7 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Demografi ODHA di Papua

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    HIV dan AIDS merupakan salah satu permasalahan di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Kesehatan RI sampai dengan maret 2017, sebanyak 407 kota/kabupaten dari  507 kota/kabupaten dan lebih dari 87 ribu orang mengidap AIDS. Berbeda apabila dibandingkan dengan provinsi-provinsi lainnya, Papua mengalami epidemi HIV meluas tingkat rendah dengan prevalensi HIV sebesar 2.3 %. Jumlah penderita HIV lebih banyak terjadi pada perempuan usia reproduktif dibandingkan pada laki-laki. Meskipun HIV tersebar meluas di kelompok populasi umum baik untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan, kegiatan seks komersial memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap epidemi di semua wilayah Papua. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis karakteristik demografi ODHA Di Papua Sebagai Baseline Data Di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga wilayah di Papua yaitu Kabupaten Nabire, Kab./Kota Jayapura, dan Kab. Jayawijaya dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 264 orang. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil terdapat perbedaan karakteristik demografi ODHA di tiga wilayah Papua (Kabupaten Nabire, Kab./Kota Jayapura, dan Kab. Jayawijaya). Dari hasil penelitian dibutuhkan strategi penanganan ODHA yang berbeda di masing-masing wilayah


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    Plastic waste is a material that is difficult to decompose when buried in the ground. The large amount of plastic waste from human activities can cause environmental pollution. The reason for designing this plastic trash chopper is because the price of machines that have been marketed has an expensive price. Prices on the market range from around Rp. 18.000.000 to Rp. 30.000.000 depending on the engine specifications. In addition to the price of the machine i tu own, reasons that become the background count tool design plastic waste is due to concerns about trash, especially plastic waste in the city of Palembang, which until now still cannot be solved by optimal. To overcome these problems, a redesign of a plastic trash chopper was carried out using the Value Engineering method. From the results of research and analysis is known that p e designof the machine counter trash plastic the profit that as many as 8 benefit with b iaya value of VE were issued at 5.44. The total costs incurred after the redesign was carried out, amounting to Rp.1.470 .000

    Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) as Virus Carrier in Indonesia

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    A Virus is an individual that cannot be described as an animal or a plant. If animals and plants contain two nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), on the contrary, the virus only has one of them. These nucleic acids can stimulate a complete virus replication cycle. The virus can only replicate and live on a living host if the host is finally dead, then the virus will move on the cells that are still alive. The virus has genetic material which is a protective protein coat called a capsid. Viruses can infect various varieties of organisms, both eukaryotes (animals, plants, protists, and fungi) and prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea). The Virus infects bacteria known as bacteriophage (phage). The Virus can cause serious diseases for humans such as AIDS, HIV, rabies, etc. Dogs belonging to Canidae family are the sibling of wolves, foxes and raccoon dogs. Among all members of Canidae, dogs have the most closely related to wolves which are the ancestors of dogs. The Canidae family generally has a small elongated body, sharp ear and muzzle, sharp smelling, can run fast and can swim. Dogs are human best friends. While taking care of the dogs, they can be attacked by various diseases. The closeness of the relationship between humans and dogs raises the potential for disease transmission, especially zoonosis and pandemics viruses. Keywords:  Canis lupus familiaris, Carier, Influenza, viru

    Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb) Screening with Rapid Test among Teenagers in Surabaya

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    Hepatitis was an inflammation or infection of the liver cells and generally caused by the virus, resulting in the liver swelled. Hepatitis B disease is caused by acute or chronic Hepatitis B virus and includes the most dangerous liver disease. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates in 2002 that one billion living individuals are infected with Hepatitis B, so more than 200 million people worldwide are infected, and 1-2 million deaths annually are associated with VHB. In 2008 the number of people infected with VHB was 2 billion, and 350 million people continued to be patients with chronic hepatitis B infection. Generally most of Hepatitis B immunization studies that have been conducted in Indonesia only observe the early age group (infant) and quite rare for adolescence groups. Those group of teenagers becomes very important subject because they will soon be married and have children in the future. The research aimed to investigated HbsAb-based hepatitis using Rapid test among teenagers. This research was conducted in the Boarding School Health Study Center of Nadhlatul Ulama University Surabaya. Fifty-four teenagers were tested using HbsAb rapid test. The HBsAb rapid test result found 2 teenagers positive to hepatitis

    Teori dan konsep dasar imunologi

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    Perkembangan imunologi dalam dunia kedokteran melahirkan banyak subbidang dengan topik yang berbeda, mulai dari imunologi klinis, imunologi molekuler, dan imunodiagnostik. Imunologi sangat terkait dengan bidang ilmu lain. Demi mengetahui mekanisme penyakit dan penanganan berbagai penyakit terkait imun, pemahaman tentang dasar-dasar imunologi sangat diperlukan.Buku referensi imunologi ini menguraikan tentang sistem dan mekanisme pertahanan tubuh dalam interaksinya dengan lingkungan di luar tubuh yang penuh mikroba dan patogen penyebab infeksi. Buku yang memuat dasar-dasar imunologi ini diperuntukkan khususnya bagi mahasiswa dan peneliti di bidang Biologi, Kedokteran, dan Ilmu Kesehatan. Buku ini disusun menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang mudah dipahami, mulai dari aspek yang bersifat dasar sampai implikasi klinis. Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar yang informatif dan tabel tabel representatif. Basic knowledge sistem imun komprehensif dalam buku ini akan memudahkan mahasiswa yang baru belajar imunologi dan juga bagi mereka yang tidak menempuh pendidikan formal tetapi tertarik untuk belajar imunologi.x, 242 hlm.: 23 c

    The Overview of Anti-PGL-1 and Anti-IDALLE L-ESAT 6 IgG Antibody Titers in Household Contact of Leprosy

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    Household contact is a high-risk group for leprosy transmission. Household contact with a high titer of Glycolipid-1 phenolic possesses a higher risk to develop into leprosy. This study was an observational study. The subject of the study consisted of 95 household contacts living at the house of leprosy patient in Brondong Subdistrict, Lamongan Regency, East Java, Indonesia whom anti-phenolic Glycolipid-1 and anti-IDALLE L-ESAT 6 IgG antibody titers were measured. Measurement of anti-PGL-1 and anti-IDALLE L-ESAT 6 IgG levels used the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. The mean levels of anti-PGL-1 IgG in all subjects were 134.54 units / mL (± 295.15) while the levels of anti-IDALLE L-ESAT 6 IgG were 408.61 units / mL. There was a significant positive relationship between levels of anti-PGL-1 IgG with anti-IDALLE L-ESAT 6 IgG (r = 0.247, p = 0.016) in the household contacts of leprosy patient

    Protection and profile of immune response against SARS-CoV-2 among the COVID-19 vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) was first reported in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, antibody-mediated immunity and T cells are the most effective protection. This study aimed to analyze IFN-γ profile in people who were vaccinated and unvaccinated against COVID-19. This research was conducted at the Molecular Laboratory of the Professor Nidom Foundation (LM-PNF), Surabaya, Indonesia from February 2021 to March 2022 using 100 blood samples with details of 50 samples from people who had been vaccinated against COVID-19 and 50 samples from people who had unvaccinated against COVID-19. We divided into four: vaccination only, vaccination and had infected of COVID-19 or survivors, unvaccination only, and unvaccination but survivors. Furthermore, we used the ELISpot method to see the IFN-γ profile. The data analysed by using ANOVA. The results of this study showed that IFN-γ profile vary widely with the highest IFN-γ obtained in samples of people who are vaccinated and had infected of COVID-19 compared to other groups. In summary, we conclude that the cellular immune response (IFN-γ) profile in people who vaccinated and had infected of COVID-19 was better than unvaccinated