913 research outputs found

    Coherence in amalgamated algebra along an ideal

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    Let f:A→Bf: A\rightarrow B be a ring homomorphism and let JJ be an ideal of BB. In this paper, we investigate the transfert of the property of coherence to the amalgamation A⋈fJA\bowtie^{f}J. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for A⋈fJA\bowtie^{f}J to be a coherent ring

    Nombre chromosomique et caryotype de Cistus Ladanifer subsp. Africanus Dansereau (Cistaceae)

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    L’approche caryologique de Cistus ladanifer subsp. africanus Dansereau (Cistaceae) rapportĂ©e pour la premiĂšre fois sur des populations du Maroc, a mis en Ă©vidence le nombre et la formule chromosomiques avec 2n = 2x = 18 = 10 m + 4 sm + 4 st ; l’existence d’un phĂ©nomĂšne d’endomitose frĂ©quent et la prĂ©sence Ă  la fois de cellules Ă  chromosomes en croix et de cellules Ă  chromosomes normaux et ceci dans un mĂȘme mĂ©ristĂšme. Aussi, les deux variĂ©tĂ©s, diffĂ©rentes par leurs sĂ©crĂ©tions aromatiques volatiles, ont des caryotypes similaires.The kariological approach of Cistus ladanifer subsp. africanus Dansereau (Cistaceae), reported for the fi rst time on populations of Morocco, highlighted the chromosomal number and formula (2n = 2x =18 = 10 m + 4 sm + 4 st); the existence of frequent endomitosis phenomenon’s. We have also noticed that in the same root we can fi nd two different shapes of chromosome: normal and in cross ones. Moreover, the two varieties which differ from their volatile aromatic secretions have the same karyotype

    Processus d'eutrophisation : activité de la phosphatase alcaline du microplancton d'un réservoir mésotrophe marocain (Allal El Fassi)

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    L'activitĂ© de la phosphatase alcaline (APA) bactĂ©rienne et phytoplanctonique a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e bimensuellement du mois de mars au mois de dĂ©cembre 1998 au sein d'un rĂ©servoir mĂ©sotrophe situĂ© dans une zone Ă  climat semi-aride (Allal El Fassi, Maroc). Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l'APA totale est importante (0,107-1,780 mmol PNP·l-1·h-1) et majoritairement d'origine bactĂ©rienne (> 60 %) au niveau de l'Ă©pilimnion, alors qu'elle est Ă  dominance algale (> 58 %) dans le mĂ©ta- et l'hypolimnion. L'absence de corrĂ©lation entre l'APA totale et les concentrations en orthophosphates suggĂšre que l'hydrolyse par cette enzyme n'est pas significative dans le processus de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration du phosphore dans ce rĂ©servoir. Par consĂ©quent, l'APA ne pourrait pas ĂȘtre un indicateur fiable du dĂ©ficit en phosphore dans le milieu.Bacterial and phytoplanktonic alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) was measured from march to December 1998 in the mesotrophic Allal El Fassi reservoir located in the semi-arid zone (Morocco). The total APA varied between 0.107-1.780 mmol PNP·L-1·h-1. In epilimnion, the bacterioplankton contributed significantly (> 60%) to total APA. In the meta and hypolimnion, the APA was predominantly algal (> 58%). No correlation between APA and orthophosphates indicate that the hydrolysis by this enzyme was not a significant process in recycling of phosphorus in Allal El Fassi reservoir. Consequently, the APA was not a valid test of phosphorus deficiency

    Exclusive pi(0) electroproduction at W \u3e 2 GeV with CLAS

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    Exclusive neutral-pion electroproduction (ep -\u3e e\u27p\u27pi(0)) was measured at Jefferson Lab with a 5.75-GeV electron beam and the CLAS detector. Differential cross sections d(4)sigma/dtdQ(2)dx(B)d phi(pi) and structure functions sigma(T) + sigma(L), sigma(TT), and sigma(LT) as functions of t were obtained over a wide range of Q(2) and x(B). The data are compared with Regge and handbag theoretical calculations. Analyses in both frameworks find that a large dominance of transverse processes is necessary to explain the experimental results. For the Regge analysis it is found that the inclusion of vector meson rescattering processes is necessary to bring the magnitude of the calculated and measured structure functions into rough agreement. In the handbag framework, there are two independent calculations, both of which appear to roughly explain the magnitude of the structure functions in terms of transversity generalized parton distributions

    Modified differentials and basic cohomology for Riemannian foliations

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    We define a new version of the exterior derivative on the basic forms of a Riemannian foliation to obtain a new form of basic cohomology that satisfies Poincar\'e duality in the transversally orientable case. We use this twisted basic cohomology to show relationships between curvature, tautness, and vanishing of the basic Euler characteristic and basic signature.Comment: 20 pages, references added, minor corrections mad

    Does Word-Of-Mouth’s Effect on Products/Brands Differ Between Countries? A Comparative Study of England and Russia

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect that Word-Of-Mouth (WOM) could have on consumers in different countries, with respect to brand-choice, brand-image, product-category choice, the quantity purchased of a product/brand, and with respect to the likelihood of sharing a product/brand experience depending on a consumer’s level of satisfaction with a specific product-category or brand (Satisfied, Dissatisfied, or Delighted). The hypotheses to be investigated were generated from the literature, and then used to define the variables that were later integrated in a Discriminant-Analysis, to help differentiate between the effects that WOM could have on the product/brand-related decisions stated above, in different countries.The effect of WOM on products categories and brands differs from one country to another on several facets, as illustrated here through the case of England and Russia. The findings of this paper advise marketers on whether to standardize their reliance on WOM to support their brands in different countries, or adapt its extent and manner to each specific country. Ability to predict consumers’ country of origin, merely by analysing their answers to survey questions, and therefore foresee the differentiated effect of WOM on products and brands in each country

    Cloud Computing Solution for Monitoring Arid Rangeland Dynamics: Case of Moroccan Highlands and Southern Acacia Ecosystems

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    The wide availability of free satellite imagery, the recent development of cloud platforms dedicated to big spatial data (Big Data) that integrates both image archives from different providers, processing algorithms, distributed processing capabilities as well as an application programming interface (API) that facilitate scripting and automation process opened new perspectives for the use of vegetation observation time series over long timestamps and over large spatial scales (almost planetary). This work aims at harnessing these technologies and building up an automated solution to monitor rangeland rehabilitation dynamics in arid lands and to assess the effectiveness of stakeholder’s management strategies. Such solution is based on graphical user interface that facilitate the process and on the use of analysis functions relaying on analysing temporal trajectories (time series) of different spectral indices derived from satellite images (Landsat or Sentinel) at the required spatial analysis scale. The solution is implemented using java script as scripting language using the functions offered by GEE API. The graphical user interface of the first prototype is exploitable by the means of a standard web browser and it is accessible even to people without any background in regard to programming languages or to remote sensing skills. The process was tested for two arid sites on Morocco: acacia ecosystems on the southern part of Morocco and the highlands on Moroccan eastern parts mainly on sites recently rehabilitated. It has been qualified is promising solution

    Near-threshold neutral pion electroproduction at high momentum transfers and generalized form factors

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    We report the measurement of near-threshold neutral pion electroproduction cross sections and the extraction of the associated structure functions on the proton in the kinematic range Q(2) from 2 to 4.5 GeV2 and W from 1.08 to 1.16 GeV. These measurements allow us to access the dominant pion-nucleon s-wave multipoles E0+ and S0+ in the near-threshold region. In the light-cone sum-rule framework (LCSR), these multipoles are related to the generalized form factors G(1)(pi 0p) (Q(2)) and G(2)(pi 0p) (Q(2)). The data are compared to these generalized form factors and the results for G(1)(pi 0p) (Q(2)) are found to be in good agreement with the LCSR predictions, but the level of agreement with G(2)(pi 0p) (Q(2)) is poor. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.04520
