11 research outputs found

    The Effect of White Rot Fungus (Ganoderma sp) as Decomposers on Composting Using Combination of Cattle Feces and Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as Organic Matter

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    في إندونيسيا ، توجد فضلات الماشية ونبات صفير الماء (WH) بكثرة ولكن لم يتم الكشف عنها على نطاق واسع. حيث انه لم يتم تطبيق استخدام الكائنات الحية الدقيقة كمحللات في عملية التخمير على نطاق واسع،  لذلك بالفترة الاخيرة بدا الباحثون بالاهتمام واجراء مزيدا من الدراسة. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم تأثير مزيج CF مع WH على التسميد عن طريق تطبيق الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفطرية العفن الأبيض (WRF) كمحلل. عدد من ستة أنواع من العلاج مقارنة بـ R1 (نسبة CF: WH) (25٪: 75٪) + WRF ؛ R2 (نسبة CF: WH) (50٪: 50٪) + WRF ؛ R3 (نسبة CF: WH) (75٪: 25٪) + WRF ؛ R4 (نسبة CF: WH) (25٪: 75٪) بدون WRF ؛ R5 (نسبة CF: WH) (50٪: 50٪) بدون WRF ؛ R6 (نسبة CF: WH) (25٪: 75٪) بدون WRF. أوضحت النتائج أن استخدام محللات WRF والمواد العضوية (CF و WH) بنسب مختلفة تتأثر بخصائص السماد مثل قيمة الأس الهيدروجيني ، C- عضوي ، N- عضوي ، نسبة C / N ، P2O5 و K2O. ينخفض ​​محلل WRF بشكل كبير إلى قيمة الرقم الهيدروجيني ونسبة C / N ، ولكنه يزيد من قيمة C- عضوي ، N- عضوي ، P2O5 و K2O. تتوافق خصائص السماد المنتج مع المعايير التي حددها المعيار الوطني الإندونيسي (INS) ولوائح وزارة الزراعة في جمهورية إندونيسيا. كان من الضروري اعتبار WRF كمحلل في إنتاج السماد. وبناءً على نتائج الدراسة ، تم التوصل إلى أن علاج R1 (CF: WH) (25٪: 75٪) + WRF) كان أفضل توليفة لإنتاج السماد باستخدام WRF كمحلل بأفضل الخصائص.In Indonesia, cattle feces (CF) and water hyacinth (WH) plants are abundant but have not been widely revealed. The use of microorganisms as decomposers in the fermentation process has not been widely applied, so researchers are interested in studying further. This study was to evaluate the effect of the combination of CF with WH on composting by applying white-rot fungal (WRF) (Ganoderma sp) microorganism as a decomposer. A number of six types of treatment compared to R1(ratio of CF:WH)(25%:75%)+WRF; R2(ratio of CF:WH)(50%:50%)+WRF; R3(ratio of CF:WH)(75%:25%)+WRF; R4(ratio of CF:WH)(25%:75%) without WRF; R5(ratio of CF:WH)(50%:50%) without WRF; R6(ratio of CF:WH)(25%:75%) without WRF. The results showed that the use of WRF decomposers and organic matter (CF and WH) at different ratios affected the properties of compost such as pH value, C-organic, N-organic, C/N ratio, P2O5 and K2O compounds. The WRF decomposer significantly decreases to the pH value, and the C/N ratio, but increases the value of C-organic, N-organic, P2O5 and K2O. The properties of the compost produced are in accordance with the standards set by the Indonesian National Standard (INS) and the regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. The WRF was needed to consider as a decomposer in producing compost.  Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the R1(CF: WH)(25%:75%)+WRF) treatment was the best ratio combination to produce compost using WRF (Ganoderma sp) as a decomposer with the best properties

    Effect of water flow rate on quantity and quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in nutrient film technique (NFT) under hydroponics conditions

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    In the study of hydroponics, questions have risen concerning about ideal water flow that allow the plant to absorbing highest amount of nutrient from the nutrient solution during irrigating process. Thus, this experiment was aimed to determine the ideal water flow rate in nutrient film technique system in order to optimize the nutrients uptake with growth of lettuce. Different flow rates 10, 20 and 30 L/hour were assigned as T1, T2 and T3, respectively, with lettuce plants and the space between plants 15 cm. Generally, the growth decreased significantly with increasing in water flow rate. The analysis of lettuce hydroponics variable reveals that flow rate at 20 L/hour provides higher mean rank rather than other flow rate 10 L/hour and 30 L/hour. The findings of this research stated that if flow rate is increased to 30 L/hour plant height, number of leaves, number of outer and inner leaves, heat mass and stem mass decreases. On the whole from the analysis it is concluded that for flow rate 20 L/hour enhances the growth rate of lettuce in hydroponics hence it is stated that flow rate of 20 L/hour is good flow rate rather than 10 L/hour and 30 L/hour. Water flow in nutrient film technique is essential to be ideal through allow the plants root to absorb all elements needed form nutrient solutions in hydroponics system. And thus, water movement in the system and the rate of turnover should be designed to ensure good contact time for roots and water flow in the system

    Effects of different growth media and planting densities on growth of lettuce grown in a closed soilless system

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    This study aimed at determining the effects of growth medium and planting density on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) production under a closed soilless system. Soilless lettuces were produced during autumn season of 2012-13, that were tested under three different growth media and two planting densities (16 and 33 plants/m2). The highest head mass and marketable head mass (0.640 and 609 kg) were obtained at planting density (16 plants/m2). When analyzed for interaction between the growth medium and planting density, the higher head mass (691 and 697 g) was obtained between the interactions Tuff br : peatmoss and Tuff br with planting density of 16 plants/m2. The results showed that planting density and growth medium exhibited significant effects on stem weight (g), weight of leaves (outer+inner) (g), number of non-consumable leaves, number of outer leaves, number of inner leaves, total number of leaves, marketable head mass (g), head mass (g) and plant height (cm). In conclusion, the substrates interference with the development of lettuce plants, it was Tuffbr : Peatmoss and Tuff brown which provided the best plant growth

    Local Government and University Partnership Systems: Evidence from Cattle Beef Farmers in Barru, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Partnership systems still become an interesting issue to discuss. Partnerships with beef cattle farmers can be carried out by several parties, including the private sector, universities, and local governments. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the partnership systems of regional governments and Hasanuddin university from the perspective of beef cattle farmers. This study was conducted in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, from September to December 2018. The samples comprised farmers who participated in the partnership system in Tanete Riaja Subdistrict, Barru Regency, amounting to 80 people. Farmer perceptions of the partnerships were assessed using descriptive statistics with a distribution frequency. The results showed differences in the partnership system between tertiary institutions and local governments, namely, from the system of sharing results and the different benefits obtained by farmers if partnering between universities and local governments

    Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Method in Analyzing the Effect of Inflation on Food Price Volatility (FPV) in Palopo City, Indonesia

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    Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the effect of Inflation on food prices in Palopo City, where the inflation rate is calculated based on index numbers collected from several commodities traded at each price level in the market, namely the Consumer Price Index (CPI).   Theoretical framework: The Vector Autoregressive (VAR) method is simultaneous equation modeling that has several endogenous variables simultaneously, but each endogenous variable is explained by lags of its own value and other endogenous variables in the model. Forecasting using the VAR method is in some cases better than complex simultaneous equations.   Design/methodology/approach:  The stationarity test in this study uses the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) method, followed by determining lag optimal Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) and Schwarz information Criterion (SC) analysis. The stability test of the VAR model was carried out through the Johansen Cointegration Test at a 5% significance level which produced six equations with a trace statistically more significant than the critical value. Then an analysis of Impulse Response Functions (IRF) was carried out to see the dynamic response of the CPI variable to food commodity prices. The data used are time series for January 2018 to December 2020.   Findings: The inflation response to food price fluctuations in Palopo City resulted in three conditions. The Palopo City CPI responded positively to the price fluctuations of garlic and red chili. In contrast, shallots and chicken meat price fluctuations responded negatively to the Palopo City CPI. The Palopo City CPI did not permanently affect the price fluctuations of cayenne pepper and chicken eggs.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The practical implication of this research is that food commodity prices still have an influence on inflation movements. Local governments should cooperate with city governments in the production of food commodities by implementing cropping patterns on these commodities to overcome excess production, and it is necessary to carry out off-season production to achieve harvest deficits so that prices remain stable. Improvements to the trade system also need to be improved in addition to the production system. This is intended so that the distribution of food commodity products can be more efficient by implementing supply chain management.   Originality/value: Collecting time series data of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for 6 commodities, namely shallots, garlic, chili peppers, cayenne pepper, broiler meat, and broiler eggs, in a modern model, namely a multivariate time series model with a high level of predictive accuracy of the model among these variables to predict and analyze the effects among these series and estimate the interactions among these series with the latest data is the value of this research, and then provide recommendations for the government in making economic strategies, especially for those related to inflation and food prices

    Effects of fish stocking density on water quality, growth performance of Tilapia and yield of butterhead lettuce grown in decoupled recirculation aquaponic systems

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    This study was conducted over a period of 52 days to determine the effects of fish stocking density on the water quality, growth performance of tilapia and yield of butterhead lettuce cultivated in decoupled recirculation aquaponic systems (DRAPS). In this study, three respective tilapia stocking densities (treatments) of 8 Kg m-3, 10 Kg m-3, and 12 Kg m-3 were used to evaluate the butterhead lettuce in the DRAPS, which consist of two independent loops. All treatments were done in triplicates. The results showed with increased stocking density, the electrical conductivity, total dissolved substances and salinity increased and dissolved oxygen decline. The results showed that the highest stocking density produced the highest nutrients accumulation of ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), ammonium (NH4), nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) and potassium (K) except for phosphorus (P). Nevertheless, based on the conversion of fish feed to NO3-N and P per kilogram of feeds, the lowest stocking density provided the highest concentration of NO3-N and P. It was documented that DRAPS relied solely on the fish waste produced an insufficient concentration of N, P, K and iron. The average survival rate of tilapia in all treatments was above 94% and was not a significant difference among the treatments

    An Absorption Capacity Investigation of New Absorbent Based On Polyurethane Foams and Rice Straw for Oil Spill Cleanup

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    Spilled oil has been considering as extremely serious disaster in the maritime field and oil exploration, and its effects lasted for decades, even hundreds of years. Oil spill treatment and recovery were the difficult and complicated issues due to the conditions of nature environment. In this work, rice straw- agricultural residue in Vietnam – with 205 k g/m3 of low density was filled in porous polyurethan matrix in fabrication process of absorbent. The experimental results about oil absorption capacity for this new absorbent material showed that, the absorbed oil mass in case of filling 25% of rice straw mass with 0.5 mm of size was highest, equal to 12.012 g oil/ g absorbent material after 120 minutes of treatment. The result of oil absorption capacity was around 3–4 times higher than that of material fabricated by pristine polyurethan or xenlulozo/lignocellulosic. Besides, fabrication process and SEM analysis were also experimentally carried out in this work

    Testing of Bacterial and Fungal Isolates from Rumen Fluid Used in Inoculants in the Fermentation of Feed from Agro-Industrial Waste

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    The addition of the inoculant can accelerate the fermentation process and improve the quality of the feed material in fermentation. This study aimed to isolate, test and select the rumen microorganisms that have high ability to degrade the fiber and improve the quality of materials used in inoculants to ferment agricultural wastes as alternative feed. Microbial isolate was extracted from cattle rumen fluid. The isolates type of fungus were grown on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) while the bacteria was grown on Nutrient Agar (NA) medium. Microbes of fungi were tested and selected based on their ability to produce ligninase, cellulase and hemicellulase enzymes. Bacteria were grown on MRS broth media as a confirmation for LAB colonies, then tested for gram staining, catalase test, growth on different NaCl levels (4 and 6.5%) and growth at various pH (3, 4, and 5). The results showed that five fungal isolates had a growth diameter of 0.1–0.37 mm on lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose media after seven days. Eleven bacterial isolates were indicated as lactic acid bacteria; almost all isolates could grow on NaCl 6.5%, but only four bacterial isolates could grow on NaCl 4% and five bacterial isolates could grow at pH 3. In conclusion, three isolates of fungi have a remarkable ability to degrade lignin. Five isolates of lactic acid bacteria have a comprehensive ability as a preservative in fermentation, so eight microbial isolates from rumen fluid can be used as inoculants in fermenting the feed material from agro-industrial waste

    RETRACTED: Interaction between zinc and selenium bio-fortification and toxic metals (loid) accumulation in food crops

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    Biofortification is the supply of micronutrients required for humans and livestock by various methods in the field, which include both farming and breeding methods and are referred to as short-term and long-term solutions, respectively. The presence of essential and non-essential elements in the atmosphere, soil, and water in large quantities can cause serious problems for living organisms. Knowledge about plant interactions with toxic metals such as cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), and lead (Pb), is not only important for a healthy environment, but also for reducing the risks of metals entering the food chain. Biofortification of zinc (Zn) and selenium (Se) is very significant in reducing the effects of toxic metals, especially on major food chain products such as wheat and rice. The findings show that Zn- biofortification by transgenic technique has reduced the accumulation of Cd in shoots and grains of rice, and also increased Se levels lead to the formation of insoluble complexes with Hg and Cd. We have highlighted the role of Se and Zn in the reaction to toxic metals and the importance of modifying their levels in improving dietary micronutrients. In addition, cultivar selection is an essential step that should be considered not only to maintain but also to improve the efficiency of Zn and Se use, which should be considered more climate, soil type, organic matter content, and inherent soil fertility. Also, in this review, the role of medicinal plants in the accumulation of heavy metals has been mentioned, and these plants can be considered in line with programs to improve biological enrichment, on the other hand, metallothioneins genes can be used in the program biofortification as grantors of resistance to heavy metals

    Effects of Fish Stocking Density on Water Quality, Growth Performance of Tilapia and Yield of Butterhead Lettuce Grown in Decoupled Recirculation Aquaponic Systems

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    This study was conducted over a period of 52 days to determine the effects of fish stocking density on the water quality, growth performance of tilapia and yield of butterhead lettuce cultivated in decoupled recirculation aquaponic systems (DRAPS). In this study, three respective tilapia stocking densities (treatments) of 8 kg•m-3, 10 kg•m-3, and 12 kg•m-3 were used to evaluate the butterhead lettuce in the DRAPS, which consist of two independent loops. All treatments were done in triplicates. The results showed with increased stocking density, the electrical conductivity, total dissolved substances and salinity increased and dissolved oxygen decline. The results showed that the highest stocking density produced the highest nutrients accumulation of ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), ammonium (NH4), nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) and potassium (K) except for phosphorus (P). Nevertheless, based on the conversion of fish feed to NO3-N and P per kilogram of feeds, the lowest stocking density provided the highest concentration of NO3-N and P. It was documented that DRAPS relied solely on the fish waste produced an insufficient concentration of N, P, K and iron. The average survival rate of tilapia in all treatments was above 94% and was not a significant difference among the treatments