64 research outputs found

    Analisis Akar Penyebab Masalah dalam Meningkatkan Overall Equipment Effectiveness (Oee) Mesin Stripping Hipack III dan Unimach di PT Pfi

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    . Overall Equipment Efectiveness (OEE) is a calculation method used inTotal Productive Maintenance (TPM) to maximize the effectiveness of machinesin industrial facilities. OEE value is determined by availability rate, performancerate and quality rate. Low OEE of the Hipack III and UNIMACH strippingmachine at PT Promedrahardjo Pharmaceutical industry identified the loweffectiveness of the machine. The aim of research is to improve the effectivenessof the machine by increasing its OEE value. The analytical method used is theanalysis of six big losses, fishbone diagrams, and pareto diagram. The results ofthe research show that the six big losses dominant factors in the machine aredowntime and speedlosses. The focused improvements on minimazing it factorsincrease the OEE machines

    Pengaruh Insentif terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di Coal Mining Departmen PT Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta - Kutai Timur

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    Firman Alamsyah , Faculty of Economics, University of Samarinda August 17, 1945 " Effect of Incentives on Employee Performance in Coal Mining Department PT . Kaltim Prima Coal Sengata " .Work incentives is a tribute in the form of money given by companies to employees so that they work with high motivation and achievement in achieving corporate goals .Employee Incentive Scheme PT . KPC 2010 has been approved by shareholders and are happy that the incentives are available for 2010 may reach 600 % of base salary or more if some production targets are met , employees come to work regularly and work safely . Payable on a quarterly basis , the number can reach 150 % of basic salary for each kwartalnya , Improvement of such a large number of incentives in 2010 reflects the philosophy of the new shareholders to give a larger share to the employees motivatedThe hypothesis that the writer can convey is suspected Are Incentives significant effect on the Effect of Incentives on Employee Performance in Coal Mining Department PT . Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta , development can be seen the number of working hours (working hours ) of January 2009 through the end of June 2012 continues to increase .The analysis showed that the average ratio of employees of PT growth incentives . Kaltim Prima Coal dive outside banks of 2009 to second quarter of 2012 by using a uniform unit of measurement is used , then used the formula ( the formula ) , namely : ( tn - t n - 1 ) : t n - 1 with a unit of measurement percentage ( % ) . The results of the analysis of the growth of the quarter amounted to 10.21 % . The highest growth of 84.17 % incentive in the fourth quarter of 2010 - I 2011 . While incentives lowest growth in the first quarter - II 2003 amounted to -7.95 % . Average growth ratio of working hours of employees on Coal Mining Department PT . KPC Sangatta during the first quarter of 2009 - II 2012 is 4.73 % , the highest achieved growth in hours worked was 46.93 % in the fourth quarter of 2011 - the first of 2012, while the lowest pertumbuahn working hours amounted to -7.95 % in the first quarter - II in 2011 . By using linear regression analysis method , Y = a + bX , the value of the regression coefficient incentive variable ( X ) is equal to 0.248 , 0.885 and its constant is then obtained by the following linear regression equation : Y = 0.248 + 0.885 X. In the above can be interpreted any changes to variable incentives ( X ) has a positive effect on the impact of changes in working hours . The results of the analysis of the standardized coefficient incentive variable ( X ) is equal to 0.860 of the value of the standardized variables above, it can be stated that the response variable incentives have a positive effect on working hours / working spirit . Based on the above explanation , the hypothesis stated that incentives significantly influence employee morale in Heavy Equipment Maintenance PT . Kaltim Prima Coal Sengata is correct and acceptable


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    This study aims to determine the effect of adding chromium to the SMAW process on the tensile strength, hardness value and macro structure of low carbon steel welded joints. The welding process in this study used the E6013 electrode with the addition of chrome and welding without the addition of chrome to compare the results of tensile tests, hardness tests and macro structures. After the welding process, continued with the manufacture of tensile test specimens with 3 specimens each for each variation, the manufacture of hard test specimens and macro structures. In the tensile test results, the tensile strength values ​​between specimens with the addition of chromium and without the addition of chromium (non) did not show a significant difference, the average tensile strength values ​​were 38.33 kg/mm² and 38.67 kg/mm², respectively. The addition of chrome to the SMAW process has been shown to have an effect on the hardness value of low carbon steel welded joints. The hardness value of the specimen with the addition of chrome is greater with an average hardness value of 166.8 VHN in the weld metal area than the specimen without the addition of chromium (non) with an average hardness value of 150.97 VHN. In the macro structure, between the specimens with the addition of chromium and without the addition of chromium (non) there was no porosity


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    The essence of democracy is to put people as the highest sovereign in deciding how best a country organized through political participation was active , free and voluntary. The problem is the engagement , it was not enough in Indonesia given the remnants of authoritarianism in the past turned out to form a political personality that is intolerant and reflected on the conflict surrounding the election of the leadership of the executive board. Within this framework , communication as a means of transmission , transaction and interaction symbol - a symbol that means playing a role through the identification and dissemination of feeling threatened social education modality , thereby building the perception of power contestation program more as compared to a mere struggle for power problems


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    Media literacy will not be balanced, when the broadcast media as producers are not encouraged to become an institution that is "healthy". For the parallel suggested steps to eliminate the negative impact. Commitment, a sincere intention to make the media as a medium of learning, to educate the audience and think about the impact. Professionalism is valued media owners (reward and punishment) and have extensive knowledge, creativity, sophistication of taste. System, rules and ethics of a healthy broadcast industry; clear and enforced. Packaging exciting educational broadcasts, preferably involving the audience with visual communication experts, education experts, psychologists etc. and based on research. Make broadcast 'educational entertainment' or press 'education entertaining'. Open up opportunities and access for every group of people who are interested


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    This research aimed to determine the implementation of hypertext which can improve students’ understanding in English reading. This research is action research. conducted in a class by carrying out stages such as planning, implementing, and reflecting on collaborative and participatory actions to improve performance as a lecturer so that student learning outcomes can improve. Despondences are the students are in class E even semester of 2018/2019 academic year. The result showed the ability of students to understand English reading has increased through hypertext media where the highest score is 93, the lowest score is 60 with an average of 74.5. With the details of 8 students scoring 93, 10 students scoring 76, 6 students scoring 69 and 4 students scoring 60

    Analisis Kelayakan Usaha dan Strategi Pemasaran Pada Percetakan Magenta Agro Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Printing advertising is one of business that still in great demand because the society needs of printed product continues to increase. Magenta Agro Printing is one of business that newly open in early March 2020, when the covid 19 pandemic is booming. According to a survey conducted by Indonesia’s Badan Pusat Statistik, generally 8 out of 10 company, both small micro and medium-sized business tend to experiences a decrease in demand due to customers affected by COVID-19. This research’s purpose is for reviewing business feasibility of magenta agro printing based on non-financial aspects and financial aspects, also provide marketing strategy suggestions for increasing order request because of the decrease in demand for orders due to covid 19 pandemic. According to the results of non-financial aspects, it is known that magenta agro printing is still feasible to run but still needs to be reviewed regarding promotions in order to increase customers. Meanwhile the results of financial aspects, the results of Net Present Value (NPV) are negatife value < 0, the value is – Rp. 5.454.210. The value of Payback Period (PP) needs 21,4 months to return the venture capital. For the value of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 13% and the result value of Profitability Index (PI) is 1,53. So it can be said that this business is still feasible to run. The implementation result of swot strategy are increased order request, where request for invitation letter increase by 2 requests after implementation, and the request for brochure increase by 1 request after implementation of SWOT strategy. Keyword : Printing Business, Business Feasibility Study, SWOT Analysi


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    Firman Alamsyah , Faculty of Economics, University of Samarinda August 17, 1945 " Effect of Incentives on Employee Performance in Coal Mining Department PT . Kaltim Prima Coal Sengata " .Work incentives is a tribute in the form of money given by companies to employees so that they work with high motivation and achievement in achieving corporate goals .Employee Incentive Scheme PT . KPC 2010 has been approved by shareholders and are happy that the incentives are available for 2010 may reach 600 % of base salary or more if some production targets are met , employees come to work regularly and work safely . Payable on a quarterly basis , the number can reach 150 % of basic salary for each kwartalnya , Improvement of such a large number of incentives in 2010 reflects the philosophy of the new shareholders to give a larger share to the employees motivatedThe hypothesis that the writer can convey is suspected Are Incentives significant effect on the Effect of Incentives on Employee Performance in Coal Mining Department PT . Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta , development can be seen the number of working hours (working hours ) of January 2009 through the end of June 2012 continues to increase .The analysis showed that the average ratio of employees of PT growth incentives . Kaltim Prima Coal dive outside banks of 2009 to second quarter of 2012 by using a uniform unit of measurement is used , then used the formula ( the formula ) , namely : ( tn - t n - 1 ) : t n - 1 with a unit of measurement percentage ( % ) . The results of the analysis of the growth of the quarter amounted to 10.21 % . The highest growth of 84.17 % incentive in the fourth quarter of 2010 - I 2011 . While incentives lowest growth in the first quarter - II 2003 amounted to -7.95 % . Average growth ratio of working hours of employees on Coal Mining Department PT . KPC Sangatta during the first quarter of 2009 - II 2012 is 4.73 % , the highest achieved growth in hours worked was 46.93 % in the fourth quarter of 2011 - the first of 2012, while the lowest pertumbuahn working hours amounted to -7.95 % in the first quarter - II in 2011 . By using linear regression analysis method , Y = a + bX , the value of the regression coefficient incentive variable ( X ) is equal to 0.248 , 0.885 and its constant is then obtained by the following linear regression equation : Y = 0.248 + 0.885 X. In the above can be interpreted any changes to variable incentives ( X ) has a positive effect on the impact of changes in working hours . The results of the analysis of the standardized coefficient incentive variable ( X ) is equal to 0.860 of the value of the standardized variables above, it can be stated that the response variable incentives have a positive effect on working hours / working spirit . Based on the above explanation , the hypothesis stated that incentives significantly influence employee morale in Heavy Equipment Maintenance PT . Kaltim Prima Coal Sengata is correct and acceptable .


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    SME Areta Agung is one of the business fields engaged in the construction industry. The products produced are bricks and paving blocks. In a business, a neat, clean, and comfortable production floor will affect the performance of workers and minimize the risk of work accidents that can occur at any time. The condition of occupational safety and health program (K3) on the product floor at SME Areta Agung has not been organized and unorganized so that it can have an impact on causing work accidents. In addition, the implementation of 5S is also not well structured. 5S is a method of structuring the work environment originating from Japan. 5S stands for Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke which can be interpreted as 5R which is Ringkas, Rapi, Resik, Rawat and Rajin. This method will also provide a repair solution that will be applied so that the condition of the production floor becomes standard and comfortable for the workers. The actual assessment has not met the proper standards, therefore there must be some improvement in some places based on the draft proposal. Keywords: 5S Method, Occupational Safety and Health (K3), Work Environmen

    Problematika dan Strategi Pembelajaran pada Masa Pandemi di Wilayah Pesisir Kepulauan Buton

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    This study aims to explain the problems and strategies of schools and teachers in coastal areas of the Buton islands in carrying out learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.&nbsp; This research method is descriptive qualitative. Primary data are collected through online questionnaires, observations, and interviews. Research informants come from the elements of teachers, high school principals, students and parents of participants, especially Muhammadiyah High School. Secondary data is obtained through literature studies. The data are analyzed using qualitative data analysis method consisting of data reduction, data presentation, data interpretation and conclusion drawing. From the results of the study, it is concluded that there are various problems in the implementation of learning in high schools during the pandemic-Covid-19. The problems are strongly related to the unpreparedness of schools, teachers, parents, and students in facing the transformation of learning during the pandemic.&nbsp; In addition, network unpreparedness also greatly affects the transformation of learning from offline to online to ineffective. Therefore, there are various strategies that schools and teachers try to implement to carry out learning, both online and face-to-face through limited class meetings and home visits. The results of this study show that the implementation of learning during the pandemic does not run effectively due to very complex problems. The role of the government is very important in preparing facilities and infrastructure to support the implementation of learning during the pandemic covid-19
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