404 research outputs found

    Paradoxes et défis interculturels en matière de gestion : le cas des managers marocains formés en Occident en poste au Maroc.

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    L’objet de cette communication sera de répondre aux questions suivantes : comment les managers marocains, formés aux concepts classiques du management occidental, arrivent-ils au Maroc à gérer les défis managériaux et les différences culturelles au quotidien quand il s’agit de gérer leurs équipes et assurer la stabilité de leur entreprise? Cet article se propose, à travers l’analyse de cas d’entreprises marocaines et d’une enquête auprès d’une soixantaine de managers d’identifier les facteurs-clés de succès et les leviers inattendus de performance et de stabilité qui permettent d’expliquer comment les dimensions culturelles et religieuses sont intégrées par ces managers à des notions telles que l’amélioration continue, le travail d’équipe, la gestion des ressources humaines ou la productivité. Cette communication s’inscrit dans la réflexion menée depuis de nombreuses années par le management interculturel d’inspiration anthropologique.Culture nationale et management; Défis interculturels; Gestion des ressources humaines; Adaptation managériale;

    10401 Abstracts Collection -- Learning, Planning and Sharing Robot Knowledge for Human-Robot Interaction

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    From 03.10.10 to 08.10.10,the Dagstuhl Seminar 10401 ``Learning, Planning and Sharing Robot Knowledge for Human-Robot Interaction \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    A Novel Approach to Reduce the Unicast Bandwidth of an IPTV System in a High-Speed Access Network

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    Channel change time is a critical quality of experience (QOE) metric for IP-based video delivery systems such as Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). An interesting channel change acceleration scheme based on peer-assisted delivery was recently proposed, which consists of deploying one FCC server (Fast Channel Change Server) in the IP backbone in order to send the unicast stream to the STB (Set-Top Box) before sending the normal multicast stream after each channel change. However, deploying such a solution will cause high bandwidth usage in the network because of the huge unicast traffic sent by the FCC server to the STBs. In this paper, we propose a new solution to reduce the bandwidth occupancy of the unicast traffic, by deploying the FCC server capabilities on the user STB. This means that, after each channel change request, the STB will receive the unicast traffic from another STB instead of the central server. By using this method, the unicast traffic will not pass through the IP network; it will be a peer-to-peer communication via the Access Network only. Extensive simulation results are presented to demonstrate the robustness of our new solution

    A Few AI Challenges Raised while Developing an Architecture for Human-Robot Cooperative Task Achievement

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    Over the last five years, and while developing an architecture for autonomous service robots in human environments, we have identified several key decisional issues that are to be tackled for a cognitive robot to share space and tasks with a human. We introduce some of them here: situation assessment and mutual modelling, management and exploitation of each agent (human and robot) knowledge in separate cognitive models, natural multi-modal communication, "human-aware" task planning, and human and robot interleaved plan achievement. As a general "take home" message, it appears that explicit knowledge management, both symbolic and geometric, proves to be a successful key while attempting to address these challenges, as it pushes for a different, more semantic way to address the decision-making issue in human-robot interactions

    Isolation and X-ray crystal structure of tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Calycotome villosa Subsp. intermedias

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    Two tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids were extracted from the alkaloid fraction of a methanol extract of the seeds of Calycotome Villosa Subsp. intermedia. Their structures were established as (R)-1-hydroxymethyl-7-8-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- isoquinoline (1) and (S)-7-hydroxymethyl-2-3-dimethoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydroisoquinoline chloride (2) by spectroscopic techniques and X-ray diffraction analysis

    Impact de l’implémentation internationale des normes comptables IAS/IFRS sur les caractéristiques qualitatives de l’information comptable

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    Durant les quinze dernières années, la recherche académique dans le domaine de la comptabilité et des finances s’est considérablement intéressée à l’étude des effets de l’application des normes IAS-IFRS sur les caractéristiques qualitatives de l’information comptable. Souvent focalisées sur l’examen des effets de l’application des normes IAS-IFRS sur la pertinence, des attributs tels la comparabilité, la fiabilité et l’intelligibilité ont été moins abordés par les études, mêmes récentes, qui se sont généralement cantonnées dans une description normative des effets de l’implémentation des normes de l’IASB. A l’aide d’échantillons d’entreprises cotées issues de dix pays ayant procédé à l’implémentation des normes IAS-IFRS, cette étude examine en utilisant des modèles économétriques inspirés des travaux d’Ohlson (1995), de Defranco et al. (2011), Richardson et al. (2005), Lai et al. (2013) ainsi qu’à l’aide d’une grille de mesure, l’impact de la transition au référentiel IAS-IFRS sur les attributs qualitatifs de l’information comptable énoncés par le cadre conceptuel adopté par l’IASB en 2001. Les résultats empiriques trouvés indiquent que cet impact diffère en fonction du pays et de la caractéristique qualitative étudiée

    New low-density-parity-check decoding approach based on the hard and soft decisions algorithms

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    It is proved that hard decision algorithms are more appropriate than a soft decision for low-density parity-check (LDPC) decoding since they are less complex at the decoding level. On the other hand, it is notable that the soft decision algorithm outperforms the hard decision one in terms of the bit error rate (BER) gap. In order to minimize the BER and the gap between these two families of LDPC codes, a new LDPC decoding algorithm is suggested in this paper, which is based on both the normalized min-sum (NMS) and modified-weighted bit-flipping (MWBF). The proposed algorithm is named normalized min sum- modified weighted bit flipping (NMSMWBF). The MWBF is executed after the NMS algorithm. The simulations show that our algorithm outperforms the NMS in terms of BER at 10-8 over the additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) channel by 0.25 dB. Furthermore, the proposed NMSMWBF and the NMS are both at the same level of decoding difficulty

    Reduced complexity of decoding algorithm for Irregular LDPC Codes using Split Row Method” accepted

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    Abstract In this paper, we have proposed a novel method of decoding algorithm of irregular LDPC codes. A reduced complexity LDPC decoding method for regular LDPC code is extended to irregular LDPC codes. We present in this paper a full description of this method and its benefits for various row weight and length code word. The Split-Row method makes column processing parallelism easier to exploit and significantly simplifies row processors. Recently, irregular LDPC codes have received a lot of attention by many advanced standard, such as WiFi, WiMAX Mobile and digital video broadcasting (DVB-S2). Hence the idea to develop the "Split-Row Method" for irregular LDPC codes. In this context, we have performed an implementation on MATLAB of an irregular LDPC codes with different code word and code rate; simulation results over an additive white Gaussian channel show that the error performance of high row-weight codes with Split-Row decoding is within 0.3-0.5 dB of the Min-Sum algorithm. The study result shows that the "Split Row Method" is better for irregular code than regular LDPC codes
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