62 research outputs found

    Blockchain-based adoption framework for authentic land registry system in Malaysia

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    Land registration systems are very essential for property ownership management. The exited land registry systems are less efficient and time-consuming and expose to human errors. By using blockchain technology, most of the principles of good governance in land administration such as transparency and efficiency can be fulfilled. However, there is a lack of experience in developing blockchain-based land registry systems. This paper proposes a blockchain-based adoption framework for land registry management in Malaysia. It elaborates more on developing a prototype that fulfills the main functions of current land registration by using smart contract functionalities. Also, this paper illustrates the main challenges of adopting this technology such as expertise shortage of software developers, implementation difficulties due to scalability of the land transactions, data sharing with different types of blockchain and lack of security attacks resistance. Therefore, there is a need to form an agreed-upon blockchain development platform that meet such constraints

    Petrographic and Geotechnical Aspects of the River Terraces at the University of Mosul as Buildings Foundations

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    This study explores the third stage of the Tigris River terraces at the University of Mosul. Due to its importance, most of its buildings, especially the modern ones, were built on these terraces, and some engineering problems appeared in those buildings. The current study aims to know the petrography of the rocks, the emergence of these terraces, and the effects that they obtained as a result of various geological factors, as well as study their geotechnical properties and suggest ways to improve them. A geological map was prepared to distribute the river terraces to show the efficiency of the future build construction sites using a Digital Surface Model (DSM) 1m. The results showed the impact of the new tectonics on these terraces and their exposure to faults in the field and microscopic scales. The study showed the weakness of its geotechnical properties as a result of the high porosity, and the biological effect on it, as well as the weak bonding and cohesion between the gravel and the cement materials. The study suggests engineering treatments to improve the geotechnical properties, including grouting them with easily absorbent materials into the micro-pores and strengthening them by ramming to close them as much as possible

    Management of Power Demand through Operations of Building Systems

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    In hot summers, the demand for electrical power is dominated by the requirements of the air-conditioning and lighting systems. Such systems account for more than 80% of the peak electrical demand in Kuwait. A study was conducted to explore the potential for managing the peak electrical demand through improved operation strategies for building systems. Two buildings with partial occupancy patterns and typical peak loads of 1 and 2.2 MW were investigated. Changes to the operation of building systems included utilizing the thermal mass to reduce cooling production and distribution during the last hour of occupancy, time-of-day control of chillers and auxiliaries, and de-lamping. The implemented operational changes led to significant reductions in building loads during the hours of national peak demand. The achieved savings reached 31% during the critical hour, and up to 47% afterwards. Daily energy savings of 13% represented an added benefit. Additional operational changes could lead to further savings in peak power when implemented


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    Kegiatan Pendampingan ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk melakukan pendampingan terkait edukasi budidaya jamur dan bahasa Inggris yang di laksanakan secara langsung di Banklongrua School. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini adalah siswa di Banklongrua School. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode langsung dengan tema pendampingan edukasi budidaya jamur dan bahasa Inggris pada siswa Banklongrua School Krabi Thailand. Hasil yang diharapkan yaitu siswa dapat memahami mengenai budidaya jamur, serta mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat untuk kedepannya. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat internasional ini adalah bertambahnya keilmuan dan keterampilan siswa Banklongrua School, khususnya di bidang sociopreneur yang akan menjadi bekal mereka dalam berwirausaha, baik saat ini maupun di masa yang akan datang. Pengetahuan yang diberikan selama berlangsungnya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat menjadi motivasi serta semangat bagi siswa di Banklongrua School untuk terus belajar dan berinovasi sehingga mampu menghasilkan kontribusi bagi lingkungan sekolah ataupun lingkungan masyarakat nantinya.  

    Ta'shil al-mafahim al-tarbawiyyah dharurah auliyah li al-ishlah al-tarbawi

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    Buku ini membahas pemurnian metode dan sistem pendidikan secara Islam

    the Political and Military Career of Mu'nis al-Muzaffar at the 'Abbasi Court (296-321/908-933).

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    The purpose of this thesis is to deal with Mu'nis' political and military career at the 'Abbasi court between 296-321/908-933. Three focal areas were chosen for this study. (1) The struggle for power between the military class and the kuttab as exemplified by Mu'nis' struggle with the wazir Ibn al-Furat. (2) The struggle for power within the military class itself as it appears through Munis' struggle with Harun b. Gharib and Yaqut. (3) The struggle between the military class and the khalifa as shown by Mu'nis' conflict with al-Muqtadir and al-Qahir

    Servicestelle Lehrbeauftragtenpool

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    Teilprojekt Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg : Schlussbericht : Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.03.2012-31.12.2016, Berichtszeitraum: 2012-201
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