568 research outputs found

    2 Kings 18:26-28 and the Role of Indigenous Language in the Growth of African Independent Churches in Nigeria

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    This research exposed the fact that the use of foreign language during worship in the mainline church was a setback to the churches in Africa. This gap was largely filled by the indigenous church leaders at the beginning of their advent through the instrument of indigenous language. Language is a pivotal means of self expression, in the communication of the religious message and medium of interactions in the religious context. Its relevance makes man a unique creature among others. This study attempted to reveal the successes achieved so far by the indigenous people as they Africanized the Christian worship with the instrument and use of African languages. It uncovered the use of indigenous language as the weapon with which they Africanized Christianity and took the gospel to the root of their society. How indigenous language permeated the liturgy of the indigenous churches and their operations with African cosmological views are exposed in this study. It concluded with cautions to the modern trend of using purely English language to conduct worship in new age Pentecostal churches as a way of limiting their outreaches to others in the land

    Electrochemical Studies of Hemoglobin and Cross-Linked Hemoglobin

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    The Effect of Water Salinity on Permeability of Oil Reservoir

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    The recovery of oil from clay-sandstone as revealed by past studies can be improved by increasing the concentration of the salinity in the core. This is as a result of the sensitivity of the clay-sandstone to the water salinity. Conversely, there is no established model to predict the permeability of core for a given concentration of brine and the value of concentration for optimum oil recovery. Data from experiment on clay content sandstone from different cores in Berea were analyzed and permeability was found as a function of concentration of brine as From the model for the variation of permeability of natural clay-sandstone as a function of brine concentration, 12179.79 kgm-3 concentration of brine will give equivalent permeability of the natural core filled with air, in comparison with possible maximum permeability of the reservoir for optimum oil recovery

    Employment [Chapter 6]

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    This chapter focuses on the employment embodied in the hydrogen supply chain activity implied by the headline input-output ‘multiplier’ values introduced in Chapter 3 and decomposed for output and total value-added (GDP) in Chapter 4. Here attention is on considering the composition of hydrogen supply chain multipliers in terms of the sectoral location of jobs and the associated generation of wage income. The latter gives some indication of the ‘quality of jobs’ associated with particular areas of the hydrogen economy. This is in so far as wage income is an element of value-added at the economy-wide level (GDP by an income measure) and to the individuals who receive earnings from paid employment. Given that jobs in the input-output framework are reported in full-time equivalent (FTE) units (for reasons of aggregation across sectors) it is not possible to consider the quality of jobs from a part-time vs. full-time perspective. However, Chapter 7 does go on to consider skills requirements, which is another important indicator of the quality of jobs/employment (and one that may, to some extent correlate with wage incomes)

    Introduction to macroscale scenario switching – from refined fuels to hydrogen in personal transport [Chapter 3]

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    This chapter introduces the core scenario for which potential economic impacts of hydrogen and fuel cells in the UK are considered in this White Paper. This focuses on the replacement of petrol and diesel in cars with hydrogen, with some attention to the manufacture and uptake of hydrogen-ready cars and short-term investment in activities such as Research and Development and construction required to enable such as switch

    Effective Invigilation as a Panacea for Examination Malpractices among Students of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

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    Examination by whatever name it is called is very important to educational system as air is important to life Examination serves very many useful purposes at any education system and level The useful purposes of examination at any education system can be marred by its conduct especially if it allowed for examination malpractice Examination malpractice is one of the plagues that be devilled tertiary institutions in Nigeria Examination malpractice in the tertiary institutions is on the increase daily taking different forms and dimensions However the menace thrives well when examination invigilation is very slack Examination invigilation rests solely on invigilators and other stakeholders in the conduct of examinations invigilation Therefore examination invigilators determine the quality of examination invigilation Effective invigilation of examination can only be made possible through effective invigilators who will reduce if not totally eradicate the menace of examination malpractice and this is the thrust of this pape

    Modelling the impact over time - consumer transport [Chapter 9]

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    This chapter considers a few simple scenarios that introduce some potential scale to the input-output multiplier model analyses in Chapters 3, 4 and 6 in considering the potential wider economic impacts of a projected shift to a hydrogen economy. Again, focus is mainly on the case of private transportation and the shift from petrol/diesel (refined fossil fuels) to hydrogen, with the supply chain of the latter proxied by those of the existing UK gas and/or electricity supply sectors. The key characteristic of these proxies is the markedly stronger up-stream supply chain linkages within the UK economy as compared to the more import-intensive refined fuel supply industry. A central conclusion of the modelling work in this paper is that if a future hydrogen sector shares this characteristic, net positive impacts on the UK economy as whole are likely when/if private transportation transitions to the use of hydrogen as a fuel source

    Complimentary Image Processing Techniques: Critical Review with C#

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    Image Enhancement is one of the most essential and laborious techniques in image researches. The scheme of image enhancement is to improve the visual semblance of an image, or to afford a “correct transform representation for future automated image processing. Many images like medical images, satellite images, aerial images and even real life photographs suffer from indigent contrast and noise. It is necessary to enhance the contrast and remove the noise to enhance image quality. One of the most significant stages in medical images detection and analysis is Image Enhancement techniques which improves the quality (clearness) of images for human look, removing blurring and noise, increasing contrast, and unveil details are examples of enhancement operations. The enhancement technique varies from one field to another according to its objective. The existent techniques of image enhancement can be classified into two categories: Spatial Domain and Frequency domain enhancement. In this research, we present an overview of image enhancement projection techniques in spatial domain. More specifically, we categorise processing methods based typical techniques of Image enhancement. Thus the contribution of this paper is to arrange and review image enhancement procedure techniques, attempt an evaluation of shortcomings and universal needs in this field of active research and in last we will stage out promising directions on research for image enhancement for prospective research. Keywords: Frequency based domain enhancement, Image Enhancement, Spatial based domain enhancement, Histogram Equalization

    Implementation of Micro-Controller Based Adaptive Motion Detection for Industrial Monitoring System

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    Industrial system has become concurrent research focus in most developed counties being an ultimate source of revenue benefited by citizens. This project emphasized on implementation of micro-controller based adaptive motion detection for industrial monitoring system as a factor that determines synergy and sustainability of industrial management. The camera will be interface with PC to detect the presence of object and report production activities through image capture and enable video stream for monitoring. The design is to create interface link between Microcontroller AVR PC, ATMEG16 and camera C3088. The PC will establish bi-directional communication with AVR while using I2C communication protocol is used to interface camera and AVR.  The industrial feedback process will be control with AVR based on adaptive motion detection from installed camera. The captured image obtain from the camera can be use for surveillance or can be process for image processing purpose in industries and organizations. Keywords: Lighting, LED, economic usage, light energy, detectio
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