23 research outputs found

    Distribution of Nutrient Salts and Chlorophyll-a in Surface Water along the Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea Coast, Yemen

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    The distribution of inorganic nutrient salts (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate) and phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were investigated in the Gulf of Aden and along the Arabian Sea coast, Yemen. Seventy two surface water samples were collected during cruises in August 2014 and January 2015. The sampled area extends from As Suqayyah in the west of the Gulf of Aden to Hawf in the east. The study showed that the average values of nutrient salts (μg/l) in waters collected in August 2014 and January 2015 were 0.83 and 0.60, 10.98 and 10.03, 16.41 and 14.73, 10.36 and 8.76, and 29.72 and 22.67 for ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate, respectively. The average values of Chl-a (mg/m3) in August 2014 and January 2015 were 0.26 and 0.21, respectively. The results showed that nitrate levels were very high but those of ammonium very low. This may reflect the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and then nitrate, leading to a very favorable ratio of ammonia and nitrate values. The low levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN)compounds, (ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate), phosphate, silicate and Chl-a indicated that the southern coast of Yemen is not in a eutrophic condition. The highest nutrient salt values were in the eastern part of the study area, and may have resulted from water originating from the Indian Ocean and upwelling. Statistical analysis to seek correlations between nutrient salts and Chl-a show very good to excellent correlation, which may be due toconstant coastal environment

    Petroleum Hydrocarbon Residues in Surficial Sediment Samples from Aden City Coasts, Yemen

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    The environmental quality along Aden coasts is affected by the anthropogenic pressure of Aden city. Field work has been carried out to investigate the occurrence of petroleum pollution along these coasts. To determine the status of aliphatic hydrocarbon (AH) (n-C10 to n-C34) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) pollution in surface sediments, twenty seven surface sediment samples were collected in July and December 2014 and March 2015 and analysed for AHs and PAHs by using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to determine their levels and sources. Concentrations of AHs ranged from 6.25 µg/g at station 5 (Goldmoor) to 41.05 µg/g at station 7 (Al Ghadir coast) with an average of 16.49 µg/g. Concentrations of PAHs were in the range between 0.37 µg/g at station 5 (Goldmoor) and 16.30 µg/g at station 9 (Oil Harbor) with an average of 7.38 µg/g. The study showed that the levels of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHs) in coastal sediments are low and within the allowed limits. The major sources of the pollution were petrogenic in origin, based on the indices of AHs and PAHs. This pollution is a result of localized oil operations and/or heavy ship traffic in the Gulf of Aden. The results will be used to assess the ecosystem quality. Environmental control is recommended to reduce the marine pollution of Aden coasts

    دراسات دقيقة لتحديد تراكيز العناصر الثقيلة في بعض أنواع أسماك منطقة البحر الأحمر اليمني و خليج عدن

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    Level of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) in four species of fish; manly, fish, Crenidens Crenidens, Scomberomorus Commerson, Rastrelliger Kanagurta, Thunnus Albacares were studied in the Red Sea of Yemen and the Gulf of Aden. The results show that, the variations within the muscle tissues of fish were mainly attributed due to the geochemical nature of beach deposits rather than anthropogenic input. Thus it was concluded that the investigated heavy metals do not present an environmental hazards for the present time. Cd, Pb are harmful and causing the cancer diseases.تم تحديد مستوى العناصر الثقيلة (الزنك، والنحاس، والرصاص، والكادميوم ) والتي بعضها سامة ومسرطنة في أربعة أنواع من أسماك بيئة البحر الأحمر وخليج عدن وهي سمك الديرك ، الجحش ، الباغة والثمد. أظهرت النتائج بأن الاختلاف بين التراكيز التي تم الحصول عليها في أنسجة عضلات الأسماك يرجع إلى سبب الاختلاف في الطبيعة الجيوكيميائية للترسبات الشاطئية أكثر من المصادر الغير طبيعية، وتظهر نتائج هذا البحث بأن تراكيز العناصر الثقيلة قد لا تمثل خطر على البيئة البحرية للوقت الحالي . أوصت الدراسة بأهمية الاستمرار في برنامج الرصد والمراقبة للمياه الإقليمية ولضمان بقاء هذه الملوثات ضمن المستويات المسموح بها دوليا وكما هو موضح في مناقشة النتائج وأن تكون هذه النتائج دراسة أولية للعناصر الثقيلة المتبقية في الأسماك الاقتصادية خلال هذه الدراسة

    Comparative fibrinolytic activity of front-loaded alteplase and the single-bolus mutants tenecteplase and lanoteplase during treatment of acute myocardial infarction.

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    BACKGROUND: Quantification of fibrinolytic activity (FAct) in clinical practice has been abandoned because of the complexity of existing assays. The relationship between thrombolytic drug concentration and FAct is complex. FAct profiles of currently used thrombolytic drugs were not characterized. METHODS: By use of a system that quantifies FAct by shortening of clot lysis onset time (LOT), we measured LOT in vitro with incremented concentrations of alteplase (t-PA) and tenecteplase (TNK-tPA) and ex vivo in patients with acute myocardial infarction who were receiving front-loaded t-PA (n = 31), 30 to 40 mg TNK-tPA (n = 19), and 120 kU/kg lanoteplase ([n-PA] n = 23). RESULTS: In vitro, FAct depended on drug concentration by means of a double exponential model revealing 2 distinct activity zones (weak/strong). Ex vivo, no FAct was detected before agent administration (LOT > 1200 seconds). Ten minutes after a bolus was given, FAct was sharply increased in all patients, but it increased more with TNK-tPA than with t-PA or n-PA (mean LOT of 109, 125, and 130 seconds, respectively, P <.05). At 90 minutes, accelerated infusion of t-PA resulted in FAct that remained stronger than that observed for TNK-tPA (P <.0001) or n-PA (P =.011). At 180-minutes, significant FAct (LOT <600 seconds) was only observed in patients who received n-PA. CONCLUSION: This study provides the first direct comparison of FAct between t-PA, TNK-tPA, and n-PA by use of the LOT test, the results of which are reliably related to drug concentration. The ideal FAct profile would combine an immediate strong FAct of relatively short duration, as seen with TNK-tPA, that may contribute to its better efficacy/safety profile in the Assessment of Safety and Efficacy of a New Thrombolytic Agent-2 (ASSENT-2) trial. Prolonged FAct after n-PA may contribute to increased hemorrhagic complications, as seen in the Intravenous n-PA for Treatment of Infarcting Myocardium Early-2 (InTIME-2) trial. Thus, characterizing FAct profiles might provide insights in developing more efficient thrombolytic regimens

    Rapid detection of streptokinase resistance using a bedside lytic assay of dry reagent technology

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    A new bedside lytic assay using dry reagent technology for rapid (3-5 min) detection of streptokinase resistance (SKR) was recently introduced, which measures lysis onset time (LOT) of whole blood clot in response to high and low streptokinase (SK) concentrations: 100 U/ml (SK100) and 10 U/ml (SK10). SKR was defined by prolongation of LOT, previously correlated with the standard SK Reactivity Test and with clinical outcome of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) SK-treated patients, high SKR when SK100>50 seconds and SK10>120 seconds; partial SKR when SK10>120 seconds. Five prospective clinical groups (325 patients) were screened in cardiac units of four university hospitals, In patients previously treated with SK, the prevalence of SKR was 87% (70% high, 17% partial); in those who had documented streptococcal infection, 92% (75% high, 17% partial); and in patients with rheumatic heart disease, 76% (all high). SKR prevalence was 55% (33% high, 22% partial) in those with recent respiratory tract infection. In 225 acute coronary patients, SKR was 28% (21% high, 7% partial), and was identical by gender, but was 36% (32% high, 4% partial) in patients greater than or equal to 65 years Versus 19% (9% high, 10% partial) in those < 65 years (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, we demonstrated (with a rapid functional assay) the consistence of our results with the expected prevalence of SKR in the groups studied, this points out to the feasibility of pre-therapeutic detection of SKR and choice between t-PA and SK made at bedside without delaying the onset of treatment. As SKR is common among candidates for thrombolysis, pre-therapeutic detection of SKR merits further investigation. (C) 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd