1,136 research outputs found

    Asymptotic correctability of Bell-diagonal qudit states and lower bounds on tolerable error probabilities in quantum cryptography

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    The concept of asymptotic correctability of Bell-diagonal quantum states is generalised to elementary quantum systems of higher dimensions. Based on these results basic properties of quantum state purification protocols are investigated which are capable of purifying tensor products of Bell-diagonal states and which are based on BB-steps of the Gottesman-Lo-type with the subsequent application of a Calderbank-Shor-Steane quantum code. Consequences for maximum tolerable error rates of quantum cryptographic protocols are discussed

    On Soliton-type Solutions of Equations Associated with N-component Systems

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    The algebraic geometric approach to NN-component systems of nonlinear integrable PDE's is used to obtain and analyze explicit solutions of the coupled KdV and Dym equations. Detailed analysis of soliton fission, kink to anti-kink transitions and multi-peaked soliton solutions is carried out. Transformations are used to connect these solutions to several other equations that model physical phenomena in fluid dynamics and nonlinear optics.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figure

    Wave Solutions of Evolution Equations and Hamiltonian Flows on Nonlinear Subvarieties of Generalized Jacobians

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    The algebraic-geometric approach is extended to study solutions of N-component systems associated with the energy dependent Schrodinger operators having potentials with poles in the spectral parameter, in connection with Hamiltonian flows on nonlinear subvariaties of Jacobi varieties. The systems under study include the shallow water equation and Dym type equation. The classes of solutions are described in terms of theta-functions and their singular limits by using new parameterizations. A qualitative description of real valued solutions is provided

    Foam-like compression behavior of fibrin networks

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    The rheological properties of fibrin networks have been of long-standing interest. As such there is a wealth of studies of their shear and tensile responses, but their compressive behavior remains unexplored. Here, by characterization of the network structure with synchronous measurement of the fibrin storage and loss moduli at increasing degrees of compression, we show that the compressive behavior of fibrin networks is similar to that of cellular solids. A non-linear stress-strain response of fibrin consists of three regimes: 1) an initial linear regime, in which most fibers are straight, 2) a plateau regime, in which more and more fibers buckle and collapse, and 3) a markedly non-linear regime, in which network densification occurs {{by bending of buckled fibers}} and inter-fiber contacts. Importantly, the spatially non-uniform network deformation included formation of a moving "compression front" along the axis of strain, which segregated the fibrin network into compartments with different fiber densities and structure. The Young's modulus of the linear phase depends quadratically on the fibrin volume fraction while that in the densified phase depends cubically on it. The viscoelastic plateau regime corresponds to a mixture of these two phases in which the fractions of the two phases change during compression. We model this regime using a continuum theory of phase transitions and analytically predict the storage and loss moduli which are in good agreement with the experimental data. Our work shows that fibrin networks are a member of a broad class of natural cellular materials which includes cancellous bone, wood and cork

    Various Models for Pion Probability Distributions from Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    Various models for pion multiplicity distributions produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions are discussed. The models include a relativistic hydrodynamic model, a thermodynamic description, an emitting source pion laser model, and a description which generates a negative binomial description. The approach developed can be used to discuss other cases which will be mentioned. The pion probability distributions for these various cases are compared. Comparison of the pion laser model and Bose-Einstein condensation in a laser trap and with the thermal model are made. The thermal model and hydrodynamic model are also used to illustrate why the number of pions never diverges and why the Bose-Einstein correction effects are relatively small. The pion emission strength η\eta of a Poisson emitter and a critical density ηc\eta_c are connected in a thermal model by η/nc=e−m/T<1\eta/n_c = e^{-m/T} < 1, and this fact reduces any Bose-Einstein correction effects in the number and number fluctuation of pions. Fluctuations can be much larger than Poisson in the pion laser model and for a negative binomial description. The clan representation of the negative binomial distribution due to Van Hove and Giovannini is discussed using the present description. Applications to CERN/NA44 and CERN/NA49 data are discussed in terms of the relativistic hydrodynamic model.Comment: 12 pages, incl. 3 figures and 4 tables. You can also download a PostScript file of the manuscript from http://p2hp2.lanl.gov/people/schlei/eprint.htm

    Preparation of Knill-Laflamme-Milburn states using tunable controlled phase gate

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    A specific class of partially entangled states known as Knill-Laflamme-Milburn states (or KLM states) has been proved to be useful in relation to quantum information processing [Knill et al., Nature 409, 46 (2001)]. Although the usage of such states is widely investigated, considerably less effort has been invested into experimentally accessible preparation schemes. This paper discusses the possibility to employ a tunable controlled phase gate to generate an arbitrary Knill-Laflamme-Milburn state. In the first part, the idea of using the controlled phase gate is explained on the case of two-qubit KLM states. Optimization of the proposed scheme is then discussed for the framework of linear optics. Subsequent generalization of the scheme to arbitrary n-qubit KLM state is derived in the second part of this paper.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Journal of Physics

    Separability criteria and bounds for entanglement measures

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    Employing a recently proposed separability criterion we develop analytical lower bounds for the concurrence and for the entanglement of formation of bipartite quantum systems. The separability criterion is based on a nondecomposable positive map which operates on state spaces with even dimension N >= 4, and leads to a class of nondecomposable optimal entanglement witnesses. It is shown that the bounds derived here complement and improve the existing bounds obtained from the criterion of positive partial transposition and from the realignment criterion.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Excitation of weakly bound Rydberg electrons by half-cycle pulses

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    The interaction of a weakly bound Rydberg electron with an electromagnetic half-cycle pulse (HCP) is described with the help of a multidimensional semiclassical treatment. This approach relates the quantum evolution of the electron to its underlying classical dynamics. The method is nonperturbative and is valid for arbitrary spatial and temporal shapes of the applied HCP. On the basis of this approach angle- and energy-resolved spectra resulting from the ionization of Rydberg atoms by HCPs are analyzed. The different types of spectra obtainable in the sudden-impact approximation are characterized in terms of the appearing semiclassical scattering phenomena. Typical modifications of the spectra originating from finite pulse effects are discussed.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    From the Singular to the Plural: Exploring Diversities in Contemporary Childhoods in sub-Saharan Africa

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    The challenges that sub-Saharan Africa has faced in the post-colonial period have come to characterise the way the region is perceived. These narratives are especially evident in the various ways children’s lives are discussed, leading to a particular focus on childhoods in difficult circumstances or at the margins. This has eclipsed the mundanities of everyday life for many children whose lives are not characterised by ‘lacks’. This article seeks to move beyond an overwhelming focus on childhoods defined by what they lack by illustrating the multitude of childhoods which exist in the continent

    Non-Analytic Vertex Renormalization of a Bose Gas at Finite Temperature

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    We derive the flow equations for the symmetry unbroken phase of a dilute 3-dimensional Bose gas. We point out that the flow equation for the interaction contains parts which are non-analytic at the origin of the frequency-momentum space. We examine the way this non-analyticity affects the fixed point of the system of the flow equations and shifts the value of the critical exponent for the correlation length closer to the experimental result in comparison with previous work where the non-analyticity was neglected. Finally, we emphasize the purely thermal nature of this non-analytic behaviour comparing our approach to a previous work where non-analyticity was studied in the context of renormalization at zero temperature.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure
