15 research outputs found


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    This present paper overviews the use of copepods in aquaculture. Some culture methods and nutritional values also described to decide whether copepods are viable and reliable to be used as live food in aquaculture hatcheries. Copepods have been known to have higher nutritional value than Artemia and rotifers. In aquaculture, they have been used to fed various species of marine finfish with better results in terms of growth, larval survival and pigmentation compared to some fish larvae fed on other live feeds. However, culturing copepods in intensive systems to harvest high number of copepods is not well established yet due to lack of funding and knowledge. Meanwhile extensive and semi intensive systems are possible to transfer parasites and diseases from wild environment. Furthermore, nutritional value can not be controlled in such systems


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    This study was aimed to evaluate different types and combinations of live foods in relation to the survivability of newly hatched Lysmata vittata and Lysmata intermedia larvae. The experiment consisted of three trials (different species, combinations, and densities of live foods) arranged in a completely randomized design. The first and second trials were subjected to L. vittata with three treatments for each trial (1A, 1B, 1C for trial-1; 1D, 1E, 1F for trial-2). The third trial consisted of two treatments (2A and 2B) tested on L. intermedia. Each treatment had three replicates. The results showed that the survival rates were low in all treatments. However, each treatment showed a significant effect (P<0.05) on the average survival rate of L. vittata and L. intermedia larvae. In the first trial, treatment 1C was the only one that had survived larvae after day 35 with 4.44% of final average survival rate (FASR). Four of the larvae reached the post-larval stage. In the second trial, treatment 1F showed a better condition than the other treatments with 5.56% FASR. Nevertheless, no larvae in the second trial had transformed to post-larval stage before the experiment ended at day 46. In the third trial, no larvae survived to reach the post-larval stage. In spite of this, treatment 2B had better daily average survival rate (DASR) than treatment 2A. This research concludes that the use of copepods as live food at an early larval stage and Artemia at a later stage is relatively more effective to improve the survival rate of peppermint shrimp larvae

    Mariculture and marine spatial planning: integrating local ecological knowledge at Kaledupa Island, Indonesia

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    Economic development on Indonesia’s numerous small islands faces a number of challenges stemming from the islands’ isolation and resource limitations. Mariculture has been promoted as a viable development strategy in these areas, and this research assesses a marine spatial planning approach to support net-cage grouper mariculture development in waters surrounding Kaledupa Island located southeast of Sulawesi. Data collection focused on 15 biophysical capability parameters, plus an additional 7 suitability parameters assessed through interviews with villagers and local experts. Capability analysis identified 4,511 hectares capable of sustaining grouper mariculture within the 8,582 hectares study area. Suitability analysis identified 2,667 suitable hectares based on villager opinions and 4,083 suitable hectares based on local expert opinions. Reliance on villager opinions and resolution of fragmentation issues reduced the final area deemed suitable to 2,423 hectares. This study highlights the importance of utilizing local ecological knowledge in marine spatial planning, and emphasizes the need for follow-up studies, monitoring and enforcement of environmental regulations to ensure that negative impacts do not emerge in island communities as a result of mariculture development

    Tinjauan indikator kesiapan produksi udang putih Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) di sistem intensif

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    Abstrak            Pertumbuhan populasi global yang disertai dengan perubahan menuju gaya hidup sehat menjadikan permintaan terhadap organisme akuatik, khususnya udang putih Litopenaeus vannamei, terus mengalami peningkatan. Namun, optimalisasi produksi udang vannamei di sistem intensif memiliki hambatan dengan tidak konsistennya hasil produksi dan fluktuasi nilai ekonomi dari produk yang dihasilkan. Hal ini utamanya disebabkan oleh faktor degradasi kualitas lingkungan dan keberadaan penyakit yang dapat menurunkan tingkat kelulushidupan udang dan hasil produksi serta tidak menggunakan data kebutuhan pasar sebagai dasar pelaksanaan produksi. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan tinjauan terhadap indikator kesiapan produksi udang vannamei melalui data pasar sebagai input utama pelaksanaan produksi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penentuan lokasi untuk sistem produksi yang tepat disertai dengan implementasi sistem produksi yang efektif dan efisien, meliputi rancangan kolam produksi, teknis operasional produksi termasuk didalamnya pengelolaan pakan, air dan pengelolaan kesehatan udang yang diintegrasikan dengan implementasi teknologi dan standarisasi. Analisa kelayakan ekonomi sistem produksi intensif juga disertakan untuk melihat jangka waktu efektif pengembalian semua modal investasi. Dari hasil penilaian indikator kesiapan yang tepat, produksi udang yang dilakukan di sistem intensif diharapkan dapat menjadi lebih berkelanjutan, terukur dengan mengedepankan prinsip keseimbangan ekologi dan ekonomi.Kata kunci: Indikator, Intensif, Udang Litopenaeus vannamei, Sistem Produksi, Berkelanjutan Abstract            The growth of global population accompanied by the changes into healthy life style makes the demand for aquatic organisms, especially Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, continues to increase. However, the optimization of Vannamei production cultured in intensive system has constraints with inconsistent yields and fluctuation in the economical value of the products. This is mainly due to the degradation of environmental quality and the presence of diseases that can reduce the survival rate and biomass of shrimp as well as not using the market demand data as the baseline for carrying out the production. Therefore, it is necessary to review the readiness indicators for Vannamei shrimp production system through the market data as the primary input for the production, then proceed with determining location for proper production system accompanied by the implementation of an effective and efficient production system, including the design of production ponds, operational protocol including feed, water and shrimp health management system integrated with technology and standardization system. Economical feasibility study of intensive production system also included to evaluate the effective payback period for all investment capital. From the proper assessment of readiness indicator, shrimp production in intensive system could be more sustainable, measurable by prioritizing the principle of ecological and economical balance. Keywords: Indicator, Intensive, Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, Production system, sustainabl

    Mapping and estimating harvest potential of seaweed culture using Worldview-2 Satellite images: a case study in Nusa Lembongan, Bali − Indonesia

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    Unreliable information on harvest potential is a persistent challenge for the Indonesian government and industry alike to manage an efficient supply chain of seaweed raw material. The use of remote sensing technology to assess seaweed harvest potential has been scarcely available in the literature. This current research aimed at estimating the harvest potential of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii through remote sensing using supervised classification with maximum likelihood (MLC) and contextual editing (CE) methods. This research evaluated the capabilities of different band combinations along with depth invariant index (DII) to enhance the remote sensing accuracy in estimating seaweed harvest potential. The seaweed classification using Worldview-2 imagery was compared with the in-situ references (ground-truthing). The potential data bias resulted from different imagery acquisition timestamps with the in-situ measurement was kept minimal as both data time stamps were ten days apart and within the same seaweed culture cycle. The average dry weight of all seaweed samples collected during the research was 924 ± 278.91 g/m2 with culture ages between 1 and 40 days. The classification results based on MLC+CE with a 5-band combination method without DII showed a better correlation and closer fit with the in-situ references compared to the other methods, with an overall accuracy of 79.05% and Tau coefficient value of 0.75. The estimated total harvest potential based on the combined seaweed classes was 531.26 ± 250.29 tons dry weight


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    Green mussel is one of important species cultured in Lada Bay, Pandeglang. To provide a necessary guidance regarding green mussel mariculture development, finding suitable site is an important step. This study was conducted to identify suitable site for green mussel mariculture development using geographic information system (GIS) based models. Seven important parameters were grouped into two submodels, namely environmental (water temperature, salinity, suspended solid, dissolve oxygen, and bathymetry) and infrastructural (distance to settlement and pond aquaculture). A constraint data was used to exclude the area from suitability maps that cannot be allowed to develop green mussel mariculture, including area of floating net fishing activity and area near electricity station. Analyses of factors and constraints indicated that about 31% of potential area with bottom depth less than 25 m had the most suitable area. This area was shown to have an ideal condition for green mussel mariculture in this study region. This study shows that GIS model is a powerful tool for site selection decision making. The tool can be a valuable tool in solving problems in local, regional, and/or continent areas


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    Capability analisis of waters off Kaledupa Island for Grouper Net Cage quaculture. This research was aimed to assess potential areas for sustainable grouper net cage mariculture within marine conservation areas using geographic information system (GIS) as the main tool for determining the suitability of the potential areas. The research took place on the southern part of Kaledupa Island and was conducted for three weeks in August, 2007. Data collection was performed in 31 sampling stations. There were 15 capability parameters measured in each sampling station. Data analysis was conducted using kriging-based interpolation analysis in ArcGIS 9.1 to describe the distribution of each parameter over the study area. The final capability map was the combination of all capability parameters into one single thematic map using Boolean operator. The result showed that there were 4,510.54 ha of capable area in the 8,581.99 ha of the study area. Therefore, it can arguably be concluded that the eastern coastline of Kaledupa Island is capable for supporting grouper net cage mariculutre


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    Rumput laut merupakan komoditas unggulan ekspor perikanan budidaya di Indonesia. Untuk mempertahankan ataupun meningkatkan produksinya dapat dilakukan melalui perluasan areal budidaya. Pemilihan lokasi yang sesuai merupakan tahapan awal untuk mendukung keberhasilan usaha budidaya rumput laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis kelayakan lahan untuk budidaya rumput laut dengan metode apung di kawasan minapolitan Kabupaten Bintan. Data kualitas perairan telah dikumpulkan saat survai lapangan bulan Juli 2010. ALOS AVNIR-2 digunakan untuk mengekstrak data sosial infrastruktur. Data kualitas perairan dan sosial infrastruktur kemudian dianalisis secara spasial dengan sistem informasi geografis dan multi criteria analysis. Hasil analisis spasial menunjukkan bahwa dari total potensial pengembangan (904 km2), sekitar 13% tergolong sangat layak untuk pengembangan budidaya rumput laut. Lokasi dengan kategori sangat layak terkonsentrasi di Pulau Mantang, Telang Kecil, Gin Besar, Numbing, Gin Kecil, Buton, Poto, dan Kelong. Hasil penelitian ini sangat relevan dengan penetapan Kabupaten Bintan, meliputi: Kecamatan Bintan Timur, Mantang, dan Bintan Pesisir, sebagai kawasan sentra pengembangan minapolitan


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    The present study identifies existing mariculture activities and its constraints in SE Sulawesi, along with its geo-physical attributes in the Province.This allows for a better understanding the potential, current and future status of mariculture development in the area and making sure its sustainability. The study was conducted to map the existing mariculture activities in SE Sulawesi. Data collection was performed in June 2009. Spatial and attribute data of the existing mariculture were acquired by interviewing fish farmer using open-ended questionnaire and analyzed using ArcGIS 9.x. Key water quality parameters consisted of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, depth, clarity, and turbidity and analyzed using STORET Indeks. Three big clusters of existing mariculture activities are located in Kendari, Muna and Buton areas, collectively serving as both a source of mariculture products and a market destination or transit location. All surveyed locations of existing mariculture activities in SE Sulawesi show relatively optimal water quality conditions. Site capacity and suitability analysis of existing or potential areas of mariculture activities and development have largely not been considered by stakeholders involved in managing coastal areas, resulting in crowded and unmanaged development with multiple overlapping economic activities in some areas. Piloting of integrated ‘value-adding’ mariculture industries (e.g. raw material, processed products and ‘ready to eat’ industries) might help ease some if not all of the existing economic problems of the mariculture sector

    Expert and Local Community Evaluations of Site Suitability to Support Mariculture Planning in Indonesia

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    Research on the value of local ecological knowledge has flourished in recent years, but is still relatively under-used in mariculture development planning. This research assesses a site suitability approach for net-cage grouper mariculture off Kaledupa Island in Indonesia. Biophysical capability analysis identified a 4,511 hectare marine area capable of sustaining grouper farming within a 8,582 hectares coastal study area. Suitability analysis on marine areas defined as capable which utilized the local ecological knowledge of villagers identified 2,667 hectares as potentially appropriate for development. Suitability analysis that relied upon expert knowledge was much less detailed and defined 4,083 suitable hectares as poten¬tially appropriate for mariculture development. These results confirm that local ecological knowledge can be a powerful supplement to marine spatial planning conducted as part of a broader mariculture development process and must not be overlooked