282 research outputs found

    Ingénierie d'entreprise et de système d'information dirigée par les modèles : quels usages ?

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    Présenté dans le cadre de la session de l'axe Organisation des JN-MACSCette communication se propose de présenter les enjeux scientifiques d'une démarche d'ingénierie d'entreprise dirigée par les modèles pour la conception, l'intégration et l'usage de systèmes dans le contexte de la modélisation d'entreprise et des systèmes d'information. En effet, un projet d'ingénierie d'entreprises fait apparaître notamment deux types de compétences : des compétences métier et des compétences en modélisation des systèmes, indépendamment du fait qu'il s'agisse de systèmes opérant, de pilotage ou d'information. Les premières relèvent de connaissances générées et mobilisées en entreprise : ce type de connaissances peut être lié aux fonctions de l'entreprise (comptabilité, finance, production,...), et peut se spécialiser si nécessaire selon différents domaines d'activités. Les secondes reposent sur une approche systémique et cherchent à proposer des outils, langages et modèles plus génériques facilitant l'expression, l'organisation, l'intégration et le déploiement des compétences métier. Le challenge scientifique est ainsi de mettre à disposition des langages et des outils de modélisation adaptés à chaque projet de modélisation d'entreprise, et ce malgré l'hétérogénéité des compétences métier et la pluridisciplinarité des domaines. Ce challenge possède deux dimensions : d'une part, celle de la capacité de la modélisation à outiller les démarches métier, ce qui nécessite la définition et la formalisation de leurs invariants ; d'autre part, l'étude des conditions d'usages des modèles dans la pratique, toujours évolutive et incertaine, des métiers de l'entreprise

    XP-Antarctik Expedition: The Effect of a Month-Long Expedition in Antarctica on Physiological Performance

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    Antarctica is a challenging habitat for humans. A group of 6 explorers (3 women and 3 men) participated in an expedition in Antarctica. The objective was to observe the physiological acclimatization of the explorers using the following strategies: physical preparation, highcaloric nutritional intake, and the latest physiological monitoring and outdoor equipment. Anthropometric measures (dual x-ray absorptiometry), specific maximal aerobic test, maximal aerobic running speed test, submaximal aerobic cold testing, strength tests (grip strength, leg press and chin up), and endurance tests (bar suspension and chair position) were conducted pre- and post-expedition. Due to the sample size, a paired t-test was used for normally distributed data and non-parametric (Wilcoxon) to compare values pre- and post-expedition. Effect sizes are presented as Cohen’s d. The lean mass for the women was significantly higher after the expedition (45.4 ± 4.4 vs. 47.1 ± 4.1 kg; p = 0.040, d = 1.86); however, no significant difference was observed for the men (66.7 ± 7.3 vs. 66.0 ± 5.7 kg; p = 0.581, d = 0.11). Pre- and post-expedition values were significantly different for the specific maximal aerobic test, where the VO2peak was 40.8 ± 4.2 vs. 46.9 ± 7.4 ml/kg/min, respectively (p = 0.027, d = 1.01), but no significant difference was observed for the other aerobic tests. The muscular testing did not change significantly, except for the left leg one maximal repetition (295 ± 110 vs. 364 ± 135 lb, pre- and post-expedition respectively, p = 0.031, d = -0.56). The overall preparation for the expedition appears to be a key aspect in order to countermeasure the physical ability decay during an Antarctica expedition. However, further studies will need to be developed to discern the importance of the preparation components

    Un nouveau fragment de moule à sigillée du Centre-Ouest à Marcilly-sur-Vienne (Indre-et-Loire)

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    Un fragment de moule à sigillée a été découvert en 2004 à Marcilly-sur-Vienne, à proximité de l’agglomération gallo-romaine, avec ateliers de potiers, de Nouâtre (Indre-et-Loire). Il correspond aux productions de sigillée du groupe dit du Centre-Ouest, sans doute du début du iie s. Des comparaisons stylistiques sont montrées avec les productions de sigillée du centre de la Gaule, et notamment des Martres-de-Veyre.A fragment of a mold for sigillata was discovered in 2004 in Marcilly-sur-Vienne, near the Gallo-Roman agglomeration, with workshops of potters, of Nouâtre (Indre-et-Loire). It corresponds to sigillata productions of the group called Centre-Ouest, probably from the beginning of the second century. Stylistic comparisons are shown with the sigillata productions of the center of Gaul, and in particular of Martres-de-Veyre

    Momentum During a Running Competition: A Sequential Explanatory Mixed-Methods Study

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(5): 615-632, 2020. The purpose of this study was to better understand the psychological momentum (PM) in varsity cross-country competitive runners during a 3000 m selection trials. A sequential explanatory mixed methods design was used: recruitment trial race day (quantitative) and interview day (qualitative + maximal aerobic running speed [MARS]). Sample was consisted of fifteen university distance runners (n = six women [25.9 ± 7.0 years old; 22.2 ± 1.8 BMI] and nine men [23.2 ± 2.4 years old; 22.6 ± 1.6 BMI]). During the recruitment trial race, athletes’ MARS was measured and used to create a performance index (PERFI) relative to selected moments. Also, the recruitment trial race was filmed. During the interviews, the recorded film was used to support athletes in the identification of key moments of the race, as well as to discuss positive and negative PM. PM was both defined by participants and devised by three themes: psychological, physiological and psychophysiological change. A significant PERFI difference (p \u3c 0.001) was observed between positive (97.04 ± 5.88%) and negative (108.46 ± 7.76%) moments of PM. The results of PERFI for men and women athletes were not significantly different (p = 0.118). The PERFI standard deviation for women was not correlated (r2 = 0.26, p = 0.30) with the 3000 m time trial performance, but it was significantly correlated for men (r2 = 0.94, p \u3c 0.001). The results of the present study could help developing interventions to focus on specific elements of the momentum such as race management/strategy, the attentiveness of the runner during the race and other elements of mental and physical preparation of the athletes


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    National audienceSemantic video retrieval is still an open problem. While many works exist in analyzing the video contents, few ones present the retrieval results to the users and interact with him/her. In this article, firstly, we propose a 2D graphic interface adapted to the problem of image retrieval that enables a bidirectional communication: from the system towards the user to visualize the current research results and from the user towards the system so that the user can provide some relevance feedback information to refine his/her query. In this interface, the visualization shows the image query in the middle of the screen and the result images in a 2D plan with distances showing the similarity measures between images and the query. We propose also a method of relevance feedback in form of validation, in this interface, for image retrieval. This approach has been implemented and tested with different image databases. Secondly, we analyze the extension of this approach for video retrieval. For this, we extract the key frames from video and use them to represent the research results of video as well as to do the relevance feedback

    Trajectory-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval Enabling Relevance Feedback

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    International audienceThis paper is proposing an approach for retrieving videos based on object trajectories. First, a trajectory is translated into a sequence of symbols based on a symbolic representation, beyond the initial numeric representation, which does not suffer from scaling, translation or rotation. Then, in order to compare trajectories based on their symbolic representations, two similarity measures are proposed, inspired by works in bioinformatic. Moreover, based on these similarity measures, two relevance feedback strategies are given. Experimental results for two databases show that the proposed similarity measures gave results as good as other existing measures. Real advantages of these measures are the possibility for the partial matching and for relevance feedback

    A Symbol Spotting Approach Based on the Vector Model and a Visual Vocabulary

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    This paper addresses the difficult problem of symbol spotting for graphic documents. We propose an approach where each graphic document is indexed as a text document by using the vector model and an inverted file structure. The method relies on a visual vocabulary built from a shape descriptor adapted to the document level and invariant under classical geometric transforms (rotation, scaling and translation). Regions of interest selected with high degree of confidence using a voting strategy are considered as occurrences of a query symbol. Experimental results are promising and show the feasibility of our approach

    Preparation for an Half-Ironmantm Triathlon amongst Amateur Athlete: Finishing rate and physiological adaptation.

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(6): 766-777, 2020. Long distance triathlon has gained in popularity amongst the general population. Coaches establish training programs based upon their knowledge, personal experience and on current training principles. The goal was to observe the effect of a triathlon training program for a half Ironman event in neophyte amateur athletes. A specific triathlon training program was followed from February to June 2016 by a group preparing for their first half ironman. Out of the 32 participants (19 Males and 13 Females; mean age of 39 ± 9.9 years old; body weight of 72.7 ± 13.4 kg and a height of 171.5 ± 10.2 cm), only one did not complete the event. A mean training volume of 410 ± 201 min per week led to a mean finishing time of 6 hours 28 minutes. The training program significantly increased the maximal oxygen consumption (45.9 ± 8.2 to 48.6 ± 7.5 ml/kg/min, p =0.002) and the maximal power output (293.1 ± 63.7 to 307.8 ± 58.7 W, p \u3c 0.001). The absolute oxygen consumption and power output at both ventilatory thresholds also significantly increased (VT1: 2.2 ± 0.4 to 2.5 ± 0.5 L, p = 0.001; 157.8 ± 41.8 to 176.7 ± 41.1 W p = 0.009 and VT2: 2.9 ± 0.4 to 3.0 ± 0.4 L, p = 0.017; 229.3 ± 62.0 to 244.8± 55.2 W, p = 0.022 ). A significant diminution of waist circumference was observed (83.2 ± 10.0 to 81.8 ± 9.5 cm, p = 0.032) with no significant changes in body weight. Thus, a 24-week specific training program appears to be safe and efficient for amateur athletes aiming to finish their first half- Ironman event
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