30 research outputs found
Stress-strain analysis of the railway bridge
Tato práce se zabývá především napjatostně deformační analýzou železničního mostu, který je příkladem prutové soustavy. Práce byla rozdělena do třech hlavních částí. V první části je představena teorie a vztahy, které jsou důležité pro celou práci. Druhou částí je analýza mostu a výpočet bezpečnosti s vlakem i bez něj. Poslední část se zabývá porovnáním výsledků z analytického řešení s výsledky z numerického řešení z programu ANSYS.This thesis was mainly about Analyzing the stresses and strain of a railway bridge which is an example of a truss structure. The thesis was divided into three main part. The first part is introducing the theory and the important relations that will help us through the whole thesis. The second part is analyzing the bridge and calculating the safety factors with and without the train. Last part is about comparing the results from the analytical way with the results from the numerically using ANSYS.
Current Pharmaceutical Situation (Services) in Yemen and Future Challenges
This article deals with Yemen’s current pharmaceutical scenario and possible future challenges that it may face. The manuscript provides an overview of health services particularly pharmaceutical services and the critical health challenges facing the people of the country. Details included are statistical data with regard to the health of the Yemeni population and their demographic backgrounds following administrative issues, policy for the medicinal trade and production, the regulation and financing. The manuscript also deals with the government’s action about medicines, their procurement, and distribution in the public sector, and the public perception of medicines. Rational use of medicines is determined by the knowledge and attitude of the consumers. Future challenges are also anticipated. World health systems have been facing an incredible transformation to address new challenges with regard to the demographics, disease trends, the emergence and the re-emergence of diseases along with higher costs of health care delivery. This has led to a comprehensive review of health systems and how they function to serve the masses. Some health systems do not seem to adequately provide services that really matter to the people and some deteriorate, following governments’ lack of efficiency in supporting and extending the services. Other issues can also affect the ability of the health systems to deliver including health administration, healthcare financing, the lack of balance of the human resources, inaccessible and poor quality services and the impact of modifications and reform prevalent in other economic areas
Knowledge sharing portal for international postgraduate students in UTM
The evolvement of information and communication technology (ICT) gave the organization an opportunity to enhance their services and productivity. One of the ICT tools is knowledge management. Knowledge management is a process of organizing, identifying, and sharing knowledge either tacit or explicit experience, and expertise that typically resides within individuals in an organization. Equally fundamental, in the information society, is the sharing of knowledge between people in different locations. The purpose of this research is to help foreign postgraduate international students to overcome their academic and non academic problems during their study at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Identifying the appropriate requirements needed by these students in UTM will help this research to achieve that object. Therefore, this research proposed a portal to serve as a knowledge sharing platform for the foreign postgraduate students in UTM. By using questionnaires and doing interview with the international students as a methodology, the main findings of the study which are the knowledge and information that need to be shared among the foreign students are studied. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0. These findings were then incorporated in the form of a prototype web-based Knowledge Sharing Portal. In structuring the portal prototype, the portal was developed using PHP, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, My SQL, and Rational Rose. Due to the development of this portal, it is expected to gain a lot of benefits in solving the community members problems and enhance and facilitate knowledge sharing among the students
Moderating effect of gender on self-esteem, work locus of control and job satisfaction of academicians in a public university in Yemen
Higher education system must aim at producing individuals who are well-educated, and equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively participate in the development of the nation by meeting the human development demands rather than
just provide mere education. Correspondingly the developing countries are facing great challenges in meeting the increasing demand for higher education, and to develop
their institutions of higher education in order to keep pace with the developed nations of the contemporary world.
Job satisfaction, which is a critical factor in the achievement of this objective, is too complex a phenomenon to be reduced to simple causal factor. A few studies of job
satisfaction in higher education have been conducted and it was found that it is a very important criterion observed in enhancing the quality and logical organization of higher educational settings. Thus, to shed light on this essential point in the current study, the researcher focused on the impact of work locus of control and self-esteem of academic staff that was investigated with specific attention paid to how it affects several aspects of job satisfaction in universities of Yemen.
This study was conducted to determine the level of job satisfaction among the academic staff. It investigates the relationship between self-esteem, work locus of control and job satisfaction as well as the role of gender as a moderation factor. The effects of facets of job satisfaction were observed and analyzed. The data were
collected via self-report instruments. Data was collected from eight public Yemeni universities under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) located in all educational regions in Yemen. SPSS and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the data collected through questionnaires. Several important findings were achieved. The sample size was 573.
The results indicated that the academic staff in the universities of Yemen have a high level of self-esteem, with a moderate level of job satisfaction and have external work locus of control. However, demographic factors such as gender, years of experience, academic rank were observed to have no influence on job satisfaction of academic staff in public universities in Yemen. In addition, further analyses on job satisfaction predictors such as self-esteem and work locus of control revealed that they were strong predictors of job satisfaction. There was a strong direct relationship between selfesteem, work locus of control and job satisfaction. The findings also indicated that gender has an impact in moderating the relationship between self-esteem and job satisfaction. The major contribution of this study is that it highlighted the role of selfesteem and work locus of control in job satisfaction and demonstrate the application of this effect on academics’ behavior. Universities must provide supportive human resource development practices and a conducive working environment that will nurture positive self-esteem and work locus of control among academics, which eventually will positively impact on their job satisfaction
Technical diagnostics of the motorcycle suspension
Testování odpružení vozidel je velmi důležité pro zajištění bezpečné a pohodlné jízdy. Existuje mnoho testerů, přičemž jedním z nich je rezonanční adhezní tester. Jedná se o snadný a neinvazivní přístroj, který se používá k posouzení funkčnosti odpružení auta. EUSAMA je jednou z nejznámějších metodik založená na využití rezonančně adhezního testu. Avšak pro kontrolu technického stavu odpružení motocyklu neexistuje žádný takový jednoduchý nástroj. Tato práce proto zkoumala použitelnost metodiky EUSAMA pro zhodnocení odpružení motocykl. Dále zkoumala upřesnění a stanovení parametrů, které ji nejvíce ovlivňují a zároveň způsoby minimalizace negativních dopadů těchto parametrů na přesnost a spolehlivost výsledků testu. Paralelně byl vytvořen simulační model pro motocykl Aprilia ETX pro analýzu citlivosti, ve kterém byl nastaven rozsah pro nejdůležitější parametry odpružení motocyklu a byl testován jejich vliv na EUSAMA v jejich zadaném rozsahu. Výsledkem simulačního modelu a experimentů bylo pozorováno, že hmotnost jezdce, tuhost pneumatiky a úhel platformu mají velký vliv na EUSAMA, kdy hmotnost jezdce, jeho stabilita během testování, nahuštění pneumatik a úhel plošiny by mohly vést k nesprávnému hodnocení odpružení. Následně byl experimentálně verifikován upravený tester na vybraném vzorku motocyklů. Pro eliminaci negativního vlivu sledovaných parametrů bylo v této práci navrženo několik úprav včetně některých zkušebních podmínek a konstrukčních doplňků, mezi které spadá přidání stabilizačního mechanismu, kontrolu nahuštění pneumatik před testováním a upřesnění polohy jezdce při testování
Surgical replacement of iatrogenically prolapsed penis in a dromedary camel
Prolapse of the penis through an iatrogenic incision on the right side of the preputial base in a five year old dromedary camel was handled surgically and the organ was successfully replaced into the preputial cavity. The condition occurred as a result of draining an abscess at the base of the prepuce by a quack about eight months earlier. The reason to report this case lies in its peculiarity that although the penis remained outside the preputial cavity for about eight months exposed to the external environment, yet no complications pertaining to its fragile tissue and urination occurred during this long period as seen in cases of paraphimosis
Technical diagnostics of the motorcycle suspension
Testování odpružení vozidel je velmi důležité pro zajištění bezpečné a pohodlné jízdy. Existuje mnoho testerů, přičemž jedním z nich je rezonanční adhezní tester. Jedná se o snadný a neinvazivní přístroj, který se používá k posouzení funkčnosti odpružení auta. EUSAMA je jednou z nejznámějších metodik založená na využití rezonančně adhezního testu. Avšak pro kontrolu technického stavu odpružení motocyklu neexistuje žádný takový jednoduchý nástroj. Tato práce proto zkoumala použitelnost metodiky EUSAMA pro zhodnocení odpružení motocykl. Dále zkoumala upřesnění a stanovení parametrů, které ji nejvíce ovlivňují a zároveň způsoby minimalizace negativních dopadů těchto parametrů na přesnost a spolehlivost výsledků testu. Paralelně byl vytvořen simulační model pro motocykl Aprilia ETX pro analýzu citlivosti, ve kterém byl nastaven rozsah pro nejdůležitější parametry odpružení motocyklu a byl testován jejich vliv na EUSAMA v jejich zadaném rozsahu. Výsledkem simulačního modelu a experimentů bylo pozorováno, že hmotnost jezdce, tuhost pneumatiky a úhel platformu mají velký vliv na EUSAMA, kdy hmotnost jezdce, jeho stabilita během testování, nahuštění pneumatik a úhel plošiny by mohly vést k nesprávnému hodnocení odpružení. Následně byl experimentálně verifikován upravený tester na vybraném vzorku motocyklů. Pro eliminaci negativního vlivu sledovaných parametrů bylo v této práci navrženo několik úprav včetně některých zkušebních podmínek a konstrukčních doplňků, mezi které spadá přidání stabilizačního mechanismu, kontrolu nahuštění pneumatik před testováním a upřesnění polohy jezdce při testování.Vehicle suspension testing is very important to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. There are many testers, one of which is the resonant adhesion tester. It is an easy and non-invasive device that is used to assess the functionality of cars’ suspensions. EUSAMA is one of the best known methodologies that this tester is based on. However, there is no such simple device for checking the technical condition of a motorcycle suspension. Therefore, this work examined the applicability of the EUSAMA methodology for the evaluation of motorcycle suspension. It also examined the specification and determination of the parameters that most affect the EUSAMA, as well as ways to minimize the negative impacts of these parameters on the accuracy and reliability of test results. In parallel, a simulation model was created for the Aprilia ETX motorcycle for sensitivity analysis, in which the range for the most important parameters of the motorcycle suspension was set, and their effect on EUSAMA was tested within their specified range. As a result of the simulation model and experiments, it was observed that the rider’s weight, tire stiffness, and platform angle have a major impact on EUSAMA, where rider weight, stability during testing, tire inflation, and platform angle could lead to incorrect suspension evaluation. Subsequently, the modified platform and the stabilizing mechanism were experimentally verified on a selected sample of motorcycles. To eliminate the negative impact of the monitored parameters, several modifications were proposed in this work, including some test conditions and design accessories, including the addition of a stabilizing mechanism, checking tire inflation before testing, and specifying the driver's position during testing.