43 research outputs found

    LED-valaistuksen suunnittelu LEKOhalliin

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, kannattaako nykyinen valaistus LEKOhalleissa vaihtaa LED-valaistukseen, ottaen huomioon sekä taloudellinen että valaistustekninen puoli. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on toimia apuna, kun suunnitellaan valaistuksen uudistamista LEKOhalleihin. Opinnäytetyön tekemiselle oli monia syitä, joista yksi oli LEDien nopea kehitys viime vuosina. Lisäksi käyttäjien tyytymättömyys nykyiseen valaistukseen ja mahdollisten säästöjen saaminen olivat painavia syitä opinnäytetyön tekemisen kannalta. Puolustusvoimilla on useita vastaavanlaisia halleja ilmavoimien käytössä. Tutkittava LEKOhalli mallinnettiin DIALux-ohjelmalla ja valaisinvalmistajien tarjoamien valaisintiedostojen avulla selvitettiin, pystytäänkö valaistus uusimaan LED-valaisimilla. Vertailupohjaksi käytiin paikan päällä mittaamassa valaistusvoimakkuudet ja tämän hetkisten valaisimien todelliset kulutukset. Näiden mittausten perusteella tehtiin kustannuslaskelmat nykyisten valaisimien ja uusien LED-valaisimien kohdalla. Lisäksi päätettiin myös selvittää, olisiko kannattavampaa vaihtaa nykyisten valaisimien tilalle uudet purkauslamppuvalaisimet. Opinnäytetyön tulosten perusteella on siirrytty tilanteeseen, jossa on kannattavaa asentaa uudet LED-valaisimet LEKOhalleihin. Ennusteiden mukaan perinteisten valonlähteiden ja uusien LED-valaisimien välinen ero tulee kehittymään LED-valaisimille suotuisaan suuntaan. Tämän opinnäytetyön tuloksien perusteella uusitaan mahdollisesti johonkin LEKOhalliin testimielessä uusi LED-valaistus. Tämän testin perusteella tehdään jatkopäätöksiä valaistuksen uusimisesta laajemmin.The aim of this thesis was to find out whether it is economically and technically viable to change to LED-lighting in to the hangars used by the Finnish Defense Forces. This thesis is intended to act as a guide when the planning of LED-lighting to a hangar is performed. There were many reasons for this thesis. One of them was that LEDs have developed greatly in the recent years. Also the employees who work in the hangars have criticized the current lighting and additionally, LED-lighting enables cost cutting. The Finnish Defense Forces have multiple similar hangars in the use of Air Force. The hangar which was under research was first modeled with DIALux and with the photometric files provided by luminaire manufacturers the actual comparison was made. For comparison the current lighting was assessed on the spot and the actual consumption of electrical energy of the luminaires was measured. Based on these measurements and modeling, cost calculations were made on each luminaire. Metal-halide lamps were also included in the calculations. Based on the results of this thesis we are currently in a situation where it is cost-effective to change the LED-luminaires to the hangars. Predictions say that the difference between conventional lighting and LED-lighting will grow in the favorable way of LEDs. There is a possibility that based on this thesis LED-lighting will be installed to one of the hangars for a trial. Further renewal of lighting might be made after the experiment

    Adenosine during prolonged wakefulness in the rat brain

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    Snowmobile noise

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    Planning snowmobiling routes and considering the possible need for off-road traffic restrictions requires that the noise impact of snowmobile traffic is known. The objective of this report was to take off-road readings in order to determine snowmobile noise emissions and the spread of noise from snowmobile routes into the environment. Based on the readings taken, it can be said that the noise zones created by snowmobile traffic are quite narrow at current traffic levels. Noise pollution can be prevented with good planning. The biggest problem in assessing noise impact is the diversity of snowmobiling and incursion of noise into otherwise quiet areas

    Moottorikelkkojen melu

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    Moottorikelkkailuväylien suunnittelu ja mahdollisten maastoliikennerajoitusten tarpeen harkinta edellyttää, että moottorikelkkaliikenteen meluvaikutukset ovat tiedossa. Tämän selvityksen tavoitteena oli selvittää maastomittauksilla moottorikelkkojen aiheuttamat melupäästöt ja melun leviäminen moottorikelkkailuväylien ympäristöön. Työn perusteella voidaan sanoa, että moottorikelkkaliikenteestä aiheutuvat melualueet ovat nykyisillä liikennemäärillä varsin kapeita. Meluhaittoja voidaan ehkäistä hyvällä suunnittelulla. Suurin ongelma melun vaikutusten arvioinnissa on moottorikelkkailun monimuotoisuus ja melun sijoittuminen muutoin hiljaisiksi koetuille alueille

    Physical Activity, Screen Time and Sleep among Youth Participating and Non-Participating in Organized Sports - The Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) Study

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    Objectives: The aim of this Health Promoting Sport Club (HPSC) study was to compare physical activity (PA), sleep time and screen time (ST) between sports club participants (n = 1200) and non-participants (n = 913). Design: A cross-sectional survey design was employed to assess PA, sleep and ST of adolescents.Methods: Information on these was collected from 14 to 16 year old adolescents (1200 sport club participants and 913 non-participants) through a standardized questionnaire. Results: Boys were more physically active than girls and met the PA guidelines more often than girls (p Conclusions: Youth participating in organized sports met the recommendations for PA, ST and sleep more often than nonparticipants, supporting sports clubs’ contribution to health promotion. At the same time, only minor portion of sporting youth met the recommendations, therefore more attention should be focused on sport club participants’ PA, sleep and ST especially in coaching.</p

    Health promotion activities of sports clubs and coaches, and health and health behaviours in youth participating in sports clubs: the Health Promoting Sports Club study

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    Introduction: Sports clubs form a potential setting for health promotion, but the research is limited. The aim of the Health Promoting Sports Club (HPSC) study was to elucidate the current health promotion activities of youth sports clubs and coaches, and to investigate the health behaviours and health status of youth participating in sports clubs compared to non-participants.Methods and analysis: The study design employs cross-sectional multilevel and multimethod research with aspirations to a prospective cohort study in the next phase. The setting-based variables at sports clubs and coaching levels, and health behaviour variables at the individual level, are investigated using surveys; and total levels of physical activity are assessed using objective accelerometer measurements. Health status variables will be measured by preparticipation screening. The health promotion activity of sports clubs (n=154) is evaluated by club officials (n=313) and coaches (n=281). Coaches and young athletes aged 14-16 (n=759) years evaluate the coaches' health promotion activity. The survey of the adolescents' health behaviours consist of two data sets-the first is on their health behaviours and the second is on musculoskeletal complaints and injuries. Data are collected via sports clubs (759 participants) and schools 1650 (665 participants and 983 non-participants). 591 (418 athletes and 173 non-athletes) youth, have already participated in preparticipation screening. Screening consists of detailed personal medical history, electrocardiography, flow-volume spirometry, basic laboratory analyses and health status screening, including posture, muscle balance, and static and dynamic postural control tests, conducted by sports and exercise medicine specialists.Ethics and dissemination: The HPSC study is carried out conforming with the declaration of Helsinki. Ethical approval was received from the Ethics Committee of Health Care District of Central Finland. The HPSC study is close-to-practice, which generates foundations for development work within youth sports clubs.</p

    The associations between adolescents' sports club participation and dietary habits

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    For adolescent athletes, data on nutrition behaviors are limited. The present study aimed to evaluate the dietary habits of adolescent sports club participants (SPs) compared with those of non-participants (NPs). The cross-sectional study of 1917 adolescents aged 14-16 was based on data from the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study. The health behavior surveys were conducted among SPs (n = 1093) and NPs (n = 824). Logistic regression was used to test statistical significance of the differences in dietary habits between SPs and NPs. SPs were more likely than NPs to eat breakfast on weekends [89% vs 79%, odds ratio (OR) 1.46, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.07-2.01] and to report daily consumption of vegetables (46% vs 32%, OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.04-1.69) and fat-free or semi-skimmed milk (72% vs 55%, OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.04-1.68). Dietary habits regarded as unhealthy, such as sugared soft drink consumption, were similar between the groups. The aforementioned healthy dietary habits are more frequent in SPs than NPs, and unhealthy dietary habits are equally frequent in the groups. Both adolescent SPs' and NPs' dietary habits have deficiencies, like inadequate vegetable and fruit consumption. Sports clubs' opportunities for adolescents' healthy eating promotion should be examined

    Musculoskeletal examination in young athletes and non-athletes: the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study

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    Objectives: To determine the inter-rater repeatability of a musculoskeletal examination and to compare findings between adolescent athletes and non-athletes in Finland.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a musculoskeletal examination assessing posture, mobility and movement control was carried out by a sports and exercise medicine physician on 399 athletes aged 14–17 years and 177 non-athletes. Within 2 weeks another sports and exercise medicine physician repeated the examination for 41 adolescents to test the inter-rater repeatability.Results: In total, 10 of the 11 tests performed had at least moderate inter-rater reliability (κ ≥0.4 or percentage agreement >80%). Athletes more often than non-athletes had one shoulder protruded (8.0% vs 4.0%, OR 2.81, 95% CI 1.16 to 6.81). Forty-six per cent of athletes had good knee control in the two-legged vertical drop jump test compared with 32% of non-athletes (OR 1.99, 95% CI 1.29 to 3.06). Athletes had better core muscle control with 86.3% being able to remain in the correct plank position for 30 s compared with 68.6% of non-athletes (OR 2.70, 95% CI 1.67 to 4.36). In the deep squat test, good lumbar spine control was maintained only by 35.8% of athletes and 38.4% of non-athletes.Conclusion: A basic musculoskeletal examination is sufficiently reliable to be performed by trained physicians as a part of a periodic health evaluation. Shortfalls in mobility, posture and movement control are common in both athletes and non-athletes. These deficits could have been caused by sedentary behaviour, monotonous training, or both.</p

    Training Volume and Intensity of Physical Activity among Young Athletes: The Health Promoting Sports Club (HPSC) Study

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    Both training volume and overall physical activity (PA) play a role in young athletes’ sports performance and athletic development. The purpose of this study was to describe the training volume and PA of young athletes in endurance, aesthetics, ball games, and power sports. Questionnaire data (n = 671) were obtained from 15-year-old Finnish athletes on sports participation, along with accelerometer data (n = 350) assessing the amount and intensity of their PA. The athletes’ mean weekly training volume was 11 h 41 min. Objectively assessed PA amounted to 4 h 31 min daily, out of which 1 h 31 min was at a level of moderate-to-vigorous intensity (MVPA). Among 24% of the athletes, the weekly training volume (in hours) exceeded the recommended level of age-in-years, which might increase their risk of sports injuries. At the same time, one in six athletes (16%) did not—on average—reach the internationally recommended threshold level of at least 60 minutes of MVPA per day. Compared to girls, boys averaged 2.5 more hours of training per week, and had 21 more minutes of MVPA per day. Moreover, boys had a higher goal orientation than girls, with 52% of the boys and only 29% of the girls focused on success at adult level. Although total training volume and PA did not differ among sports types, there were differences in training forms, and in the proportions of MVPA. The young athletes were found to vary greatly in training forms, training volumes, MVPA, and goal orientation; hence, training should be planned individually, both for team sports and individual sports.</p