70 research outputs found

    Analyse Multidimensionnelle Des Facteurs D’intégration Des Tice: Etude De Cas À Travers Le Programme Genie Marocain

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    This article focuses on the integration of ICT in high-school level within the framework of teaching of sciences of Life and Earth. The experimentation was conducted with a sample of 112 Moroccan teachers of the region of Fez - Boulemane, who responded to a questionnaire of 16 modalities relating to the availability and the use of ICT tools, educational management of ICT in classroom, and the trainings and competencies in ICT and Informatics of the teachers. In order to make an original contribution to the study of the integration of ICT, we adopted a multidimensional analysis in the treatment of the answers of the teachers. Thus, thanks to a Factorial Analysis of Multiple Correspondence (FAMC), we could take account of the links which exist between the various modalities of our questionnaire to get to identify the most discriminating factors in the integration of ICT, like their order of importance. The results of this analysis led to three factorial axes cumulating an absolute inertia of 70%, respectively representing «the pedagogical contribution and the fundamental conditions of a success of the integration of ICT», «the advanced competencies in ICT and Informatics» and «the difficulties of use of ICT in classroom». These axes, in this hierarchy, represent finally the most discriminating factors for a successful integration of ICT

    Las controversias de los actores y la gobernanza territorial en las cercanĂ­as del sur de Fez (Marruecos)

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    This article discusses the actors’ controversies on the suburban development in the southern vicinity of Fez (the commune of Ain Chkef, Morocco). These controversies are heavily affecting the local development and impose costly burdens in terms of impacts on local systems. They were analyzed in this article using a synthetic spatial methodology based on socio-spatial data and cartography by ArcGis. The role of terrestrial property on actors’ intense controversies in the area is discussed in terms of the opportunities it offers for investment and as conflicts’ factor between rights’ holders, operators and other developing actors. Controversies are sometimes linked to issues of land value, the development of activities (gentrification, activity zones and actors contesting positions), and to the location of major equipment or environmental resources. The governance and steering of local development under these conditions is complex, because the decision-maker should assimilate the actors’ needs and all influencing parameters in the suburbs, to develop the convergent governance suggested as a solution. It includes clear visions, a further knowledge of territorial stakes, the key factors of the territorial management and the causes and motivations of the actors’ controversies to find adapted solutions and answers to their questions. Convergent governance must be anticipative, communicative and able to create the actors’ convergences. Suburbs’ complex realities may therefore be best understood using the convergent governance approach with a further consideration of relationality and territoriality that integrate the local, regional and external contextual influencing factors.Este artículo analiza las controversias de los actores sobre el desarrollo suburbano en las cercanías del sur de Fez (la comuna de Ain Chkef, Marruecos). Estas controversias están afectando en gran medida el desarrollo local e imponen cargas costosas en términos de impactos en los sistemas locales. Se analizan en este artículo estas controversias utilizando una metodología espacial sintética basada en datos socio-espaciales y cartografía de ArcGis. El papel de la propiedad de la tierra en las intensas controversias de los actores en el área se discute en términos de las oportunidades que ofrece para la inversión y como un factor de conflicto entre los titulares de derechos, operadores y otros actores en desarrollo. Las controversias a veces están vinculadas a cuestiones relacionadas con el valor de la tierra, el desarrollo de actividades (gentrificación, zonas de actividad y actores que disputan puestos), y a la ubicación de equipos principales o recursos ambientales. La gobernanza y la dirección del desarrollo local en estas condiciones es compleja, ya que el tomador de decisiones debe asimilar las necesidades de los actores y todos los parámetros que influyen en los suburbios, para desarrollar la gobernanza convergente sugerida como una solución. Incluye visiones claras, un mayor conocimiento de los intereses territoriales, los factores clave de la gestión territorial y las causas y motivaciones de las controversias de los actores para encontrar soluciones y respuestas adaptadas a sus preguntas. La gobernanza convergente debe ser anticipativa, comunicativa y capaz de crear las convergencias de los actores. Por lo tanto, las realidades complejas de los suburbios pueden entenderse mejor utilizando el enfoque de gobernanza convergente con una consideración adicional de la relación y la territorialidad que integran los factores de influencia contextuales locales, regionales y externos

    Perceptions et Opinions d’Enseignants du Cycle Secondaire relatives à l’Enseignement de la Classification du monde Végétal

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    This paper focuses on identifying the perceptions and opinions of high school teachers about plant classification and its teaching. It also aims at shedding light on the difficulties and obstacles that hinder plant taxonomy teaching at this school level. To this end, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted among 216 junior high school and senior high school teachers.The analysis of the responses of the teachers has enabled to identify numerous erroneous and diversified conceptions about the scientificity and the importance of the plant taxonomy and its teaching, which could constitute obstacles for student plant taxonomy learning.The analysis of the teachers' responses led to the conclusion that the university and professional training followed by these teachers does not seem to have corrected these misperceptions. The results also show that teachers and their students are too unmotivated to learn classification. Given this situation, it is essential to develop active methods for teaching classification, promoting practical activities that can increase student motivation and address the classification from a scientific perspective, which helps to explain and to show the diversity of parenthood of all living beings taking into account their history.L’étude, objet du présent article, vise à identifier les perceptions et les opinions d’enseignants du cycle secondaire sur la classification des plantes et son enseignement. Elle vise aussi à caractériser les difficultés et obstacles qui entravent l’enseignement de la taxonomie végétale dans ce cycle. Pour ce faire, une enquête par questionnaire menée auprès de 216 enseignants du secondaire collégial et qualifiant. L’analyse des réponses des enseignants a permis d’identifier nombreuses conceptions erronées et diversifiées sur la scientificité, sur l’importance de la taxonomie végétale et son enseignement qui pourraient constituer des obstacles entravant l’apprentissage de la taxonomie végétale par les élèves. Les résultats de cette recherche permettent de conclure que la formation universitaire et professionnelle suivie par ces enseignants semble ne pas avoir permis de corriger ces conceptions erronées. Les résultats montrent aussi que les enseignants et leurs élèves sont démotivés pour apprendre la classification, d’où il est primordial de développer des méthodes actives pour l’enseignement de la classification en privilégiant des activités pratiques qui permettent d’augmenter la motivation des apprenants, ainsi que de traiter le thème de la classification dans une perspective scientifique qui permet d’expliquer et de montrer la diversité et la parenté de tous les êtres vivants en prenant en considération leurs histoire

    Land-use change and sustainability in the south-eastern oases of Morocco

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    The study apprehends modern versus traditional land-use changes in the Moroccan oases. The traditional local knowledge and land-use that ensured ecological equilibrium for centuries is decreasing. Modern entrepreneuship practices are increasing and have risky environmental impacts. By using the spatial and factor analyses, we confirm the spatial disparities in the region and distinguish four different groups of communes (in high mountain communes, traditional agriculture favors resources’ conservation; downstream communes experience greater changes and ecological ruptures). The recommendations of the study include the need to rethink adopted development models and elaborate new actions that respect local specificities, consider environmental equilibrium and rehabilitate local ecosystems


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    Smoking is a major public health problem. Indeed, the tobacco’s impact on health and the environment is well established both in active smokers than among passive smokers. Morocco is considered as one of the biggest tobacco users in the Mediterranean and young children are the main victims of the tobacco trade. The smoking prevalence rate in Morocco is high among young people. Faced with this situation and therapeutic difficulties, prevention remains the best way to educate young people. We ask the following questions: - What are the causes that lead young people to give to smoking? - Do they know that passive smoking? - Are they aware of the anti smoking law? - In their opinion, what is the most efficient way to fight against this scourge? The tool of investigation and collection of information used is a questionnaire to young people (pupils and students) smokers and nonsmokers whose age varies between 13 and 25 years. The questionnaire was validated and tested well before administration. The results we collect might as well argue that young smokers are given to tobacco under the influence of a peer who push them to try cigarettes or other drugs. Family problems and social pressure were also the source of their smoking behavior and that contributed to the aggravation of tobacco use and the resurgence of the scourge. Similarly non smokers youth think also the same causes of smokers addictive behavior. These young people questioned whether smokers or non-smokers seem to ignore what is passive smoking. They are not aware of the anti-tobacco law that bans smoking in public places as well as its sales to minors and the legal provisions on sanctions. The respondents believe that the most effective way to reduce smoking especially among young people is education. Preventive education addictive behavior in the family, at school and on the streets to develop life skills for young people to make informed and responsible choices for themselves as screw towards others and the environment

    Conceptions of Moroccan secondary school students in relation to the “Integrative Concept” of plate tectonics

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    The study of learners’ conceptions of geological concepts has been the subject of several studies in the field of earth science didactics. The majority of these studies show that learners have misconceptions that can be an obstacle to learning Earth sciences. The present work aimed to identify the views of second year undergraduate students on plate tectonics to identify some of the barriers to teaching this unifying scientific theory across the different disciplines of the Earth sciences. The data was gathered with questionnaire administered to students in the second year of the Baccalaureate before teaching about plate tectonics. The results of our study confirmed that student learners do indeed have conceptions of plate tectonics and associated phenomena but have great difficulty in mobilizing their knowledge to explain geological phenomena related to plate tectonics. These difficulties may have several origins: the nature of the geological knowledge transposed, and the very limited knowledge of teachers with a bachelor’s degree in Biology.
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