1,621 research outputs found

    Has the Power of Language been Compromised by the Influence of Social Media?

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    In discrete linguistic terminology, the power of discourse hinges on hedging together a host of key elements including conversational maxims, speech acts, situational context, reference, pragmatics, and language functions. The main instruments which lend power to these elements feature an elaborate array of lexis, grammar, phonology, and graphology. Another source of power in discourse resides in the personal characteristics of the participants/interlocutors in persuading and reaching out to their audience. In the last decade, however, the pure linguistic influence on discourse has been minimized and challenged by the growing power of social media in shaping and influencing all discourse types.This study investigates the role of social media and its networking websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. in influencing discourse. The study builds on the hypothesis that the different modes of social media communication have been effective in determining an individual person’s or a party’s power of discourse. Social media can create an alternative source of power which supports the creation of ideologies, cultural attitudes, and political views.The data for the present study have been compiled from materials and information shared on You Tube, Facebook and other social networking applications. The data have also been drawn from tweets on political, social, cultural, human rights issues, presidential campaigns, recent waves of immigration, etc. The data were analyzed to show how the sharing of social media memes has done the work more efficiently than the most linguistically eloquent discourse

    Telecommunication Education Environment and its Optimal Usage

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    Students in introductory communication theory classes can benefit from a well-planned laboratory component. Such that TIMS lap equipments which can handle a wide variety of experiments ranging from analog baseband to pass-band digital communications. These papers describe three advanced laboratory tasks with their optimized manuals designed by Al Salman Ahmed at Brno University of technology. Two are based on the simulation software TutorTIMS to implement Eye patterns, Signal Constellations, and the third is based on the Biskit hardware to implement Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK).Students in introductory communication theory classes can benefit from a well-planned laboratory component. Such that TIMS lap equipments which can handle a wide variety of experiments ranging from analog baseband to pass-band digital communications. These papers describe three advanced laboratory tasks with their optimized manuals designed by Al Salman Ahmed at Brno University of technology. Two are based on the simulation software TutorTIMS to implement Eye patterns, Signal Constellations, and the third is based on the Biskit hardware to implement Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK).

    Antiplatelet Agent Use After Stroke due to Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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    This focused update about antiplatelet agents to reduce the high risk of major adverse cardiovascular events after stroke due to spontaneous (nontraumatic) intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) complements earlier updates about blood pressure-lowering, lipid-lowering, and oral anticoagulation or left atrial appendage occlusion for atrial fibrillation after ICH. When used for secondary prevention in people without ICH, antiplatelet agents reduce the risk of major adverse cardiovascular event (rate ratio, 0.81 [95% CI, 0.75-0.87]) and might increase the risk of ICH (rate ratio, 1.67 [95% CI, 0.97-2.90]). Before 2019, guidance for clinical decisions about antiplatelet agent use after ICH has focused on estimating patients' predicted absolute risks and severities of ischemic and hemorrhagic major adverse cardiovascular event and applying the known effects of these drugs in people without ICH to estimate whether individual ICH survivors in clinical practice might be helped or harmed by antiplatelet agents. In 2019, the main results of the RESTART (Restart or Stop Antithrombotics Randomized Trial) randomized controlled trial including 537 survivors of ICH associated with antithrombotic drug use showed, counterintuitively, that antiplatelet agents might not increase the risk of recurrent ICH compared to antiplatelet agent avoidance over 2 years of follow-up (12/268 [4%] versus 23/268 [9%]; adjusted hazard ratio, 0.51 [95% CI, 0.25-1.03]; P=0.060). Guidelines in the United States, Canada, China, and the United Kingdom and Ireland have classified the level of evidence as B and indicated that antiplatelet agents may be considered/reasonable after ICH associated with antithrombotic agent use. Three subsequent clinical trials have recruited another 174 participants with ICH, but they will not be sufficient to determine the effects of antiplatelet therapy on all major adverse cardiovascular events reliably when pooled with RESTART. Therefore, ASPIRING (Antiplatelet Secondary Prevention International Randomized Study After Intracerebral Hemorrhage) aims to recruit 4148 ICH survivors to determine the effects of antiplatelet agents after ICH definitively overall and in subgroups. </p

    Construction of N-M Interaction Diagram for Reinforced Concrete Columns Strengthened with Steel Jackets Using Plastic Stress Distribution Method

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    No attempts have been made in developing the N-M interaction diagram for reinforced concrete columns strengthened with steel jackets using the plastic stress distribution method. Therefore, this paper presents an analytical model to construct the N-M interaction diagram for reinforced concrete columns strengthened with steel jackets using the plastic stress distribution method after assuming the behavior of strengthened column to be like composite column and including the effects of confinement on concrete compressive strength. The proposed model was compared with experimental results. The comparisons showed that the model is conservative and it reveals the ultimate strength of the strengthened column. A parametric study has been also carried out to investigate the influence of various parameters on the N-M interaction diagram of the strengthened column. These parameters were: dimensions of steel angle, yield stress of the steel angles, concrete compressive strength and the size of the reinforcement bars used in RC columns. The results made clear the effects of these parameters on the N-M interaction diagram, and encouraged the use of the model in preliminary strengthening studies

    Haematological and Genotoxic effects of cadmium chloride on Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi

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    The present study investigated Haematological changes in Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi, as well as determination genotoxic effects of cadmium chloride on bunni fish by using 120 fingerlings, fish were distributed randomly into four treatments in addition to control group. Fish in first group treated (T1) with cadmium 0.093mg/L with changing water and added cadmium continuously, fish in the second group treated (T2) with cadmium 0.093mg/L with changing water without adding cadmium, third treatment (T3) with cadmium 0.046mg/L with changing water and adding cadmium continuously, and fourth treatment (T4) with cadmium 0.046mg/L with changing water without adding cadmium. Results of blood picture in T1 and T3 showed a significant reduction in red blood cells count, hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume values, while the number of white blood cells showed a significant increase in its values. Results showed presence of improvement of clinical and microscopical signs and blood picture in T2 and T4, were changed water aquarium continuously and added cadmium only once compared withT1 and T3. Results of the present study concluded that changing water aquarium in the treatments without adding cadmium led to improvement of health status of fish which increased with the passage of time results of blood picture were almost the same of the control group. It could be concluded from the current study that the adding of cadmium to water aquarium containing bunni fish led to decrease in red blood cells count, hemoglobin and packed cell volume values and increase in micronuclei number

    Effect of Heat Treatment on Properties of Titanium Biomedical Alloy

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    الهدف من هذا العمل هو لدراسة تأثير المعاملات الحرارية على السبيكة Ti6Al4V) ) التي انتجت بطريقة ميتالورجيا المساحيق وتتكون من خليط من المساحيق التالية : تيتانيوم ٪90 المنيوم ٪6 فناديوم ٪4 المعاملات الحرارية (التلبيد) تحدث في فترات مكوث مختلفة ·السبيكة Ti6Al4V)) تستخدم كمواد حياتية في المجال الطبي نتيجة الى خواصها الممتازة مثل مقاومة تأكل عالية ٬ مقاومة بلى عالية ٬ مقاومة عالية للكسر٬ مطيلية عالية ٬ غير سام وغير مغناطيسي ٬معامل مرونة مناسب حيث تستخدم كبديل لاستبدال الانسجة الصلبة التالفة مثل تقويم و تثبيت العظم ٬مفصل الورك ٬مفصل الركبة و زروعات الاسنان ·العناصروزنت بواسطة ميزان الكتروني عالي الحساسية ٬المساحيق خلطت لخمس ساعات ثم ضغط المساحيق بأستخدام جهاز المكبس مع ضغط 700 ميكا باسكال للانتقال الى النماذج الاسطوانية الخضراء مع قطر للعينات 13 ملم . عملية التلبيد تجري بدرجة حرارة 1100 °م. المسامية للعينات تقل في درجات الحرارة العالية وزمن المكوث الطويل الى حد معين ثم تزداد المسامية في درجات الحرارة المرتفعة جدا بسبب النمو الحبيبي وتمدد الغازات. كثافة النماذج بعدعملية التلبيد تزداد مع زيادة درجة الحرارة بسبب زيادة انتشار الجسيمات و نقصان المسامية التي تزيد نقاط التماس بين الجسيمات.عملية التلبيد تؤدي الى زيادة الصلادة ٬حيث الصلادة اختبرت بطريقة فيكرز. البلى يزداد بواسطة زيادة (الحمل ٬الزمن ٬ مسافة الانزلاق). وزيادة الصلادة تؤدي الى انخفاض الحجم المفقود (كمية المعدن المفقود قليلة) حيث العلاقة بينهم علاقة عكسية. لدراسة سلوك التآكل للنماذج التي اجري لها عمليات تلبيد في فترات مكوث مختلفة ولاداء هذا الاختبار (اختبار تافل) في محلول 0٫9 كلوريد الصوديوم ٬ حيث النموذج تعرض الى درجة حرارة عالية وفترة مكوث طويلة وهذا يؤدي الى زيادة الانتشار وزيادة نقاط التماس بين الجسيمات وزيادة قوى الاواصر بين الجسيمات وهذا يؤدي الى زيادة تيار التاكل ولذلك عملية الاكسدة على درجة عالية وهذا يؤدي الى معدل التآكل.The aim of this work to study the effects of heat treatments on the alloy (Ti6Al4V) which produced by powder metallurgy methods and consists of a mixture of the following powders (titanium 90%, aluminum 6%&nbsp; and vanadium 4%).The heat treatments (sintering process) take place in different time of stay. The alloy (Ti6Al4V) used as biomaterials in the medical field due to their&nbsp; excellent properties such as : high corrosion resistance, high wear resistance, high breaking strength, higher ductility, non-toxic and non-magnetic, suitable elasticity coefficient, where&nbsp; used as&nbsp; an alternative to replacing damaged hard tissues such&nbsp; as&nbsp; orthopaedic, osteosynthesis, full hip joint, knee joint and dental implants. The elements were weighed by a highly sensitive electronic balance, the powder was mixed for five hours, Then press with a pressure (700 MPa) to transition to green cylindrical samples with a diameter of 13 mm. The sintering process was carried out at 1100 °C. The porosity of the samples decreases at high temperatures and time of stay to a certain extent and then increase porosity at very high temperatures due to the growth of particle and the expansion of gases. The density of the samples after the sintering process increases with increasing the temperature because increase the mass diffusion of particles and reduces porosities that increase contact points between particles. The sintering processes lead to increase the hardness, where the hardness was tested in the Vickers hardness method. The wear increased by increasing (load, time and sliding distance), and increase the hardness leads to a low volume loss (the amount of metal lost a few) as the relationship between them is inverse. To study the corrosion behavior of the samples that have been sintering processes under different time of stay and to perform this test (tafel Extrapolation test) in 0.9 NaCl solution, where the sample is subjected to high temperature and a long period of stay and therefore This lead to increases the diffusion and increases the contact points between the particles and increase the forces of bonds between the particles and this leads to increased corrosion current and therefore the oxidation process to be a high degree and this leads to the higher rate of corrosion

    The associations between mental well-being and adherence to physical activity guidelines in patients with cardiovascular disease: Results from the scottish health survey

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    The association between physical activity (PA) and mental well-being in individuals with a cardiovascular disease (CVD) is poorly studied. The objective of this study was to assess the association between mental well-being and adherence to the recommended guidelines for PA in a Scottish adult population with CVD. The study used data from 3128 adults who had CVD conditions (1547 men and 1581 women; mean age 63.29 years) who participated in the Scottish Health Survey between 2014 and 2017. The Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS) was used as a surrogate measure of mental health. PA was classified as “met” or “unmet” on the basis of the recommended PA guidelines (150 min of moderate activity or 75 min of vigorous activity per week). The relationship between PA guidelines being met and the WEMWBS score was explored using hierarchical linear regression accounting for a set of health and sociodemographic characteristics. Of the participants, ~41.8% met the recommended PA levels. Among those with CVD, the mean (SD) WEMWBS scores of individuals who did not have a long-standing illness (51.14 ± 7.65 vs 47.07 ± 9.54; p < 0.05), diabetes (48.44 ± 9.05 vs 46.04 ± 10.25; p < 0.05), or high blood pressure (48.63 ± 9.08 vs 47.52 ± 9.47; p < 0.05) were significantly higher than those of individuals with such conditions. Meeting PA recommendations was significantly associated with a higher mean WEMWBS score (50.64 ± 7.97 vs 46.06 ± 9.75; p < 0.05). Multiple regression analysis of health-related behaviors improved the prediction of mental well-being over and above meeting the recommended PA levels. Mental well-being was strongly correlated with PA adherence in CVD patients. It seems that for patients with CVD, PA should be tailored to meet patients’ health conditions in order to promote mental well-being and improve overall healthFunding: This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. The Scottish Health Survey is funded by the Scottish Executive. The funders had no role in the present study