66 research outputs found

    The Problem of Dramatic Act Structure in the Iraqi Play

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    يعنى هذا البحث بدراسة مشكلات بنية الفعل الدرامي في المسرحية العراقية في الحقبة (1928) من خلال إخضاع المسرحية (عينة البحث) للتحليل الوصفي، وفي تصور الباحث فأن من شأن مثل هذه الدراسة ان ترصن المنجز الفني في كتابة النص الدرامي وفق اسس موضوعية. يقع البحث في اربعة فصول عيني الاول منه تحديد مشكلة البحث واهميته واهدافه والتعريف بحدوده وطريقته ومصطلحاته، اما الثاني منه فيقدم مسحاً عاماً لمكونات بنية الفعل الدرامي التي هي مرحلة تقديم المعلومات ونقطة انطلاق الحدث والصراع والازمة والذروة والنهاية. وتم ايضاح اهمية ووظيفة كل واحد من هذه العناصر في خلق البنية المتكاملة للمسرحية بالاعتماد على عيون الدراسات الدرامية القديمة والحديثة على حد سواء وفي ضمنها آخر الدراسات الاجنبية المتوافرة في المكتبات العراقية. كما تم رسم نموذج تحليلي مثبت فيه المفردات التي أخذت بالحسابات في إجراءات البحث عند تحليل نماذج العينة المختارة.   الإطالة في مرحلة تقديم المعلومات نتيجة عدم التوفيق في اسلوب التقديم.وفي الفصل الرابع الذي خصص للدراسة التطبيقية، تم انتقاء عمل مسرحي عراقي وفق اسس المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وإما النتائج والاستنتاجات التي توصلت اليه الدراسة فقد تم عرضها في الفصل الرابع وكانت ابرزها: عرض نهايات او حلول غير معقولة تتناقض مع ارتباط نتائجها بالصراع الرئيس.This research deals with the problems of the structure of the drama in the Iraqi play in the era (1928) by subjecting the play (sample research) to descriptive analysis, and in the researcher's perception, such a study would enrich the artistic achievement in writing the dramatic text according to the basis of objectivity. The second is a general survey of the components of the structure of the dramatic act which is the stage of presenting the information, the starting point of the event, the conflict, the crisis, the climax and the end. The importance and function of each of these elements in the creation of the integrated structure of the play has been clarified based on the eyes of both ancient and modern dramas, including the latest foreign studies available in Iraqi libraries. An analytical model was also drawn up in which the words taken into account in the research procedures were fixed when analyzing the selected sample models. In the fourth chapter, which received the applied study, the selection of Iraqi theater work according to the basis of descriptive analytical approach, or the results and conclusions reached by the study was presented in Chapter IV, the most prominent of which: Prolonged in the stage of submission of information due to lack of conciliation in the presentation method. The presentation of unreasonable ends or solutions contradicts the relevance of their results to the main conflict

    Analytical loss calculation models of a choke-based filter

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the loss calculation of the foil winding choke and to develop an analytical calculation model to support the design of the main circuit. The analytical calculation model should be easy to use, accurate, reliable and flexible. The analytical calculation model should calculate the winding and core losses of the choke. The tool must be able to determine the choke losses at different load points when the output frequency and modulation index vary. Two analytical calculation models were developed to support the main circuit design. The operation of the calculation models is based on the baseline values entered by the user, which are used in the calculation models to determine the winding and core losses that are important to the choke. The first analytical calculation model calculates only core and winding losses. In addition to this, a separate analytical calculation model to determine AC winding losses was developed to support FEMM-2D simulation software. The purpose of the simulation model is to supplement the calculation tool to determine the exact loss result. During this thesis, some simulations and calculations were performed. The core simulations were used to investigate, among other things, the effect of the air gap. Primarily, it was examined how the fringing flux behaves when the number and length of air gaps increase. Winding simulations were performed to study, among other things, winding losses. In addition to this, the winding at the air gaps was examined, as well as the effect of the core shape on the magnitude of the flux density and total losses. Simulations and calculations were also performed to obtain more information about skin and proximity effects. As a result of the work, the necessary analytical calculation models were developed in the MATLAB environment. Regarding DC winding losses, the relative error between the analytical calculation model and the simulation result was 13 %, which indicates that the results corresponded well to each other. Similarly, for AC winding losses, the relative error between the analytical calculation model and the simulation result was 27 %. This difference can be explained by the incomplete calculation of winding resistance in a simulation environment since the exact calculation of the winding resistance can only be done using the defined equations. Core losses were modeled using Steinmetz equation. According to the analytical calculation model, maximum losses in the frequency range from 50 Hz to 20 kHz occur at 4 kHz.Tämän lopputyön tarkoituksena on tarkastella foliokäämisen kuristimen häviölaskentaa ja kehittää pääpiirin suunnittelun tueksi analyyttinen laskentamalli. Analyyttisen laskentamallin tulee olla helppokäyttöinen, tarkka, luotettava ja joustava. Analyyttisestä laskentamallista tulee selvitä kuristimen käämitys- ja rautaydinhäviöt. Työkalun tulee pystyä määrittämään kuristinhäviöt eri kuormituspisteissä, kun lähtötaajuus ja modulaatioindeksi vaihtelevat. Pääpiirin suunnittelun tueksi kehitettiin kaksi analyyttistä laskentamallia. Laskentamallien toiminta perustuu käyttäjän syöttämiin lähtöarvoihin, joiden perusteella laskentamallit määrittävät kuristimelle tärkeimmät käämi- ja sydänhäviöt. Ensimmäinen analyyttinen laskentamalli laskee kuristimen rautasydämen ja käämityksen häviöt. Tämän lisäksi FEMM-2D -simulointiohjelmiston tueksi kehitettiin erillinen analyyttinen laskentamalli AC-käämityshäviöiden määrittämiseksi. Simulointimallin tarkoituksena on täydentää laskentatyökalua tarkan häviötuloksen määrittämiseksi. Työn aikana suoritettiin joitakin simulointeja ja mittauksia. Rautaytimelle tehtyjen simulointien avulla haluttiin selvittää muun muassa ilmaraon vaikutusta. Lähtökohtaisesti selvitettiin, miten hajavuo käyttäytyy, kun ilma-aukkojen määrä ja pituus kasvavat. Käämitykselle tehtyjen simulointien avulla selvitettiin muun muassa muodostuneet käämihäviöt. Tämän lisäksi selvitettiin käämitystä ilma-aukkojen kohdalla ja sydämen muodon vaikutusta vuontiheyden suuruuteen ja kokonaishäviöihin. Simulointien ja mittausten avulla haluttiin saada myös lisätietoa virranahto- ja lähivaikutusilmiöistä. Työn tuloksena saatiin kehitettyä tarvittavat analyyttiset laskentamallit, jotka molemmat luotiin MATLAB-ympäristöön. DC-käämityshäviöiden osalta analyyttisen laskentamallin ja simulointituloksen virhemarginaali oli 13 %, mikä osoittaa, että tulokset vastasivat hyvin toisiaan. Vastaavasti AC-käämityshäviöiden osalta analyyttisen laskentamallin ja simulointituloksen virhemarginaali oli 27 %. Tätä eroa voidaan selittää simuloinnin puutteellisella laskennalla, koska käämiresistanssin tarkka laskenta onnistuu vain määriteltyjen yhtälöiden avulla. Sydänhäviöt mallinnettiin Steinmetzin yhtälön avulla. Analyyttisen laskentamallin mukaan suurimmat häviöt taajuusalueella 50 Hz ‒ 20 kHz syntyvät 4 kHz kohdalla

    The conceptual relevance of assessment measures in patients with mild/mild-moderate Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the conceptual relevance of four measures of disease activity in patients with mild/mild-moderate Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD): (1) the Alzheimer\u27s Disease Assessment Scale–Cognitive Subscale; (2) the Alzheimer\u27s Disease Cooperative Study–Activities of Daily Living Inventory; (3) the Neuropsychiatry Inventory; and (4) the Dependence Scale. Methods: A conceptual model depicting patient experience of mild AD was developed via literature review; concepts were compared with the items of the four measures. Relevance of the concepts included in the four measures was evaluated by patients with mild AD in a survey and follow-up interviews. Results: The four measures assessed few of the symptoms/impacts of mild AD identified within the literature. Measured items addressing emotional impacts were deemed most relevant by participants but were included in the measures only superficially. Discussion: The four assessment measures do not appear to capture the concepts most relevant to/important to patients with mild/mild-moderate AD. © 2018 The Author

    Successful use of long acting octreotide in two cases with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and severe hypoglycemia

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    INTRODUCTION: Hyperinsulinism associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) can occur in about 50% of cases, causing hypoglycemia of variable severity. Parenteral use of octreotide may be indicated if unresponsive to diazoxide. There is limited data on use of octreotide in BWS. OBJECTIVE: Chart review describing 2 cases with BWS and hypoglycemia treated with long acting Octreotide as a monthly injection. CASES: We describe two unrelated females born large for gestational age found to have clinical features consistent with BWS, who developed severe hypoglycemia. Genetic diagnosis of BWS was confirmed. The first patient was born at 37 weeks and developed hypoglycemia shortly after birth. She was initially started on diazoxide but developed pulmonary congestion and was therefore switched to depot octreotide (LAR). She maintained euglycemia with LAR. In the second patient (born at 26-4/7 weeks), onset of hypoglycemia was delayed till 11 weeks of age due to hydrocortisone (indicated hemodynamically) and continuous feeding, and was partially responsive to diazoxide. She was switched to octreotide 4 times daily, treated till at age 18 months. Despite frequent feeds, she required treatment again between ages 4–6.5 years, initially with diazoxide but due to severe hypertrichosis she was switched to LAR with an excellent response. Both patients treated with LAR for over two years achieved euglycemia above 70 mg/dl and had normal height gain, without side effects. CONCLUSION: Successful treatment of hypoglycemia can be achieved and maintained with LAR in infants and children with BWS who are either resistant or cannot tolerate diazoxide

    The Psychological Dimensions of War and its Representation in the Contemporary Iraqi Theatrical Text

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    يسعى الباحث إلى دراسة واحدة من أهم الظواهر التي عانت منها البشرية ، فالحرب لا يمكن ان تمر كحدث عادي في التأكيد على نفسية نساء الحرب وخاصة في العراق الذي لا زال يأن من وطأتها والنساء هن أكثر يدفعن ثمنها. لذا فقد عني البحث بدراسة الأبعاد النفسية لنساء الحرب وتمثلاتها  في النص المسرحي العراقي المعاصر. مشكلة البحث تحددت بالسؤال الآتي: ما الأبعاد النفسية لنساء الحرب وتمثلاتها في النص المسرحي العراقي المعاصر؟ أما أهمية البحث فهي تسليط الضوء على الأبعاد النفسية لشخصيات نساء الحرب بعرض المعاناة والعذاب القسري وتأثيره على نفسية المرأة فضلا عن عرض مشاكلها وهمومها ووضع الحلول الناجحة لهذه المشاكل لتأكيد حضورها الفاعل على كل الأصعدة السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية. وجاء في تحديد المصطلحات اقتصارها على (الأبعاد, النفسية, تمثلات، النص، المعاصر، نساء الحرب). كما وتناولت الدراسة السلوكيات النفسية للمرأة في ظل القضايا الكبرى والأبعاد النفسية لنساء الحرب في المسرح العالمي. ومن أهم النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث أن الاغتصاب يترك أثرا نفسيا كبيرا على نفسية المرأة وأبعادها المختلفة نفسيا واجتماعيا. من استنتاجات البحث الدعوة إلى نبذ الحروب ورفض العنف بكل أشكاله ضد النساء. أما المقترحات، فلأغراض تكامل البحث يرى الباحث ضرورة الاهتمام باستكمال الدراسة في المجال الآتي: دراسة الأبعاد الانثروبولوجية – السوسيولوجية لنساء الحرب في عروض المسرح العراقي.The researcher seeks to study one of the most important phenomena that humanity has suffered from. War cannot pass as a normal event in affirming the psyche of women of war, especially in Iraq, which is still coming from its impact, and women are paying more for it. Therefore, the research was concerned with studying the psychological dimensions of war women and their representations in the contemporary Iraqi theatrical text. The research problem was determined by the following question: What are the psychological dimensions of women of war and their representations in the contemporary Iraqi theatrical text? As for the importance of the research, it is to shed light on the psychological dimensions of the war women’s personalities by presenting the suffering and forced torture and its impact on the woman’s psyche, as well as presenting her problems and concerns and developing successful solutions to these problems to confirm her active presence at all political, social and economic levels. The terminology was defined as being limited to (psychological dimensions, representations, text, contemporary, women of war). The study also dealt with the psychological behaviors of women in light of the major issues and the psychological dimensions of women of war in the world stage. One of the most important findings of the research is that rape has a significant psychological impact on a woman’s psyche and its various psycho-social dimensions. One of the findings of the research is the call to renounce wars and to reject violence in all its forms against women. As for the proposals, for the purposes of research integration, the researcher sees the need to pay attention to completing the study in the following area: Study the anthropological-sociological dimensions of war women in Iraqi theater performances

    Meaningful Changes in What Matters to Individuals with Vitiligo: Content Validity and Meaningful Change Thresholds of the Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (VASI)

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    INTRODUCTION: This study explored patients\u27 and dermatologists\u27 priority outcomes for treatment to address, clinical outcome assessments (COA) for use in vitiligo clinical trials, and perceptions of within-patient meaningful change in facial and total body vitiligo. METHODS: Semistructured, individual, qualitative interviews were conducted with patients living with non-segmental vitiligo in the USA and with expert dermatologists in vitiligo. Concept elicitation discussions included open-ended questions to identify patient priority outcomes. Vitiligo COAs were reviewed by dermatologists. Tasks were completed by patients to explore their perceptions of meaningful changes in vitiligo outcomes; dermatologists\u27 opinions were elicited. Data were analyzed using thematic methods; meaningful change tasks were descriptively summarized. RESULTS: Individuals with vitiligo (N = 60) included adults (n = 48, 63% female) and adolescents (n = 12, 67% female). All Fitzpatrick Skin Types were represented. Eight (13%) were first- or second-generation immigrants to the USA. Expert dermatologists (N = 14) participated from the USA (n = 8), EU (n = 4), India (n = 1), and Egypt (n = 1). All individuals with vitiligo reported experiencing skin depigmentation; an observable clinical sign of vitiligo. Most confirmed that lesion surface area (n = 59/60, 98%) and level of pigmentation (n = 53/60, 88%) were important to include in disease assessments. Following an explanation, participants (n = 49/60, 82%) felt that the Facial Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (F-VASI) measurement generally made sense and understood that doctors would use it to assess facial vitiligo. Most participants felt that a 75% (n = 47/59, 80%) or 9 0% improvement in their facial vitiligo would be indicative of treatment success (n = 55/59, 93%). In the context of evaluating a systemic oral treatment for vitiligo, dermatologists perceived a 75% improvement on the F-VASI as successful (n = 9/14, 64%). Regarding the Total VASI (T-VASI) score, n = 30 participants considered 33% improvement as treatment success; an additional n = 10 endorsed 50% improvement and a further n = 5 endorsed 75% improvement. Clinicians most frequently identified 50% (n = 6/14, 43%) or 75% (n = 4/14, 29%) improvement in T-VASI as successful. CONCLUSION: Repigmentation is a priority outcome for patients. The VASI was considered an appropriate tool to assess the extent of vitiligo. A minimum 75% improvement from baseline in the F-VASI and minimum 50% improvement from baseline in the T-VASI were identified as within-patient clinically meaningful thresholds

    Proceedings of Patient Reported Outcome Measure’s (PROMs) Conference Oxford 2017: Advances in Patient Reported Outcomes Research

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    A33-Effects of Out-of-Pocket (OOP) Payments and Financial Distress on Quality of Life (QoL) of People with Parkinson’s (PwP) and their Carer


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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuoda esille moniammatillisen verkostotyöskentelyn merkitystä työskennellessä vakavia rikoksia tehneiden nuorten parissa. Tutkimus tehtiin yhteistyössä Aseman Lapset Ry:n kanssa. Tutkimuskysymyksiä ja haastattelurunkoa pohdittiin Pasila-hankkeessa työskennelleiden henkilöiden kanssa, jotta haastattelukysymykset olisivat mahdollisimman relevantteja. Hankkeessa keskityttiin rikoksilla oireilevien alaikäisten nuorten kanssa työskentelyyn. Menetelmäksi valittiin teemahaastattelu, jossa haastateltavat pääsivät kertomaan anonyymisti omia kokemuksiaan verkostotyöskentelystä. Haastateltavia oli yhteensä kolme työntekijää, joilla oli kokemusta verkostotyöskentelystä Pasila-hankkeen alkuajoilta. Haastattelut suoritettiin Pasila-hankkeen päätyttyä, jolloin saatiin tämän tutkimuksen avulla tarkasteltua verkostotyöskentelyä hankkeen alkuajoilta loppuun saakka. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin, jonka jälkeen aineisto litteroitiin välittömästi. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että Pasila-hanke on ollut merkityksellinen taho, joka on pystynyt tukemaan nuoria vaikeissa olosuhteissa. Tuloksissa korostui nuorten tarpeiden huomioimisen tärkeys sekä tarpeisiin vastaaminen niihin kuuluvilla verkostoilla. Verkostotyöskentelyssä luottamussuhteen luomisessa nostettiin monia tekijöitä, jotka koettiin merkitykselliseksi työskennellessä kohderyhmän kanssa. Alun haasteista huolimatta hanke pystyi saavuttamaan tavoitteensa ja vakiinnuttamaan toimintansa. Tutkimuksen aikana nousi ajatuksia, joita seuraavaksi voitaisiin tutkia. Haastateltavat kertoivat, että verkostotyöskentelyä on seurattava jatkuvasti, jotta kehitystä voi tapahtua. Koska tutkimuksessa osoittautui selkeä kehityskaari alusta loppuun, olisi kiinnostavaa seurata verkostotyöskentelyä hankkeen vakiinnutettua toimintansa.The aim of the study was to highlight the importance of multiprofessional network collaboration when working with young people who have committed serious crimes. The research was done in cooperation with Children of the Station (Aseman Lapset ry). The research questions and the interview framework were discussed with the workers who worked in the Pasila project, so that the interview questions would be as relevant as possible. The project focused on working with juveniles with symptoms of crime. A themed interview was chosen as the method, so that the interviewees could anonymously share their own experiences of working in a network. There were a total of three interviewees who had experience in network collaboration from the early days of the Pasila project. The interviews were conducted after the project had ended and the interviews were recorded and transcribed. The interviews were recorded after which the material was transcribed. The results highlighted genuine attention to the needs of young people and responding to those needs with the networks. In network collaboration many factors were brought up as creating a relationship of trust, and they were considered to be relevant when working with the target group. The beginning of the project turned out to be challenging, but despite this, the project was able to achieve its goals and establish its operations. The results of the study show that the Pasila project has been a significant entity that has been able to sup-port young people in difficult circumstances. During the research, ideas about further studies came up. The interviewees said that network collaboration must constantly be monitored in order for development to take place. Since the study showed a clear development arc from beginning to end, it would be interesting to follow the network collaboration once the project has established its operation