23 research outputs found
Association of erosive tooth wear and dental caries in Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966-an epidemiological cross-sectional study
Background: The main aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the prevalence and severity of erosive tooth wear and its association with dental caries and socio-demographic factors among middle-aged Finnish adults. Methods: Of the total Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (n = 12,058), a convenience sample (n = 3181 adults) was invited for an oral health examination of which 1962 (61.7 %) participated, comprising the final study group. Clinical examinations were carried out by trained and calibrated dentists. Erosive tooth wear was assessed by sextants using the Basic Erosive Wear Examination Index (BEWE, 0-18) and dental caries at surface level using the ICDAS criteria (0-6). Socio-demographic data were obtained from a postal questionnaire. A logistic regression model was generated to test the association of the variables. Results: The prevalence of erosive tooth wear was 75 % and the mean of the BEWE sum score was 3.4 (SD 3.30). Almost half of the members needed non-invasive or invasive measures to prevent further progression of the condition. Of those with erosive lesions, 14.6 % suffered from severe erosive tooth wear. There was a strong positive relationship between the presence of severe erosive tooth wear (BEWE sum score >= 9) and male gender and restorative treatment need. Conclusions: Erosive tooth wear is a common finding in Finnish adult population; almost one in ten suffer from severe erosive tooth wear. Restorative treatment need seems to be associated with severe erosive tooth wear.Peer reviewe
TUFT1, a novel candidate gene for metatarsophalangeal osteoarthritis, plays a role in chondrogenesis on a calcium-related pathway
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative joint disorder and genetic factors have been shown to have a significant role in its etiology. The first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP I) is highly susceptible to development of OA due to repetitive mechanical stress during walking. We used whole exome sequencing to study genetic defect(s) predisposing to familial early-onset bilateral MTP I OA inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. A non-synonymous single nucleotide variant rs41310883 (c.524C>T, p.Thr175Met) in TUFT1 gene was found to co-segregate perfectly with MTP I OA. The role of TUFT1 and the relevance of the identified variant in pathogenesis of MTP I OA were further assessed using functional in vitro analyses. The variant reduced TUFT1 mRNA and tuftelin protein expression in HEK293 cells. ATDC5 cells overexpressing wild type (wt) or mutant TUFT1 were cultured in calcifying conditions and chondrogenic differentiation was found to be inhibited in both cell populations, as indicated by decreased marker gene expression when compared with the empty vector control cells. Also, the formation of cartilage nodules was diminished in both TUFT1 overexpressing ATDC5 cell populations. At the end of the culturing period the calcium content of the extracellular matrix was significantly increased in cells overexpressing mutant TUFT1 compared to cells overexpressing wt TUFT1 and control cells, while the proteoglycan content was reduced. These data imply that overexpression of TUFT1 in ATDC5 inhibits chondrogenic differentiation, and the identified variant may contribute to the pathogenesis of OA by increasing calcification and reducing amount of proteoglycans in the articular cartilage extracellular matrix thus making cartilage susceptible for degeneration and osteophyte formation
Genome-wide analysis of dental caries and periodontitis combining clinical and self-reported data
Dental caries and periodontitis account for a vast burden of morbidity and healthcare spending, yet their genetic basis remains largely uncharacterized. Here, we identify self-reported dental disease proxies which have similar underlying genetic contributions to clinical disease measures and then combine these in a genome-wide association study meta-analysis, identifying 47 novel and conditionally-independent risk loci for dental caries. We show that the heritability of dental caries is enriched for conserved genomic regions and partially overlapping with a range of complex traits including smoking, education, personality traits and metabolic measures. Using cardio-metabolic traits as an example in Mendelian randomization analysis, we estimate causal relationships and provide evidence suggesting that the processes contributing to dental caries may have undesirable downstream effects on health
Erosive tooth wear and associated factors in Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966
The aim of this study was to investigate the status of erosive tooth wear (ETW) in Finnish middle-aged adults and its association with dental caries and sociodemographic and intrinsic factors. In addition, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify whether genetic polymorphism (single nucleotide polymorphism) could explain some of the individual variance in the ETW status. Another aim of the study was to validate the use of the erosion index, the Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE), on 3D models.
Of the total Northern Finland Birth Cohort (NFBC1966), a convenience sample of 3,181 people was invited for an oral health examination in 2012–2013, of whom 1,962 participated, thus comprising the study group for the present study. ETW was assessed by sextants using the BEWE index. The clinical data was supplemented by information collected by means of postal questionnaires in 1997–1998 and 2012–2013, blood samples, and 3D models of the dentition. Of those clinically examined, 586 participants were randomly selected for the validation study of the BEWE index on 3D models.
ETW was a common finding among the Finnish adult population, and almost half of the population needed at least preventive measures against the condition, and almost one in ten had severe ETW. Male gender and restorative treatment need due to dental caries were associated with ETW, unlike sociodemographic factors. Of the intrinsic factors, daily reflux symptoms and hyposalivation were the most significantly associated with severe ETW. According to the results from the GWAS, susceptibility to ETW could be partly explained by genetic polymorphism. The BEWE index was found reliable for recording ETW clinically and on 3D models, and 3D models were especially sensitive in detecting initial ETW.
In conclusion, ETW seems to be common among Finnish adults, especially among males. In addition to risk factors, individual susceptibility should be kept in mind when assessing the risk for the condition. Early diagnosis of ETW is important in maintaining good oral health, and the BEWE seems to be a reliable index for that purpose both clinically and on 3D models.Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää hampaiden erosiivisen kulumisen yleisyyttä ja vakavuutta suomalaisilla keski-ikäisillä aikuisilla, sekä erosiivisen kulumisen yhteyttä hampaiden reikiintymiseen sekä sosiodemografisiin ja sisäisiin tekijöihin. Lisäksi selvitettiin koko genomin kartoitusta hyödyntäen, voidaanko geneettisellä polymorfismilla (yksittäisillä emäsparin vaihdoksilla) selittää yksilön alttiutta erosiiviselle kulumiselle. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös validoida erosiivista kulumista arvioiva indeksi (The Basic Erosive Wear Examination, BEWE) 3D-malleilla.
Koko Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohortista kutsuttiin 3 181 henkilöä suun terveystarkastukseen vuosina 2012–2013. Kutsutuista 1 962 osallistui tutkimukseen muodostaen lopullisen tutkimusjoukon. Erosiivista kulumista arvioitiin käyttäen BEWE-indeksiä. Kliinistä tutkimusta täydensivät vuosina 1997–1998 ja 2012–2013 tehdyt postikyselyt, verinäytteet ja hampaiston 3D-mallit. Kliinisesti tutkituista osallistujista yhteensä 586 henkilöä valittiin satunnaisesti BEWE-indeksin validointitutkimukseen 3D-malleilla.
Erosiivinen kuluminen oli yleistä suomalaisilla aikuisilla, ja lähes puolella oli erosiivista kulumista, joka vaatisi vähintään ennaltaehkäiseviä toimia. Vakavaa erosiivista kulumista on lähes joka kymmenennellä. Miessukupuoli ja korjaavan hoidon tarve hampaiden karioitumisen vuoksi olivat yhteydessä erosiiviseen kulumiseen, toisin kuin sosiodemografiset tekijät. Sisäisistä tekijöistä päivittäiset reflux-oireet ja vähäinen syljeneritys olivat vahvimmin yhteydessä vakavaan erosiiviseen kulumiseen. Koko genomikartoituksen perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että alttius erosiiviselle kulumiselle saattaa selittyä osittain geneettisellä polymorfismilla. BEWE-indeksi näyttää olevan luotettava menetelmä niin kliinisessä arvioinnissa kuin arvioitaessa erosiivista kulumista 3D-malleilla. Alkava erosiivinen kuluminen oli helpommin havaittavissa 3D-malleilta kliiniseen arviointiin verrattuna.
Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että erosiivinen kuluminen on yleistä suomalaisilla aikuisilla, etenkin miehillä. Jo tiedettyjen riskitekijöiden lisäksi yksilöllinen alttius erosiiviselle kulumiselle tulisi pitää mielessä riskikartoitusta tehdessä. Erosiivisen kulumisen aikainen diagnosointi on tärkeää hyvän suun terveyden ylläpitämiseksi, ja BEWE-indeksi vaikuttaa soveltuvan diagnosointiin niin kliinisesti kuin 3D malleillakin
Is a Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE) reliable for recording erosive tooth wear on 3D models?
Objectives: To assess the reliability of the BEWE index on 3D models and to compare 3D-assessed erosive tooth wear scores with clinically detected scores. Methods: In total, 1964 members of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 participated in a standardized clinical dental examination including the Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE) and dental 3D modelling at the age of 45-46 years. Of those examined, 586 were randomly selected for this study. 3D models were assessed using the same BEWE criteria as in the clinical examination. Calculated kappa values as well as the prevalence and severity of erosive wear according to the clinical examination and 3D models were compared. Re-examinations were performed to calculate intra-and inter-method and-examiner agreements. Results: The BEWE index on 3D models was reproducible; the mean intra-and inter-examiner agreement were 0.89 and 0.87, respectively, for sextant level, and 0.64 and 1, respectively, for BEWE sum scores. Erosive tooth wear was recorded as more severe in 3D models than in the clinical examination, and intermethod agreement was 0.41 for severe erosive wear (BEWE sum > 8). The biggest inter-method differences were found in upper posterior sextants. Conclusions: The BEWE index is reliable for recording erosive tooth wear on 3D models. 3D models seem to be especially sensitive in detecting initial erosive wear. Additionally, it seems that erosive wear may be underscored in the upper posterior sextants when assessed clinically. Due to the nature of 3D models, the assessment of erosive wear clinically and on 3D models may not be entirely comparable. Clinical significance: 3D models can serve as an additional tool to detect and document erosive wear, especially during the early stages of the condition and in assessing the progression of wear. When scoring erosive wear clinically, care must be taken especially when assessing upper posterior sextants. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
Different risk factors for erosive tooth wear in rural and urban Nepal:a national study
Background: Erosive tooth wear (ETW) is of growing concern, but data on ETW among Nepalese children are scarce. The main aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence and severity of ETW among Nepalese schoolchildren. We also aimed to analyse the risk indicators for ETW according to location (rural/urban) and the role of obesity in the risk for ETW. Methods: This national study was conducted among 5–15-year-old Nepalese schoolchildren from different regions. Altogether, 1137 out of 1151 schoolchildren participated in both a clinical examination and a survey. ETW was recorded using the Basic Erosive Wear Examination. Results: The prevalence of ETW was 65%. One-fifth of the examined subjects were in need of preventive or restorative treatment. Living in an urban area and studying in a private school were protective factors for ETW, whereas consuming fruits frequently and using charcoal for tooth cleaning increased the odds for ETW. Central obesity was the strongest risk indicator for ETW among urban residents. Conclusions: ETW of low severity is common among Nepalese children and adolescents. Socio-demographic factors influence the prevalence of ETW in Nepal and there seems to be different factors that play a role in the ETW process according to location of residence
Hampaiden erosiivinen kuluminen suomalaisilla nuorilla
Lähtökohdat: Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää hampaiden erosiivisen kulumisen esiintyvyyttä, vakavuutta ja taustatekijöitä suomalaisilla 15-vuotiailla nuorilla.
Menetelmät: Tutkimukseen osallistui yhteensä 147 15-vuotiasta nuorta Sievin (n = 66) ja Vaasan Variskan (n = 81) yläkouluista. Kaksi hammaslääkäriä teki yhdessä jokaiselle tutkittavalle kliinisen tutkimuksen, jossa arvioitiin hampaiden eroosiovaurioita BEWE-indeksillä. Tutkittavat haastateltiin käyttäen strukturoitua ja validoitua lomaketta, jossa kartoitettiin erosiivisten juomien ja ruokien kulutustottumuksia sekä eroosiolle mahdollisesti altistavia tapoja. Taustatekijöiden ja eroosion yhteyttä tutkittiin ristiintaulukoinnilla ja logistisella regressioanalyysilla.
Tulokset: Vähintään kohtalaista eroosiota (BEWE-summa 3 tai enemmän) esiintyi 56,8 %:lla tutkituista, vakava eroosio oli kuitenkin harvinaista (2,8 %). Tärkeimpiä eroosioon liittyviä tekijöitä olivat happamien juomien käyttö aterioiden välissä (p = 0,025) sekä limsojen runsas kulutus (p = 0,021) ja hedelmien ja marjojen kulutus vähintään päivittäin (p = 0,021).
Johtopäätökset: Erosiivinen kuluminen on yleistä 15-vuotiailla suomalaisilla nuorilla. Eroosion havainnointi ja siihen puuttuminen olisi tärkeä huomioida suun terveydenhuollon vastaanotoilla hoidettaessa nuoria potilaita.Abstract
Erosive Tooth Wear Among Finnish Adolescents
Behavioural factors such as drinking and eating habits as well as intrinsic factors including e.g. gastro-esophageal reflux-disease and vomiting are suggested to be important etiological factors in the pathogenesis of erosive tooth wear (ETW). A healthy lifestyle diet containing lots of fruits and vegetables may also increase the risk for ETW. Globally, the prevalence rate of ETW among adolescents is reported to be 30 % and the prevalence seems to be increasing. However, no data on the prevalence and the severity of ETW among Finnish adolescents has been published so far.
Altogether 147 voluntary 15-year-old teenagers from Vaasa (n = 81) and Sievi (n = 66) participated the study. Clinical examinations were performed in the school premises by two experienced clinicians together and erosive tooth wear was registered by using the BEWE index. To evaluate factors associated with ETW, the participants were interviewed by using a structured and validated questionnaire.
More than half (54%) of the participants had at least mild ETW (BEWE sum score 3–8). However, severe ETW was very rare (2.8%). The most common factors associated with ETW were a habitual consumption of acidic drinks between meals and (p = 0.025), a high consumption of fizzy drinks (p = 0.021) and consumption of fruits and berries at least daily basis (p = 0.021).
Erosive tooth wear among Finnish adolescents seems to be frequent. Diagnosing, registering, and controlling ETW is important already with teenage patients
Multicenter study to develop and validate a risk assessment tool as part of composite scoring system for erosive tooth wear
(i) To develop, validate, and apply in practice a new risk assessment tool for erosive tooth wear (ETW) including a risk factors questionnaire and a saliva secretion evaluation, which combined with a clinical index, can be part of an ETW composite scoring system; (ii) to assess ETW lesions and current and past erosive challenges in younger age groups. Methods
The Tooth Surface Loss/Erosion Working Group of the European Association of Dental Public Health consisted of an international panel of experts designed the survey component of the new tool (Erosive Wear Assessment of Risk—EWAR) and confirmed its construct and content validity. After receiving ethical approvals and informed consents, the EWAR tool (questionnaire + saliva secretion evaluation) was applied in a multicenter cross-sectional study with 207 participants aged 15–21 years old from four countries (Finland, Greece, Romania, the USA). BEWE score was used for the clinical assessment of ETW. Results
A total of 58.5% of participants had ETW. 10.9% and 20.3% of participants had low secretion of stimulated (\u3c 1 ml/min) and unstimulated saliva (\u3c 0.25 ml/min), respectively. The following factors were bivariately significantly associated with ETW: energy drink consumption, low secretion of stimulated saliva, juices consumption, erosive drink consumption for quenching thirst between meals, erosive drink kept in the mouth, feeling pain/icing after consuming something acidic or cold, and co-existence of other type of tooth wear. In regression analysis, only energy drink consumption (OR = 3.5, 95% CI: 1.39, 8.9), low secretion of stimulated saliva (OR = 36.3, 95% CI: 4.71, 78.94), and feeling pain/icing (OR = 8.8, 95% CI: 1.92, 40.04) remained significant. Conclusions
The examiners of the study reported that the EWAR tool appeared to be an affordable and easy-to-use instrument. Some challenges occurred during the saliva collection process. Inferential analysis revealed that the risk factors/indicators of low stimulated salivary flow, energy drink consumption, and pain/icing with ETW were considered the most important in ETW occurrence. Clinical relevance
EWAR tool combined with the BEWE clinical index can be used for ETW risk assessment for epidemiological studies and chairside use
Genome-Wide Association Study of Erosive Tooth Wear in a Finnish Cohort.
Erosive tooth wear is defined as irreversible loss of dental tissues due to intrinsic or extrinsic acids, exacerbated by mechanical forces. Recent studies have suggested a higher prevalence of erosive tooth wear in males, as well as a genetic contribution to susceptibility to erosive tooth wear. Our aim was to examine erosive tooth wear by performing a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in a sample of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (n = 1,962). Erosive tooth wear was assessed clinically using the basic erosive wear examination. A GWAS was performed for the whole sample as well as separately for males and females. We identified one genome-wide significant signal (rs11681214) in the GWAS of the whole sample near the genes PXDN and MYT1L. When the sample was stratified by sex, the strongest genome-wide significant signals were observed in or near the genes FGFR1, C8orf86, CDH4, SCD5, F2R, and ING1. Additionally, multiple suggestive association signals were detected in all GWASs performed. Many of the signals were in or near the genes putatively related to oral environment or tooth development, and some were near the regions considered to be associated with dental caries, such as 2p24, 4q21, and 13q33. Replications of these associations in other samples, as well as experimental studies to determine the biological functions of associated genetic variants, are needed