116 research outputs found

    Acacia Catechu Trees in Rice Fields: A Traditional Agroforestry System of Northern Bangladesh

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    Growing Acacia catechu trees on rice fields is one traditional crop-land Agroforestry system of Rajshahi region in Bangladesh. Farming system was explored with detailed information on farm operations and cropping calendar including system outputs. System dynamics was also evaluated. PRA exercises were conducted for a biophysical assessment. The information was collected on informant wise and cross-checked. Best growth of trees observed under rain-fed conditions. Higher density of trees found in un-irrigated fields. Trees were better managed in small plots. In general, density of khoir trees was found higher in small holdings (less than 2 ha) with secured land tenure. Trees on farms were of uneven age indicating the khoir + rice system biologically sustainable. The ease of establishment of Khoir seedlings, the low cost of its maintenance, and less vulnerability to any serious pest or disease, easy marketability of products rated high in the farmer’s preference for khoir. They appreciate the versatility of the wood for a variety of farm uses though its prime economic use to them is for production of lali for katha. They also get pitch khoir as by product of katha (red dyestuff for textiles and paper) production. The multiple products and services offered and the ease of managing the trees on crop fields without causing any immediate or long-term reduction in crop yield seemed to be the most important factors that encourage the farmers to continue this traditional practice. If farmers could be motivated to follow appropriately the silvicultural practices, production could further be increased

    Climate Change Perception and Adaptation Strategies of Southwest Coastal Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh is cited as one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change. Climate change poses serious impacts on agricultural sustainability, food security, natural resources and rural livelihood pattern. The study investigates farmers’ perception to climate change and their agricultural adaptation in the coastal area of Bangladesh. Two hundred household survey were conducted in Satkhira and Barguna district. Study revealed that farmers were well aware of climate change and they observed an increased temperature, rainfall, number of cyclones, flood intensity etc. over the years in the study area. Farmers’ thought that weed and pest infestation, disease outbreak and pesticide use have been increased due to the change in temperature and rainfall. Water logging, cyclone, river erosion and salinity were identified as the major environmental problems in the study area. However, the study identified 28 adaptation strategies that have been adopted by the farmers to reduce the impact of climate change. Crop diversification, introduction of new crops that can resist climatic stress, crop rotation, mix cropping, change in planting and harvesting date, shortening growing season, homestead gardening, application of organic fertilizers and pesticide, increased use of irrigation, different soil conservation techniques and income diversification were found as the most common adaptation measures. The results of the regression analysis showed that socioeconomic characteristics of the farmers (age, education, farming status and experience, farm income etc.) and their perception to climate change influenced the farmers in choosing different adaptation strategies. The adaptation measures were economically profitable as well as agriculturally sustainable though lack of experience and knowledge, agricultural extension services, availability of inputs and lack of credit facilities were identified as the major challenges in the area

    Deep-IDS: A Real-Time Intrusion Detector for IoT Nodes Using Deep Learning

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a swiftly expanding sector that is pivotal in driving the innovation of today's smart services. However, the inherent resource-constrained nature of IoT nodes poses significant challenges in embedding advanced algorithms for cybersecurity, leading to an escalation in cyberattacks against these nodes. Contemporary research in Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) predominantly focuses on enhancing IDS performance through sophisticated algorithms, often overlooking their practical applicability. This paper introduces Deep-IDS, an innovative and practically deployable Deep Learning (DL)-based IDS. It employs a Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) network comprising 64 LSTM units and is trained on the CIC-IDS2017 dataset. Its streamlined architecture renders Deep-IDS an ideal candidate for edge-server deployment, acting as a guardian between IoT nodes and the Internet against Denial of Service, Distributed Denial of Service, Brute Force, Man-in-the-Middle, and Replay Attacks. A distinctive aspect of this research is the trade-off analysis between the intrusion Detection Rate (DR) and the False Alarm Rate (FAR), facilitating the real-time performance of the Deep-IDS. The system demonstrates an exemplary detection rate of 96.8% at the 70% threshold of DR-FAR trade-off and an overall classification accuracy of 97.67%. Furthermore, Deep-IDS achieves precision, recall, and F1-scores of 97.67%, 98.17%, and 97.91%, respectively. On average, Deep-IDS requires 1.49 seconds to identify and mitigate intrusion attempts, effectively blocking malicious traffic sources. The remarkable efficacy, swift response time, innovative design, and novel defense strategy of Deep-IDS not only secure IoT nodes but also their interconnected sub-networks, thereby positioning Deep-IDS as a leading IDS for IoT-enhanced computer networks.</p


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    Genetička raznolikost među četiri geografski udaljene populacije indijskog šarana (Labeo rohita) - rohu Khulna, rohu India, rohu Faridpur i rohu Barisal - određena je pomoću RAPD markera. Uzorak na gelu je pokazao da je populacija rohu India genetski različita od triju ostalih. Ukupno je pronađeno 87 crtica u četiri rohu populacije pri čemu je 35 crtica bilo polimorfno, što ukazuje na 48,38% polimorfizma s prosjekom od 12 crtica po početnici. Dužina amplificiranih fragmenata DNK kretala se u rasponu od 400 do 1250 bp. Osam jedinstvenih crtica je uočeno u četiri populacije od kojih je šest pronađeno u rohu India populaciji. Genetska udaljenost je bila najviša (0,7221) i genetska identičnost je bila najniža (0,4857) između populacija rohu India i rohu Barisal. Među tri lokalne populacije najniža genetska udaljenost i najviša genetska identičnost utvrđena je između populacija rohu Khulna i rohu Faridpur. UPGMA filogenetsko stablo odijelilo je četiri populacije indijskog šarana u tri glavna odjeljka - C1, C2 i C3. Rohu Indija nalazi se na potpuno drugačijem odjeljku C3, rohu Khulna je smještena u C2, a ostale dvije populacije u C1 odjeljak.Genetic diversity in four geographically distinct rohu (Labeo rohita) populations such as rohu Khulna, rohu India, rohu Faridpur and rohu Barisal was determined by RAPD. The banding pattern showed that rohu India was genetically different from the rest three. A total of 87 bands were found in four rohu populations where 35 bands were polymorphic, indicating 48.38% polymorphisms with an average of 12 bands per primer. The molecular size of amplified DNA fragments ranged from 400 to 1250 bp. Eight unique bands were observed in the four populations of which six were found in rohu Indian population. The genetic distance was highest (0.7221) and genetic identity was lowest (0.4857) between rohu India and rohu Barisal populations. Among three local varieties, the lowest genetic distance and highest genetic identity were found between rohu Khulna and rohu Faridpur populations. The UPGMA dendrogram segregated four populations of rohu into three major clusters - C1, C2 and C3. Rohu India was positioned at a fully different cluster - C3, rohu Khulna was placed in C2 and the rest two populations in C1


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    Olive barb (Systomus sarana) was collected from three different locations viz. Kuliarchar, Bhairab and Bikrampur in Bangladesh to elucidate genetic diversity by random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). Six arbitrary oligonucleotide RAPD primers were used to amplify the DNA from each population. A total of 52 bands were produced in 3 olive barb populations where 28 bands were polymorphic indicating 53.84% polymorphisms in those three populations with an average of 9 bands per primer. The molecular size of the amplified DNA fragments ranged between 300 and 2300 bp. 12 unique RAPD bands were observed in the three populations. The bands are specific and stable and thus could be used to characterize each germplasm. The values of pair-wise genetic distances ranged between 0.5232 and 0.8109 with some degrees of genetic variation among the populations. The highest genetic distance (0.8109) was observed between olive barb collected from Kuliarchar and Bikrampur, while the lowest (0.5232) was found between olive barb collected from Kuliarchar and Bhairab. The UPGMA dendrogram segregated three samples of olive barb into two major clusters C1 and C2. The Kuliarchar-Bhairab population pair of olive barb was genetically closer than that of Kuliarchar- Bikrampur. Therefore, RAPD analysis can be used to identify the genetic diversity in olive barb. This information may be used for improved breeding programme and conservation of native olive barb.Analizirani su uzorci Azijskog maslinastog ciprinida (Systomus sarana) s tri različite lokacije Kuliarchar, Bhairab i Bikrampur u Bangladešu radi utvrđivanja genetske raznolikosti putem slučajno amplificirane DNA pomoću lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR-RAPD). Šest proizvoljnih oligonukleotida RAPD početnica korišteno je za amplifikaciju DNA iz svake populacije. Ukupno 52 benda su producirana na 3 populacije S. sarana, od čega je 28 bendova bilo polimorfno, što ukazuje na 53,84% polimorfizma u te tri populacije, s prosjekom od 9 bendova po početnici. Veličina amplificiranih fragmenta DNA kretala se u rasponu između 300 i 2300 bp. Uočeno je 12 jedinstvenih RAPD bendova u tri populacije. Bendovi su specifični i stabilni te stoga mogu biti korišteni za karakterizaciju svake germplazme. Vrijednosti genetskih udaljenosti bila je u rasponu između 0,5232 i 0,8109 s određenim stupnjem genetske varijacije između populacija. Najveća genetska udaljenost (0,8109) zabilježena je između S. sarana prikupljenih iz provincija Kuliarchar i Bikrampur, dok je najniža genetska udaljenost (0,5232) pronađena između jedinki prikupljenih iz provincija Kuliarchar i Bhairab. UPGMA dendrogram razdvaja tri uzoraka S. sarana u dva glavna klastera C1 i C2. Populacije Kuliarchar-Bhairab su genetski bliže nego Kuliarchar-Bikrampur. Stoga se RAPD analiza može koristiti za identifikaciju genetske raznolikosti vrste S. sarana. Ovi podaci se također mogu koristiti za poboljšanje uzgojnog programa i očuvanje populacija u otvorenim vodama

    Sulfur Fertilization Influence on Growth and Yield Traits of Three Korean Soybean Varieties

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    Field experiment was carried out at the Research Farm of Korea University, Republic of Korea to study effects of sulfur (S) fertilization on growth traits, yield and yield components of three Korean soybean varieties (Poongsunnamulkong, Saedanbaekkong and Daewonkong). Seeds were sown on black polythene mulched soil bed at the spacing of 15 X 60 cm both at control and sulfur fertilized (gypsum with 16% sulfur content at the rate of 200kg ha-1) plots following a Randomized Complete Block Design of the experiment applying three doses of sulfur together at the time of seed sowing and two doses together at V4 vegetative growth stage (4 nodes on the main stem beginning with the unifoliate node). The results showed that sulfur fertilization significantly increased all studied growth traits of three Soybean varieties except plant height when they all reached physiological maturity stage (120 DAS). It was also evident that sulfur fertilization in the form of gypsum can also increase the number and weight of soybean root nodules and enhance the ability of nitrogen fixation, and so reduce the input of nitrogen fertilizer. Similarly, all the studied yield and yield component related parameters were also significantly influenced by sulfur fertilization except seed number per pod and 100 seed weight. Varieties and sulfur fertilization also interacted significantly in all studied growth traits but the notable sole interaction effect was in plant height. Leaf area of Poongsunnamulkong and Saedanbaekkong variety increased significantly with sulfur fertilization while it was decreased significantly for Daewonkong. Similar trend was observed in their production of number of pods per plant and grain yield per plant indicating leaf area increment by sulfur fertilization played an important role in increasing yield of Poongsunnamulkong and Saedanbaekkong varieties though their performance was reverse in other growth traits. The improvement in growth and yield attributes after sulfur fertilization led to higher biological yield and enhanced seed yield

    Clonal Propagation of Aegle marmelos through IBA Treatment for Sustainable Nutritional and Medicinal Supply for the Poor People of Agrarian Bangladesh

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    The study was carried out at the Agriculture research field of Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) from March to October, 2017 to explore rooting performance of Aegle marmelos (Bael) through clonal propagation by stem cutting under 3 different doses of IBA (Indole Buetaric Acid) and planted in the perforated plastic tray filled with coarse sand and gravel placed in the non-mist propagator. The experiment was laid out following a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications (blocks). The treatments were T0= control, T1 = 0.2% IBA, T2 = 0.4% IBA, T3 = 0.8% IBA. The rooting ability of cuttings was significantly influenced by the application of IBA. The highest rooting percentage (60%) was recorded in A. marmelos both with 0.2% and 0.4% IBA followed by 0.8% IBA (40%). Longest root (3 cm) was recorded with 0.4% IBA followed by 0.2% IBA (1.2 cm). The maximum root number (2.25) and root diameter (2 mm) obtained from cuttings treated with 0.8% IBA followed by 0.4% IBA (2 and 1.9 mm respectively). Survival percentage of the cutlings (the rooted cuttings) significantly enhanced by exogenous rooting hormone (IBA) application. The highest survival percentage (73.5%) was observed for the cuttings treated with 0.4% IBA followed by 0.8% IBA (68.5%). Findings of the present study reveal that the plant species is highly amenable for clonal propagation by stem cuttings using low-cost non-mist propagator. Considering rooting percentage, root number and and root length, 0.4% IBA treatment may be recommended for mass production of quality planting stocks. Farmers and nursery owners can be trained up regarding this low cost non-mist propagation system of Aegle marmelos for cultivation of the species in homestead agroforestry or in fruit orchards for sustainable nutritional and medicinal supply for the poor people of agrarian Bangladesh