45 research outputs found

    Respuesta morfológica, nutricional y productiva del Pasto Tanzania Panicum maximum cv. a tres edades de corte

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el efecto de tres edades; 20, 25 y 30 días de corte  del pasto Panicum maximum cv.Tanzania  las variables de morfología del pasto, producción de  biomasa, análisis química proximal , Fibra detergente neutra( FDN),fibra detergente ácida (FDA), lignina y perfil mineral sobre cinco elementos  P, K, Ca, Mg y Cu. El ensayo estaba constituido por 24 unidades experimentales divididas en tres tratamientos y ocho repeticiones, para su estudio se utilizó un diseño de bloque al azar (DBCA) los   resultados  fueron sometidos al análisis  estadístico mediante el programa   Infostat  y se utilizó la  prueba de comparaciones múltiples de  Duncan 5%. De acuerdo con las respuestas morfológicas el pasto Tanzania mostró (p<0,05)  mayor crecimiento a los 30 días, con una relación Hoja tallo favorable (p<0,05)  a los 20 días. En el número de hojas y tamaño de la hoja no se observaron diferencias, en cuanto a la variable producción el mayor rendimiento (p<0,05). Fue  a los 30 días de corte. El análisis proximal  favorable a las tempranas edades de corte (20 y 25 días) para los niveles (p<0,05)  de PB, y ELNN, mientras que la edad de 30 días (p<0,05). a los niveles de MI, EE, FB. El análisis de Van  Soest, favorece a la edad intermedia 25 días y para el perfil mineral siempre fue favorable (p<0,05)   a los 20 días de corte a excepción del Cu

    Nyssorhynchus dunhami: bionomics and natural infection by Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax in the Peruvian Amazon.

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    BACKGROUND Nyssorhynchus dunhami, a member of the Nuneztovari Complex, has been collected in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru and described as zoophilic. Although to date Ny. dunhami has not been documented to be naturally infected by Plasmodium, it is frequently misidentified as other Oswaldoi subgroup species that are local or regional malaria vectors. OBJECTIVES The current study seeks to verify the morphological identification of Nuneztovari Complex species collected in the peri-Iquitos region of Amazonian Peru, to determine their Plasmodium infection status, and to describe ecological characteristics of their larval habitats. METHODS We collected Ny. nuneztovari s.l. adults in 2011-2012, and Ny. nuneztovari s.l. larvae and adults in 2016-2017. When possible, samples were identified molecularly using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcode sequencing. Adult Ny. nuneztovari s.l. from 2011-2012 were tested for Plasmodium using real-time PCR. Environmental characteristics associated with Ny. nuneztovari s.l. larvae-positive water bodies were evaluated. FINDINGS We collected 590 Ny. nuneztovari s.l. adults and 116 larvae from eight villages in peri-Iquitos. Of these, 191 adults and 111 larvae were identified by COI sequencing; all were Ny. dunhami. Three Ny. dunhami were infected with P. falciparum, and one with P. vivax, all collected from one village on one night. Ny. dunhami larvae were collected from natural and artificial water bodies, and their presence was positively associated with other Anophelinae larvae and amphibians, and negatively associated with people living within 250m. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Of Nuneztovari Complex species, we identified only Ny. dunhami across multiple years in eight peri-Iquitos localities. This study is, to our knowledge, the first report of natural infection of molecularly identified Ny. dunhami with Plasmodium. We advocate the use of molecular identification methods in this region to monitor Ny. dunhami and other putative secondary malaria vectors to more precisely evaluate their importance in malaria transmission

    Decreasing proportion of Anopheles darlingi biting outdoors between long-lasting insecticidal net distributions in peri-Iquitos, Amazonian Peru.

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    BACKGROUND: In Loreto Department, Peru, a successful 2005-2010 malaria control programme (known as PAMAFRO) included massive distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). Additional local distribution of LLINs occurred in individual villages, but not between 2012 and 2015. A 2011-2012 study of the primary regional malaria vector Anopheles darlingi detected a trend of increased exophagy compared with pre-PAMAFRO behaviour. For the present study, An. darlingi were collected in three villages in Loreto in 2013-2015 to test two hypotheses: (1) that between LLIN distributions, An. darlingi reverted to pre-intervention biting behaviour; and, (2) that there are separate sub-populations of An. darlingi in Loreto with distinct biting behaviour. RESULTS: In 2013-2015 An. darlingi were collected by human landing catch during the rainy and dry seasons in the villages of Lupuna and Cahuide. The abundance of An. darlingi varied substantially across years, villages and time periods, and there was a twofold decrease in the ratio of exophagic:endophagic An. darlingi over the study period. Unexpectedly, there was evidence of a rainy season population decline in An. darlingi. Plasmodium-infected An. darlingi were detected indoors and outdoors throughout the night, and the monthly An. darlingi human biting rate was correlated with the number of malaria cases. Using nextRAD genotyping-by-sequencing, 162 exophagic and endophagic An. darlingi collected at different times during the night were genotyped at 1021 loci. Based on model-based and non-model-based analyses, all genotyped An. darlingi belonged to a homogeneous population, with no evidence for genetic differentiation by biting location or time. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified a decreasing proportion of exophagic An. darlingi in two villages in the years between LLIN distributions. As there was no evidence for genetic differentiation between endophagic and exophagic An. darlingi, this shift in biting behaviour may be the result of behavioural plasticity in An. darlingi, which shifted towards increased exophagy due to repellence by insecticides used to impregnate LLINs and subsequently reverted to increased endophagy as the nets aged. This study highlights the need to target vector control interventions to the biting behaviour of local vectors, which, like malaria risk, shows high temporal and spatial heterogeneity

    Integrating Parasitological and Entomological Observations to Understand Malaria Transmission in Riverine Villages in the Peruvian Amazon.

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    BACKGROUND: Remote rural riverine villages account for most of the reported malaria cases in the Peruvian Amazon. As transmission decreases due to intensive standard control efforts, malaria strategies in these villages will need to be more focused and adapted to local epidemiology. METHODS: By integrating parasitological, entomological, and environmental observations between January 2016 and June 2017, we provided an in-depth characterization of malaria transmission dynamics in 4 riverine villages of the Mazan district, Loreto department. RESULTS: Despite variation across villages, malaria prevalence by polymerase chain reaction in March 2016 was high (>25% in 3 villages), caused by Plasmodium vivax mainly and composed of mostly submicroscopic infections. Housing without complete walls was the main malaria risk factor, while households close to forest edges were more commonly identified as spatial clusters of malaria prevalence. Villages in the basin of the Mazan River had a higher density of adult Anopheles darlingi mosquitoes, and retained higher prevalence and incidence rates compared to villages in the basin of the Napo River despite test-and-treat interventions. CONCLUSIONS: High heterogeneity in malaria transmission was found across and within riverine villages, resulting from interactions between the microgeographic landscape driving diverse conditions for vector development, housing structure, and human behavior

    Higher risk of malaria transmission outdoors than indoors by Nyssorhynchus darlingi in riverine communities in the Peruvian Amazon.

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria remains an important public health problem in Peru where incidence has been increasing since 2011. Of over 55,000 cases reported in 2017, Plasmodium vivax was the predominant species (76%), with P. falciparum responsible for the remaining 24%. Nyssorhynchus darlingi (previously Anopheles darlingi) is the main vector in Amazonian Peru, where hyperendemic Plasmodium transmission pockets have been found. Mazán district has pronounced spatial heterogeneity of P. vivax malaria. However, little is known about behavior, ecology or seasonal dynamics of Ny. darlingi in Mazán. This study aimed to gather baseline information about bionomics of malaria vectors and transmission risk factors in a hyperendemic malaria area of Amazonian Peru. METHODS: To assess vector biology metrics, five surveys (two in the dry and three in the rainy season), including collection of sociodemographic information, were conducted in four communities in 2016-2017 on the Napo (Urco Miraño, URC; Salvador, SAL) and Mazán Rivers (Visto Bueno, VIB; Libertad, LIB). Human-biting rate (HBR), entomological inoculation rate (EIR) and human blood index (HBI) were measured to test the hypothesis of differences in entomological indices of Ny. darlingi between watersheds. A generalized linear mixed effect model (GLMM) was constructed to model the relationship between household risk factors and the EIR. RESULTS: Nyssorhynchus darlingi comprised 95% of 7117 Anophelinae collected and its abundance was significantly higher along the Mazán River. The highest EIRs (3.03-4.54) were detected in March and June in URC, LIB and VIB, and significantly more Ny. darlingi were infected outdoors than indoors. Multivariate analysis indicated that the EIR was >12 times higher in URC compared with SAL. The HBI ranged from 0.42-0.75; humans were the most common blood source, followed by Galliformes and cows. There were dramatic differences in peak biting time and malaria incidence with similar bednet coverage in the villages. CONCLUSIONS: Nyssorhynchus darlingi is the predominant contributor to malaria transmission in the Mazán District, Peru. Malaria risk in these villages is higher in the peridomestic area, with pronounced heterogeneities between and within villages on the Mazán and the Napo Rivers. Spatiotemporal identification and quantification of the prevailing malaria transmission would provide new evidence to orient specific control measures for vulnerable or at high risk populations

    Aglomeración de particulas previo a la percolación de las arenas del sector la independencia

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    Se investigan tecnicas de aglomeracion de particulas como una forma de mejorar el flujo de percolacion de una solucion a traves de pilas de material arcilloso afinante triturado de menas de oro y plata de bajo grado. El porcentaje de recuperacion de oro y plata ha crecido por que se ha incrementado en forma uniforme la percolacion de la solucion filtrante a travez del material aglomerado

    Elaboración, aplicación y evaluación de pesticidas orgánicos en jardín ornamental

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    The purpose of this article was to elaborate, apply and evaluate organic pesticides in the ornamental garden of the Faculty of Zootechnical Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí. To this end, eight insects that were observed in four measurements were taken as a population sample, as well as the generation of 12 organic pesticides that were applied for the control of insects, as well as the implicit prevention of pests, fungi, which could be present. On average, it is evident that the insecticides that have presented the best evidence of effectiveness are: Garlic, Onion, Fern, Neem, Tobacco. This leads to deduce about the properties they present in relation to the protective action in favoring the eradication of insects in ornamental gardening spaces. The research allows us to confirm that the use of biological insecticides can be concomitant in the eradication of pests and insects.El presente artículo tuvo como objetivo principal de elaborar, aplicar y evaluar pesticidas orgánicos en el jardín ornamental de la facultad de Ciencias Zootécnicas de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Para lo cual se tuvo como muestra poblacional ocho insectos que fueron observados en cuatro mediciones, así como la generación de 12 pesticidas orgánicos que fueron aplicados para el control de los insectos, así como la prevención implícita de plagas, hongos, que podrían estar presentes. En promedio de porcentaje se evidencia que los insecticidas que han presentados mejor evidencia de efectividad se encuentran: Ajo, Cebolla, Helecho, Neem, Tabaco. Lo cual conlleva a deducir sobre las propiedades que presentan en relación a la acción protectora en favorecer la erradicación de insectos en espacios de jardinería ornamental. La investigación permite corroborar que el uso de insecticidas biológicos, pueden ser concomitantes en la erradicación de plagas y de insectos

    Dirección de arte enfocado al rediseño del noticiero "El Informativo" de ESPOL TV

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    Siendo el Director de Arte el que maneja el aspecto visual de un programa, se propondrá en este manual las formas y los fundamentos para que la imagen de “El Informativo” sea más estética y llamativa, y por lo tanto sea considerado un noticiero de calidad, competitivo con noticieros de nivel local, nacional e internacional.GuayaquilLicenciado en Diseño y Producción Audiovisua

    Clustered local transmission and asymptomatic <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>and <it>Plasmodium vivax malaria </it>infections in a recently emerged, hypoendemic Peruvian Amazon community

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    Abstract Background There is a low incidence of malaria in Iquitos, Peru, suburbs detected by passive case-detection. This low incidence might be attributable to infections clustered in some households/regions and/or undetected asymptomatic infections. Methods Passive case-detection (PCD) during the malaria season (February-July) and an active case-detection (ACD) community-wide survey (March) surveyed 1,907 persons. Each month, April-July, 100-metre at-risk zones were defined by location of Plasmodium falciparum infections in the previous month. Longitudinal ACD and PCD (ACP+PCD) occurred within at-risk zones, where 137 houses (573 persons) were randomly selected as sentinels, each with one month of weekly active sampling. Entomological captures were conducted in the sentinel houses. Results The PCD incidence was 0.03 P. falciparum and 0.22 Plasmodium vivax infections/person/malaria-season. However, the ACD+PCD prevalence was 0.13 and 0.39, respectively. One explanation for this 4.33 and 1.77-fold increase, respectively, was infection clustering within at-risk zones and contiguous households. Clustering makes PCD, generalized to the entire population, artificially low. Another attributable-factor was that only 41% and 24% of the P. falciparum and P. vivax infections were associated with fever and 80% of the asymptomatic infections had low-density or absent parasitaemias the following week. After accounting for asymptomatic infections, a 2.6-fold increase in ACD+PCD versus PCD was attributable to clustered transmission in at-risk zones. Conclusion Even in low transmission, there are frequent highly-clustered asymptomatic infections, making PCD an inadequate measure of incidence. These findings support a strategy of concentrating ACD and insecticide campaigns in houses adjacent to houses were malaria was detected one month prior.</p

    Evaluación de la harina integral de zapallo en los parámetros productivos y la pigmentación de la yema de huevo

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la sustitución de maíz en tres niveles por harina integral de zapallo –HIZ– (0; 5 y 10 %) sobre los parámetros productivos y pigmentación de la yema de huevo de gallinas ponedoras. Se utilizaron 240 gallinas de 52 semanas (sem) de edad y un peso promedio de 1,98 kilogramos –kg–, de la línea Hy-Line Brown, las cuales se ubicaron en un galpón dividido en compartimientos para cada unidad experimental durante 45 días. Se aplicó un diseño experimental completamente aleatorizado para los 3 tratamientos (0, 5 y 10 % HIZ) con 3 repeticiones y un total de 80 gallinas por unidad experimental. Las variables evaluadas fueron consumo de alimento, incremento de peso, conversión alimenticia, producción y peso de huevo y la pigmentación de la yema. Se presentaron diferencias estadísticas (P<0,05) en las variables consumo de alimento (8,25 ± 0,02 kg), incremento de peso (1.923 ± 109 g), y peso por huevo (60,28 ± 1,52 g) y pigmentación de la yema (escala Hy-Line International); mientras que en conversión alimenticia, producción de huevo no existieron diferencias estadísticas (P<0,05); por lo cual se puede concluir que la sustitución parcial de HIZ por harina de maíz en las dietas de gallinas ponedoras si influye positivamente en los parámetros productivos y pigmentación de la yema de huevo