145 research outputs found

    Anti-capitalist Entrepreneurship: Lessons about and for the Multitude

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    Review of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Assembly. A new gloss on the capacity of the multitude in the age of Empire. &nbsp

    (un)Ordering Intellectual Freedom

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    Conflict as a part of daily life is also of concern for the organizations that seek harmony and effectiveness. Therefore, it is essential to know and understand the characteristics, definitions and contributions of conflict management in organizations. This study aims to discuss how conflict as a concept developed in the scope of organizational behavior. Conflict management is analyzed in the frame of various approaches and a comprehensive perspective is presented in order to demonstrate the current understanding of conflict management. The analysis begins with drawing the structure of conflict studies and the study further follows a historical perspective beginning from the 1950s coming to contemporary views.&nbsp

    An attempt to become an-Other critical scholar: Bridging as 'activist performativity'

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    This essay invites my colleagues in business schools to do their research differently by working with and for community/grassroots organisations. Based on my fieldwork experience at a free food store problematising food surplus and food waste in Aotearoa New Zealand, I offer 'activist performativity' as a scholarship modality that builds on critical praxis aligning activism, research and teaching for a socially just and sustainable society. I present my attempt to become an-Other critical scholar bridging multiple domains as a case of activist performativity with the hope of collectively transforming the alienating research practices at business schools as critical scholars

    Dancing Our Way Beyond Work: Playlists and Zines as Teaching Tools to Imagine a World Without Work

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    For a Master’s course in Organization Studies, in which we addressed refusals of work, we asked students to suggest songs for a playlist to be assembled as the basis for the creation of a zine in a workshop setting. Based on the Zapatista movement’s slogan "one no, many yeses," we asked students to imagine worlds beyond work and to visualize this in a zine. Contemporary music became a critical pedagogical tool for teaching. It allowed us to go beyond critique and the familiar world of work and organizations, and facilitated an affective, creative, and aesthetic movement towards "many yeses" in the form of a zine to refuse work.