247 research outputs found

    Epidemic risk from friendship network data: an equivalence with a non-uniform sampling of contact networks

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    Contacts between individuals play an important role in determining how infectious diseases spread. Various methods to gather data on such contacts co-exist, from surveys to wearable sensors. Comparisons of data obtained by different methods in the same context are however scarce, in particular with respect to their use in data-driven models of spreading processes. Here, we use a combined data set describing contacts registered by sensors and friendship relations in the same population to address this issue in a case study. We investigate if the use of the friendship network is equivalent to a sampling procedure performed on the sensor contact network with respect to the outcome of simulations of spreading processes: such an equivalence might indeed give hints on ways to compensate for the incompleteness of contact data deduced from surveys. We show that this is indeed the case for these data, for a specifically designed sampling procedure, in which respondents report their neighbors with a probability depending on their contact time. We study the impact of this specific sampling procedure on several data sets, discuss limitations of our approach and its possible applications in the use of data sets of various origins in data-driven simulations of epidemic processes

    Estimating the epidemic risk using non-uniformly sampled contact data

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    Many datasets describing contacts in a population suffer from incompleteness due to population sampling and underreporting of contacts. Data-driven simulations of spreading processes using such incomplete data lead to an underestimation of the epidemic risk, and it is therefore important to devise methods to correct this bias. We focus here on a non-uniform sampling of the contacts between individuals, aimed at mimicking the results of diaries or surveys, and consider as case studies two datasets collected in different contexts. We show that using surrogate data built using a method developed in the case of uniform population sampling yields an improvement with respect to the use of the sampled data but is strongly limited by the underestimation of the link density in the sampled network. We put forward a second method to build surrogate data that assumes knowledge of the density of links within one of the groups forming the population. We show that it gives very good results when the population is strongly structured, and discuss its limitations in the case of a population with a weaker group structure. These limitations highlight the interest of measurements using wearable sensors able to yield accurate information on the structure and durations of contacts

    Contact patterns among high school students

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    Face-to-face contacts between individuals contribute to shape social networks and play an important role in determining how infectious diseases can spread within a population. It is thus important to obtain accurate and reliable descriptions of human contact patterns occurring in various day-to-day life contexts. Recent technological advances and the development of wearable sensors able to sense proximity patterns have made it possible to gather data giving access to time-varying contact networks of individuals in specific environments. Here we present and analyze two such data sets describing with high temporal resolution the contact patterns of students in a high school. We define contact matrices describing the contact patterns between students of different classes and show the importance of the class structure. We take advantage of the fact that the two data sets were collected in the same setting during several days in two successive years to perform a longitudinal analysis on two very different timescales. We show the high stability of the contact patterns across days and across years: the statistical distributions of numbers and durations of contacts are the same in different periods, and we observe a very high similarity of the contact matrices measured in different days or different years. The rate of change of the contacts of each individual from one day to the next is also similar in different years. We discuss the interest of the present analysis and data sets for various fields, including in social sciences in order to better understand and model human behavior and interactions in different contexts, and in epidemiology in order to inform models describing the spread of infectious diseases and design targeted containment strategies.Comment: Supplementary Information at http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/files.figshare.com/1677807/File_S1.pd

    Contact patterns in a high school: a comparison between data collected using wearable sensors, contact diaries and friendship surveys

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    Given their importance in shaping social networks and determining how information or diseases propagate in a population, human interactions are the subject of many data collection efforts. To this aim, different methods are commonly used, from diaries and surveys to wearable sensors. These methods show advantages and limitations but are rarely compared in a given setting. As surveys targeting friendship relations might suffer less from memory biases than contact diaries, it is also interesting to explore how daily contact patterns compare with friendship relations and with online social links. Here we make progresses in these directions by leveraging data from a French high school: face-to-face contacts measured by two concurrent methods, sensors and diaries; self-reported friendship surveys; Facebook links. We compare the data sets and find that most short contacts are not reported in diaries while long contacts have larger reporting probability, with a general tendency to overestimate durations. Measured contacts corresponding to reported friendship can have durations of any length but all long contacts correspond to reported friendships. Online links not associated to reported friendships correspond to short face-to-face contacts, highlighting the different nature of reported friendships and online links. Diaries and surveys suffer from a low sampling rate, showing the higher acceptability of sensor-based platform. Despite the biases, we found that the overall structure of the contact network, i.e., the mixing patterns between classes, is correctly captured by both self-reported contacts and friendships networks. Overall, diaries and surveys tend to yield a correct picture of the structural organization of the contact network, albeit with much less links, and give access to a sort of backbone of the contact network corresponding to the strongest links in terms of cumulative durations

    Plantes médicinales boliviennes antiparasitaires (leishmaniose et maladie de Chagas) : Galipea longiflora Krause (Rutaceae), Pera benensis Rusby (Euphorbiaceae) et Ampelocera edentula Kuhlm (Ulmaceae)

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    Par des enquêtes ethnopharmacologiques, nous avons recueilli, en Bolivie, des informations sur l'utilisation de plantes dans le traitement des leishmanioses cutanées. Après un criblage biologique in vitro sur plus de 250 plantes, trois d'entre elles ont été sélectionnées. Treize alcaloïdes ont été isolés et identifiés dans #Galipea longiflora Krause (Rutaceae), trois naphtoquinones de #Pera benensis Rusby (Euphorbiaceae), et une tétralone de #Ampelocera edentula$ Kuhlm (Ulmaceae). Plusieurs de ces produits se sont révélés aussi actfis in vivo que le médicament de référence, le Glucantime R. (Résumé d'auteur

    Data on face-to-face contacts in an office building suggests a low-cost vaccination strategy based on community linkers

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    Empirical data on contacts between individuals in social contexts play an important role in providing information for models describing human behavior and how epidemics spread in populations. Here, we analyze data on face-to-face contacts collected in an office building. The statistical properties of contacts are similar to other social situations, but important differences are observed in the contact network structure. In particular, the contact network is strongly shaped by the organization of the offices in departments, which has consequences in the design of accurate agent-based models of epidemic spread. We consider the contact network as a potential substrate for infectious disease spread and show that its sparsity tends to prevent outbreaks of rapidly spreading epidemics. Moreover, we define three typical behaviors according to the fraction ff of links each individual shares outside its own department: residents, wanderers and linkers. Linkers (f∼50%f\sim 50\%) act as bridges in the network and have large betweenness centralities. Thus, a vaccination strategy targeting linkers efficiently prevents large outbreaks. As such a behavior may be spotted a priori in the offices' organization or from surveys, without the full knowledge of the time-resolved contact network, this result may help the design of efficient, low-cost vaccination or social-distancing strategies
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