23 research outputs found

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    À la sortie du second conflit mondial, l’administration des Postes – comme de nombreuses institutions d’État – se recompose et se rĂ©organise. La dĂ©route militaire de 1940, l’exode et l’Occupation marquent une organisation et un personnel qui doivent se reconstruire en 1944, dans le cadre du Gouvernement provisoire de la RĂ©publique française (GPRF). Dans ce contexte, les dĂ©cisions d’épuration touchent l’administration des Postes – une commission centrale d’épuration est d’ailleurs installĂ©e po..

    Le tĂ©moignage dans les procĂšs d’Inquisition en France mĂ©ridionale au XIIIe siĂšcle : l’exemple du manuscrit 609 de Toulouse

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    Dans le cadre de l’inquisitio generalis dans le Midi de la France au XIIIe siĂšcle, le manuscrit 609 de Toulouse apporte beaucoup Ă  l’histoire de l’Inquisition mĂ©diĂ©vale mĂ©ridionale. Ce document des archives du tribunal de Toulouse est un fragment d’une copie de l’enquĂȘte de deux inquisiteurs dominicains, Bernard de Caux et Jean de Saint-Pierre, durant les annĂ©es 1245-1247 dans la rĂ©gion du Lauragais. Il s’intĂ©resse Ă  tout un pays, concerne une centaine de localitĂ©s et rassemble environ 5 500 dĂ©positions, ce qui donne en fait une rĂ©elle valeur au manuscrit et Ă  cette enquĂȘte gĂ©nĂ©rale, permettant d’approcher avec prĂ©cision l’importance du tĂ©moignage dans la pratique judiciaire.In the framework of inquisitio generalis in the 13 th century South of France, the manuscript 609 from Toulouse makes an important contribution to the history of medieval Inquisition in the South of France. This document from the Toulouse court’s archive is a fragment of a copy of an enquiry made by two Dominican inquisitors, Bernard de Caux and Jean de Saint-Pierre, in the years 1245 to 1247 across the Lauragais region. This enquiry deals with a entire “country”, concerns about a hundred places and gathers roughly 5 500 depositions, which gives the manuscript and this enquiry as a whole a genuine historical value, allowing us to approach very precisely the importance of testimony in the judiciary practice

    Les PrĂȘcheurs et l’Inquisition

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    Preachers and Inquisition. In the past, many historians have approached the issue of the Inquisition through its history and settlement in Languedoc, but none of them have really studied the people who have organised it materially and built its legal foundations. This paper can thus only deal with a few aspects of the subject, which is rich in documents and comments. In 1233, when pontifical Inquisition was introduced in the South of France by Gregory IX, this new institution, which already had a past and history, was entrusted to the Dominicans. When he chose the Order of Predicatores Verbi Dei, Gregory IX was aware that he was resorting to the men belonging to the mendicant Order that had been approved in 1216, and not to the order itself. Such a decision could only honour the Dominicans and the memory of their founder, but it was hardly supported by the priors who felt they had little to gain and much to lose in being involved in the repression of heresies. The Pope’s choice of the Preachers for the South of France was not solely imposed by matters of urgency. The repressive system having been legally codified by the Southern councils, the Preachers became a competent and available tool which, above all, intended to remain independent from the civil and religious authorities as well as from the Order. The special powers originally bestowed upon the Preachers suggest that will and reinforce the distinction between the Inquisitors and the Order.Si par le passĂ©, l’Inquisition a Ă©tĂ© abordĂ©e dans son histoire et dans son implantation en Languedoc par de nombreux historiens, les hommes qui l’ont matĂ©riellement organisĂ©e et juridiquement construite n’ont jamais Ă©tĂ© vĂ©ritablement Ă©tudiĂ©s. Cette communication ne prĂ©sente donc que certains aspects d’un sujet riche en documentation et en commentaires. En 1233, lorsque l’Inquisition pontificale est crĂ©Ă©e dans le Midi par GrĂ©goire IX, cette nouvelle institution, qui a dĂ©jĂ  un passĂ© et une histoire, est confiĂ©e aux Dominicains. Dans son choix de l’Ordre des Predicatores verbi Dei, GrĂ©goire IX est conscient de faire non pas appel Ă  l’Ordre mendiant approuvĂ© en 1216, mais aux hommes qui le composent. Ce choix ne peut qu’honorer les Dominicains et la mĂ©moire de leur fondateur, mais il est difficilement admis par les prieurs qui considĂšrent qu’ils ont peu Ă  gagner et beaucoup Ă  perdre Ă  ĂȘtre impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©pression de l’hĂ©rĂ©sie. Le choix pontifical des PrĂȘcheurs pour le Midi n’est pas uniquement dictĂ© par l’urgence. Le systĂšme rĂ©pressif ayant Ă©tĂ© juridiquement codifiĂ© par les conciles mĂ©ridionaux, les PrĂȘcheurs en deviennent les agents. Des agents compĂ©tents et disponibles qui se veulent indĂ©pendants des autoritĂ©s civiles et religieuses, mais aussi de l’Ordre. Les pouvoirs spĂ©ciaux confĂ©rĂ©s Ă  l’origine ne mentent pas sur cette volontĂ© et renforcent la sĂ©paration entre les inquisiteurs et l’Ordre.Albaret Laurent. Les PrĂȘcheurs et l’Inquisition. In: L'Ordre des PrĂȘcheurs et son Histoire en France mĂ©ridionale. Toulouse : Éditions Privat, 2001. pp. 319-341. (Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 36

    Raymond VII de Toulouse et son engagement dans la dĂ©fense de l’orthodoxie. D’excommunications en rĂ©conciliations (1229-1249)

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    Dernier des enfants de la maison de Toulouse, Raymond le jeune ou Raimondet, septiĂšme comte du nom, fils de Raymond VI (1195-1222) et de la comtesse Jeanne (1196-1199), ne connaĂźt pas Ă  ce jour de biographe particulier. Les Ă©tudes sur sa stratĂ©gie politique et son attitude face Ă  la dissidence albigeoise sont inexistantes, contrairement Ă  ses prĂ©dĂ©cesseurs. Raymond VII est pourtant loin d’ĂȘtre un successeur anonyme de son pĂšre. Les troubadours ou les chroniqueurs contemporains, comme Guillaum..

    The Gambia River estuary: A reference point for estuarine fish assemblages studies in West Africa

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    International audienceThe Gambia River is one of the last aquatic ecosystems in West Africa that has not yet been affected by strong environmental changes and human disturbances. In contrast to the neighbouring Casamance and Sine Saloum estuaries, the Gambia estuary is free of major climatic perturbation and remains a "normal" estuary, with a salinity range from freshwater to 39. The present paper aims to study the spatial and seasonal variability of fish assemblages in this estuary in terms of bio-ecological categories and of their relation with some environmental variables. Four surveys were conducted, from June 2001 to April 2002, in order to cover the major hydroclimatic events, at 44 sampling sites along the lower, intermediate and upper zones of the Gambia estuary (up to 220 km). Fish assemblages were sampled using a purse seine net, fish were identified to species level and environmental variables such as water depth, transparency, salinity, temperature and percentage oxygen saturation were measured. The main spatial structure of the fish assemblages and its seasonal changes were first studied using the STATIS-CoA multitable method. The combination of fish assemblages and environmental variables was then analysed using the STATICO method, designed for the simultaneous analysis of paired ecological tables. A total of 67 species were observed, belonging to all bio-ecological categories characterizing West African estuaries. The marine component of the community was largely dominant throughout the estuary, while the freshwater component was permanently observed only in the upstream zone. The main spatial structure was a longitudinal gradient contrasting marine and freshwater affinity assemblages, with strong seasonal variations. The most complete gradient was observed in December, at the beginning of the dry and cool season, while in June, at the end of the dry and warm season, there was the least structured gradient. The role of salinity, always correlated with temperature, was emphasized, while turbidity appeared to be another important factor. Oxygen and depth did not play a major role at the estuary scale. The relative importance of the bio-ecological categories varied according to the season and the distance to sea. Stable fish assemblages were observed in the lower zone at the end of the dry season, in the upper zone during the flood and in the middle zone throughout the year. In some situations, a relative inadequacy between fish assemblages and their environment was noticed. The present study contributes to the definition of the functioning of a "normal" West African estuary, the Gambia estuary, with balanced effects of marine and freshwater influences and the presence of all bio-ecological categories. The Gambia estuary can therefore be considered to be a reference ecosystem for further comparisons with other tropical estuarine ecosystems, subjected to natural or artificial perturbations

    Innovative visual design to assure information for all in transportation

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    ICAP 2014, 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, PARIS, FRANCE, 08-/07/2014 - 13/07/2014This research aims to propose alternative visual design of audio railway disruption announcements in order at reducing handicap situations encountered by travelers who can't hear or understand oral messages (deaf, hearing-impaired or foreign people). Five announcements were translated into two visual modes: in French sign language (with a sign language avatar named Jade) and in animated graphical designs. Different combinations were tested in order to find the better compromise between spatial and temporal organization for the both visual messages. For spatial parameter, messages were either juxtaposed (the avatar and the graphical message were side by side) or integrated (the avatar and the graphical message are mixed); for temporal parameter, messages were either totally alternately presented or with a synchronized start or with a partial synchronization (for messages parts having the same meaning). Forty two deaf and 24 hearing people who used sign language (mean age 33.9, sd=7.3 and 31.2, sd=8.6 respectively) were included in the experiment. They were told to look at the messages carefully on a screen in order to understand them and were asked to give their meanings. Each message was presented two times. The observer's eyes movements was registered while he watched the screen (with an eye tracking system) in order to know exactly where and when he was looking. First results showed significant higher comprehensive score for deaf than for hearing participants. Integrated display appeared to be better than juxtaposed presentation. No significant difference was recorded between temporal displays (alternative vs. synchronized). Eye tracking data are under analyzed. Currently inclusion of participants is still ongoing. The prospect of this work will allow designing an innovative system which will be able to display a translation of the sound messages in train stations

    QuĂȘte de soi, quĂȘte de vĂ©ritĂ©

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    L'importance que revĂȘtent l'aveu et le tĂ©moignage dans le droit et les sociĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©diĂ©vale et moderne s'explique par la volontĂ© des juges de trouver la preuve, Ă©lĂ©ment essentiel pour prononcer la sentence attendue par les victimes, les prĂ©venus, le corps social : du point de vue Ă©tymologique, « prouver » signifie mettre Ă  l'Ă©preuve, Ă©tablir la vĂ©ritĂ© au nom de la justice et de l'Ă©quitĂ©. Dans le cadre des enquĂȘtes, dont l'usage se dĂ©veloppe Ă  partir de la seconde moitiĂ© du XIIIe siĂšcle pour toutes sortes d'objets (judiciaire, administratif, fiscal, foncier), la parole des tĂ©moins prend la forme et le nom d'une confession, et l'enquĂȘte se donne pour objet d'atteindre, par ce biais, la « vĂ©ritĂ© ». L'intĂ©rĂȘt prĂȘtĂ© Ă  cette forme du discours par les historiens du droit et des institutions rend compte d'une forte inclination Ă  saisir les usages du droit savant, la procĂ©dure et les preuves lĂ©gales au sein des villes et des anciens États

    How not to give up on train travel when you are deaf ?

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    TRANSED 2015 - 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, LISBONNE, PORTUGAL, 28-/07/2015 - 31/07/2015The SUrDyn project aims at the design of an innovative visual information system, dedicated to travelers who cannot hear or understand audio disrupted announcements (e.g. cancellation, delay...) when they are in train stations. It is based on two previously developed systems: the Jade signer avatar, which informs travelers in French Signs Language, and an animated graphics translation. The objective is to combine these two approaches, in an optimal manner. We proposed a comprehension task to 159 participants divided in three groups: 53 deaf people who know sign language, 48 hearing people who know sign language and 58 hearing who don't practice sign language. Results showed that the coupled designs were well understood (more than 85 % of understanding). This new coupled avatar-animated design is really relevant to relay oral information for deaf and hearing people