856 research outputs found

    Multidimensional random sampling for Fourier transform estimation

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    This research considers the Fourier transform calculations of multidimensional signals. The calculations are based on random sampling, where the sampling points are nonuniformly distributed according to strategically selected probability functions, to provide new opportunities that are unavailable in the uniform sampling environment. The latter imposes the sampling density of at least the Nyquist density. Otherwise, alias frequencies occur in the processed bandwidth which can lead to irresolvable processing problems. Random sampling can mitigate Nyquist limit that classical uniform-sampling-based approaches endure, for the purpose of performing direct (with no prefiltering or downconverting) Fourier analysis of (high-frequency) signals with unknown spectrum support using low sampling density. Lowering the sampling density while achieving the same signal processing objective could be an efficient, if not essential, way of exploiting the system resources in terms of power, hardware complexity and the acquisition-processing time. In this research we investigate and devise novel random sampling estimation schemes for multidimensional Fourier transform. The main focus of the investigation and development is on the aspect of the quality of estimated Fourier transform in terms of the sampling density. The former aspect is crucial as it serves towards the heart objective of random sampling of lowering the sampling density. This research was motivated by the applicability of the random-sampling-based approaches in determining the Fourier transform in multidimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to resolve the critical issue of its long experimental time

    RESTful web services for an ERP system for social services

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    Abstract. The advances in hardware and software have been rapidly integrated by organizations, especially in the healthcare sector, demanding new approaches for software to provide more reliable products, under well-known quality standards. This thesis investigates, designs and implements a set of operationally crucial RESTful web services for Invian Oy ERP system, DomaCare. Today, DomaCare is one of the fastest growing and developing software solutions in Finland in the healthcare sector. Thousands of satisfied healthcare professionals across Finland use DomaCare daily. DomaCare is a versatile ERP system designed specifically for the social sectors. This thesis describes the theoretical part of software architecture and software architectural style, which support understanding REST. Second, the thesis introduces the environment and tools required for the development stage. Third, the thesis presents the action and sequence diagrams for each use case to support the overall understanding of the system in a higher level of abstraction. Moreover, unit tests were implemented in this thesis for each use case, and, finally, the approach which was employed to validate the system is presented. In conclusion, the thesis concludes that based on the literature review, implementation, the results obtained from the unit tests, and the system validation fulfilled the goals set for this thesis.Tiivistelmä. Laitteistojen ja ohjelmistojen tekniikkaa on nopeasti integroitu organisaatioihin erityisesti terveydenhoitoalalla. Tämä vaatii ohjelmistojen osalta uudenlaisia lähestymistapoja, jotta jatkossa voidaan tarjota luotettavampia ja tunnettujen laatustandardien mukaisia tuotteita. Tässä diplomityössä esittelen tutkimusvaihetta, suunnitteluprosessia sekä toteutustapoja toiminnallisesti tärkeän, REST-arkkitehtuurimallia noudattavan webrajapinnan toteuttamiseksi Invian Oy:n DomaCare-toiminnanohjausjärjestelmässä. Tänä päivänä DomaCare on yksi Suomen terveydenhuoltoalan nopeimmin kasvavista ja kehittyvistä ohjelmistoratkaisuista. Sitä käyttävätkin tuhannet tyytyväiset terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset päivittäin ympäri Suomen. DomaCare on monipuolinen asiakas- ja toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä, joka on suunniteltu erityisesti sosiaalialoille. Diplomityössäni kuvaan verkkopohjaisten järjestelmien arkkitehtuurisuunnittelun sekä REST-arkkitehtuurimallin teoreettista puolta. Lisäksi tuon opinnäytetyössäni esille kehitystyöhön tarvittavan ympäristön ja työkalut sekä toiminta- ja sekvenssikaaviot kullekin käyttötapaukselle, jotta se tukisi yleistä järjestelmän ymmärtämistä korkeammalla abstraktiotasolla. Lisäksi esittelen tutkimuksessani kaikki toteutetut yksikkötestit kussakin käyttötapauksessa sekä lopuksi myös ne lähestymistavat, joita käytettiin systeemin vahvistamiseksi. Päädyn johtopäätökseen, että diplomityössäni esitellyt kirjallisuuskatsaus, toteutus ja yksiköiden testeistä saadut tulokset täyttivät tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteet

    Fuzzy rule-based alertness state classification based on the optimization of EEG rhythm/channel combinations

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    This paper presents a method for automatically selecting the optimal EEG rhythm/channel combination capable of classifying the different human alertness states. We considered four alertness states, namely 'engaged', 'calm', 'drowsy', and 'asleep'. Energies associated with the conventional EEG rhythms, δ, θ, α, ß and γ, extracted from overlapping segments of the different EEG channels were used as features. The proposed method is a two-stage process. In the first stage, the optimal brain regions, represented by a set of EEG channels, are identified. In the second stage, a fuzzy rule-based alertness classification system (FRBACS) is developed to select the optimal EEG rhythms extracted from the previously selected EEG channels. The IF-THEN rules used in FRBACS are constructed using a novel bi-level differential evolution (DE) based search algorithm. Unlike most of the existing classification methods, the proposed classification approach reveals easy to interpret rules that describe each of the alertness states

    High-Order Hybrid Stratified Sampling: Fast Uniform-Convergence Fourier Transform Estimation

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    This paper considers the problem of estimating the Fourier transform of continuous-time signals from N nonuniformly collected observations. Here, we introduce a new class of Hybrid Stratified sampling scheme in conjunction with a suitable estimator, which can provide the rate of convergence of order \u1d7cf/\u1d475(\u1d7d0\u1d472+\u1d7d1) in the mean-square sense, for signals with \u1d472+\u1d7cf continuous derivatives. Most importantly, it is shown that this rate is not only faster, but also uniform and independent of the analysed frequency (unlike) compared with other existing random-sampling-based techniques. In this paper, we establish the statistical properties of the proposed approach and illustrate its performance analytically as well as numerically

    J Dominance of Short Cracks in Bending and Tension

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    There are many structural situations involving shallow cracks, in which it is not possible to make direct measurements of the relevant fracture toughness using existing British (BSI) and American (ASTM) deep notch fracture mechanics tests. The objective of the present work to establish the size requirements for a one parameter characterisation the crack tip fields for short cracks in edge cracked bars subject to tension and bending

    Isolation of Lactobacillus salivarius from Children and Purification of Bacteriocin to Inhibition Cancer Cell in Vitro

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    Bacteria being used to make anticancer agents could provide an extra source of lead compounds for the pharmaceutical industry.  Bacterium Lactobacillus salivarius produce compounds that selectively inhibit growth of human cancer cells Lactobacillus salivarius naturally produces a compound called Bacteriocins.  Bacteriocins are bacterial proteins produced to prevent the growth of competing microorganisms in a particular biological niche and we can use it as antineoplastic. The aim of this study was to isolate bacteriocin produced by lactic acid bacteria. A preparation of bacteriocin from a strain Lactobacillus salivarius has long been shown to have antineoplastic activity against a variety of human tumor and animal tumor cell lines in vitro. A total of 60 LAB  were isolated from children stool 45 isolate showed a clear antimicrobial activity against indicator strain Streptococcus aureus and by used sodium phosphate buffer (pH8) from an 80% ammonium sulfate precipitate. The inhibition  activity was determent by well diffusion assay method technique, Bacteriocin purification processes were carried out by using ion-exchange (Trisacryl SP) and gel filtration chromatography (Sephacryl – S300). The apparent molecular mass of partially purified bacteriocin was 15. 848 kDa,  Cell Culture was maintained in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% (vol/vol) fetal calf serum,  Cytotoxicity of bacteriocin was assessed on human cell line (RD) and animal cell line (MDCK) cell viability after incubation for 48 h in medium containing 500AU/ml (1.15 mg/ml). Both cell types used in this study were sensitive to bacteriocin and the bacteriocin appeared to inhibit proliferation of tumor cell line. The animal cell line was more sensitivity than human cell line

    Evaluating the total flavonoids, Reductive ability and antibacterial potentials of Salvia officinalis aqueous extract.

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    four types of Bacteria were used in this study. Two Gram – and two Gram + (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Escherichia coli, Streptococcus). The reductive ability ( rutin) , and total flavonoids were increased as the concentration of extract was increased. Moreover, the antimicrobial of methanol extracts was also increased as the concentration increased. This study give an idea for this plant which had been used for a long time in folk medicine

    Design a CRLH Antenna for MIMO Applications with Single and Dual Band

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    A design of MIMO antenna with four elements each one consists of two polarized ports is proposed in this research. The design of each elements based on ZORA which is applied to get the advantage of band frequency flexibility. The proposed MIMO antenna is operated as a single and dual band by adjusting a ground structure. The resonance frequency is 3.9 GHz for single band with bandwidth 1 GHz (3.4–4.4) GHz at -10 dB with −27 dB isolation. The resonance frequencies for dual band are 4.95 and 7 GHz with bandwidth 1.23 GHz (4.03–5.26) GHz and 410 MHz (6.88–7.29) GHz at −10 dB and less than −12 dB isolation for both bands. The obtained size of FR-4 PCB for single band is 77 × 150 mm2 while 82 × 150 mm2 for dual band which are suitable for future smartphone