4,395 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Potentially Associated with the Gas Shale Fracturing Process in the Fayetteville and Marcellus Shale

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    With the recent growth of the natural gas industry coupled with technological advancements, gas shale fracturing has become an effective and highly profitable method for natural gas production. Unlike conventional natural gas extraction which may require vertical fracturing, gas shale fracturing relies on a method known as horizontal fracturing to remove gas trapped within the impermeable facies. Compared to vertical fracturing, horizontal fracturing requires larger amounts of fluids to be injected downhole under high pressure. These fracturing fluids can contain high concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons with known adverse health effects. Due to the large volumes used, the potential for groundwater contamination has caused concern in the public. In this study, groundwater quality was evaluated in regions associated with gas shale fracturing. Groundwater samples were collected from 15 shallow aquifer wells at varying depths in areas near gas shale fracturing sites in north-central Arkansas. Samples were also collected from 7 groundwater monitoring wells in proposed gas shale production areas in New York State. Concentrations of volatile (VOC) and semi-volatile (SVOC) organic compounds in groundwater samples, including gasoline range organics (GRO) and diesel range organic (DRO), were analyzed using gas chromatography. This study also investigated flowback water quality from both horizontally and vertically fractured wells. Flowback water is water that returns to the surface within 14 days of the initial fracturing event. Flowback data made available by the Shale Network were collected using geographic information systems (GIS). Flowback sample analytes of interest were DRO and GRO compounds. These samples came from gas shale fracturing wells located within the Marcellus Shale region in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Noticeable patterns were present in DRO and GRO flowback data. Flowback water results showed differences between horizontally and vertically fractured well DRO patterns. Vertically fractured wells showed a sharp decrease in DRO concentrations following fracture events. Horizontally fractured wells exhibited a peak in loading when flowback water shifted to produced water. This pattern suggests the method of completion has a large effect on DRO loading. GRO loadings appeared to not be effected by the method of completion. A horizontally fractured well and vertically fractured well within 16km showed similar loading patterns. GRO data suggest factors such as geographic location, may be responsible for VOC loading trends. VOCs and SVOCs were present at detectable levels in groundwater samples. Average concentration of GROs in groundwater samples collected from wells in Arkansas was 14.713.0 g/L. Monterey CF was the only New York site with GROs above the detection limit, with a mean concentration of 11.43.1 g/L. Concentrations of GROs in New York were found to be statistically lower compared to Arkansas locations (P = 0.042). DRO concentrations in groundwater samples collected from Arkansas ranged from non-detect to 4.480.81 mg/L. DROs were detected in two groundwater samples collected from New York State. DRO concentrations in New York groundwater samples were found to be statistically lower compared to samples collected in Arkansas (P = 0.029). Results from this study also support that methane was detected in 10 out of 22 groundwater samples from Arkansas and New York State. The average concentration for the 6 groundwater samples collected in Arkansas with detectable levels of methane was 0.050.06 mg/L. Methane was detected in groundwater samples collected from four sites in New York State. However, no statistical difference was found between New York and Arkansas samples. A relationship between the distances of Arkansas groundwater samples to gas shale fracturing operations was not found for any measured organics

    The menstruating bladder, an unusual cause of haematuria

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    A 39 year old lady presented with flank pain and haematuria. Radiological investigations showed unilateral hydronephrosis and a serum creatinine of 102?mol/l. At cystoscopy, a soft tissue mass was found in the region of the left ureteric orifice and was causing obstruction of the ureter. A resection biopsy of this lesion was taken. A CT scan and DTPA renogram showed a non-functioning left kidney secondary to chronic obstruction by a soft tissue mass at the left vesico-ureteric junction. Histological analysis of the endoscopic resection specimen showed that the mass contained tubal-type epithelium compatible with a diagnosis of endosalpingiosis (a rare variant of Mullerianosis of the urinary tract). In view of persistent symptoms, it was decided to proceed to surgery. A hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and partial cystectomy were performed. The patient has recovered well and is currently asymptomatic. Formal histology of the resection specimen showed the presence of endometriosis.peer-reviewe

    Implications of Adult Facial Aging on Biometrics

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    Information Technology Choices in Dissimilar Cultures: Enhancing Empowerment

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    A subject which has received considerable recent attention is that of intercultural comparison of the usage of Information Technology (IT) [2, 4, refs]. Many such studies have been presented, but those reviewed to date have the unfortunate reality of 1) using comparisons drawn from the impressions of two distinct groups (one group from each culture of interest) [refs], and 2) of paying only passing attention to the subject of IT worker empowerment [33], the ability of IT to assist workers in completing their jobs in a more productive manner

    Leitlinien zur Sicherung der Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Schweineerzeugung

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    Tierische Produkte aus ökologischer Erzeugung erfreuen sich derzeit großer Beliebtheit bei vielen Verbrauchern, die mit ökologisch erzeugten Produkten tierischer Herkunft bessere Haltungsbedingungen sowie einen höheren Gesundheitsstatus der Nutztiere verbinden. Auf der anderen Seite zeigen Erhebungen auf ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieben, dass den Erwartungen der Verbraucher häufig nicht entsprochen wird und eine große Variation zwischen den Betrieben hinsichtlich ihrer Gesundheitsleistungen besteht. Die Gründe für die Diskrepanz zwischen Verbrauchererwartungen und realen Verhältnissen sind vielfältig. Sie reichen von mangelndem Problembewusstsein über unzureichende Managementqualifikationen und begrenzt verfügbaren Ressourcen bis zu ausbleibenden Marktimpulsen. Ferner kann das Fehlen klar definierter Zielvorgaben für den Gesundheitsstatus der Tiere als ein maßgeblicher Grund für die bestehenden Defizite angesehen werden. Um hier gegenzusteuern, haben sich landwirtschaftliche Berater, Tierärzte und Wissenschaftler zusammengefunden, um sich gemeinsam auf Zielvorgaben für die Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Schweinehaltung zu verständigen. Trotz unterschiedlicher fachspezifischer Perspektiven ist es gelungen, sich auf Zielvorgaben für einen unter ökologischen Bedingungen anzustrebenden Gesundheitsstatus zu einigen. Dieser orientiert sich an Verlustraten in den einzelnen Produktionsabschnitten und an pathologisch-anatomischen Schlachtkörperbefunden. Die Umsetzung der Zielvorgaben zur Tiergesundheit stellt eine neue Herausforderung dar, die eine intensive Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schweinehaltern, Tierärzten und landwirtschaftlicher Fachberatung erfordert und nur gelingen kann, wenn eine kontinuierliche Datenerfassung und -aufbereitung der maßgeblichen Kenngrößen in der Prozesskette erfolgt

    2004-2005 Master Class - Rebecca Penneys (Piano)

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    Rebecca Penneys Piano Recital (October 23, 2004) - Programhttps://spiral.lynn.edu/conservatory_masterclasses/1147/thumbnail.jp