724 research outputs found

    Impact du zooplancton métazoaire sur le phytoplancton et les protozoaires ciliés dans le réservoir Sahela (Maroc)

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    L'impact du zooplancton métazoaire sur le phytoplancton et les protozoaires ciliés a été mesuré durant la période de juillet à décembre 1999 dans le réservoir Sahela sous climat méditerranéen semi-aride.Les expériences ont été réalisées à l'aide de chambres de diffusion immergées in situ pendant 7 heures en absence (chambres témoins) et en présence (chambres expérimentales) du zooplancton.Les résultats indiquent que la mortalité moyenne à 4 m des algues est de 0,13 + 0,03 h-1, et celle des protozoaires ciliés de 0,07 + 0,03 h-1. Cryptomonas ovata et Halteria grandinella ont subi la plus forte prédation, respectivement, 0,31 + 0,14 h-1 et 0,11 + 0,04 h-1 à 4 m. Toutefois, les algues de grande taille (Pediastrum sp, Ceratium hirundinella et Peridinium cinctum) n'ont été que très peu ou pas consommées.The Sahela reservoir, located in Taounate at 90 km from Fès, lying at an altitude of 325 m, was built to provide drinking water for the population of Taounate and to contribute to irrigate neighbouring farming perimeters.In order to assess the impact of metazoan zooplankton on phytoplankton and protozoan ciliates in the Sahela reservoir under semi-arid climate, we conducted experiments during the period from July to December 1999 at the deepest point in the lake (15 m).Sampling and measurements were carried out in diffusion chambers submerged in situ over a period of 7 h without (control chambers) and with (experimental chambers) zooplankton. During these experiments, counts were conducted on phytoplankton and ciliates to determine the abundance and the mortality of these organisms due to zooplankton in each diffusion chambers at t=0 and t=7 h incubation. The metazooplankton were counted and dry weight of each taxa was calculated.In summer the highest zooplankton biomass (150 µg·L-1) mainly composed of cyclopoid Tropocyclops prasinus, caused mortality of the small-sized ciliates, such as Halteria grandinella (0.10 h-1). In Autumn, the zooplankton biomass (75 µg·l-1), dominated by Daphnia longispina, induced a higher mortality for phytoplankton (0.10 h-1) than for ciliates (0.05 h-1). In Winter, the zooplankton biomass (100 µg·L-1), also represented by Daphnia longispina, had a low impact on ciliate mortality (< 0.02 h-1).The study showed that a heavy predation by the metazoan zooplankton was exerted on small-sized phytoplankton and ciliates and clearly demonstrated the relationships between protozoans and metazoan zooplankton to transfering the matter and energy in aquatic food webs

    Paravertebral extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    The extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma (CME) is a rare malignant soft tissue tumour described as a distinct clinical, histological, immunohistochemical, genetical and evolutive entity. It represents only 2.5% of soft tissue sarcomas. Its individualization is important because it has a long and indolent clinical course, and tumour-related death often occurs after a long survival period. The diagnostic key is morphological supported by immunohistochemistry and genetics t (9; 22) that allow differentiating it from other tumours with myxoid stroma and from chordoma. This report describes a patient with paravertebral extraskeletal myxoid chondrosrcoma with a high locoregional extension

    Contribution à la connaissance des Trichoptères (Trichoptera) du Rif (Nord du Maroc)

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    L´étude de 6376 spécimens des Trichoptères récoltés dans 103 localités de la chaîne rifaine marocaine entre 2006 et 2010 et la compilation des citations bibliographiques concernant ce groupe d´insectes, ont permis l´identification de 41 espèces dans la zone. Cet inventaire faunistique a enrichi la faune du Rif de 7 espèces non citées antérieurement dans cette zone. Une check-list des Trichoptères identifiées est fournie et la distribution géographique à l´intérieur et à l´extérieur des bassins versants Rifains est discutée pour chacune des espèces, ainsi que quelques notes taxonomiques concernant quelques espèces

    Assessment of Calotropis natural dye extracts on the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells

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    ArticleThis work presents the construction and testing of solar cells sensitized with natural dyes extracted from plants indigenous to the desert. Calotropis plants are self - sufficient as they grow in very harsh environments, and yet are not consumed by humans or livestock due to their irritating agents to the skin and eyes. The energy generators of these plants are the leaves, which are crushed and processed to produce the dye solution. Also, the Calotropis leaves are covered in a white powder that is thought to aid in mitigating the heat by scattering incident radiation. This powder material is examined and added to the dye as it proved advantageous for the o verall cell efficiency, which reached 0.214% compared with 0.108% for cells with no powder. The produced cells are also compared with ones sensitized by spinach, another common natural sensitizer for dye - sensitized solar cells, and the performance proved t o be significantly better. The fact that Calotropis is a non - food plant is an added advantage to utilizing it as a dye source, along with its intrinsic heat resistance that allows it to survive the harsh desert conditions all year round

    Gravitational Waves from Preheating in Gauss-Bonnet Inflation

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    We study gravitational wave production in an expanding Universe during the first stages following inflation, and investigate the consequences of the Gauss-Bonnet term on the inflationary parameters for a power-law inflation model with a GB coupling term. Moreover, we perform the analyses on the preheating parameters involving the number of e-folds NpreN_{pre}, and the temperature of thermalization Tth,T_{th}, and show that it's sensitive to the parameters nn, and γ\gamma, the parameter γ\gamma is proposed to connect the density energy at the end of inflation to the preheating energy density. We set a correlation of gravitational wave energy density spectrum with the spectral index nsn_{s} detected by the cosmic microwave background experiments.. The density spectrum Ωgw\Omega_{gw} shows good consistency with observation for γ=103\gamma = 10^{3} and 10610^{6}. Our findings suggest that the generation of gravitational waves (GWs) during preheating can satisfy the constraints from Planck's data

    Dark matter via Baryogenesis: Affleck-Dine Mechanism in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We conducted an investigation into Affleck-Dine baryogenesis within the context of D-term inflation, specifically focusing on its relationship with a recent reheating formalism. It was found that by considering a specific reheating temperature, the observed baryon asymmetry can be accounted through Affleck-Dine baryogenesis. Additionally, the majority of gravitinos are inferred to be generated from the decay of the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle, with Q-balls potentially serving as a source of gravitinos via NSP decay. The temperature at which decay occurs depends on the charge of the Q-balls, which is determined by the fragmentation of the Affleck-Dine condensate. Remarkably, the gravitino mass required for dark matter aligns naturally with the theoretical gravitino mass.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Isolated radial volar dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint :A rare injury

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    Isolated palmar dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint is an uncommon injury and classified as radio-palmar or ulno-palmar according to the direction of displacement of the fifth metacarpal base . This very rare injury is often  difficult to recognize. A careful neurologic assessment of the patient is a  necessity, as well as obtaining proper radiographs of the hand. The purpose of this report is to present a patient with a pure isolated volar dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint that was satisfactorily treated with closed  reduction and casting. A review of the literature is presente

    Métastases péniennes après cystoprostatectomie pour carcinome urothélial de la vessie

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    L’apparition de métastases péniennes dans l’évolution du carcinome urothélial est un événement rare (1 à 8%). Elles surviennent le plus souvent (65%) dans les 18 mois suivant le diagnostic de la lésion primaire et leur pronostic est sombre avec une survie dépassant exceptionnellement 20 mois. Le traitement des métastases caverneuses est multidisciplinaire. Les meilleurs résultats en termes de survie globale ont été obtenus avec l’association amputation de la verge associée à une chimiothérapie. Les auteurs rapportent un cas de métastases développées aux dépens des corps caverneux de la verge après cystoprostatectomie pour carcinome urothélial de la vessie et discutent les problèmes diagnostics, thérapeutiques et pronostiques que pose cette localisation secondaireMots clés : Carcinome urothélial, métastases, corps caverneux, traitement, pronosti
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