HIV should raise concerns regarding significant burden in psychological states in this population (particularly neuropathic pain). Using scales such as the LANSS to identify the type of choric pain, could be of use to address relevant issues for the patients, and to propose tailored therapies