84 research outputs found

    Mineralogy of Duné s Sand of Missan Dune Fields Southeastern Iraq

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        تهدف الدراسة الحالية لمعرفة المحتوى المعدني لحقل الكثبان الرملية في منطقة   جلات ضمن محافظة ميسان جنوب شرقي العراق ومحاولة تحديد اصل ومنطقة المصدر لرمال هذه الكثبان.       تم تحديد ثلاثة أنواع من الكثبان في منطقة الدراسة وهي الحواجز الهلالية وكثبان البرخان وكثبان النبخة وكان الاتجاه العام لهذه الكثبان هو شمال غرب – جنوب شرق تم تقسيم حقول كثبان ميسان الى ثلاثة حقول ثانوية وهذا التقسيم تم بالاعتماد على التغير في التركيب المعدني وكذلك التجمع الجغرافي وهذه الحقول الثلاثة هي حقل المنزلية وحقل جلات الوسطي وحقل سيد صبير.      تم جمع 9 نماذج من رمال الكثبان الرملية وتم فصل المعادن الخفيفة عن المعادن الثقيلة بواسطة استعمال السوائل الثقيلة.      الجزء الخفيف مكون بصورة رئيسية من الكوارتز والفلدسبارات والقطع الصخرية. القطع الصخرية مكونه بصورة رئيسية من الكربونات والصوان وقطع الصخور النارية والمتحولة.       المعادن الثقيلة مكونه بصورة رئيسية من المعادن المعتمة والكلورايت والبايروكسينات والامفيبولات والابيدوت والزركون والكارنت والمسكوفايت والبايوتايت وبصورة اقل من الكيانايت والشترولايت والروتايل.ان نسبة المعادن الثقيلة الى الخفيفة كانت اعلى نسبيا في حقل سيدصبير منها في حقل المنزلية وجلات الوسطي .        ان مصدر رواسب الكثبان الرملية في حقل كثبان جلات هو السهول الفيضية والمصاطب النهرية لنهر دجلة وكذلك المكاشف الصخرية القديمة العائدة للمايوسين الاعلى – البلايوسين التي تنكشف في الجزء الشرقي لحقل كثبان جلات ضمن تلال حمرين وجبال زاكروس.The aim of this study is to define the mineralogical composition of Missan dune fields South Eastern of Iraq, and try to determine the origin or the source of these dunes . Three main types of dunes were recognized in the studied area, these are: barchanoid ridge, barchans and nabkha dunes. The direction of these dunes is northwest to southeast. The dunes in Missan dune fields were divided into three fields according to the vari- eties in the composition and geographical position in the studied area, these three fields are: Al-Manziliyah, Middle Chailat, and Said Subair dune fields. 9 samples were collected from these fields, the samples were separated into light and heavy fraction by heavy liquids. The light fraction composed from quartz, feldspar, and rock fragments, the rock fragments composed mainly of carbonate, chert, igneous, and metamorphic rock fragments . The heavy minerals are mostly opaques, chlorite, pyroxenes, amphiboles, epidotes, zircon, garnet, muscovite, biotite, kyanite, staurolite, and rutile . The percentages of heavy minerals fraction to light minerals fraction was very vari- able in which the percentage of heavy minerals in Sayid Subair field are higher than the percentage in Al-Manziliyah field.The source area of these sediments is the recent sed- iment that deposited in the flood plain and traces of the Tigris river and the outcrops    of upper Miocene-Pliocene rocks in the eastern of studied area (Himreen Anticline and Zagros Mountain)

    Improving the school building delivery process in post conflict Iraq

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    School building delivery process has been affected by the prolonged armed conflicts that took place in Iraq. This effect has been demonstrated in delay or cancellation of delivering schools which impacts the children’s education and safety. Iraq was subject to a number of wars that have left its infrastructure destroyed and Iraqi people devastated with the absence of peace, safety and police authority. In the post-conflict time when re-building the country starts, priority is given to re-building schools and reforming the educational system. This is because good educational system initiates peace, safety and prosperity in the country. Moreover, education diminishes racism and conflicts and eliminates the causes for which conflicts take place. Education also helps to spread the culture of accepting others whatever their religion, race and class are; it also provides a safe environment for the children where they are protected from the consequences of the war such as gangs, military militia and abduction. Therefore, the focus of this study is school building delivery process in post-conflict Iraq. The study aims to evaluate and make recommendations for the school building delivery process in post-conflict Iraq. The evaluation of the process is carried out through identifying the strengths, challenges and recommendations of the school building delivery process. The study adopted a multiple case study as the research strategy. The stakeholders from both the government and the Ministry of Education were responders for the study. The use of a multiple-case study has allowed the researcher to ensure precision and validity. Semi-structured interviews were adopted as a data collection method as it is one of the methods of data collection that yield in-depth description and thorough explanation of the topic under investigation. The findings show the school building delivery process has manifested some strengths in post-conflict Iraq such as it reflects Iraqi people’s desire and willingness to re-build their country, restore peace and safety to the people, and establish the first step in building democratic Iraq. However, the process has also been found to have some challenges related to the consequences of the prolonged armed conflict such as the absence of law and police and court authority, dearth of funds, the culture that dominates the Iraqi society and shapes its people’s relationships and behaviour, and the hierarchal patterns that overshadow work and the relationships between departments and employees. The findings have also revealed that there is a lack of interaction between department and the government and the Ministry of Education; the matter which is deemed to affect the school building delivery process. The study contribution to the literature of school building delivery process is significant because there is a scarcity in covering this topic in Iraq and in the Arab World in general. The other study contribution is that the phenomenon of school building delivery has not discussed in this way which focuses on the stages of school building delivery and the factors that impact this process. The study has also linked the challenges that a school building delivery process is facing in post-conflict Iraq to the political, economic, social and cultural factors that play the greatest role in making this process what it is. The study has made recommendations that are derived from the features of the school building delivery process gaps and complexities. The study has assumed that by changing the environment where schools are built and delivered, Iraq can extend the change to cover different areas such as hospital building delivery process, for example. These recommendations are based on the assumptions that when a war-torn society starts by making change in education, it can achieve the change in the whole society

    Common Grammatical Errors in Written Discourse of EFL Iraqi Learners

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    The current study was an attempt to explore the common grammatical errors in written discourse of EFL Iraqi learners across gender. To this end, five male and five female Iraqi EFL academic learners with the same proficiency level were randomly selected. The participants were supposed to write a descriptive composition on a common topic.  Findings showed Iraqi EFL learners made various errors in the following categories including tenses, prepositions, articles, active and passive voice, verbs and morphological error. It has been  found that most of these errors caused by the effect of grammatical and linguistic system of participants’ first language on their written production of the target language

    Environmental Degradation in Albu Tarfa Area Thi-Qar Governorate Southern Iraq

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    Albu Tarfa area had and still enduring desertification conditions during the last fifty years ago. This area located in the Mesopotamian Zone (Thi-Qar Governorate) and may represent an isolated past marsh in the area. This area surrounded by a network of river channels and other means of water supply, as result this area is well vegetated. During the past 50 years ago and due to the climatic changes aridity revolved and the area began to loss its water supply, in which sand dunes occupied most of this area. The main types of sand dunes are of the barchans type, occurring within a barchanoid field. The dimensions of these dunes reach as high as 10m, with later extension of about 20m. The direction of these dunes is North West – South East as related to the major wind direction in the area. Mineralogy of the dunes consists mainly of Quartz, Carbonate rock fragments, feldspar, in addition to smaller amount of rock fragments (igneous and metamorphic). The main heavy minerals consist of opaques, chlorite, pyroxene, amphibole, zircon, garnet, rutile, and tourmaline. This area represent religious tourism location which a tracks visitors from inside and outside of Iraq. Our recommendations to revive this area is to fix the dunes by vegetation such as Hedysarum Scoparium and organizing the area by constructing roads and maintaining water and electricity supplying to the area. Keyword: Desertification, Sand Dunes, CCD, XRD, XRF, Dikaka, Cross Stratifications, Mollusc

    A Review Article: Free Radical and Replacement Synthetic Antioxidant by Natural Antioxidant

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    Free radical may be responsible of several pathophysiology disease for threatening human life, and they are produced from endogenous and exogenous sources. Using the balanced amount  of nutritious diet lead to a good health, may be neutralizing or scavenging  free radicals by antioxidants compounds. daily diet have large number of vitamin A, E and C, carotenoids, polyphenols, etc. as natural antioxidants, the main bases of them are fruits, cereals, vegetables, and beverages. Enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant substances are two different kinds that lessen the reactions of free radicals. In order to protect itself from reactive oxygen species, the human body uses an enzyme antioxidant. The two kinds of non-enzymatic antioxidants are natural antioxidants and synthetic antioxidants. The aim of this review is to knowledge a reasons which causes the free radical and balance them by natural antioxidant constituents, and replacement synthetic antioxidant by natural antioxidant, due to daily diet have large amounts from natural antioxidants, and natural antioxidants more effective than synthetic antioxidants, in additional they occurrence in nature and more inexpensive

    New records for chewing lice of the genus Dennyus Neumann, 1906 (Phthiraptera: Amblycera) on two swifts from Saudi Arabia

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    Very little information was known for the chewing lice fauna of Saudi Arabia especially from hosts of Apodiformes. Swifts (Apodiformes) are common resident and migratory passerine birds through Saudi Arabia. Through the world there are two chewing lice genera that are known to infest swifts: Dennyus Neumann, 1906 and Eureum Nitzsch, 1818. None of them were recorded from the kingdom before.Two species of resident wild swifts were examined for chewing lice for the first time in Saudi Arabia. Two rare lice species were identified: Dennyus (Dennyus) cypsiurus Thompson, 1948 and D. (Dennyus) hirundinis (Linnaeus, 1761) (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae) infesting African palm swift Cypsiurus parvus (Lichtenstein, 1823) and common swift Apus apus (Linnaeus, 1758), respectively. The described species are considered as new country records. They will be added to the Saudi Arabia parasitic fauna. Taxonomical and ecological remarks were provided for the identified chewing lice through this work, along with notes on swift/chewing lice interaction