645 research outputs found

    Review of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) In Reducing Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa

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    Bulimia nervosa is a serious disorder with limited intervention such as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with relapsing bulimia nervosa for patients which is require, however, few studies focus on its use in patients with bulimia nervosa. Review and examine studies of Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy as treatment. A study by Sala et al. (2021) found that MBCT improved eating behaviours, while the results of a study by Juarascio et al. (2021) indicated that MBCT led to an improvement in symptoms for patients with bulimia nervosa .Using of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with relapsing bulimia nervosa patients is needed. The need for Arab studies comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with other psychological treatments for relapsing bulimia patients

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy and safety of combinational therapy with metformin and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors

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    AbstractCombinational therapies are often required in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Among the important candidates, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPPIs) and metformin combination (DPPI-MET) have shown promising endeavors. In order to examine the efficacy and safety of such a combination therapy in T2DM patients finding inadequate control with metformin, this systematic review and meta-analysis has been conducted. Literature search was made in multiple electronic databases. Inclusion criteria included; RCTs examining the efficacy and safety of DPPI-MET against placebo-MET or MET-only groups of T2DM patients by observing changes in disease endpoints including HbA1c and FPG, and the length of trial be at least 12weeks. Mean differences based meta-analyses were performed and heterogeneity assessment was carried out. Nineteen studies were selected and included in the meta-analyses. DPPI-MET significantly improved all disease endpoints and the difference could be noticed up to 2years in the majority of outcome measures. In comparison with PBO-MET, the DPPI-MET combinational therapy resulted in the percent HbA1c changes from baseline with a mean difference [95% CI] of −0.77 [−0.86, −0.69] in 3-month (P<0.00001), −0.67 [−0.76, −0.59] in 6-month (P<0.00001), −0.67 [−0.88, −0.47] in 1-year (P<0.00001) and −0.36 [−0.53, −0.20] in 2-year trials (P<0.0003). Reduction in body weight and safety profile in the treated and control groups were not different. A combinational therapy with DPPI and metformin significantly improves diabetes clinical indicators and this effect has been observed for up to 2years herein. Safety and tolerability of DPPI-MET combination have been found well-manageable with a very similar adverse event profile in both treated and control groups

    The role of nutraceuticals in the management of autism

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    AbstractAutism and related disorders are increasingly prevalent behavioral syndromes of impaired verbal and nonverbal communication and socialization owing to neurodevelopmental abnormalities. The most recent estimate for the prevalence of autistic disorders is about 1% on a global scale. Etiology of autism is multifactorial and multidimensional that makes therapeutic intervention even harder. Heterogeneity of genetic factors, oxidative stress, autoimmune mechanism, and epigenetic mechanisms complicate the nature of pathogenesis of the disease. Nutraceutical approach to treat this disease is a promising strategy, especially in some areas, it is more attractive than others. This review critically analyzes the roles of vitamins and cofactors, dietary modifications and gut abnormalities, probiotics and prebiotics, phytochemicals, and environmental factors in order to determine the state of evidence in nutraceutical-based autism management practices. This article presents a systematic review of randomized- and placebocontrolled trials to examine the evidence supports the use of autism nutraceu10.1016/j.jsps.2012.10.001ticals. The results will be discussed in the light of all relevant evidence generated from other clinical and exploratory studies

    Investigation of an Avionics Part Deficiencies in Royal Saudi Air Force Fleets

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    The Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) is experiencing a shortage in certain avionics parts due to a lack of reliability. This issue is causing a supply chain disturbance in the F1-15 fleet and the Hawk fleet. One of the factors behind this problem is the environmental effects in Saudi Arabia .The study will investigate and analyze the methods for the Improvement Cycle Processes and the Quality Management within the RSAF repair cycle. Finding show that, the discrepancies are rising during summer and fall time due to the environment change, Other finding were addressed in the study

    Epidemiological studies on cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ad- Dawadimi District, Saudi Arabia

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    Purpose: To assess the prevalence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Ad-Dawadimi region of Saudi Arabia.Methods: Data from the patients included in this retrospective study were collected from the Leishmaniasis Control Center of Ad-Dawadimi District of Saudi Arabia. A total of 370 patients with CL were recorded from January 2009 to December 2013. The data focused on details of sociodemographics, i.e., age, gender, date of diagnosis, residence and close family members with CL.Results: Out of 370 patients with verified lesions, 280 (75.6 %) were males with a mean age of 18.26 ± 13.41 years, while 90 (24.3 %) were females with a mean age of 19.25 ± 16.10 years. The highest proportion (18.3 %) occurred in the 15 - 20 years age group. Annual distribution of CL showed that the highest rate was in 2010 with 168 cases while the lowest rate was in 2012 with 42 cases. There were no significant differences in the mean ages of the CL cases with respect to gender.Conclusion: Most of the reported cases had with single facial lesions. Although all age groups are affected by CL, a majority of the cases are aged 15 to 30 years.Keywords: Cutaneous leishmania, Epidemiology, Facial lesion, Age-relate

    A home-based intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder: Outcomes for Saudi Arabian families

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    Parents of children who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often struggle to find appropriate educational and behavioural resources to support their children. These resources are particularly lacking in countries with fewer resources overall. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a culturally appropriate training program for parents, specifically mothers, of children diagnosed with ASD in Saudi Arabia. The participants included Saudi parents (n=5) and their children (n=5), all 4 to 8 years of age. The single subject study utilised a multiple probe across participants design. The researcher and each parent collaboratively developed a home based intervention (HBI) to teach a specifically targeted skill for their child. Observational data was collected to measure the accuracy and reliability of the parents’ ability to deliver instruction to their children. The primary dependent variable was the parents’ fidelity in treatment implementation and the secondary dependent variable was the children’s acquisition of targeted skills. Results indicate a high level of fidelity of intervention (parents) with a high rate of acquisition (children) of the targeted skills. Implications of the study including limitations and future research are discussed

    Overview of the Parents’ Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Children Vaccinations: A Systematic Review

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    Background: It is the parents' responsibility to vaccinate their children. As a result, parents' attitudes, knowledge, and beliefs about vaccination are critical because they influence their activities toward timely and full immunization.  Objectives: This systematic review comprehensively investigated the recently published literature on parents’ knowledge regarding children’s vaccination.  Methods: PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were systematically searched to include the relevant literature. Rayyan QRCI was used throughout this systematic approach. Results &amp; interpretation: This review included twenty-four studies with a total of 13082 parents, and 70.9% were mothers. Knowledge level about children’s vaccination among parents was significantly related to their fathers' age, education level, women's employment status, and family type. Younger mothers were found to have a higher level of expertise. Good knowledge levels and positive attitudes towards the seasonal influenza vaccine were reported. Good knowledge with caution was reported among parents regarding COVID-19 vaccination. The knowledge about HPV infection and vaccination: All of them reported low vaccination rates and willingness to vaccinate their children. The findings of our study highlight the significance of parental understanding of vaccinations and immunization. Health officials should make additional efforts to promote the benefits of vaccination while emphasizing the risks of non- or late pediatric immunization

    The decay A0h0Z()A^0\to h^0 Z^{(*)} in the inverted hierarchy scenario and its detection prospects at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Searches are being carried out at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for the decay of the CP-odd scalar (A0A^0) in Two-Higgs-Doublet Models (2HDMs) with Natural Flavour Conservation (NFC) in the channel A0h0ZA^0\to h^0 Z (with mh0=125m_{h^0}=125 GeV and ZZ on-shell). In the absence of any signal, limits on the parameter space of [tanβ,cos(βα),mA0][\tan\beta, \cos(\beta-\alpha), m_{A^0}] in each 2HDM are derived for mA0>225m_{A^0} > 225 GeV. In this work we consider the scenario of inverted hierarchy with mh0<125m_{h^0}<125 GeV and mH0=125m_{H^0}=125 GeV in which the decay A0h0Z()A^0\to h^0 Z^{(*)} (i.e. including the case of an off-shell ZZ) can have a large branching ratio in the 2HDM (Type I) for mA0<225m_{A^0}<225 GeV. We calculate the signal cross section σ(ggA0)×BR(A0h0Z())×BR(h0bb)\sigma(gg\to A^0)\times {\rm BR}(A^0\to h^0Z^{(*)})\times {\rm BR}(h^0\to b\overline b) in the 2HDM (Type I) with NFC and compare its magnitude with the cross section for the case of normal hierarchy (mh0=125m_{h^0}=125 GeV) that is currently being searched for at the LHC. For the experimentally unexplored region mA0<225m_{A^0} < 225 GeV it is shown that the above cross section for signal events in the scenario of inverted hierarchy can be of the order of a few picobarns. Such sizeable cross sections are several orders of magnitude larger than the cross sections for the case of normal hierarchy, thus motivating an extension of the ongoing searches for A0h0Z()A^0\to h^0 Z^{(*)} to probe the scenario of inverted hierarchy.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Lack of interpretation services for limited English and Arabic proficiency patients in Saudi hospitals: challenges and perceptions

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    Purpose – The motivation for the current exploration follows from the fact that one-third of the population in Saudi Arabia (SA) is expatriates. According to the Saudi General Authority for Statistic (https://www.stats.gov.sa/en), the total population in SA in 2021 is estimated at 33,413,660 people, 20,768,627 of whom are Saudi citizens whereas 12,645,033 are expatriates coming from different countries across the world, such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistan, Philippines, Sudan, Sri Lanka, among many others. In this study, the author targeted limited English and Arabic proficiency patients (LEAPPs) from only three countries in the Near East: (1) Bangladesh, (2) India and (3) Pakistan. The author selected these three countries because they represent the high number of expatriates in SA. According to www.globalmediainsight.com, the population of the abovementioned nationalities in SA in 2021 is as follows: India (2,550,000 million), Pakistan (2,450,000 million) and Bangladesh (1,300,000 million) (see https://bit.ly/3NR6SfT). The main official languages for Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are Urdu, Hindu and Bengali respectively. Although the English language is the second official language in both Pakistan and India, it comes as a second language, not as a mother tongue. In other words, these LEAPPs are unlikely to have a full command of the English language. Design/methodology/approach – The current study makes use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative component follows from the use of questionnaires whereas the qualitative part comes from the execution of face-to-face interviews. This mixed approach has been influential in earlier explorations (see, e.g. Terrel, 2012; Dawadi et al., 2021) and was used in this study to achieve two objectives: (1) to explore whether LEAPPs suffer linguistically when they visit a Saudi hospital, and this data can be elicited via questionnaires, and (2) to gain insights from LEAPPs' experience and attend to their suggestions towards the improvement of the linguistic landscape of the Saudi health system, and this can be gleaned from the interviews. Findings – Based on questionnaires and interviews, the study shows that 64.5% of LEAPPs cannot express their health issues to Arabic-speaking physicians, while 54.8% cannot understand the details of their diagnoses and the guidelines of the prescriptions. Although there is a strong consensus among LEAPPs that interpretation services should be introduced to the Saudi health sector to achieve a better experience, 67.7% are generally satisfied with the current healthcare. Contra previous claims that patients are concerned about their privacy with the introduction of interpreters (see, e.g. Hadziabdic, 2011; Floyd and Sakellariou, 2017; MacFarlane et al. 2020), the present study shows that 70.9% of LEAPPs express no concerns regarding their privacy, whereas 19.3% adopt a neutral position. Originality/value – Unlike Al-Khathami et al. (2010) who explored the perspective of Saudi patients towards nonArabic speaking nurses and contra Alhammami (2020) who examined the attitudes of the nonArabic speaking doctors towards Saudi patients, the current study shed more light on a neglected sample, namely the laborers, janitors and other craftsmen who have limited knowledge of both Arabic and English and who visited a Saudi clinic/hospital and were met by Arabic-speaking physicians

    Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) and the Role of Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring

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    This study aimed at exploring the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) as a multi-modality, evidence-based approach to improving the quality of patient care after major surgery and to investigate the effectiveness of the implementation of the ERAS on the outcome measures. Therefore, the problem of this study lies in exploring the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) upon the role of advanced hemodynamic monitoring through examining a sample of (220) patients in two Jordanian hospitals (Jordan Hospital and the Specialty Hospital) undergoing major surgery. The study concluded that the patients had witnessed progressive outcome measures in the Improved Post-operative Morbidity Score (POMS), and the Reduced Length of Stay in Hospital, and the Reduced episodes of harm and surgical complications