9 research outputs found

    Lipid phosphate is displaced in the presence of viral matrix proteins.

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    <p>Relative electron microscope signal intensity is shown on the vertical axis with average background intensity marked by a gray triangle. The horizontal axis represents radial distance from the midpoint of the membrane. The boundaries of the inner (In) and outer (Out) membrane phosphate rings measured in this study are shown for viruses (black), empty vesicles (blue) and virus-like particles that contain surface glycoproteins but lack a visible matrix layer (GP vesicles; red). Approximate positions of the nucleoprotein (core; 3MX5), matrix (2KO5) and glycoprotein (3KAS) structures in arenavirus particles are shown as a reference. P-values relate to comparison of inner phosphate ring signals with viruses as described in the Methods section. Comparisons are omitted where GP vesicles were not available. Virus names are abbreviated as follows: <i>Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus</i> (LCMV), <i>Junin virus</i> (JUNV), <i>Pichinde virus</i> (PICV), <i>Tacaribe virus</i> (TCRV), <i>Porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus</i> (PRRSV), <i>Feline coronavirus</i> (FCoV), <i>Mouse hepatitis virus</i> (MHV), <i>Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus</i> (SARS-CoV), <i>Influenza A virus</i> (FLUAV), <i>Influenza B virus</i> (FLUBV), <i>Murine leukaemia virus</i> (MLV).</p

    Apparent electron density is constant for small and large virus particles.

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    <p>The virion edge was sampled at four positions described in Fig. 3 (In, Core, Matrix, Glycoprotein) and at the background ice beyond the Glycoprotein (Ice). Each datapoint shows the average density for 8 samples from 12 <i>Tacaribe virus</i> particles of similar size. Error bars indicate standard deviation.</p

    Presence of matrix proteins at the virion surface is necessary to maintain elongated virus shapes.

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    <p>(A) Shape and perimeter length are shown for 252 <i>Influenza A virus</i> particles and 66 GP vesicles. Coefficients of determination and statistical confidence measures are shown for virus particles and GP vesicles of <i>Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus</i> (LCMV), <i>Tacaribe virus</i> (TCRV) and <i>Influenza A virus</i> (FLUAV), and for empty vesicles of cellular origin (B).</p

    Cryo-electron micrographs of virus preparations.

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    <p>The images include virus particles (v), GP vesicles (g), empty vesicles (e) and tubular hollow particles (t). Preparations of <i>Tacaribe virus</i> (A), <i>Porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus</i> (B), <i>Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus</i> (C) and <i>Influenza A virus</i> (D) are shown to illustrate the double-ringed appearance of the membrane.</p